7 minute read


by Jen ten Boom staff writer

A rendition of William Shakespeare's, "As You Like It" will be performed in the Red Cloud Coffee House this Friday, April 6 through Sunday, April 8 and also April 13, 14 and 15 beginning at 8 p.m. The cost is five dollars.


"As You Like It" is a renowned romantic comedy about a group of people that go into the forest and fall in love. However, this version is about a theatre company that just can't get it right.

Neal Newman, theatre director, directs and stars in the play. He plays the Curate and other older male characters. He stated that this was not the original play they planned to do, but it was picked because of the smaller number of characters. "Romeo and Juliet" was the original.

The play was decided by a group of friends trying to fix a problem. Because the Board of Trustees are coming to see it, he could not switch from a Shakespeare production.

"No Shakespeare is easy to do and it has been a challenge to do this play with about eight people acting the parts that would need a much bigger cast," Newman said.

Newman hopes that this play does well. He wants people to enjoy the play and does not mind if the people laugh when they switch costumes.

Sophomore Chris Swift plays the clown, Touchstone and admits that this is the first humorous role that he has played and has worked very hard at doing a good job. This is the fourth play that Swift has performed in the Coffee House, while for others this is their stage debut.

"People have put their heart into it, and it was a lot of fun to do," Swift said.

The other parts are being played by senior Amanda Huth, who plays Celia, the daughter of the Bad Duke, who is being played by Neal Newman. Junior Shane Chuvalas plays Amiens, a lord attending to the Good Duke. First-year-student Clarence Scott plays the role of William, a country fellow. Sophomore Rachael Sedgwick plays Rosalind, the daughter of the Good Duke. Firstyear-student Kit Dewey plays Audrey, a sluttish goat girl. The Guitarist is being played by junior Salvatore Iaquinto, Jr.

Don'tforgetaboutthe meeting for


What do you want to be when you growup? Here'sthe scoopon five very diverseseniorsand howfar they have comewiththat infamousquestion.

by Meghan Merkel

One can barely find petite Gina Muscella under the piles of schoolwork covering her desk. The special/elementary education major can't stop grinning ear to ear while she talks about her field experience students.

So, who's that girl always running on the treadmill in the Dixon center? Sporting lacrosse shorts with her brown hair piled on top of her head, Gilda Zoccola runs miles everyday to keep in shape for her fourth and final lacrosse season.

Zoccola, a sports science major, knew she was a ···science person" since elementary school. Her athletici sm,combi ned with her interest in exercise physiology, paved her way to Cabrini.

"The [sports science] program is actually what initially interested me in Cabrini. I received a letter informing me about the brand new program," Zoccola stated with a smile. She has been interning at Springfield Hospital since the fall.

·'Because I work in the fitness center, I opted to do my internship where I could get a different type of experience, yet in the same field," Zoccola stated. If I would have chosen Mainline or Novacare, I would have bad similar responsibilities that I do here at school,'' Zoccola continued.

As for the lacrosse field, Zoccola chose not to graduate early so she could finish her collegiate athletic career in the spring. Her most memorable moment was at the conclusion of her freshman year when the lacrosse team defeated Cedar Crest for the PAC championship.

"It was a great season. Everyone was cheering for their teammates," Zoccola recalled. As she glanced up to a photograph on her wall, she added, "The fact that my parents were there supporting me was what made it so special."

After the season and graduation, Zoccola plans to return to her home in Woodstock, Ma. "My ideal job would entail being a strength and conditioning coach for either Johns Hopkins University or Towson State University," Zoccola said. But until the offers come pouring in, she is going to continue waitressing and faxing out those resumes.

The best part of Muscella 's day is when one of her students approaches her and says, "Thanks, Miss M, for helping me."

"Connecting with one student like that is all I need at the end of the day to make all the hard work and preparation worth it," Muscella stated while flipping through her planner that looked more like an encyclopedia. Muscella has always loved helping children and knew since highschool this career was meant for her.

Her ideal job would be working one on one wi_thlearning disabled elementary students. After she completes her field work and graduates, she will begin the job search for such teaching positions.

In the meantime, Muscella has plans to work in day camps throughout the summer. Always surrounded by kids, "Miss M" already has a head start.

Jimmy McTamney is a dual major of marketing and management information systems. He interned at Global Compliance Group and gained a great deal of experience in the business world. As a fifth year senior, he has already started sending out resumes to several companies.

For those who know McTamney well, he's not just an all business guy. He can be found at a Dave Mathews Concert jamming probably to none other than, "Jimi Thing." As the cocaptain of the men's basketball team, he received the Scholar Athlete Award this past winter.

"Being a part of the basketball team was an mtegral experience here at Cabrini," McTamney said. "It taught me a great deal about teamwork that I can apply in the real world," he added.

One thing is for sure, McTamney was all business when he stepped on to the court. As for post graduation, he has high aspirations.

"I plan to work very hard and have success and happiness with whatever I choose."

Erin Barney always liked studying fish. Her favorite parts of science class involved marine biology and environmental issues. So that's where her major of biology came into play. .

However, she also enjoys working with children, so add elementary education certification into the picture.

"Although diverse, I have always been interested in both areas," Barney said. "It was, however, Mr. Hebard who taught my first biology class here at Cabrini that inspired me to teach science. I saw how animated he was and how excited he was to get every student involved with science."

Barney can't say enough about the biology program at Cabrini. "When I first came here, it was very rare to hear of other bio majors," Barney explained Now, however, the program is skyrocketing."

Although Barney had an internship with the Environmental Protection Agency, she knew she wanted to do something truly unique after graduation. "Eventually I would like to open a children's aquarium with learning programs," Barney said, looking to the future with optimism. cut six inches off her hair just so she could look more professional for her inter-

However, she knows the aquarium days are waves away. She is already enrolled in the masters program at the University of North Carolina--Wilmington campus for September. After obtaining her masters, Barney plans to continue her education with receiving her doctorate My adviser at UNC is currently studying the thesis of the knowledge of children's perception of science," Barney concluded. She will also be teaching biology 10l to undergraduates at UNC through a teaching assistantship.

"I am thrilled that I found a realistic way of combining both my majors," Barney responded. She finished the interview with a thoughtful piece of advice, "This has always been my dream. Though it may be unrealistic, why not give it a try?"

"That 1s one of the main reasons why I chose Cabrini. I knew I would not just be a number. I really liked the bands-on environment," Klimas stated as she threw a huge pile of dirty clothes off her bed. Apparently with all the activities, it\ hard to maintain cleaning as a priority.

As Klimas got involved with the newspaper, she became interested in the layout, organization and planning aspects of the job. "That is when I deviews. cided to add my graphic design minor," she stated.

Klima-; suggested all students should get an internship through the co-op office. She interviewed with several companies and picked PLANCO because of the job experience. Her daily responsibilities include designing postcards, mailers and flyers for the company.

Nicole Klimas is an intern at PLANCO by morning, SGA president and captain of the tennis team by mid-afternoon, college student by night and Student Ambassador by weekend.

Klimas is a busy girl.

The English/communication major and graphic design minor has taken advantage of the opportunities to get involved at Cabrini. Prior to this year, she was also a yearbook coordinator, managing editor of the Loquitur and a class officer.

As for life after graduation, Klimas isn't too preoccupied. "An English/communication major can go into so many different areas. My experience with newspaper taught me the most about what I would like to see myself doing." Look out Cosmopolitan Magazine, Klimas just might be your next editor.

Does someobe deserve a little recognition for a job well done, an honor they received, or the fact that they are just too darn nice to go unnoticed?

Give them a spot of glory and a moment to shine as the "Cavalier Of The Week."

Leave a nomination including name, phone number and a brief description of what makes this person so terrific in the newsroom, located on the top floor of the Widener Center. Open lo all •e•bers of tl,e Cabrini co••unity.

Advice from Loquitur's most frequent flyer

a carry on. Now for the normal traveler this may be ok, but for a college student, especially me, this could be a problem.

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