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Decision.2000: the silly quote war
Actual quotes by Al Gore
- "We all know the leopard can't change his spots."
- "I didn't realize I was in a Buddist temple."
- "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet."
- "We feel, and the Defense Department feels, that problem is not going to be a problem.
- "I can't name a song. I'm just a really big fan. (Al Gore talking to singer Courtney Love).
---quotes found on America Online
Actual quotes by George W. Bush
- "It's clearly a buaget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."
- "I understand small business growth. I was one."
- "The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case."
- '•1know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."
- "Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness.
---quotes found on America Online.
Analysis by Mike ~-go's'' Butler
At first glance of these quotes, it would seem that George W. Bush is employing what I like to call ""TheMarion Barry Technique'' by creating a lot of confusion with his quotes. This gives the candidate malcing the quote ample time to run out of the room while everyone who heard the quote are shaking their heads and saying "What the hell did he just say?" For the sake of winning the election, Bush has opted not to include the other staples of '"The Marion Barry Technique'' such as blatant mathematical errors and rampant use of crack cocaine. I give the content edge to Bush. Gore. on the other hand, is going for a more eclectic approach. Yes, the leopard comment is straight from 'The Marion Barry Technique," but the other quotes come from completely different trains of thought. The unawareness of Gore being in a Buddist temple is reminiscent of Dean Martin's dry style during bis days with FrankSinatra. The outrageous claim that he created the internet sounds like something the drunk guy at the end of the bar would say. The "problem not a problem" statement sounds like a Marx Brothers bit. Finally, it takes a lot of courage to tell a musician you can't name one of their songs but you're a big fan anyway. I give Gore the edge in terms of variety. In a head-to-head comparison of silly quotes, I call it a draw between Bush and Gore.