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The Real World - Cabrini
In this and subsequent issues of Loquitur, there will be a new feature to be known as "The Real World--Cabrini College." This segment works in conjunction with the Seminar JOOstudents taught by Dr. Seth Frechie and Dr. Charlie McCormick. The students conducted semester long research on issues of importance to the underclass population. They have worked in groups and individually on research from professional writings as well as field work at Cabrini. On March 27 and 28 they sat down with Loquitur perspectives editor Chris Nielsen and assistant perspectives editor Meghan Merkel to discuss their findings.
Music today: Gender, image and culture still rule
Students from the Seminar 100 classes met to discuss ''M11Sicand Gender."The following are some highlights from the students' term papers and interviews:·
"An observation that I made [from reading about this topic] was the fact that there were no females who have committed violent crimes at schools ... I am sure there have been incidents of violence involving women but none as serious as a school shooting. I also noticed that there were no female pop icons in trouble with the law or who have controversial lyrics. Could this have something to do with the lack of information I found on adolescent women committing violent crimes?"
-Andy Bell
ten to. The music people listen to helps them express the mood they are in at that particular time."
-Kristen Luft
"Most [music] companies want the 'good looking' women as their artists; they figure they can fix the sound of their voices with all the machines that they have. It is a lot easier for a male to make it in the business, because looks are not as important for males."
-Thomas Klein
" ...most young people go along with what is being played on the radio or what the majority of their peers are listening to They begin to dress, talk, and act the way the singers in the bands do, which sometimes can be very dangerous because these people are not their 'true' selves "
-Carly Clayton
"I think as the campus makes more of an effort to bring different ethnic groups, there will be more diverse taste in music. My roommate Joe listens to rock and country, so I get a little taste of country."
"Men listen more to rap and metal and girls like more romantic stuff. Guys could care less about that."
-Erin Lally
" ...all of this [research] shows that listening to certain types of music can affect the mood that you are in as wen: When listening to loud hardcore music people seem to get pumped up and hyper. Sometimes when people are sad, they will listen to sad music. Music really has a lot to do with the mood of the individual.
-Marianne Carobine
"Women think men hide their feelings, but the feelings they express show in the music they lis-
"I think they [music videos] added more to it [popular music]. It killed some people because they weren't looking good on T.V. Other people like Madonna were more successful than they would have been because she had more stage presence than most people in the 80s."
-Jose Jalandoni
''Men listen more to rap and metal and girls like more romantic stuff. Guys could care less about that."
-Erin Lally
"I haven't listened much to it [89.1 WYBF], but I hear it's allrock. I think there should be a diversity to Spanish music and stuff like that."
''Music, I believe, has nothing to do with gender construction at Cabri..ni.Students just listen to the music they like because they might be bored and
"People like Madonna were more successful than they would have been because she had more stage presence than most in the BOs."
-Jose Jalandoni they listen to their typeof music Truthfully, I believe music has nothing to do with one's personality and gender."
-Kimairy Candelaria
"People at Cabrini do agree that the faces of people seduce and sell. People at Cabrini do not want to stare at an old lady singing; they would rather look at people that are young. My research has revealed that the people at Cabrini are falling into the trick of the music industry. The trick is to use beautiful people to see music."
-Kevin Grady
" ...girls are more likely to pay attention to the words of songs than boys."·
-Vicki Andraca
In the next issue of Loquitur, Perspectives will talk with the students who researched "Gendered Initiation Opportunities."