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Student IDs with social security numbers unsafe
Having the full nine-digit social security number on the Cabrini student identifcation card can be dangerous. All new IDs issued through Student Development will be removed. The last four digits will be the new identification number. by Renee
tion. A case is pending.
assistant news editor
Imagine for a second that your identity has been stolen. Someone has been assuming your name and your life. This person has the ability to open credit card accounts and get a driver's license, among other things.
How did they get this power? By taking nine I)Umbersoff of your student identification card.
Such a situation happened to junior Stephanie Masucci. Somebody stole her ID card from the Wigwam. A month later she was contacted by a credit card company informing her that they suspected credit card fraud. Whoever stole her ID was using her address and social security number to try and open four accounts.
"It was scary knowing that someone had taken my identity and had my social security number and address," Masucci said.
After she learned that she had had her identity stolen, Masucci contacted the Federal Trade Commission to run a full credit check. She also informed Public Safety and Radnor Police of her situa-
Masucci is not the only student to have their social security number taken off of a stolen ID. Since it has become such a security issue, Residence Life, Student Development and Public Safety are beginning to take measures to better protect students and their identities.
Addresses will remain on the IDs indefinitely, although removal of those is also being looked into.
''The social security numbers needed to be removed quickly," Keenan-McGarvey said. "They were the bigger security issue.
Masucci also thinks that instead of using the last four digits of a social security number, the school should issue "made up" identification numbers.
"I think that every ID with a social security number should be thrown out, and new ones should be issued," Masucci said.
-Stephanie Masucci, junior
Social security numbers are going to be removed from all new IDs issued through Student Development. Instead, the last four digits will appear under the heading "ID number," according to Laurie Keenan-McGarvey, director of Residence Life.
Charlie Schaffner, director of Public Safety, said that once a social security number is obtained it could be used as proof of identity. Credit card accounts, new social security cards, passports, and driver's licenses can all be issued with a social security number.
"Unfortunately, an ID is not like a credit card," Schaffner said. "It cannot be just cancelled."
New ID cards will not be issued however. If a student is concerned about their social security number appearing on his card, Student Development will replace it free of charge.
If an ID is lost, contact Public Safety. Also contact Nicole Norberg, secretary of Student Development, to have the card deactivated so that it cannot be used to access the campus buildings.
At the end of this year, Public Safety will be taking over the issuing of IDs. Schaffner said that the system will remain the same but hopefully further security measures will be taken to protect students.
Ways to protect your Social Security number on your ID:
-Cover first five numbers with a piece of white tape. This way if the ID is left on a table, the number cannot be obtainedjust by looking at the ID.
•Instead of wearing your ID on a lanyard, carry it as you would a credit card or driver's license in a wallet or purse.
•Be aware of where your ID is at all times.
•If someone steals your social security number,please contact public safety immediately.