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Instantmessagesbecomingeasiestway to communicate

The latest craze of communication is described as ''flashing instantaneous electronic messages on a computer screen." It is the easiest way for college students who have had to move away from home to talk to their friends and family.

by Tracy Timson staff writer


Welcome. You've got mail. These are both things people in today's society hear when they turn on their computer to check their email. Along with this email system comes what is known as ·instant messaging.

"Flashing instantaneous electronic messages that pop up on computer screen" according to Sunpot.net is what is the latest craze known as instant messag- ing. With this form of instant messaging you can talk to your family, friends or even meet new people if you so chose. This is available to almost anyone.

All you need is a computer and a modem and you are ready to begin. Connections are provided to all resident students in their dorm rooms. Connections are also provided in the computer labs and the faculty offices.

The messaging servi~e is completely free and easy to use. It is a first choice for some students to keep in contact with their friends.

"It's an easy way to talk to your friends who live far away," sophomore Sara Rothfuss said. Many students move away from their friends and family to go to school and this system provides a way to keep in touch.

The instant messaging program also allows students to talk to their friends while they do homework, search the web, or even play a game on their computer. Being able to do many things

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