2 minute read
Cabrini team of 40 students participates in AIDS Walk
by Jennifer Coots staff writer
The Cabrini team was among the hundreds of thousands of walkers that attended the AIDS Walk held in Philadelphia this Sunday. The weather was summery, reaching a high of 81 degrees as 40 students from Cabrini showed their support by doing everything from rollerblading to hilting to powerwalking the entire eight miles, which began and ended at the Eakins Oval at the Art Museum.
There were many representatives from all over the campus community. The walkers consisted of students, staff, parents, sisters,·members of the Up With People: A Common Beat play and even someone's grandmother. There was support from individuals who went to see the play Up With People, who generously donated money to the AIDS Walk table that was set up outside of the Dixon Center on performing nights. A bicycle built for two, or a two-seater bicycle, was also donated for the second year from the Metropolis Bike shop in Manayunk.
Among the walkers for Cabrini was senior Azeen Keramati, who braved the eight miles and powerwalked the entire way. ''There was a tremendous amount of awesome energy
The forty members of Cabrini's AIDS Walk team pose on the steps of the Art Museum in Philadelphia before beginning the eight-mile walk down Kelly Drfve and the Ben Franklin Parkway. flowing during the walk," Keramati said. ''There was a posi- Even though the overall emotional atmosphere of the event tive vibe for a great cause." was positive and enric_hing,there were times when a feeling Campus Minister Mary Laver commented on the overall of sadness overcame ~mepeople. Before the race began, excitement ''There were people on the expressway honking speakers gathered the walkers to listen to the names of those their horns and waving to us," Laver said. ''There was also a who unfortunately lost their battle to AIDS in the past year. crew team who was rowing in the river to show their sup- "When I looked ar2,undthrough the crowd," Laver said, "I port." could see some whose eyes were filling with tears."
Thursday Frida
Senio, Susan Sipes, who attended the walk for her first
The walk turned out to be a huge success for the Campus time, agreed. "It was very empowering to see so many peo- Ministry, who managed to raise about $2,000, not counting pie out to support this cause;' Sipes said. "It was an eye- contributions that have not been submitted yet. Those wishopening experience and very moving to see people wearing ing to show their support for the AIDS Fund can still offer t-shirts with the names of individuals who died from the contributions until the end of October in the Campus Minvirus." istry office located upstairs in the Widener center.
Although the organizers offered transportation to'-1:he-wa!t_ A tremendous amount of time and energy went into orgasome students from Cabrini decided to attend the event sep- nizirrg-the-event. "I would like to thank everyone for the arately from Cabrini. Sophomore Pete Ayoub jogged with broad amount of support we receive across the entire campus his ex-girlfriend. "I am happy to see that AIDS is losing some for the walk," Laver said. ''The students who originally did an of its stereotype of only stroong homosexuals and drug excellent job were Erin Lally, Elaine Abrams and all the peer users," Ayoub said. ''There were many people of various cul- educators. They did a terrific job to get the message out to tures that attep.ded.There was a very diverse crowd. It was students and faculty to encourage people to support the AIDS very uplifting." Walk and to get as many people involved."