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Randy XFL ready for playoffs

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by Michael Bevelaqua staff writer

With four weeks left in the XFL's debut season, three playoff positions are still up for grabs. The Orlando Rage (6-1) was the first team to clinch a playoff berth this past weekend and should earn the Eastern Division Title with losses from either the New York/New Jersey Hiunen or the Birmingham Bolts. A first-place finish would ensure the Rage of hosting at least a semifinal game and if they finish the season with the best overall record that also could earn the right to hot the XFL Championship Game, known as tl)e "Bog Game At The End," should they qualify. With "The Big Game At The End" approaching one might wonder, "What's the payoff"? To the team that wins "TBGATE" goes a million-dollar bounty to be split among them. The XFL players are paid to play, but are paid more to win. XFL base salaries are $45,000 for the 10-game regular season. Quarterbacks are paid slightly more ($50,000) and kicking specialists slightly less ($35,000). In addition, each regular season game features a $100,000 bonus pool to be divided equally by players on the winning team.


XFL players are experienced pro-football players whose backgrounds include the NFL, NFL Europe, the Arena Football League and the CF, but cannot be under contract with any other league.

The eight teams are broken up into two divisions: East and West. Orlando, Mew York/New Jersey, Chicago and Birmingham make up the Eastern Division while Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco and Memphis compose the West.

Aside from the tough names and flashier uniforms, the XFL is different than the NFL. The differences lie in the rules. One of the biggest changes that this football league made was the elimination of the point after kick. Now teams must run or pass the ball into the end zone in order to receive an extra point. The changes do not stop there.

In addition, there is no roughing the passer/kicker. That means the quarterbacks are fair game to the punishing hits of the defensive linemen. For more intensity and fast-paced action the play clock was shortened form 45 to 35 seconds. The gives the offensive less time to call a play and the defense less time to rest.

The XFL also changed the game of football by bringing cameras and microphones onto the field and into the huddle. Audio crews and cameramen frequently follow around the coach, broadcasting his plays and strategies. The onfield cameras and probing microphones bring little, if any, new excitement to the game, but who really wants to complain about football after January?

Three playoff spots are still open with New York/New Jersey, Los Angeles and Las Vegas leading the pack. These teams will have their work cut out for them if they want to see the extra money they can win in the playoffs that begin the weekend of April 14-15.

The Teams

Eastern Divison

Orlando Rage

NY/NJ Hitmen

Chicago Enforcers

Birmingham Bolts

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