1 minute read
Philadelphia acts to secur.e all
by Katie Hernson and Rich Magda staff writers
Devastated by catastrophic airborne terrorists attacks in New YorkCity, Washington D.C., and the southeast suburbs of Pittsburgh, the people of Philadelphia reacted in fear and anguish, questioning their safety and hiding from unforeseeable tragedy.
Flooded by police, the panic ensued in The City of Brotherly Love. Workers and residents alike fled when evacuations began at 10:20 a.m.Firstto be evacuated were the Federal offices. Two hours later, Philadelphiaschools were evacuatedand studentswere sent home. The Philadelphia Museum of Art also closed at midday.
Construction on the National Constitution Center and the Gateway Visitor Center was temporarily halted in reaction to Mayor John Street's order that all public buildings be· closed at noon.
The National Parks Service shut down the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, stating, "we thought it was prudent to close," according to Phil Sheridan, spokesmanfor Independence National Historical Park.
Philadelphia schools were also closed on Wednesday, Sept. 12.
With each advance in the terrorist assault the city's phone lines became increasingly clogged declining callers' service, sending the message "all circuits are busy."
Employees of public businesses were given an 800-num~ to call if still uncertain about work on Sept. 12.
If all goes according to the security plan in effect, it is expected that the Philadelphia area will be functioning normally today, although it is certain that the aftermath of the terrorist strikes on the quintessential symbols of our nation's pride will be in the conscience of society.