1 minute read
I'd better get some letters about this one
During the Christmas break, I did a lot of 1----, thinking and brainstorming. I thought back to a previous article I had written last year about wanting the Bible to be banned. I remember people liked the article, but the problem was that no one opposed my view. I recieved no mail objecting to my desire to ban the inost important book in the faith of millions of people. I found that disheartening. Afterwards, I flipped around the television and kept hearing about the trouble in the Middle East with the Israelis and Arabs. Apparently they still can't get that whole Jews and Muslims living together thing to work yet. That's when I had an idea so radical, it could change the world for the better.
People of the world, we have to eliminate religion from our political and social lives.
Ask yourself these questions? How many wars have been started becauseof religious differences? How many atrocities in the worldhave been committed in the name of God or some othergod? How much hatred of other people has been caused because of religion? The answer to all three is '<too damnmuch." And because of all this, I am calling for the complete seperation of religion from the day-to-day functions of our lives.
To fill the void of religion, I suggest we embrace something useful: common sense. When is the last time you heard common sense being the cause of a Middle East skirmish? When was the last time you heard someone doing something extremely stupid because they were inspired by common sense? You probably haven't and never will.
Sure, religion has done a lot of good things for this world. It gives people hope. It promotes togetherness. It provides a simple guide of what's right and wrong (althoughso do 1be Berenstein Bears). But religion has a dad-erside that overshadows all of those good points. It