4 minute read


---,Making pot legal would take that will allow the use of marijua- ff •i that job away. The second factor na for medicinal purposes. How in why the economy would dip is it medicinal, you ask? Well, is due to the fact that peo~~e use marijuana relaxes you, decreases -,I.. •· their money to buy mar1Juana. pain and stimulates appetite (you •t

Circulation is key to a good guessed it, the munchies). These economy. People need to spend are all handy and important their money. Marijuana is a things for HIV and cancer pa- ~lililllliilM good outlet. tients, among others. The movie "Tra 1c v1v1 y • ffi II • 'di


Marijuana. Just saying the portrays how involved crack, If you smoke marijuana then word automatically puts you in marijuana and other drugs can you're going to want to try other a chill mood. become the interstate commerce harmful drugs, right? Well, let's tn••i,a6nn Picture a bright, sunny, of other countries. Mexico, take an honest chronological look e,,afKGUU•• spring day. Yourself, your clos- specifically, dealt with Ameriat the "gateway" theory. est friends, and a handful of cans on a friendly level when

But it's a gateway drug, right?

How often is marijuana the at your professors are passing a drugs were the topic of converfirst substance that people try? nicely packed bowl around the sation. Making marijuana legal The majority of teenagers will •all'ii1•ana peace pole. This scene could all would kill the smuggling of pot smoke a cigarette or two and/or fDa• QUa••a become a reality if a law passes from other countries. To make break into their parents' liquor legalizing the use of marijuana. ends meet other countries would cabinet before they consider try-

Pot is great to have around. just push heavier drugs onto our ing an illegal drug. The real start- Without the drug, we would not dealers who in turn would push ing point on the road to hard have had The Grateful Dead, heavier drugs onto our users. drugs isn't pot, it's alcohol and The debate free love, dirty hippies, or a bas- The aftermath of legalizing marnicotine. And don't forget, beer • h ketball team. Although it's good ijuana would just produce more and smokes are drugs. Legal ac- between hig to have around, legalizing the crack heads. ceptable drugs, but still drugs. By l drug would cause too much Government regulation the way, those drugs are physical- time and j ai chaos in our society. would be the worst outcome ly addictive. Marijuana is not. Legalized marijuana, much from the legalizing of marijua-

Our country has it so wrong time hits like Communism, seems like a na. We already have restrictions about the difference between al- great idea when playing the out- on alcohol. Imagine the restriccohol and marijuana. Are our LoquiturDome come over and over in your day- tions a mind-altering plant laws really made to ensure the dreams. The sweet aroma of would produce. Alcohol is easier good health of us citizens? You this week. weed could greet you each to control due to the fact that it decide. morning as you light a daily is legal and the government

In most states (but not ours), Chris Nielsen bowl for breakfast. Instead of knows who is buying and selling you can buy malt liquor at a gas h having cigarette breaks between alcoholic beverages. State stores station and in many cases you can calls for t e classes or at work, fellow stu- would replace decaying street by liquor at a drive-through. You f dents and employees could sim- corners for the buying and sellcan buy bottles of run that have legalization O ply inhale a Philly Blunt minus ing of weed. Officers of the law warnings on the label about being the original tobacco. would be on an even bigger "extremely flammable." I don't pot while Amy

Realistically, however, legal- lookout for those who do not know about you, but it doesn't izing pot is a good idea only in abide by the weed laws. sound too healthy to me to drink Gassen argues fairy tales. If pot were legal, the If government controls this something that could burst into dwindling American economy drug, they can make sure that it flames. to keep ree1er would crumble. Countless fami- is simply not stocked in high reefer madness.

Not everyone should smoke lies would be put out on the quantities. Think of the people pot. If it is legalized, not every- illegal. street. America would lose who enjoy that daily breakfast one will smoke it. How many many ties with foreign coun- bowl. If marijuana was made people do you think there are L..___________ tries. If legalized, the drug could legal, those poor souls would who want to smoke but don't be- become too easy to access, or possibly have to succumb to a cause it's illegal? Not too many. even worse it could become one-a-week breakfast of chamThe country will not have sudden harder to find. pions.

Do you know of a heated issue that deserves attention? Write Mike '80s Butler and give him that beef at Trinle80s@aol.com

A plunge in the economy On the other hand, pot could Let's be honest with ourselves. would come from two reasons. become too easy to obtain. The war on marijuana is a losing Many families all over the Unit- Many peopk face addictions effort. Let's use our resources for ed States rely on the illegality of that they are trying to curb. Lestopping the dangerous, lethal marijuana to live. Street hustlers galizing their addictive habit drugs that are killing people and sell weed to a variety of peoples would just make it easier for destroying lives. Let's let the hip- to support their families. Selling Americans to find their drug of pies, intellectuals, medical pa- marijuana illegally is their job. choice. tients and college kids do what Their job is very profitable. The Keep marijuana illegal. they're going to anyway. money they make, they put back Legalize marijuana. into the economy buy buying

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