4 minute read

Violations now homebound

by Jessica Giordano staff writer

Underage drinkers at the University of Delaware do not get off so easy. Since 1997, whenever students whose parents help them pay tuition break the drug and alcohol rules, a notice is sent to their parents.


According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, the number of institutions with parental-notification policies has grown since October 1998, That. year Congress passed an amendment to the Higher Education Act that allowed colleges to notify parents any time a student under 21 violates a drug or alcohol policy on campus.

The motivation behind such a policy is not to scare students, according to college officials, but rather to have parents be part of the solution to the problem of drug and alcohol abuse.

The Chronicle reports that the 63 institutions that had policies in effect for the fall-1999 semester, 52 percent of the schools reported that

"I take time out to think," said senior Abel Rodriguez, math and Spanish majo_r. He commented later that soothing music "always does the trick."

Stress seems like an unavoidable aspect of life but it is avoidable and has many remedies to be treated with. Each person has his or his own preference. Some more suggestions from people of all ages on how they deal with stress are to ride a motorcycle, play pool, go to the mall, set aside personal time, listen to music, grab a blanket and take a nap, and to just take a step back and look at one thing at a time.

Best case scenario is to realize there is a problem and it needs attention. The longer stress is put off, the more likely the stress will become damaging. The physical and mental strain that result from stress can affect the appetite, result in frequent colds or illness such as asthma, sexual disorders, aches and pains and feelings of intense and long-term exhaustion or tiredness, according to the American Institute of Stress.

When life's begins to throw the fastballs and you begin to see them as threats instead of challenges, it is time to deal with the stress in your life.

Internal and Physical Signs of Stress

• Confusion and an inability to concentrate or make decisions

• Feeling ill

• Worry or anxiety

• Feeling out of control or overwhelmed by events

• Mood changes

• Frustration

• Hostility

• Helplessness

• Impatience & irritability

• Being more lethargic

• Difficulty sleeping

• Drinking and smoking more

• Changing eating habits

• Reduced sex drive

• Relying more on medication


Justin Christian, junior violations had been slightly or significantly reduced.

"I believe it is a good policy." Charles Schaffner, director of public safety here, said on the current policy at the University of Delaware."When young people are away from home they sometimes lose touch with their families."

Schaffner thinks that such a regulation would be effective because it can get the parents involved if there is a serious problem developing.

Several students did not think the University of Delaware policy's would work here at Cabrini.

"I don't think it would work because people always have a way of getting hold of something,"junior biology major Meghan Towers said.

'There are so many ways you can avoid having your parents see a violation," sophomore Dori Cutler said.

Junior Justin Christian said that such a policy would only anger students. 'That's why we move on campus - to get away from our parents," Christian said.


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continuedfrom pg. 1

The volunteers in Union stayed at St. Andrews and were housed by Sister Molly.

The students worked at two main sites. For half of the week, an old school in Greenville was painted. For the other half, the group worked on building a house.

While at the school in Greenville, students stripped, cleaned and re- painted the cafeteria, gym bleachers, gym walls and hallways.

Snow threatened to leave the group indoors on Tuesday, but did not succeed. Half' of the group braved the snow and traveled to Greenville to paint while the other half of the group played with children at a shelter nearl>y.

Working on the house involved carrying multiply piles of wood, constructing the shell of a roof and assisting in the building of walls.

An additional 25 students, along with John DiMucci and Fr. Steve Albero, ventured a little further west to the town of East Bank, W. Va Unlike in Union, the East Bank crew was divided into smaller groups and sent to different sites in neighboring communities.At each location, there was much to be done.

The first site students went to was in the Kincaid region. Here, they teamed up with members of AmeriCorps and the Southern Appalachia Labor School to help build and restore houses. In addition to gutting a house and putting up insulation, the students learned more about AmeriCorps. Many of the workers were part of a program called YoutbBuild, in which teens and young adults have the opportunity of going to school for a week and then working on site the next.

Another group stayed in East Bank and helped to transform an old VFW building into a social center. The crew cleaned, fixed and painted the walls of the building. By the end of

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