2 minute read

Making the campus a bit more accessible

A commentaryby Jose Jalandoni

The topic I am writing about is not a jolly one. This topic came to my attention when I was forced to be in a wheelchair for awhile. This is not a commentary to complain, but to inform on how hard it is for someone with a disability to move about on campus when the things that are suppose to help you don't work. For example, a large amount of the handicap buttons to open the doors don't work. Plus it is very hard to use the ramps going from floor to floor using a manual wheelchair. Also, certain areas were just stupidly constructed from the get go. The doors by the radio station and Campus Ministry have buttons to open them so that one can have access to the handicap lockers within. The problem is that there is a button to gain access to the lockers, but no button to get out of that little squared area. If anyone took careful notice, they would see that there are no buttons on the opposite sides of the doors, so that an individual could open them from the inside. This was brought to my attention when John Dimucci asked me to follow him outside of the two doors and asked me to wheel myself into that area. He then proceeded to leave and Jet the doors close, and after that he asked me if I could get out of there now.


I am not trying to say mean or malicious things about Cabrini College at all. Instead, what I am trying to do is inform Cabrini that there is much to be done to fix up this campus in relation to handicap accessibility. All I am really asking for is for someone to take the time to carefully re-examine the subject at hand and to try and fix it. First, keep regular maintenance of the buttons in question. Second, someone could check if the ramps can be better modified so that using a manual wheelchair would be easier in trying to get from floor to floor. Third, install buttons on the opposite sides of the two doors outside Campus Ministry and the radio station. One final note for everyone, please do not block off or park on handicapped spots or areas cleared for easy access, like the spot right out in front of Xavier Hall. It's hard enough to live on campus, don't make it harder. Also, make the houses more accessible to people with disabilities by having more first floor rooms for them to live in.

These are but a few problem spots that are in need of improvement. Cabrini College is a lot more handicap accessible than a lot of other colleges and universities, but it doesn't mean it can't use a little improvement.

Jose Jalandoni is a guest columnist for the Loquitur. His picture is not shown because he doesn't need one. Everyone knows who Jose is.

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