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The stories below are real. They were featured in real periodicals.They happenedto real peopfe.

by Renae Tomcanfn managingeditor


A Laughing Matter

La\ughter is a serious matter for scientists in the United Kingdom. They are in search of the funniest joke in the nation. They are also trying to discover some iofonnation on the psychology of humor. Researchers are accepting submissions of jokes that will be rated on a five-point "laughometer." Most of the submitting and rating can be done on the Laugh Lab website at www.laughlab.co.uk.

In addition to ranking the jokes, visitors to the site will be asked to fill out a short psychological questionnaire. These questions will help researchers determine if there are differences between the sense of humor in men ~d women or in different age groups.

The study, scheduled to end in Sept. 2002, will reveal the funniest joke in Britain. A volunteer will be subjected to a brain scan while hearing the funniest joke so that researchers can deterinine effects humor has on the brain.

Freedom of Flatulence

Next time you have to pass gas, feel free to. It is not a crime ac• cording to a judge in Melbourne, Austrailia

DavidPaulOrixti was fined $200 after '1,.reakingwind"in a police station after being picked up on drinking offences. The charges were appealedby the WerribecLegalService.

Sally Smith, manager for the service. challenged the pro$CCUtion to prove that flatulence was a voluntary act. The police have refused to comment on this case.

LindaBlair Leek Out

A coonection between MotherTheresa and Linda Blair may seem absurd,butfour yearsafterher death it seems thatshe also underwent anexorcism.

Archbishopof Calcutta HenryD'Souza arrangedthe exorcism for MotherTheresawhile she was hospitalized for cardiac problems. o•Souu said thatshe would be calm duringthe day butappear"extremely agitated''at nigbLHe was afraidthat the nun "mightbe underattackof the evil one."

D'Souu thencalledon a priestin Calcuttato say a prayerof exorciam over MotherTheresa.Thepriest was describedas sbo(:ked but thenagreedto performthe exorcism..After it was over,Mother Theresa"slept li1re a baby." ,.

D'Souu saw these revelationsprovingthatMother 1heresa was even more specialthan previouslythought. It showed herto be "both holy and human..,

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