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College and University News
University of Utah
This is the second year in a row that sexual harassment is the number one complaint filed. This is the first time that the highest complaint bas been consecutive two years in a row. Out of the complaints filed, 50 percent were by staff, 23 percent filed by students and 16 percent filed by faculty. Eighteen percent were filed against faculty and 54 percent were filed against the staff of the University of Utah. There is an investigation on campus to find out why the numbers are so high.
California State
On Saturday, Oct. 7, Adrian Heideman died form an alcohol overdose. Heideman was 18 years old and a Pi Kappa Phi pledge. He attended what was called a "brotherhood event." Later on that night a fellow "brother" found him at 1:21 a.m. not breathing in one of the basement rooms in Pi Kappa Phi.
The President of the frat house said, "He was not a victim of hazing. It was a night to get away, where we could bang out together, no outsider, not girlfriends, just the brothers.
Northwestern University
1be students and faculty are trying to get tax exemption on textbooks. To cut down the cost of the textbooks, students must buy after the elections in November. 1be school is trying to band together with other colleges and universitiesin the state to go to their representative about this notion.
Louisa Burnban. a lecturer in the history department, said, ''Teachers would like more books in class, but having 10 books that cost between $17 and $20 per book for each class becomes pricey:•
The students are researching the numbers now and some states do have these tax exemptions so with this compelling argument they will try to get the exemptionsin their state as well.