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Commuters need love too EDITORIAL
SGA: united we stand
The student government association is encouraging students to be heard. They want the administration not only to hear the students, but to listen to them and their needs.
SGA is awake from a long sleep and is working hard to convey student disgust over the recent policies drafted by the administration. A student union meeting was held Sept. 12 for the students to voice their concerns. SGA videotaped the meeting in order to show and debate the problems recorded on tape with the administration.
SGA is commended for their initiative and willingness to serve the needs of the student body. Their rapid and enthusiastic approach in addressing the problems on campus renews trust in an organization that will ultimately challenge the powers that be. SGA's members have dedicated hours of time over the summer and the beginning of this year to formulate a plan so that the students can be satisfied with their college experience. Because of this, students must support the SGA in their battle to make the campus environment amicable for all.
Housing-visitation hours, counseling-center tumult and what seems to be a universal rule for all class levels can only be resolved through supporting the SGA. Uniting in an effort to explain student problems to the administration is the first step in accomplishing results.
Approximately 230 students joined the SGA for the open-discussion student union meeting packing the seats and aisles of the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Students are the heart of every educational institution and without the students there is no reason for a Cabrini College to exist. Upset and disillusioned students reflect a deaf administration. The SGA is the voice of the students and without full support, is challenging insurmountable odds.
Is the safety of commuters being threatened by the new visitation policy in both the houses and the dorms? According to Cabrini College rules and guidelines, visitation rights are as follows: on weeknights visitors have to exit campus housing no later than 2 a.m. On weekends visitors have to leave no later than 4 a.m What happens when a commuter has difficulties returning home? For example, there are several reasons why a commuter might have to stay on campus overnight. A few clear examples of this would be:
1) A 21-year-old commuter has had too much to drink at a registered party that ends at 1 a.m.. If that commuter has at least eight cocktails/drinks in between the times of 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. the alcohol level in their system would not be fully diminished until after 4 a.m. So what happens at 4 in the morning? A drunken commuter stumbles to his or her car and attempts to drive home, threatening not only their own life but also the lives of those around them.
2) Another clear example of the problems with the visitation policy are as follows: A study group has been preparing for a test or exam, and the members of that group have been awake most of the day and night studying. What happens to the commuter? Once again the commuter has to track all the way to the Widener center and attempt to drive home in a sleepy haze. Once again, lives are being threatened.
Personally I would rather see commuters get written up for staying on campus rather than threatening their lives and the lives of those around them by attempting to drive home in distraught conditions. We all understand that we are in college to earn a degree and get an education, but what about the other part of college that makes the college experience both fun and worthwhile.
Both the commuters and the residents need to team up with SGA and fight this new visitation policy before some student becomes a statistic.
Matt Thotey is the Assistant Features Editor for the Loquitur. He is the unofficial King of Commuters. He has a dream and in this dream commuters and residents live in a world of peace and love. Ch
3) The last and final problem with the visitation policy, is the problem of socialization. How is a commuter supposed to experience the benefits of college life if they cannot sleep over in the dorms?
- The games listed in the Sports section in the first issue were just home games. For more information on the away games, schedules are avaifable at the Dixon Center.
Sorry for the oversight!