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Nietzche ("God is dead") once said that it is easier to do what is moral than what is intelligent. That is why there are so many moral people in the world but so few intelligent people. And since morals come from religion, we can logically conclude that religion promotes stupidity. But if you're still not convinced, here are some examples.

In Afghanistan, a country ruled by the Taliban which brings its people the strictest Islamic laws you can get without a prescription, the government is up in arms about the frenzy the movie ''Titanic" has caused since its recent showings in the nation's capital of Kabul. Young men who have seen the movie(which is illegal in Afghanistan) are getting their hair cut like ''Titanic's" hero, Leonardo DiCaprio. This has prompted the Taliban religious police (a.k.a. The Ministry of Prevention ofVice and Promotion of Vtrtue) to start arresting barbers who cut men's hair like Leo D. I am not making this up, I swear. The Taliban is also responsible for such other laws as women not being able to have jobs or walk in public without being escorted by their husband, brother, or father. The punishment for violating those laws is a severe beating.

In Oregon, a Christian organization got a measure on the Oregon ballot called Measure Nine, which would make it illegal for Oregon public schools to teach anything concerning homosexuality or homosexuals. This is to prevent children from becoming gay, according to the Christians (or one powerful stupid Christian) lobbying for this law. If this law had passed (which it didn't) it would cost a teacher his or her job if they were to mention anything about AIDS or even Liberace for that matter. All of this because of a book that I want to ban tells Christians that gays are evil (if you're not going to heaven, where the hell are you going?

Wait, I just answered that question).

What do these examples prove? It proves that making superstition (a.k.a. religion) into laws is not very intelligent when you actually think things through. Laws against murder and stealing aren't religious ideas, they're common sense ideas. If we didn't have laws preventing murder and theft there would be complete anarchy and bedlam and the human race would have been dead way before anyone ever thought about having a holy war or inquisition.

I apologize to all those people who practice their religion and beliefs responsibly and use common sense. I have nothing against you. But those who aren't so responsible with their religion have spoiled it for all of you. It's just like in grade school. A few kids act up and the whole class gets punished. So until everyone can prove that they can practice their religion and use common sense, I call for religion to be off-limits.

Some people will say that I'm forcing a sort of religion on everyone, a religion against religion. I say that I'm solving a huge problem not only in this country, but around the world by bringing this idea forth. Sure, it throws that whole "freedom of religion" amendment out the window, but I figure that's no different to how politicians are looking to throw "freedom of speech" out the window as well. It's funny, but usually the greatest enemies of free speech tend to be people with strong religious beliefs. Don't believe me? Ask Kevin Smith about all the protestors who wanted his movie "Dogma" banned from theaters. And he's even a practicing Catholic too!

Back in days of yore I would have burned as a heretic for such an idea. Also back then they drilled holes in your skull if you had a headache and thought the world was flat.

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