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Successfulseasons for tennis, lacrosse,golf, track

The men's tennis team won first place in the PAC, men's lacrosse took second place; golf third and the track teams made a good showing at the championship races in a new conference.

by JessicaSnow sports editor Tennis


The tennis took the team title as Pennsylvania Athletic Conference champions on April 15 after Marywood did not show up for the teams' final game.

The team also placed well at the individual championship held Saturday, April 29.

Scott Giblin finished first in first singles, Ian Duncan finished first in third singles, and the two, together were the runners up for first doubles.

1yler Burt and Dan McConnell were the runners up in second doubles. McConnell was also the runner-up at fifth singles.

"It was a bangin' good season," Tony Barrett, a junior on the team, said.

Men's Lacrosse

Our last two games were our best of the year. We felt good with the way the season ended and everyone's returning next year, except Paul," sophomore Tom Lemieux said of the men's lacrosse team.

On Wednesday, April 19 the team beat Montclair State 19-9 at home.

The team traveled to take second place to Wesley in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference Saturday, April 29 with a score of 65.

Lemieux had two goals and an assist, and junior Alex Mueller also had two goals. Each was named all PAC this season.

First-year student Michael Pape, who was name PAC Rookie of the Year, also got a goal.

No matter how many goals a team gets, however, it is not ~ithout-a strong defense. At the core of thatdefense is junior Matt Clemets who had 27 saves in Saturday's loss. Clemets was named the Most Valuable Player of the Game. Golf

The golf team finished third in the PAC to Wesley College and College Misericordia.

The six teams in the conference battled for the championship Sunday, April 30. Cabrini's final team score was 690, under Weseley's 631 and Misericordia's 669, but over Neumann College's 698, Alvernia College's

707 and Beaver College's 739.


The track teams showed off in their new conference on Saturday, AP,ril 15 at Allentown College. '

It is the·fist-year Cabrini is participating in the Collegiate Track Conference and the team placed well in their first championship competition among manfnew schools. The best showing by a Cabrini student was senior captain Lauren Dean's placing first in the 5000 meter race.

Junior captain Jason Bull broke his personal record to place fifth in the 1500 meter race with a time of 4:08.2.

First-year student Becki Carman placed second in the javelin event.

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