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Vai Sikahema comes to speak about diversity
by Joe Holden news editor
Vai Sikahema, channel 10 NBC sports commentator/reporter and retired two-time all pro football player, came to speak about his 'journey in a multicultural world," on Wednesday, Feb. 16. The talk was the central focus of events during Cultural Kaleidoscope week, sponsored by the diversity initiatives council.
Sikahema was born and raised until the age of seven on the island nation of Tonga, a former British-protected, now-independent pacific country. Sikahema's family immigrated to the United States and settled in Hawaii. He pointed out that his parents chose to move to America to be able to provide their children with an education. "We moved from Tonga to experience the benefits of education."
Sikahema spoke about situations that had happened throughout his life that made him understand people and race relations more fully. Sikahema recalled sitting nervously in elementary school in his new country while the teacher read the attendance roll.
"I was embarrassed to be different," Sikahema said. "My hands would sweat, and I would become petrified when the teacher got to the letter 'r' in the alphabet As usual, the teacher would butcher my name."
Sikahema's recurring message was that when he was younger, he just wanted to fit in. "I wanted desperately to be an American." Through playing sports, he became popular. "Athletes are in a group to themselves."
Even though Sikahema was becoming popular through his sporting talents, his parents maintained their Tongan heritage. "I used to dread native dances that my family would perform." Sikahema spoke of instances when he was young and would have school friends over. "My parents would speak to me in Tongan, and I would pretend that I had no idea what they were talking about." Sikahema also spoke about a survey that a teacher of his conducted about which students spoke a different language at home. Sikahema never raised his hand during that survey.
graduation, Sikahema played pro football. During his career, he played for the Saint Louis Cardinals, the Green Bay Packers and the Philadelphia Eagles. "Football was easy to pick up," Sikahema said. "Rugby was the national sport in Tonga." Sikahema pointed out that the people of Tonga are large, which he cited as being a good quality for a football player.
After his retirement from the NFL, he was hired by channel IO NBC and currently serves as sports commentator/reporter. Sikahema said that he has grown to appreciate his diversity. He also believes teachers are more aware of diversity. "Years ago broadcasters used to change their names to delete their ethnicity," Sikahema said. "I choose to keep my name."
Midway through the presentation, Sikahema demonstrated a form of Tongan dance. He added that the next time he returns to Cabrini, he will bring his sons along to dance. He is married with three sons and one daughter.
ma and intelligence who faced life's challenges. "We needed someone to come with a generous heart," Levin said after adding that Sikahema would not be paid for his visit. Sikahema commented that he was happy to come to Cabrini. "My children have come here over the summer for camp," Sikahema said. "The campus is very familiar, and I enjoyed the food in the cafeteria (during the summer). Many students that I had come in contact with left good impressions on me."
On one of the many times that Sikahema referred to his childhood, he emphasized that his parents expected him and his brothers and sisters to make sacrifices along with them. "When my parents went without, we all went without," Sikahema said.
Sikahema mentioned the constant mispronunciation of his name throughout his life. "The very first time he met me, he pronounced my name correctly," Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, president, said.
Sikahema attended Brigham Young Uni-
Sue Levin, an education professor, introduced Sikahema. She said that the council versity and majored in journalism. After was searching for an individual with charis-