2 minute read

Tbis WBBk'B iSSIIB: Same-sex Right

or wrong?

Should they or shouldn't



This is one of the most heated questions of our time. Everywhere around us controversy surrounds the question of whether same- sex couples should be allowed to get married. Many people say they should, but many religious people say they shouldn't. Isn't religion what marriage is all about.

To me, marriage is a religious sacrament that you and your second half are making with God. You are promising before God that you will love this person till death do you part and that you will follow in God's way. Now, the question really is, did God intend for couples of the same sex to be married?

No one really knows the answer to that question because no one was alive to ask God, but as you look through the Bible and come to the story of Adam and Eve, you see that God made one man and one woman. God did not make two men or two women. If God had intended for couples of the same sex to be married, then don't you think that God would have made two men or two women?

Also, marriage is about producing children. How can two people of the same sex produce a child without artificial insemination or adoption? God created only the woman to bear a child and he did that for a specific reason.

It was in His plan for a man and a woman to be married and to have children. Scientifically, it is not possible because God did not create it that way.

If God wanted couples of the same sex to produce children, then God would have allowed both sexes to be able to bear and produce children.

Now, I understand that we live in a country that has freedom of religion, but what religion approves of this? I have not heard of one that does. If there is a religion that approves of same-sex marriages, then I would be interested in learning about it.

I understand that religion has nothing to do with laws and regulations in our country, but it is always there looming in the background. It is the leaders of this country's beliefs that do our choosing and of course their beliefs are going to come out in their own decision-making. By living in a democracy we are allowed to vote for our leaders who we believe will stand up for our beliefs.

I personally do not have a problem with homosexuals because I believe that if they do not bother me, then why should I have a problem with them.

I do believe that marriage is something different. Marriage is a religious sacrament and it is not something that should be taken lightly.

Battle 13

"All the best of everything to the wonderlul class of 2001 from Marilyn L. Johnson. I'll miss you."

-MarilynL. Johnson Faculty, English Department

"Good luck to all the Seniors and ~specially those graduating Engltsh/communication majors. Your class will always be a special class to me, because I was a freshman right there with you. Stay in touch and please let me know how your doing."

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