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Residents of House Six lose all privileges
The actions of several students resulted in the residents of House Six having visitation and alcohol privileges suspended until January 16, 2001. Reactions on this ban are mixed.
The decision to prohibit visitors and alcohol in the house was the result of several incidents which resulted in structural damage, the discharging of fire extinguishers and a stain in the basement, according to a letter sent to residents. Resident Assistant Joe Johnson, a senior, also mentioned that a lot of vandalism and holes in the walls added to the decision.
"The main purpose of the restrictions is to get the people responsible for the damages to admit to it or people who know who did it to come forward," Johnson said.
Contractors have been contacted to fix the holes, which will cost a lot of money. Unless someone is brought forward, everyone will be fined.
Johnson believes that the administration is justified in their decision. He reports that nothing has happened since the ban on visitation and alcohol. "Whenever something gets this out of hand, something needs to be done," he said.
Reactions from House Six residents have been mixed. One resident said that he could see the administration's reasoning for the suspension, but he did not agree with it.
Sean Tinney, a sophomore, does not agree at all with the decision. He thinks it is unfair that fue students are being punished for something they did not do.
Tinney also mentioned that he has never heard of any other school imposing such a punishment. He and his friends were involved in a similar incident last year at Villanova and no such action was taken.
"This [Cabrini] is not a college," he said. "It's a boarding school."
'Nationwide problem' sees flu vaccines hard to find
by Tracy Timson Cabrini usually would provide 70 assistant copy editor to 80 flu shots during the flu sea-
The season is almost here. Not just winter, but- the flu· season. Coughing, sneezing, muscle aches. Theseare all symptoms of what is known as the flu.
The flu season lasts from December to February ,,vi.th usually only a few cases befo're this time period. When asked if there have been many cases of the flu diagnosed on campus this year Sue Fitzgerald stated, "No, I haven't seen any real flu this year.'' son.
This year the flu vaccine is hard to find, .~specially for pri- • vate physicians and smaller medical facilities including Cabrini's own Rooymans Center. Fitzgerald said, this problem is a "nationwide" problem; it is not just around our area. If you were one of the lucky ones, a company called Vaccess, was on campus on Tuesday, Oct. 10. While they brought 260 doses of the vaccine to Cabrini, only 121 doses were given to students. These were the students who went to take advantage of this opportunity for the vaccine.
Each yearthe shot covers different strains. According to CDC.com, this year's covered strains are what is known as New Caledonis, Panama and Yamanashi. These are "used because of their growth properties and because they are representative of currently circulating A and B viruses."
The reason this vaccine is less prevalent this year is because
Panama is a less stable strain, making it harder to manufacturer.
According to Sue Fitzgerald, ''This forced the FDA to only grant two·. manufacturers viith permission to produce the vaccine." Usually for a vaccine like this there are four manufacturers resulting in a huge difference in' availability for this year compared to past years.
Fitzgerald's advice for whether the vaccine was worth it was that "if you see a place offering it, absolutely go." Take advantage of places offering the vaccine, even if it is not your family doctor due to this year's shortage.
Without the vaccination there are things the campus community can do to prevent the flu.
Remember to always wash your hands. "Your skin is the first offense against infection," Fitzgerald said.
Other ways to prevent the flu is to eat right and get enough rest. Make sure that you are taking proper care of yourself and that is the first step you can take against staying away from the