Nov. 16, 2000 issue 10 Loquitur

Page 7

C a b r l n l C 0 1 1 e g Vol. XLVII, No. 10 Thursday, Nov. 16, 2000 Radnor, PA 19087
Staruing for a cause:
Hunger Banquetraisesawareness
Junior Katie Bartosik (foreground) enjoyed a meal commonly found in a middle to high income population at Monday's Hunger Banquet, which was sponsored by Campus Ministry. Fellow students (background) experienced a traditional meal of rice from a low-income population. See article on pg. 2
photo by Matt

Banquet shows awareness of world hunger

Here is some food for thought. When we are hungry we go to the refrigerator and grab something to snack on.

When Thanksgiving rolls around we all look forward to a nice big turkey dinner. When someone comes to visit us we offer them something to eat. These are luxuries that we all take pleasure in without even realizing it. Food is something that we take for granted.

"Every 3.6 seconds a person dies from hunger. That adds up to 24,000 people a day," said Dr. Mary Laver, campus minister, as she started off the Hunger Banquet held in the mansion this past Monday night.

The Hunger Banquet was held in honor of hunger awareness. With the holiday season just around the comer our minds and hearts go out to those who are less fortunate than we are.

The Hunger Banquet is a unique and interactive way to show the realities of hunger in our world today. As students walked through the mansion doors they took on a new identity. Everyone was to pick an envelope out of a woven wicker basket. The envelope chose each person's destiny for the night.

Each envelope contained a script, which gave a brief summary of each person you were going to be for the evening. Also, inserted was a nametag with a name already chosen for each participant.

The basket held three possibilities.

Those who were lucky enough to choose a green nametag were among the high-income population. They sat at a long, rectangular dining table with silverware, glass cups to drink from and a nicely folded crisp napkin in front of them. On their table, pitchers of iced tea and lemonade were set out for their drinking pleasure. They had a selection of yummy edibles to choose from. A table displaying salad, cream of mushroom soup, a mix of vegetables, pasta, chicken, dinner rolls and cake for dessert were inviting them to indulge. Few sat there.

The hands that picked a red nametag were to be members of the middle-income population. These people sat at tables, but had no place settings, only plastic utensils, napkins and plastic cups and plates. They were set in the middle of circular tables that were covered in white tablecloths. Their meal consisted of rice and beans. Dinner rolls were also available. A pitcher of water was set in the middle of the table for anyone whose mouth got a little dry from the rice and bread. More people frequented this section.

The blue nametags belonged to those who made up the low-income population. These people used the same utensils as the middle class, but they sat on the floor.

Set in the center of their circle was a big bowl of rice and a pitcher of water. Both were passed around and shared among the group. This group was the largest of the three.

As the dinner progressed some members of the upper class had been demoted to the lower class because of a loss of a job, or pay decrease. Some members of the lower class were promoted to the middle class because of something they did in their workplace. Anyone who was moved from one class to another was not permitted to bring food with them. They then assumed a new role.

When students were asked to move from one class to another, especially from the lower class to the middle class, they were reluctant. They did not want to leave their fellow members behind. There was a unity.

Some gave food to the lower classes. Some stole food from the upper classes. "When you don't have access to what you need you do what you have to do to get it," said John DiMucci, campus minister, when reflecting on the banquet and what took place.

"I think it's educational because it is so visual. It is an eye-opener," said senior Chrissy Karney. Karney has participated for the past three years. Each year she has been a member of the low-income group.

First-time participant junior Jessica Storck was also a member of the low-income group.

"This really makes me think

about how privileged I am. If I ate like this everyday I would probably die. It doesn't seem fair. A lot of times I take what I have for granted. I don't realize that I have so much," Storck said.

Sophomore Erin Lally was a red nametag holder, which gave her the privilege of eating not only rice, but beans and bread too.

"It makes everyone aware of how much food is wasted and how some people get so much and others so little," Lally said.

First-year student Brian Fry agreed and added, "This is very informative and fun too."

"Being here and participating makes me feel bad when I read the statistics and learn the reality of how many people actually die each day from hunger," said sophomore Alexis Strizziere, who was one of the very few lucky enough to be a member of the high income group.


Although the low-income group was only allowed rice they seemed not to mind. They began their meal with a prayer. The group with so little started by thanking God for what they had.

First-year student Gina Treml, who sat along side Strizziere at the elaborate dinning table, said, "It makes me think about how much food is actually wasted."

The students who participated seemed to get a lot out of the night. It ended with a reflection

from the students on how they felt and what they got out of it. There was a positive energy that filled the room as the students spoke about their feelings on the banquet.

'Those of us who were sitting on the floor could eat and not feel guilty about it. We drew a card and ended up where we are. It's like life, you are born into it. You didn't do anything to get there. You go where you go," said first-year student Claire DalleMolle when asked how she felt being in the group she was in.

The banquet ended with a prayer. Everyone stood in a circle and held hands. Laver remitlded everyone that there was twice as many people in the room because the identities handed out in the beginning of the night were in fact real. Everyone stood in silent prayer reflecting on what they had learned and praying for those that they had spent the night representing.

2 NEWS Thursday, Nov. 16, 2000
photo by Matt Holmes Members of the low income population at the Hunger Banquet, including President ladorola, sat on the floor to eat rice and water. Members of the middle income population and high income population sat at tables and had more food to eat with more luxuries.
''Thisreallymakes me thinkabouthow privileged I am. If I ate likethiseveryday I wouldprobablydie. It doesn'tseem fair. I don'trealizethat I have so much."

Symposium explains rich history of baseball

The History Club's annual Forum titled "Baseball and the Am~rican Tradition" was held on Sa~urd~y,Nov. 11 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Five individuals spoke about different aspects of baseball and its history.

"Like America, baseball has evolved and is more than just a sport," the president of the history club, senior Marie Aragona, said, as she gave the opening remarks at this year's history club forum. The symposium titled "Baseball and the American Tradition" was held on Saturday, Nov. 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Five baseball scholars were invited to each speak on a specific aspect of the game.

The leadoff speaker, Dr. Gai I. Berlage, professor of women's studies at Iona College, spoke about women ball players and their part in American baseball history. Although many do not know, according to Berlage, baseball has a long, rich history of women players. Berlage said that the press is either misleading the public, or is unaware of early women in sports. As early as 1866, Vassar College had a girl's baseball team.

In early times, it was hard for society to consider a woman to be a serious player. Instead, women were to give up their tomboyish ways and become ladies. "The way for men to prove their masculinity was by catching a ball. The way for women to prove their femininity was to catch a man," Berlage said.

For the women who did play baseball, "softball" became the appropriate term. Doctors believed that playing baseball would cause exhaustion for women. Often, women were recruited only because of their looks and sometimes men were strategically placed on women's teams.

Some of the most famous women in baseball were Lizzie Murphy, who made her living playing baseball, Amanda Clement, an umpire, and Lizzie Arlington, a pitcher.

Dr. William Simons, professor of history at SUNY-Oneonta, spoke about Joe DiMaggio and the American ideal. Joe DiMag-

gio is arguably one of the greatest all-around players of the game. Although the press portrayed him negatively, he always kept dignity and class.

The main point of Simons' talk was the similarities between Joe DiMaggio, an Italian player, and Hank Greenberg, a Jewish player. Both DiMaggio and Greenberg married actresses and both wore the number 5. According to Simons, they both brought a wide audience to baseball by bringing in different ethnicities. In the 1930s and 1940s, DiMaggio and Greenberg were the two most important people in their ethnic groups.

Because of the racist views of the time, Simons described DiMaggio and Greenberg as "a counterbalance of the negative views of both of their ethnic groups." They were the first of the Italians and of the Jewish to become heroes to Americans.

Ellen Rendle of the Historical Society of Delaware spoke about the invisible hero, William "Judy" Johnson. Johnson was a Negro League player

who was denied the right to things because of his color.

Johnson began as a scorekeeper earning 10 cents per game. In 1920, Johsnon had his first tryout for a pro-African American team in the Negro National League.

In his first year with the Hill-

Major Leagues, but only to observe. According to Rendle, Johnson accepted the terrible conditions of being in the Negro Leagues, and left behind a legacy of courage and dignity.

Johnson was soft-spoken and on the field tried to get into the head of the baserunners. He studied every game and had a desire to play hard. After his playing days, Johnson became an active alumnus of the Negro Leagues and in 1975 was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. He also served as a scout for the Philadelphia Phillies.

-Dr. Robert Ruck, professor of history at the University of Pi~tsburgh

dales, he made $115 a month.

After 1923, Johnson played 3rd base in the Eastern Colored League and in 1930, he played for the Homestead Grays in Pittsburgh. Eventually, Connie Mack let Johnson into the

Cuba. "Baseball was an activity that Cuba took from us, but they made it their own," Ruck said. Cuba then went out to surrounding areas and preached baseball to Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

"The game of baseball is an arena to form an identity of who the players are," Ruck said. Having the game in the Caribbean gives many the chance to do this. Over the past few years, Sammy Sosa has been the number one Caribbean resident because of his baseball skill and popularity.

The final speaker of the day was Dr. Lawrence D. Hogan, senior professor of history at Union County College in New Jersey. Hogan spoke about Jackie Robinson and Black baseball in America.

The first Negro Era in baseball was after Plessy vs. Ferguson, a landmark segregation case. Teams were sponsored by industries and the players were transported by trains from city to city. During the Depression, the Negro National League and the Negro American League were the two main Negro Leagues. After Jackie Robinson paved the way for AfricanAmerican players and was included into the Major Leagues, the Negro Leagues dissolved.

Dr. Robert Ruck, professor of history at the University of Pittsburgh, spoke on the influence of the Caribbean on baseball. According to Ruck, the impact of the Caribbean on baseball has never been greater than today. Only California sends more players to the Major Leagues than the Dominican Republic does. "The game matters in the Caribbean, before the money issue," Ruck said.

One of the reasons baseball became popular in the Caribbean was because of

Hogan was joined by Stanley Glenn, a former Negro League player, who played for the Philadelphia Stars. Glenn recalled what it was like to play in the Negro Leagues and remembered some of his former teammates. One thing that upsets Glenn is the selfishness and greediness of today's players.

Senior Karen Erb attended the forum and liked learning about the history of baseball. "As an avid fan and student of the game of baseball, I really enjoyed the speakers and the topics presented. I gained more of a historical perspective and a broader understanding of the sport."

Loquitur NEWS 3
or. Lawrence o. Hogan, senior professor of history at Union County College (left) t~lked a?out Jackie Robinson and the Negro Leagues. Stanley Glenn (right) talked about what tt was ltke to play for the Philadelphia Stars of the Negro League.
''The game of baseball is an arena to form an identity of who the players are."

Campus lighting,securityassessedon light walk

the row of parking spaces is. editor in chief "We would like to see a call box for

The administration is concerned that there are not enough lights and emergency call boxes on campus. "In the past we just walked through without the help of the students. The key is to get students involved," Stephen Lightcap said. Lightcap, vice president for finance and administration, toured the campus with other college officials this past Monday evening along with select students and student government representatives to assess areas that are poorly lit and in need of call boxes.

The light walk, as it is called by the SGA, was seen as an important means of conveying the concerns of students who frequently use the dimly lit paths and parking lots to the administration. There is little to no lighting along the span of road connecting the apartments with the rest of the central campus. The road is also the primary route to the major campus buildings and not a secondary one. "Walking from the mansion to the apartments is dangerous. If we get one light there, people will feel more safe;' Nick Luchko, president of SGA, said. Lightcap echoed Luchko's opinion regarding the condition of lighting between the mansion and the apartments. "It's disturbing to walk near the tennis courts at night," Lightcap said. According to Luchko, the SGA hasprioritized poorly lit areas that are in need of swift response from the administration for the installation of lighting.

The SGA proposes that call boxes be installed in front of the houses along Residential Blvd.

every two islands separating parked cars on Residential Blvd. because currently there are none," Luchko said. "You have to walk all the way up to one of the houses to get to a call box."

Janice Funk, vice president of SGA, along with Jenna Mancini, academic board chair, pointed out to Charlie Schaffner, director of Public Safety, that no call box exists in the Widener Center parking lot or area near the lot. SGA would like to see a call box installed among the parking spaces for quick and easy access.

The issue of broken or improperly working call boxes was also raised. "Public Safety checks all lights, call boxes and fire extinguishers monthly,'' Schaffner said.

If you find that a particular box is broken or something else on campus is not functioning properly such as a light, Lightcap suggests that you inform your R.A. Lightcap explained that there is a chain of command and in order for things to get done efficiently, students need to address the correct authority.

"The key thing Residence Life does is assess students' needs."

Questions were also brought up about the road that bends around Grace Hall. At the southwest corner of the building there is a blind curve. Since there is no sidewalk, pedestrians use the road and mqre often than not vehicles quickly wrap around the bend, which could possibly result in an accident.

Lightcap commented that students have to be moved off of the road and onto a sidewalk. Plans are under consideration for a sidewalk to be constructed along the west

of Grace Hall.

Beth Genther and Leslie Glavin, first-year students from Grace Hall, and Kit Hillin, sophomore from Woodcrest, participated in the walk. Mike Caranfa, chief facilities officer, and James Fries, senior landscape architect, along with Lightcap and Schaffner listened and responded to concerns for nearly 50 minutes. SGA aimed to get a diverse group of students to participate in the light walk. Luchko thought that having a group of students from a variety of residences on campus would help the administration present to understand more clearly the student desire for a safer campus. ''We pointed out areas around campus that the

administration hasn't seen before," Luchko said.

"Lightcap will be receiving a call from me after the Thanksgiving break to arrange a follow-up meeting because it is a major concern," Luchko said. "I understand that the lights are not just going to come out of nowhere just because we had a light walk. At least we got the ball rolling." Lightcap explained that his course of action will be to involve the students in the different phases of making the campus safer. ''We will make a list of proposals and take it to the SGA and then to the students to be sure that nothing was missed." Lightcap added that some of the projects may be extensive. ''We'll have to price things

and then go from there." In any case, Lightcap stressed that the students will have a say and will be responsible to validate the projects for final consideration.

"SGA appreciates the administration's time;' Luchko said. The light walk was a priority for SGA from its summer planning meetings. An original light walk was scheduled last year but was cancelled due to Hurricane Floyd, which ravaged the Delaware Valley in September of 1999. "If the SGA, along with the students, continues to work with the administration, this school will only get better," Luchko said. "I think it was good that we worked together."

What's Going On This Week

4 NEWS Thursday, Nov. 16, 2000
photo by Joe Holden From left to right: SGA President Nick Luchko, Public Safety Director Charlie Schaffner, Senior Landscape Architect James Fries and Vice President for Finance and Administration Stephen Lightcap assess the lighting around the Widener Center parking lot during the SGA light walk. The walk was held in reaction to students' concern for campus safety and security. side
Thursday Frida Saturda Sunday Monda Tuesda Wednesda • First-year student • First-year student • Search VII Retreat • Mass, 7 p.m., • Bingo, 9 p.m • Thanksgiving RePre-registration for Pre-registration for Brockmann Chape WCGA cess Spring Semester Spring Semester of St Joseph • Search VII Retreat L

Search VII goal is to have 'new outlook on life'

zre off on Frie _. __ 1- znd heading to Appd F.m:::s c Elmer. NJ. for the~ Search Retreat. The will last the entire '\\--eekru! umil Sunday. Nov. 19 when all _5 Search participants \\ill remm to school \\ith a new outloot an life.

For some. lhe experience of the Search Retreat will be the wisest $35 a college student could spend.

For those unfamiliar with Search, it is a basic get-to-know yourself, -God and -others retreat.

Do not be swayed by the use of the word God in determining your opinion of the retreat. Of course, God will be incorporated into the various activities that take place during the Search Retreat, but it will be a refreshing and worth while experience. Do not think of Sunday Mass at your local parish when you think of Search. The Search Retreat is open to those of all reli-

gions, races and ethnic backgrounds. It is a spiritual retreat that will help you look deep inside yourself to identify the "real you."

Some of the events that take place during the Search retreat are small and large group discussions, indoor and outdoor activities and most importantly, personal reflection time.

The leaders of the Search Retreat will organize various activities. Each team leader is responsible for a certain number of Search participants who are bro-

College and University News

Comell University

Despite the economic boom that increased American prosperity in the 1990s, people with disabilities have not been able to experience higher rates of income as the rest of us have. The reason for this seems to be due to the Americans with Disabilities Act "backfiring." Employers have been less inclined to hire disabled persons. Toe ADA makes it mandatory for employers to provide employment for such persons, facing lawsuits if they do not in fact follow through. The other side to this problem is that people with disabilities do not want to risk taking a job that will not offer health coverage.

Harvard University

Immune Response, the sponsor for a team of AIDS researchers, warned them not to publish the article talking about the failures of an HIV vaccine. The researchers obviously did not take heed of this warning since the article was published last week in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Immune Response filed a lawsuit for up to $10 million combined with the rejection of the study results. Patients who received the vaccine have not been doing any better than other patients who were chosen as a control group for this experiment

Yale University

Io a Yale study, researchers say that due to a chemical, Phenylpropanolamioe or PPA, which can be found in cold medicine, people should refrain from using too much cold medicine because it could lead to a stroke. The chemical is used as a decongestant and is found in many over-the-counter medicines, including weight-control drugs. This risk bas been cited in people of the ages 20-49. PPA is also being blamed as the cause of brain hemorrhaging, which may be due to a clogged or burst artery.

University California-Berkeley

Use of the dietary supplement, ephedrine, should be used with caution. Students have been using this drug to shed excess weight and to pull all-nighters studying. The Food and Drug Administration bad found that even though the stimulant sometimes occurs in plants, it could mean high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and even death for humans. As a twist to the controversy, University of California at Berkeley students feel that ephedrine is a "safe and effective stimulant" for exercise and studying. The students think that putting control on the drug is unnecessary.

Boston University

All it takes is a credit card and a few clicks of the mouse for gamblers to find Casino Heaven. College students are the ones who are the most attracted to this convenience because of the variety in the online gambling venues. The problem with this is that gambling, especially online, creates isolation from one's surroundings. Inexperienced gamblers find themselves as part of Gamblers Anonymous.

ken up into small groups or teams, in order to make the experience more personal for each retreatant.

The new team leaders for Search VII are: Celena Blasucci, Rose Leahy, Amy Gassen, Jess Huda, John Verdi, Anthony Con- • tipodero and Charles Lacourte.

Also, the new Search VII leaders are Aimee Sirois and Dave Wiley along with Campus Ministers Mary Laver and John Dimucci.

If you have not considered going on Search, you have not

considered the opportunity to look at the world through a fresh set of eyes. Believe it or not, $35.00 dollars gets you a lot further than a tank of gas.

It is too late to sign up for this semester's Search Retreat, but for more information on future retreats, contact Campus Ministry at ext. 8225 or ext. 8409



(610) 272-4455

President Antoinette ladorola cordially invites students, faculty and staff to the dedication of The Hamilton Family Foundation Wing of

Founder's Hall:

The Sister Ursula Infante Learning Center Monday, November 20, 2000 4:30 p.m.

Founder's Hall Main Lobby

Tours of the. wing and reception in the mansion following the dedication

Loquinz NEWS 5
CJnd&rageDrinking,Drug VIC>lation$.

'Cruising', relationshipsare topics at recent forum

No matter what generation you are from, there seems to be some sort of popular culture ritual that involves some sort of aimless adolescent group gathering such as scouring the malls and movie theaters or in the case of • English/communications professor Charlie McCormick, "cruising."

Professor McCormick along with Dr. Kathleen McKinley of the sociology department presented their current research in one of Cabrini College's faculty forums.

These forums were started about three years ago as a way for faculty members to display the research from their projects and to receive comments and criticisms from their findings.

McCormick started his speech out with a story of his days as a teenager in Synder, Texas. He explained that every Friday and Saturday night he and his friends would pile into cars and constantly drive the same route all night. This is a phenomenon known as "cruising."

Cruising started in the 1950s along with other forms of unofficial adolescent movements. This ritual grew even more when slews of Hollywood movies were produced about these "hot rodders." The most famous "Rebel

without a Cause."

In the 1960s, cruising became more traditional and began to become separated from the Hot Rod culture, since the cruisers were less interested in their actual cars and most Hot Rodders were older.

In the 1970s, cruising became less traditional perhaps due to the oil embargo and the surfacing of shopping malls. At the present, cruising has become a topic of many legal debates. For instance, in Salt Lake City, adolescent cruising was criminalized.

McCormick is now conducting research on adolescent cruising in Aberleen, Texas. Through his research, McCormick has found some initial interpretations of adolescent cruising. He found that cruising is a way for teenagers to identify with themselves and find out who they are without the constrictions of their parents. He also concluded that the phenomenon is not nearly as prevalent in the white middle class as it once was.

McCormick also hypothesized that surfing the web is perhaps a modem- day version of cruising.

McCormick said of his past days as a cruiser, "Little did I know I would be spending so much time thinking about cruising."

The second part of the forum was Dr. Kathleen McKinley's presentation on her research of

"Mothers and Daughters."

In 1990, McKinley was involved in a "dorm course" at Cabrini. Students would pick a topic they were interested in, and a professor would come to the dorms and conduct a class about the topic. At one point, Dr. McKinley was teaching a dorm class on Relationships. One book that was used for the class was a 1978 book by Naocy Chodorow called "The ReprQ<;. duction of Motherhood." ~'McKinley and the students did not agree with many of the theories about the relationship of mother and daughter.

This is what prompted Dr McKinley to begin her rese on Mothers and D~hters.

In her studiese.,'McKinley found that the education level of the mother could make a difference in her relationship with her daughter. When a mother has a high education, the daughter is often less connected· with her mother. Dr. McKinley explained that a lower connectiveness between mother and daughter is not necessarily a bad thing since it can lead to daughters becoming more independent.

Dr. McKinley also reported that African-American mothers and daughters have better relationships than white mothers and daughters. Daughters with children have poor relationships and older mothers have good rela-

A large part of Dr. McKinley's research is the findings in a National Survey of 13,000 people. This survey is interviewing parents, their children and most recently their children's children.

If you are interested to see

what your professors do besides teach your classes, attend the next faculty forum. They are interesting and perhaps you will find a common interest between you and the professors.

Associations offe.r suggestions for holiday travelers

The Thanksgiving holiday is traditionally the most traveled holiday of the year. The busiest times are Wednesday afternoon and Sunday evening.

There will be a mass exodus of Cabrini students from campus when classes officially end at on Wednesday, Nov. 22. Travelers should expect congestion on the roads exiting the campus.

The American Automobile Association has published tips on making auto travel easier during this weekend.

Before leaving, car travelers should check tires, oil, windshield wipers and windshield wiper fluid. Pack an ice scraper.

Travelers should dress comfortably, bring snacks, bottled water or juice and carry emergency items including a flashlight, road flares and a cell phone. Travelers should also plan their route before leaving and keep a map in their car. Get a good night's sleep and try to travel before or after peak hours.

The American Travel Society reports that holidays are a relatively safe time of the year to travel. Lower fatality rates during the holidays can be attributed to the high proportion of interstate highway driving and a greater police presence. Although highway fatalities decrease during the holidays, alcohol related deaths increase.

For those traveling by train, Amtrak is planning to increase the number of trains and add coaches to existing

trains. Amtrak expects their volume to increase about 25 percent over the Thanksgiving holiday.

The Federal Aviation Authority offers advice to air travelers. Air travel doubles during this extended weekend. The FAA suggests arriving at the airport at least one hour before your scheduled departure.

Pack lightly so that you can carry all of your bags onto the plane. This will spare you from having to wait to retrieve your luggage when your plane lands. Keep your photo I.D. handy and watch your bags at all times.

Cabrini public safety director, Charles Schaffner, urges all students to make sure that they leave their dorm rooms secure.

"Lock your doors and if you don't

take your valuables with you, make sure they are put away in a safe place," Schaffner said.

He wishes all students a safe trip home, asks them to leave the campus in an orderly fashion, and above all, cautions them not to drink and drive.

Driver Safety lips~

11 (

* Check oil. windshield wipers and tires before leaving

* Dress comfortably and bring along food and drink

* Try to travel before or after peak driving hours

6 NEWS Thursday, Nov. 16, 2000
photo by Mike Fenn Dr. Charlie McCormick and Dr. Kathleen McKinley prepare for their discussion at the faculty forum on Thursday, Nov. 9. tionships with daughters.

Diversity education important for exposure to a variety of cultures

Diversity education is becoming a required piece of most U.S. colleges, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education, and Cabrini College is part of that poll.

We are living in a very diverse world and undergraduates need to be exposed to a variety of cultures. More than half of the American colleges and universities responded to the survey from The Chronicle saying that it is a requirement for undergraduate.students at their school to take a diversity course.

'The results showed that colleges do believe teaching about diversity is very important

Shirley Dixon, head of diversity initiatives, would strongly agree.

She said, 'The major theorists and researchers in multicultural education agreethat the movement is designed to restructure educational institutions, so all students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to function effectivelyin a culturally and ethnically diverse nation and world."

'Thereare those that do not see eye to eye with a diverse education. Some critics do not believe that this should be a significant part of the education curriculum.

Bradford Wilson, executive directorof The National Association of Scholars, says, "I worry that diversity requirements are taking place of important general-education courses, like American history and Western civiliz.ation." He sees the emphasis on race, class and gender as being politically, not academically driven.

Dixon does not feel this issue as being an ethnic- or genderspecific movement.

"A diverse education is designed to empower all students to become knowledgeable caring and active citizens in a deeply troubled and ethnically polariz.ednation and world."

Colleges believe that teaching about diversity is an important function of higher education and is important for the community. People and businesses are realizing this and say that students need diverse knowledge and skills to function effectively in diverse workplaces and diverse communities.

Fifty eight percent of the institutions with diversity requirements ask students to take at least one course, but does one course make a dent in promoting a global vision?

Dixon does not feel that one course will do the job. ''In

order to provide students with a multicultural diverse education it must be embedded in the curriculum." Dixon has been working hard and is looking to expand Cabrini's diversity courses. She wants students to see commonalties and differences and understand how the differences can broaden student's horizons.

Cabrini not only offers diversity courses such as: Images of Women in Literature, African American Women Novelists, Asian American authors and Multiculturalism of the workplace, but also expands your knowledge of diversity out of the classroom in organizations like, the ''Latinos and Friends" club.

Nelsi Vasquez,president of the "Latinos and Friends" club, feels that this organization is important on Cabrini's campus. 'They introduce everyone to the Latin culture through their events and the college community.

Vasquez explains, "Everyone needs to come together with people from different backgrounds and learn from each other. My club provides a great opportunity for all to become aware of the people around us and not just the color of their skin, but different cultures."

Students at Cabrini feel that it is necessary for diversity courses to be offered here.

Amanda Campbell, a junior sociology/psychology major, feels that diversity education should not just begin in college, but should be taught by their families when children are young.

'The knowledge of a diverse education beginning in the home or school breaks down cultural barriers and gives students a chance to compete in the global market and make them an all around better person."

Kendra Ryer, a junior sports science major, is taking a Seminar 300 course with Shirley Dixon called Reflections on American Education. She feels that this class deals with many diverse issues in the education system and she is now very aware of diversity.

''I think it is important for people to become familiar with their surroundings and to be respectful to everyone because you never know what nationality they could be."

Cabrini's mission is to give its students a well-rounded education and allow them to function well in the diverse world. Dixon adds, '"Teachers have an obligation to create the best possible educational environment for the young adults whose lives arelikely to be significantlychanged during their years on our campus."

Residents of House Six lose all privileges

The actions of several students resulted in the residents of House Six having visitation and alcohol privileges suspended until January 16, 2001. Reactions on this ban are mixed.

The decision to prohibit visitors and alcohol in the house was the result of several incidents which resulted in structural damage, the discharging of fire extinguishers and a stain in the basement, according to a letter sent to residents. Resident Assistant Joe Johnson, a senior, also mentioned that a lot of vandalism and holes in the walls added to the decision.

"The main purpose of the restrictions is to get the people responsible for the damages to admit to it or people who know who did it to come forward," Johnson said.

Contractors have been contacted to fix the holes, which will cost a lot of money. Unless someone is brought forward, everyone will be fined.

Johnson believes that the administration is justified in their decision. He reports that nothing has happened since the ban on visitation and alcohol. "Whenever something gets this out of hand, something needs to be done," he said.

Reactions from House Six residents have been mixed. One resident said that he could see the administration's reasoning for the suspension, but he did not agree with it.

Sean Tinney, a sophomore, does not agree at all with the decision. He thinks it is unfair that fue students are being punished for something they did not do.

Tinney also mentioned that he has never heard of any other school imposing such a punishment. He and his friends were involved in a similar incident last year at Villanova and no such action was taken.

"This [Cabrini] is not a college," he said. "It's a boarding school."

'Nationwide problem' sees flu vaccines hard to find

The season is almost here. Not just winter, but- the flu· season. Coughing, sneezing, muscle aches. Theseare all symptoms of what is known as the flu.

The flu season lasts from December to February ,, usually only a few cases befo're this time period. When asked if there have been many cases of the flu diagnosed on campus this year Sue Fitzgerald stated, "No, I haven't seen any real flu this year.''


This year the flu vaccine is hard to find, .~specially for pri- • vate physicians and smaller medical facilities including Cabrini's own Rooymans Center. Fitzgerald said, this problem is a "nationwide" problem; it is not just around our area. If you were one of the lucky ones, a company called Vaccess, was on campus on Tuesday, Oct. 10. While they brought 260 doses of the vaccine to Cabrini, only 121 doses were

given to students. These were the students who went to take advantage of this opportunity for the vaccine.

Each yearthe shot covers different strains. According to, this year's covered strains are what is known as New Caledonis, Panama and Yamanashi. These are "used because of their growth properties and because they are representative of currently circulating A and B viruses."

The reason this vaccine is less prevalent this year is because

Panama is a less stable strain, making it harder to manufacturer.

According to Sue Fitzgerald, ''This forced the FDA to only grant two·. manufacturers viith permission to produce the vaccine." Usually for a vaccine like this there are four manufacturers resulting in a huge difference in' availability for this year compared to past years.

Fitzgerald's advice for whether the vaccine was worth it was that "if you see a place offering it, absolutely go." Take advantage of places offering the

vaccine, even if it is not your family doctor due to this year's shortage.

Without the vaccination there are things the campus community can do to prevent the flu.

Remember to always wash your hands. "Your skin is the first offense against infection," Fitzgerald said.

Other ways to prevent the flu is to eat right and get enough rest. Make sure that you are taking proper care of yourself and that is the first step you can take against staying away from the

assistant news editor
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Hedtke makes HISTORY fun

Gettysburg is the city where history is alive. As your bus comes to a stop you begin to feel the emotion of excitement.

You begin to picture everything that you will get to experience while you are visiting. The battlefields, a living history tour and a reenactment in one of the cemeteries are three of the pictures.

Welcome to the history club.

Unlike classes where teachers give lectures and students are expected to sit and take notes, the club gives the history enthusiast a chance to experience history.

"If you love history, you don't have to be a history buff, it is a great experience and advantage to work with Hedtke," said Anthony Contipodero, a junior referring to Dr. James Hedtke, chair of the history department.

The club, which was started in 1973, has an enrollment of about 15 students. According to Maria Aragona, president of the club, the members meet for bimonthly meetings in Hedtke's office, who is also the moderator of the club.

The highlight of the year is the annual forum that the club hosts. The forum, which was started two years ago, has become the main focus of the club. Each year the club has the responsibility of choosing a topic and planning all the events for the day of the forum, which include booking speakers and putting a luncheon together.

When choosing a topic for the forum members try to choose a topic that is appealing to the club and also to the community, according to Aragona. "I think it's a good way to explore parts of history that are interesting, but lesser known," Aragona said.

Not only does the forum help educate the members of the club; it also helps in other areas of academics besides history.

"If you are interested in history at all it is exciting to get involved because you learn about organization and history," senior Tricia Arnold said.

Despite all the time spent planning the forum, the club also finds time to get together for movie nights and also has been known to travel to historical sites.

According to Aragona, the club has watched movies, such as "Glory" and she remembers her trip to Gettysburg with the club from last year.

When asked of her response to the trip she remembers with a smile the living history tour that she went on and the reenactment in the cemetery at Gettysburg.

She also believes that you see a lot more than if you would have just went and looked by yourself.

Aragona would also like to add that she is planning a trip to Washington, D.C. for later on in the year, but is not sure if it will go through.

With all of the planning that goes on throughout the year in the club, members agree that Hedtke and his colleague Dr. Jolyon Girard are great incentives to being in the club.

"The experience with Hedtke and Girard is wonderful," Contipodero said. He also adds, "They really put you in the situation and are up front."

If anyone is interested in joining the clu~~agona asks that they talk to her or they get in contact wit~Hedtke. l-·

It's time to carve the turkey

transportation, keep all carry on luggage between assistant photography editor your feet. Placing them on a chair or on the back of

Thanksgiving is coming up and students are looking forward to going borne. Getting home cooked food, seeing old friends and family members are all that is on our minds.

Stacey Lawson, a sophomore, is going home to New Orleans. She is traveling by plane, which normally costs her about $200 to $250 to get home. She is excited to go home to the warm climate that she is so used to and also to see her wonderful friends and loved ones. She hasn't been home since Aug. 28 and she is really looking forward to seeing her fiance Josh. She plans to spend her vacation visiting her family that live all throughout the state of Louisiana.

"I'm gonna miss my Cabrini family and friends because they are my love and support here on campus," Lawson stated of her plans for the holiday.

Sean Tinney, a sophomore, is going to his home in Philadelphia. He is getting picked up by a family member to go home. He is excited to go home to get a break from school. He cannot wait to see his sister Meagan who he has not seen in a while. Although he hasn't been home in a month, he is not as home sick as some other students here. He plans on spending his break by having fun with friends and family and plans on doing some writing. He is going to miss his friends here while on break and his girlfriend.

John Wood, a junior, is taking a train to New York City to his mom's house for Thanksgiving. This will cost him from $30 to $80 round trip depending on what train he takes. Despite the cost he is still excited to go home. He has been away from his family for four months now. Wood said, "I'm going to miss all my friends (during the break). That's what makes Cabrini all my friends that are here." He cannot wait for Thanksgiving; be says "the food, the parades, my family all together, I can't wait."

Tara Taylor, a sophomore, is flying to North Carolina to spend the break at her mother's house. This flight normally costs Taylor $220 round trip, thus one she does not make often. She is very excited to go home to see her family especially her mom and her little brother Justin. She hasn't been home since June and she misses her family. She plans on spending her week off relaxing. While on break she says, " I'm going to miss my roommates Justine and Renee, my boyfriend Dennis and a few other people too." She exclaimed as she started rambling off all the food of her traditional Thanksgiving dinner. There are some safety tips for everyone going home this break. For those who are flying: arrive at the airport at least two hours early. Remember that it is a holiday and the airport will be packed. Keep all your carry on luggage in your bands. If you have to put it down keep it in your sight at all times. Do not leave your baggage unattended and do not accept any packages from strangers.

For those who are taking the train, arrive at the train station at least an hour early if riding Amtrak The station does become busy on holidays as well.

If you are planning to eat while waiting for your

your chair makes it easy to be stolen.

For those who are driving or being driven home, be careful of road conditions. Also the roads will be busy We are not the only college going on break. Buckle your seatbelt and if your driving a long distance make sure you get adequatesleep the night before.

.}-}-~ '\ 0-FEATURES Thursday.Nov. 16, 2000 /'f }' e,b I). ..,ue)t:1- T ,_, r J .A/'" .,, / I
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photos by Justine Di R/ippo Tara Taylor and Stacey Lawson are ready for Thanksgiving.

Mission to the Brewhouse

perspectives editor

Everyone makes pilgrimages. Some go to Mecca. Others to Graceland. My pilgrimage of the week was to John Harvard's Brewhouse on Lancaster Avenue.

I, the twenty-one year old Mike '80s Butler, ·had set an agenda for myself on that evening: partake in all of the assorted beers that John Harvard's had to offer and tell my reading public about them. But first, I should give some background on this wonderland.

What makes John Harvard's Brewhouse different than just going to a bar is that the beer they serve is brewed in the establishment and not imported in kegs from afar. The beer is as fresh as it can be. And with all the fuss about born-on dates and freshness quality, John Harvard's clearly has the edge over all other beers in this freshness category.

But it is not just a place to get fresh beer. As well as having a full bar for hard alcohol, John Harvard's has a wonderful menu of dinners and appetizers. Their lobster bisque soup is quite possibly the best soup I have ever tasted, aside from when I'm sick and the only thing I can eat is soup. Then all soup tastes the same.

The linguini with blackened chicken was tantalizing to the tongue and a colleague of mine commented that the salmon was "indescribable" when asked about how his dinner was as he ate it with joy on his face and in his heart. So if it's good food you're looking for, John Harvard's has you covered.

But back to my mission at hand. John Harvard's presents its customers with the opportunity to taste each of the beers it brews. The Super Sampler, as it is called, is nine small glasses containing each of John Harvard's brews.

It's about the equivalent of three full beers so you don't have to worry about a later prayer service before the porcelain god when you order it.

And for the reasonable price of around eight dollars, the Super Sampler doesn't hurt your wallet that much for the amount of beer and the medley of tastes you will experience.

To start off with, I tried the All-American Light which is a beer that is lightly refreshing and is an excellent choice as a dinner beverage.

Next, I tried the John Harvard's Fruit

Ale, which happened to be raspberry that night. It was mighty tangy and is a good choice for people who traditionally do not like the taste of beer.

The John Harvard's Pale Ale was next to be downed. It had a distinct, robust flavor, as pale ales usually do, but it was not overpowering like pale ales tend to be.

When the Pale Ale was finished, I moved on to the Scottish Ale, which was rather plain, but bad a solid, nonabrasive taste like that of a Yuengling.

The Harvest Spice is another choice for those who don't like the taste of beer as it brought up the idea of "Cinnamon Toast Crunch in a glass" to this journalist.

After a short respite to fully digest the beers that I had consumed, I continued with my review. The Pilgrim's Porter had a dry kick to it and it is one that I would recommend to strong beer lovers.

After that came the sweet, refreshing Amber Ale that combined both sweetness and a full-body quality that made for a delicious beverage. I would recommend the Amber Ale to casual beer lovers.

Then came the Porter Cask. This was a special beer that ferments at a higher temperature than other beers, so it was sort of like having an English pub experience in the good of U.S. of A. This was the strongest of the strongtasting beers at John Harvard's.

The last beer on the sampler that I imbibed was the Autumn Gold. The Autumn Gold was another light-tasting beer, but it had a brisk quality to it that set it apart from the All-American Light. It fell in between the Amber Ale and the All-American Light.

All of the beers offered at John Harvard's come in 10 ounce glasses or full pints, but the sampler is a good way to find out what your favorite beer is before you commit to a full pint of it.

If you are a beer-lover, then John Harvard's is the place to come.

If you love good food and don't drink or are not old enough to drink, John Harvard's is still the place to come.

Either way, if you haven't been to John Harvard's Brewhouse you're missing out on a magnificent taste bud experience, whether you're a drinker or a non-drinker.

Loquitur FEATURES-----------9
photos by Mike Butler Pictured at top is the part of the decor inside the restaurant, other famous people are featured, such as, William Shakespeare and President Teddy Roosevelt. Below is a glimpse at the beer vats located inside the restaurant.

Stressed? Try some music

EDITORIAL Misplaced prioritiesby those who serve

There are 800 million hungry men and women, boys and girls in this world. This year 3.6 percent of American households were hungry. In the last 50 years, almost 400 million people have died from hunger or poor sanitation in the world. This is triple the number of people killed in all of the wars fought in the 20th century. Those who go hungry do not usually earn enough income to buy the food needed to sustain them. Local authorities, who we elect, are wasting tax money on debating the placement of near-billion dollar stadiums, sports complexes and art centers in this region.

How long is it going to take these politicians to realize that the difference between Kentucky Blue grass and artificial turf pales in comparison to whether someone is going to go hungry or not? The local politicians must prioritize bills that see to aiding the hungry and less fortunate. To be nutritionally sustained is more important than to have the local athletic club competing in the best arena.

President Clinton signed a foreign-aid bill on Nov. 6 that supplies $435 million to forgive the debts of the world's poorest countries. This will allow the countries to direct more funding to its poor through food and education. Does the right hand know what the left hand is doing? While federal funds are being dispersed to fight hunger, state and local authorities are concerned with unimportant issues. When a person is poor, not only do they lack money, they also lack power. The American government is driven by the wealthy. They have influence and are able to propose alterations of the government to their liking. The poor do not have a voice in the government. They need the help of many to influence change and revamp the government to include all.

Right now Philadelphia authorities are feverishly searching for funds for stadiums, entertainment and art centers, while the shelters and soup kitchens are just other expenditures in the ledger. The city authorities cannot even allocate proper funding for the city's school system. Without a proper education, children will have a difficulty finding an adequately paying job. This further adds to the dilemma of nationwide and global hunger with more people being unable to buy needed food and thus begins a domino effect.

All government must work for all of the people. This means drafting bills and taking measures to fight hunger and homelessness through tax dollars and government programs. The government must work to be fair for all people, rich or poor. It should not be one or the other, but rather both.

There are various ways to relieve stress. There are hobbies such as sports, crafts, reading, and most importantly to me, music. People choose various types of music according to his or her own tastes. Some people find relaxation in jazz, rap, pop and even classical. I enjoy listening to all kinds of music. However, I find the ultimate way in relieving stress is either through playing drums or bass guitar.

Both of these instruments are two different ways of accomplishing the same goal. The drums are not only a physical release, but a mental release as well. The drums focus both the anger and frustration that accu-

mulates in my everyday life. The bass guitar is more of a focused and quiet relief to stress.

I have been playing the drums for over six years, and I am currently in an emo/punk band with two of my high school friends. My bandmates and I join twice a week, once on Thursday and once on Sunday. We gather to rock and release our creative energies.

During our practices the stresses and problems that have arisen throughout the week are released and relieved. I have only been playing bass for a year. I am currently enrolled at Harcum Medley Music School, and participate in a bass class every Wednesday night. Bass lessons help me relieve my mental stresses that have occurred during the week.

Overall, I enjoy playing music and learning about new things involved with each instrument. One of the greatest feelings is watching oneself improve within and upon their instrument of choice.

If someone needs to find their niche, and needs to relieve stress, try releasing it through music. Not only will you develop a skill, but you will also learn how to relieve everyday stresses using your creative intuitions.

Matt Tholey is the Assistant Features Editor of the Loquitur. Matt also likes to yell at his drums to relieve stress because he knows they won't yell or hit him back. His bass guitar, on the other hand, doesn't put up with such petulance.

lect-o-rama 2000 pdate

George W. Bush is projected to be leading Al Gore byabout 300 votes in Florida, but the absentee ballots still need to be received and counted. It's not over yet.

Tory Ey MichelePalandro MattHohncs

Editorial Board StephanieMasucci Matt Tooley

.•r• The
editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Nov. 16, 2000 '--- -
Loqultur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhlblted, robust, free and open discussion of issues. Stair Writers KendraClarlr. Jill Hindman Mike Bevelaqua GeorgianaRushworth Beth Ann Cooahan Jenine 11<.eler JenniferCoots MichaelA. Kazanjian MallhewCoai!bliaMarianneMcKim JenniferDevereaux LaurenNorton JustineDifilippo John O' Donnell Renee DiPietro Kate Pelusi JenniferFord Julia MarieTeti Amy Gassen Tracy Tunson Jessica Giordano Renee Tomcanin Geri Lynn Utter F.ditor in chief: Joe Holden Managing editor: Stephanie Masucci News editor: Linsey Heiser Sports editor: Jessica Snow A&E editor: Shanna Lynn Fanelli Perspectives editor: Mike Butler Features editor: Meghan Merkel Photography editor: Matt Holmes Advertising editor: Jose Jalandoni Desip editor: Janice Funk Adviser: Dr. Jerry Zurek Laura Givey MikcBevclaqua Stacy Hanby LimeyHciser Joe Holden MeghanMerkel Staff Plaotoeraplien Mike Fenn Justine Difilippo Anita Pirri Jenine lkelcr
Loquit11ris a laborMo,y~per written, edited and produocd by atudeats m COM 3-i6. 350. 351, 353 md 354. Members of the campus community arc invncd to "''Ort 011.or submit stories for Only 1tudentsrqi11ered in the above claua., ba,mu, are eli11bleto receive academic credit. Subaaipeio:1 price ia $25 per year and i, included III the bentfits teeurcd in luition and fcu. Loqwtw' wckoma lctten to the editor. Letters should be $l8ncd t.ndthe authorship btov.'ll to the editon Names me witbcld only in unusual circumstances ap-proved by the ed:.tor in cbld. Letters to the editor should be IUbmiucdby noon on Moodays,

Obligatory Election 2000 coverage .

Ok, every young American reading this commentary who still believes in the political system, raise your hand. Nice to see there are a few idealists left. I'm not, though. And don't think I haven't tried.

I was all about voting this year, especially since it was the first year I legally could. I was also all about encouraging others to do the same. I thought to myself "Hey, this seems like a damn close election. Maybe each vote really will make a difference this year. Maybe MTV was right. Rock the Vote, baby!"

Well, lots of people did vote this year, including a handful of actual Cabrini students. Voting is a pain in the bum for us, too, because most of us have to drive a distance home to cast our ballots. Maybe some of us actually went through the whole absentee ballot process, but I kind of doubt it. I'm disillusioned, remember?

My problem is not even with the candidates. I don't

think that George W. Bush (who I do expect to be the next president) is as vacuous as David Letterman would have us believe. And even if Gore isn't the most charismatic, or interesting, vice president we've ever seen, he had my vote. Yeah, he's a sneaky guy, and I think he'd do anything to win. But I do think we would have been in capable hands had he been elected.

But I wanted John McCain, the "Straight Talk" Vietnam vet who made the wrong people in the Republican Party squirm. He connected with young Americans like no other candidate in this election could ever dream. McCain was cool, not "Slick Willy Clinton" kind of cool, but "Screw the man, I've got a message" cool. Thousands of young Americans are now familiar with campaign finance reform, the hot button issue that made him a favorite of the common folk and an enemy of his own political party.

Then I wanted Ralph Nader because he is an original. The presidental candidate of the Green Party, Nader was different. He's anti-death penalty, which I dig. His plans for Social Security are a lot less severe than Bush's, which I find alarming. But more than that, he's a thinker. He seems like the only candidate who is more adept at preventing emergency situations than reacting to them.

But no one took him seriously, and in the long run neither did I. "A vote for Nader is just a vote for Bush" became

a popular warning to all those who considered Nader less a legitimate candidate than a spoiler for Gore's chances. This whole _electionhad so much potential last year. Remember Bill Bradley, Donald Trump, Warren Beatty, Pat Buchanan, and of course McCain? They were all considered candidates, some more seriously than others. And who did we end up with? We still don't know! And by now, most of us don't really care.

Personally, I find the prospect of the Republican Party_ controlling the presidency, the Senate and the House of Representatives to be frightening. Plus, our next president will get to pie a few Supreme Court justices. Now I realize that bickering between the two parties can be a problem, but I am much more alarmed at the prospect of a conservative dynasty.

By the time that the votes in Florida and the absentee ballots and the military votes and the votes that were supposedly for Gore that went to Buchanan are counted, we will finally elect a new man to be the leader of the free world. And we can all breathe a sigh of relief because it will be another four years before we have to put up with all this nonsense again.

My college years: wasted or fulfilled

I feel old. Why? Because I recently did my "----- Senior Skills presentation. It was pretty much a recapping of what I've done in my four years here in the attempts that it will get me a job. I've had job interviews before, and this wasn't really a job interview, but this was the only interview-type meeting I've ever been in that left me feeling a bit off-center and just not right afterwards.

It reminded me of when someone is told that they are going to die soon. After hearing the news, the dying person inevitably looks back on their accomplishments and deter-

mines whether or not they have lived a full life. Sounds a bit macabre, but then again look who's writing this. But luckily for you, this is going to be one of my lighter columns

I looked at my Cabrini career and I'm not disappointed with it at all. I was on the improv troupe for three years and was the troupe co-captain during my last year on the troupe. I was almost in a Cabrini play in my sophomore year, but I was stricken with mono a week before the play started and couldn't perform. I did the voice-over at the end of "Popcorn" (yes, that really was me) as well as producing "Popcorn's" highly popular video segment featuring Herb Denenberg (he's a legend in Philadelphia as a consumer watchdog reporter for all those who aren't in the know). I joined the radio station and, in a short time, I got on the executive staff as Assistant Engineer. I host my own radio show, Radio Club, and I do my own production and most of my promotional work as well. And then, to top it all off,

I got to be Perspectives Editor of the Loquitur with a minimum of actual journalistic experience.

So my four years here at Cabrini haven't been wasted. When I came here to Cabrini, I had no idea what I was going to do. I had no plans or set goals other than to graduate. Now, four years later, I've done almost everything that the communications department has to offer. Not bad for someone who had no clue.

I'm not much for inspiring people, but if one person feels better about themselves after reading this column, well, that's one person who feels good about themselves and that's just peachy keen with me. And if you don't feel good about yourself after reading this column, well, at least you got to see my new picture.

Maybe after Thanksgiving break I'll return with some sort of humorous, clever, or angry rant about something that enrages me. As for this week, I don't think Thanksgiving is the time to pick any fights, so enjoy the holiday in

Commentariesand lettersto the editormay be submittedby the entire Cabrinicampuscommunityusing the followingformat. We look forwardto hearingfromyou! •Email: •Classic Mail: The Loquitur 61 0 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 \ •Phone: (610) 902-8412 •Length:No morethan two typedpages •Requirements:Names will not be withheld from lettersto the editoror commentaries,even at the author'srequest. .,

Blink 182 has a new show

features editor

Comedians or musicians. Blink 182 has done it again. their fifth CD, 'The Mark, Tom and Travis Show (The Enema Strikes Back)," may prove to be their best effort yet. " The Mark, Tom and Travis Show" ties all of their previous recordings together.

"The Enema Strikes Back" features songs from "Cheshire Cat," their debut CD, "Dude Ranch" their second and follow up CD and finally "Enema of the State," which is their latest studio release.

'The Mark,Tom and Travis Show" not only displays Blinks musical energy, charisma and talent but also demonstrates how jovial and witty the are and can be on stage. Track twenty is entitled "Man Overboard" and is the only studio release on the CD. Tracks 21-49 contain jokes and comments that one who follows blink would expect and truly appreciate.

Overall 'The Mark,Tom and Travis Show" is a great CD that displays Blinks musical talents as both a live and studio band, which has proved to have only gotten better

over the years. 'The Mark Tom and Travis Show (The Enema Strikes Back)" is a must for all Blink fans.

CD gets a 5 out of 5 rating 21 -49 Jokes, Comments and Wisecracks mixed in between songs.

Tune in to Cabrini College Radio

Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 a. Sunday from noon to midnight.

Call in to request a favorite song, or keep a D.J. company 610-902-8453

A new legacy of evil ]ive

And you thought Halloween was over. The end of October only means the beginning of another month of opportunities for hard music when you're a member of the punk band known as the Misfits.

Despite the mid-concert walk off

due to internal band conflict on Oct. 25 of Michale Graves and Dr. Chud, fiends needn't worry. Ex-misfits drummer Joey Image and Zoli Teglas of the punk band Ignite will be filling in. Due to prior engagements, bassist Jerry Only will be taking the lead vocals for the rest of the Nov. performances.

Fiends can see the brand new outfit

of fierce music when the Misfits perform in concert on Sunday, Nov. 26 at The Trocadero Theater.

The band will be performing new hits as well as old favorites and despite the sudden turn of events, one thing's for sure, the Misfits are still in costume.

Tickets can be purchased at Ticket Master. Call (215) 336-2000.


Coming your way

On and Off-Campus Events

• Nov. 16 and 17 Freshmen registration for spring semester in the Registrar's office in Grace Hall

• Nov. 30 Barbara& Gerhard Suhrstedt perform a piano duet presenting "Slava: The Glory of the Arts in Tsarist Russia.'' 8 p.m. in the Mansion.

• Until Nov. 19 Compleat Female Stage Beauty Dramatic comedy presented by the Philadelphia Theatre Company. Plays and Players Theatre, 215-5699700. $26-$40. Tues-Suns.


"Bounce"opens on Nov. 17. The PG-13 movie is about a man who gave up his seat to another passenger on a plane that evenrually crashed. He meets the widow of the passenger and falls in love with her, creating a dilemma. as he must decided if he should reveal his identity to her. Starring Ben Affleck, Gwyneth Paltrow and Natasha Henstridge.

"The 6th Day" opens on Nov. 17. The rated PG13 movie touches the controversial issue of cloning, as a helicopter pilot returns home to find he was cloned, and a team of assassins are.out to get rid of the '·real" pilot. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robert Duvall.

"'Dr.Seuss'Howthe GrinchStole Christmas" opens Nov. 19. The rated PG movie is a remake of the original cartoon movie. A hilarious cast of stars include Jim Carrey, Christine Baranski, Anthony Hopkins and Molly Shannon.

"Unbreakable"opens Nov. 22. The rated PG-13 movie centers on a man who survived a crude train accident. untouched, while the rest of the passengers died. The movie has supernatural overtones. Starring Bruce Wtllis, Samuel L. Jackson and Robin Wright Penn.

Music Releases


BackstreetBoys: "Black and Blue"

Nine Inch Nails: "Things Falling Apart (Fragile Mixes)"

Chemkal Brothen: " Music: Response"

Oasis: "Familiar to Millions"

Blur: "Best of Blur''

12 A&E
photo obtained from CD jacket cover
Nov. 16, 2000

Remembering Teddy

assistant news editor

Leslie Elizabeth Bowen lost someone very special to her. Her mother, Beryl Mae Bush died in January of 1967 of breast cancer, only two years after having a radical mastectomy.

Bowen was a freshman at Moore College of Art at the time. The loss hit her hard. Her mother and she were close ar1dthe relationship they shared was special to her.

Bowen remembers her mother in a special way.

Her new series of paintings, which opened in the Grace and Joseph Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery in the Holy Spirit Library this past Sunday, Nov. 12, is called "Remembering Teddy" and is in honor of her mother.

The paintings that lined the walls were a loving tribute to the mother she lost.

Bowen sees her series as a way of "confronting cancer through art."

The second floor of the library was like a scrapbook of Bowen's childhood and the love she and her mother shared. There were many paintings of her and her mother sharing happy moments in strong colors and an array of textures. Many of the pieces, which were done in oil and mixed media, incorporated poetry into the work.

Many of the other paintings featured her mother alone, happy, healthy and smiling.

"Soft White Lady of My Heart" featured her mother in a cream-colored dress. The painting was done from a photo of her mother, which is also incorporated into this incredible work. And along the right side of the painting are smaller works done as snapshots of her and her mother sitting together. The colors, the textures, all of these aspects of her work project a warm loving memory of a woman she clear-

ly held so dear to her heart.

'"To me, this is the story of a woman with beauty, strength and intelligence who, due to ignorance and fear, lost her life. This series is much more than a portrait. It is a celebration and tribute to her life and our continued bond. She lives in me," Bowen said of her mother.

The Grace and Joseph Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery will display Bowen's series until Dec. 10.

Loquitur A&E 13
photos by Mike Bevelaqua starting from left, clockwise; "Hop-a-long," oil and mixed media, "Soft White Lady of My Heart,• oil and mixed media, observing "Mother and child," oil and mixed media. All oil paintings are not available for sale presently. If you are interested in purchasing a painting, contact the artist at 610-335-0867.

Big 5 set for exciting basketball season

Well sports fans it is that time again. It is time to break out the top 25 pre-season polls, call your cable company to get your satellite updated for the entire ESPN package because college basketball is back. Who can believe it? It seems like it was about a month ago Temple was upset by Seton Hall and Duke fell to Florida who eventually went on to ---.the championship game before losing to Michigan State

But, now it is time for a new season. And here in the city of Philadelphia, the Big 5 is ready to blow the roof off the greatest building in basketball, the Palestra. Let's start over at nearby Villanova. The Wildcats have high expectations this year mainly due to the return of sophomores Ricky Wright, Aaron Matthews and Gary Buchanan. Add into the mix Jermaine Medley, the team's only senior and some other quality players and you have a pretty good team. But the big impact should come from Kentucky transfer, Michael Bradley. He will be the starting center and teams should fear this guy because he can really light it up from inside. Remember all of the close games they had last year? Well, those losses should become wins and the 'Cats should advance to the NCAA tournament.

Over at Broad and Olney, Speedy Morris is in deep trouble this year. The LaSalle Explorers will really have to step it up if they hope to compete in the Atlantic 10 conference this year. That will be difficult with only two proven scorers in Victor Thomas and Rasual Butler. The huge loss will be that of Donnie Carr. He finally became a team player after shooting the ball every time he saw one. Julian Blanks returns as the Explorers' starting point guard. Blanks, Thomas and Butler will be counted

on this season to give 110 percent if LaSalle expects to contend for anything.

Down at University City, the Pennsylvania Quakers and coach Fran Dunphy start the post Michael Jordan-Matt Langel era. The duo in the backcourt did many spectacular things for the team the past four years like win a few Ivy League championships. They are gone, but Quaker fans do not hang your heads. Sophomore phenom Ugonna Onyekwe and Geoff Owens return to give the Quakers some threats. Onyekwe has the chance to become an NBA player while Owens has to handle the inside. It appears the Quakers could be on their way to yet another Ivy League championship. This is what people are saying now because the championship has always come down to Penn and Princeton. But Princeton did Penn a favor by losing just about all of its talent and coach Bill Carmody.

Down on Broad Street are the Temple Owls. This team will not come close to last year's team, but they will be good because Coach John Chaney is still there. He has a difficult ask of replacing leading scorer Mark Karcher, forward Lamont Barnes and stand out point guard Pepe Sanchez. However, Lynn Greer returns as the point guard and Quincy Wadley as the shooting guard. Up front the Owls will feature Kevin Lyde and Ron Rollerson who could take up the entire lane himself. Expect Alex Wesby to see more time this year. Keep an eye on newcomers Carlton Aaron, Ron Blackshear and David Hawkins. As usual, Chaney has the probably the most difficult non-conference schedule in the country which features Duke, Wake Forrest, Wisconsin and Depaul. Expect the Owls to once again make the NCAA tournament with this killer non-conference schedule. Their play will not look so pretty early on in the season, but start keeping an eye on the Owls around mid- January.

And finally over on City Line Ave are the St. Joseph's Hawks. After a three-year absence from the post-season, the Hawks appear to have what it takes to make a post-season appearance. It all starts with the returning players. Let's start with Villanova transfer Marvin O'Connor who had a great rookie season in a Hawks' uniform. However, he has to learn to control his emotions and rebound the ball more. Expect him to be a great al-around player this year. Bill Phillips will give the Hawks a good inside threat at the forward position. One thing Phillips can do is shoot the basketball. He has such perfect form that his teammates last year wanted him to shoot the ball more. Look for him to average double figures in points and rebounds. Another player who has to find his range is senior Frank Wilkins. After a lousy year last year, expect Wilkins to hit from the baseline. Also up front is junior Damian Reid. He has bulked up a little and has to become more of an inside threat by taking the ball to the basket more often. Alex Sazanov will back up Reid at the center spot. Sazanov is the first ever seven footer to come through St. Joseph's basketball program. He redshirted last year to put on some muscle and work on his game. Expect him to have an impact this season. At the guards will be Na'im Crenshaw who will sit out the first semester to focus on his studies so he can regain his extra year of eligibility next year. However, the big news on Hawk Hill this year is freshman point guard Jameer Nelson, who led Chester High to the Pennsylvania state championship. Coach Phil Martelli has said that Nelson is so good at the position that he is just not a freshman, he is better. Backing up Nelson is freshman Tyrone Barley who is just as tough. The guard position is set and Martelli could not be happier. Some key reserves include John Bryant, Jeff Miller, Erick Woods and Phil Martelli Jr., the coach's son.

Close playoff race confuses NFL season

With week 12 approaching in the NFL the playoff picture is becoming clearer and clearer. This season has held a few surprises and with so many top rank teams it's almost impossible to guess who'll be battling it out in this year's Super Bowl.

Both the AFC and the NFC are putting up more than respectable numbers this season, but the AFC has a slight edge. In the AFC, Miami has surprised quite a few fans with an 8-2 record. Dan Marino is gone, but is he missed? Tennessee, last year's Super )3owl contender, is also at 8-2 and shows no signs of slowing down with wonder boy Steve McNair at the helm. And then out of nowhere Oakland has made the Raiders a force to be reek-

oned with once again. Lead by quarterback Rich Gannon ,who's a local man, the Raiders are at 8-2 and should have no problem clinching the AFC West.

With all the good happening in the AFC this year it's no wonder that there has to be some bad mixed in. The once mighty Denver Broncos are pulling in this week at 6-4, a serious drop from their past four years. And San Diego, which was considered not too long ago the team of the future, is far in last place with a 0-10 record, the worst in the NFL.

The NFC is also putting on a show this season. Leading the NFC East are the Giants at 7-3 and Philly's own Eagles at 7-4. There's something that hasn't been said in a long time. Minnesota leads the Central Division at 8-2 and St. Louis once again leads the West at 8-2 also.

With so many teams playing as well as they are this season it may turn out to be one of the closest playoff races in recent memory. Creeping up in the AFC are Indianapolis and Baltimore, which are both hoping to advance far into the playoffs, but with such stiff competition around them that may be harder than they think. The NFC leaders can rest a bit easier, the teams that trail in· the divisions are a far way off from stealing their reign at top seat. New Orleans poses the biggest threat at the moment to the Rams with a very impressive record of 7-3 and having a running back like Ricky Williams anything is possible.

We're about seven weeks away from the end of the season so it's not that bad of a time to make a few predictions. In the AFC you can almost bet your house that the F:aiders are _going

to be a tough team to stop once they reach the playoffs but Tennessee is still hungry after coming so close last season. Miami and Indianapolis will have a big showdown in the playoffs but I see the Colts ending a great season for the Dolphins early on. Denver has a shot at landing a wild card seat but what they'll do with it is another story. Will the Broncos make it to the second round? Doubtful.

Onto the NFC. The NFC East is going to be war. Between the Giants, Eagles and Redskins, naming a victor at this point would be sacrilegious. Look for Minnesota to go far this year and for St. Louis to be there to1stop them.

I didn't want to do it but it's too tempting. This year's Super Bowl will be ... Forget it. I can't qo it. Check back in a few weeks. '

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Water aerobics class is a splash

Crystal clear waters wanned to an-average temperature of 84 degrees greet the bare feet of swimmers who creep into the pool located in the Dixon Center.

Allowing room for six lap lanes, the pool is frequently left open for swimmers to participate in activities other than the common crawl stroke. Bringing fresh ideas for swimmers to stray from the repetitive back and forth direction of lap swimming, Colleen Poole, aquatics director and Miriam Hansen, assistant aquatics director teach water aerobics.

"I enjoy doing everything," Natalie Bradley, a com,munity member, said. "It really makes you feel good."

Poole teaches high impact water aerobics classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. and on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Hansen teaches a low impact aerobics class entitled Arthritis Foundation on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m.

Poole's classes are broken up into four parts. Her class starts out warming up for 10 minutes followed by 20 minutes of aerobics in the shallow end. The class is then

moved to the deep end for 20 minutes of intense aerobics. The final 10 minutes are dedicated to strength training and stretches.

"They do a deep water intense class to build up your muscles," Kat Pirrone, student lifeguard explained.

"Ages run from 18-70," Hansen said. The classes are open to all students and Dixon Center members. A guest fee for the classes is $4.

Fall seasons end, Cross Country champions

On Saturday, Nov. 11, the cross-country team took their running shoes to compete in regionals at Dickinson University. T.J. Brisk, a freshman, placed 92nd out of over 300 runners. Jason Bull, a senior, also placed well while nursing a running in-



jury. Lauren Dean placed fifth overall and third individually. Dean is headed to cross country nationals in Spokane, Washington.

The fall seasons for the Cavalier sports teams have come to a close. Although all of the athletes performed to the best of their ability, many shone as leaders of the PAC. Making 2000 All PAC for the

women's soccer team were Carly Atkinson and Cathy O'Neil. Both ladies made second team. Michael Brawn made first team for the 2000 All-PAC men's soccer team. Lauren Dean and Kristen Zielinski made first team for the 2000 All PAC women's cross country team while Dolores Edkins made second team for women's cross country. T.J. Bruzek and

Jason Bull made the 2000 All-PAC men's cross country team while Ryan Jones made the second team for men's cross country. Field Hockey swept away the PAC with Carolyn Katkowski, Nicole Schulz, Monica Paolucci, Adrienne Maiocco, and Laine Reddish capturing places on the 2000 All-PAC field hockey team

Intramural basketball starts its season

The first intramural 5-5 basketball game took place last Wednesday, from 8-10 p.m.

About thirty people came to play ball. The two teams that dominated were the Black Hawks and the Half-baked team. The intramural representatives that are in charge of the league are freshman Xavier Residents Kenny Thompson and Aking Beverly.

One can still sign up by reaching Thompson at 610-902- 8624, or Beverly at 610-902-8617. To find out more information about intramural 5-5 basketball you could also check out the In-

tramural Bulletin Board in the Dixon Center's lobby, call the Dixon Center;s front desk at 610-225-3901, or email

Beverly and Thompson, said that the teams that played were very competitive.

Thompson added that intramural five on five basketball "Is like the March Madness of Intramurals".

"There was a great bit of dunking, and that intramural basketball will be taking place every Wednesday until the tournament that will be held in December," Beverly added.

Black Hawks were victorious in this games with a total score of 55 points after the two

teams battled for twenty minutes in a full court game.

"There were a lot of penalties, technical fouls, time-outs, and out of bounds plays," Thompson added and said that it was an "interesting" game.

If you are a Cabrini student and you love basketball, the Intramural Leagues need you.

"Intramurals are for the students. If the students want to come and play we will run an intramural league early in the morning or late at night. We have jerseys, and they will be given to the people that want and do participate. If you got game, bring it," Chris Winkler, the intramural, facilities and recreational director said.

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photo by Amy Gassen Students and community members enjoy aerobics and strength training in the Dixon Center pool.
Nov. 19
CINCINNATI MIGHTY DUCKS ft"!w.._WITH THE PHANTOMS !);.', Gfr4 TICKm 4HorOoM4 5o1WfOI Just 215•465•4522
au Lo q u 1 tu r Vol. XLVII, No. 10 Thursday, Nov. 16, 2000 Radnor, PA 19087 Water aerobics Wake waves
Cabrini students and other members of the community enjoy a workout in a water aerobics class held in the Dixon Center pool. Story on page 15 ••
photo by Amy Gassen

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