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Cav of the Moment: Caring about Cabrini grads' future

by Kendra Clark staff writer

Located in Grace Hall, a lady works bard to help the Cabrini community determine their future.


Nancy Hutchison is the director of Cooperative Education and Career Services here at Cabrini. Hutchison, who has worked at Cabrini for 11 years, helps students obtains internships, jobs and counsels them on their majors.

Hutchison, who is originally from New York, attended Beaver College as an undergraduate and went on to Villanova University for master's in arts in education.

In 1989 she came to Cabrini as a part-time employee and in 1994 Hutchison obtained her present position.

Over the years Hutchison has experienced lots of memories through working in the office and finds a hard time to remember just one. "When someone comes in and is a senior and they receive a full time job from their co-op, that is something," said Hutchison.

Besides finding internships and co-ops for students Hutchison's job consists of much more. Maintaining the office's web site and job squad list is some of the duties, but Hutchison prides in the fact that her office has an open door policy. The policy means that people from the community can come in at anytime during office hours and ask for help on their resume or any questions that they might have. "When I ask myself what keeps me here, it's the students," said Hutchison.

In 1997 Hutchison was awarded the Honorary Alumnus Award here at Cabrini. The description of the award as Hutchison states, "Is an award given to someone who has worked with helping alumni and providing service to the college alumni association."

Hutchison's life continues way outside of Cabrini. With relatives scattered all over the United States, Hutchison finds time to travel with her husband and two children, who are both freshmen in college.

When not helping the Cabrini community in the co-op_ office, Hutchison finds time to help in the crew on her husband's sailboat. Hutchison's husband is a competitive racer in Riverton, N.J. where she joins him once a week. In response to helping her husband she responds, "Sometimes J like it, sometimes I don't."

When not helping students or her husband she likes to relax at home with her two dogs. " I love spending time working in the yard and around the house," said Hutchison. She also is a NYPD Blue fan and likes the book Red Dragon, "I like gory books and I find mysteries intriguing," said Hutchison.

Hutchison describes herself as a caring person and someone that people can count on. Her job fits the description.

"We are all a wonderful community. We try to help each other. The support from everyone who works here to help the students is special," said Hutchison. "Cabrini is a wonderful place to work."

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