6 minute read
Remembering an angel
by Meghan Merkel features editor
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Amy and Leslie Oppenheim, a senior and junior here at Cabrini, would like to share their mother's story.
Both sisters are frequently identified as outgoing.
Both are spotted with their tanned faces full of smiles more often than not.
Like any two sisters so close in age, they bicker.
They argue.
Sometimes they even come close to cat fighting.
Like most sisters, they make up afterwards.
They share clothes.
They even share friends.
Unlike most sisters, they have had to endure life's most difficult obstacle. On Aug. 19, 1998, they lost their mother, Carol Samaha Steadman, to breast cancer.
The Oppenheim sisters may argue back and forth about the weekend activities, but ,they travel on their journey together with an unbreakable bond to each other.
Carol Samaha Steadman, a Cabrini graduate of 1974, was first diagnosed with breast cancer in March, 1995. Amy was a junior in high school. Leslie was finishing her junior high career.
"After going through the whole process of chemotherapy, my mom improved. She grew stronger and conquered the disease." Amy recalled.
Steadman, a kindergarten teacher in Ocean Township, returned to work.
'.'Her love for kids was amazing. Teaching made her so happy," Leslie reflected.
About two years later, Carol Steadman started having terrible migraines. When she had an MRI done, the doctors discovered the cancer had spread to her brain.
The radiation started in February, 1998. It ended in July.
Leslie had graduated from high school and was planning on attending the University of Arizona in the fall.
"Irwas the month of July when I withdrew [from the University of Arizona] to stay with my mother and help take care of her," she stated.
A long pause followed.
She hesitated, "We lost her three weeks later."
The following January, Leslie began pack- ing for her move to Arizona, when she came to Amy and Leslie Oppenheim pose on the bench that was dedicated to their moththe realization it was no longer a move she er, Carol Samaha Steadman, a Cabrini graduate of 1974. wished to make.
"I had grown so close to my family. I didn't want to be so far away from them," she commented.
Instead, Cabrini College called her name.
In addition to her mother graduating from Cabrini, her big sister was already there.
While Amy will be graduating in December with a liberal arts degree, Leslie has followed her mother's path of teaching.
"Amy and I both share in our mother's love for children," she explained. Mr. Litavec, who is Leslie's adviser, was also her mother's adviser at Cabrini.
Leslie commented, "my mother's passion for teaching was infectious. I am proud to be continuing in her footsteps."
The class of 1974 dedicated a bench to Carol Samaha Steadman. It is located by the mansion.
On Sept. 6, her mother's birthday, Leslie gathered a huge bouquet of flowers and placed it softly on her bench.
Although Amy didn't go with her to help, she checked the flowers everyday.
Two weeks after her mother's birthday, the flowers were gone.
Both sisters are grateful to the class of 1974 for dedicating the bench to their mother.
"When I was eight, I came with my mom to Cabrini for a reunion. I remember running through all the rooms of the mansion." She smiled at the memory.
"I walk by the mansion now and I can't believe my mom lived there."
The Oppenheim sisters continue on their journey. They often head home to New Jersey to visit their stepdad, Rick Steadman.
They also stay close to their mother's siblings, Dr. Michael and Steve Steadman and Jeanette Aiken.
"What I miss most about my mother is her generosity. She put everyone before herself. She always made sure Leslie and I were happy," Amy commented.
Both Leslie and Amy sit quietly at the conclusion of the interview.
A soft smile brightens their dark eyes when they glimpse at the pictures of their mother.
Both of their rooms are decorated with figurines, pictures and poems about angels. Leslie catches me glancing at them sprinkled around her room, and her smile broadens.
I exchange the smile and I know. They have their own special angel.
by Amy Gassen staff writer
For many years, popular culture has christened America the "melting pot of the world." Many different ethnic groups have immigrated to this land. The culmination of different cultures has created a diverse society that offers many unique perspectives on ways of life.
Shirley Dixon, coordinator of diversity initiatives, feels th~t the "melting pot concept" does not give the individual ethnicity justice.
"The diversity initiative counsel is trying to move the melting pot concept to the concept of the tossed salad," Dixon said.
Dixon said, "The campus is a lead crystal bowl and each one of us is a veggie." Dixon then explained that
::bo~:~:i;n ~:;;ekece::c:: !t::u~e~~~ty ;; mesbes each ethnic group together.
Lisa Learner, assistant professor of fine arts, is having her students create a mural with that tossed salad concept.
In order to honor the different cultures that populate the campus and that of society, Dixon is sponsoring many programs throughout the year.
On Thursday, Oct. 19, the faculty book discussion will take place. "Racism 101" by Nikki Giovanni will be read and discussed by a panel.
by Jessica Glordano staff writer
Jacki Armes is a very busy girl.
Like many college students today, she must juggle the responsibilities of school, sports and work.
"This year we are inviting students to be part of the discussion," Dixon said. In previous years, students I were invited to watch the panel of faculty who discussed the book chosen.
Dixon explained that President Clinton inspired the book reading. "The President of the U.S. bas an initia-1 tive to have a dialogue on campus about race," Dixon said.
In a speech delivered by Clinton entitled, 'The United States: A Nation of Diversity and Promise," be said, I "We will have an opportunity to become the world's first truly multiracial, multiethnic democracy We must ensure that the educational system nurtures the creativity of every American student."
In addition to the book reading, many other programs of diversity will be offered throughout the year.
Natopha Forbes, president of ethnic student alliance, hopes that the club will sponsor a step-show, fashion show and gospelrama.
"In the past couple of years, it wasn't pushed for us to do a lot, but we are trying to get more organized and to give us a name on campus," Nequia Washington, senior member of the ethnic service alliance, said. Diversity Initiatives is offering "Getting Along" for I Cabrini Day.
"It's a multimedia presentation with lecture, video and live voices," Dixon said.
Additionally, the club will sponsor "Cultural Fest 2000" for United Nations Day, "One Human Family Workshop Choir" for Martin Luther King Day and Cultural Kaleidoscope Week in February.
If interested in helping out with any of the above events, contact Natopba Forbes. All members of the Cabrini community are welcome.
Despite this hectic schedule, she is still thoughtful enough to make time for an interview as the chosen Cavalier of the Week.
Armes is a junior and is dual majoring in business and Spanish. "I really took to Spanish since middle school," she explained.
She is also a member of Phi Sigma Iota, the foreign language honor society.
"In November, Phi Sigma Iota will go to the president's house. We have been there .once before and it was really nice," Armes said
She chose to major in business also because she is an organized person, and that is one skill needed in the business world. Armes is happy with both departments. She feels that,"the teachers here are great."
If being a double major and an honor student was not enough, Armes is also the pitcher for Cabrini's women's softball team.
"I've been playing since I was 9 and I love it," exclaimed Armes. When mentioning the softball team, she becomes enthusiastic and it becomes apparent that she is especially excited about the future of the team.
Concerning this year's team she added,"We have such a strong team this year. We have some really good freshman that came in."
Jacki credits her involvement with softball as helping her to manage her time more effectively. "I am really organized, and I know what I have to do."
One major influence in her softball game that bas stayed with her throughout the years is what she learned from her 16-and-under coach.
"Mr. Jacovino taught me so much. I still remember things that be taught me. He knew me well and he worked with me."
The recent housing situation has not affected Jacki much since she commutes from Haverford everyday. She is content to be a commuter since she still has her own room.
"It's the best of both worlds-I don't have to put up with the dorm life," Armes adds.
With all of these activities going on, it is hard for Jacki to find time for much else.
"My time is split between softball, school and work. It's bard but I somehow get it done:·
The future looks just as bright for Jacki as does her present.
After graduating in 2002, she would like to enroll in an area law school. Ideally, she would want to combine her talents and interests by specializing in sports and entertainment law.
Law school should not be that difficult for a person with a schedule as hectic as this week's Cavalier's is now.
The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.