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by Catharine Hemson staff writer

This year the food in the cafeteria is different OK. maybe there was no dramatic change, but you have to admit that there is a whole lot more to choose from.


Over the summer Wood Dining revampedthe menus to accommodate more variety at both lunch and dinner. The new theme for the cafeteria is "Market Place." The idea for this was to give students a wider array of choices on a daily basis. The menus may repeat more often than lamyear, but the everyday selectionwill be better. Studentshave noticed thechange in styles at the cafeteria Mel Klaus, a junior sports science ma~ noted, "The variety that they have had has been good, like crab cakes, beefnos, and the roastedchicken."

Also oewthis year is the "Red Hot chef' action station in the cafeteria Thereis a "Red Hot chef' at lunch and dinnermaking food to order at bmcb abd dinnerevery day. According to executive chef, Steven Brisgone, 111c "RedHot chef' will put together salads, hoagies, and stirny. He also may do the carved turkey and pork." All you have to do to find the "Red Hot chef' is look for the bright "Red Hot jacket"

The cafeteria is not the only kitchen to get a makeover this year. The food court also has something brand new for 2001. The theme there is "Market Fresh," meaning the food is made to order.There is a full deli bar with a new choice of three differentcold cuts: tmkey,ham, and IO$l beef. You can just pick up a pre-packaged salad or sandwich also. With the salads there is new low calorie dressing. .,

The biggest change is the new "Asian Sensation'' menu. Every day there is a cook making stir-fry. The students have a choice of chicken, pork, beef, and shrimp with mixed vegetablesand in true Chinese fashion bamboo shootsand water chestnuts.Thai and peanut sauce can accompany your cuisineand for those vegetarians on campus there will always be a meat free meal at the food court.

As the "Asian Sensation" progresses the Wood Dining staff will try edgier meals, such as Lo Mien, fried rice, and egg rolls. When asked how the new Chinese bar was progressing Benjamin Dunn, manager of the food court, responded,''Not as much as I'd like." He feels the studentsjust need t.o try the new food. But don't worry there will still be the same old chicken fingers and burgers that made the food court famous.

New variety and better food in the cafeteria and food court are a welcome change on campus. Krista Stella, a sophomore psychology major. said, "I think that the food has been very good lately. Honestly,it's been much more healthy.It looks appetizingon a more regular basis,excepton thewmods:'

by Shannon King

staff writer

THRyou think. For example some of the granola bars are now made with chocolate chips, pean~U,utter chips or even with Snickersor other bits of candy bars. Reading the nu-

Your alarm rings in your ear and you scream, notic- trition labels is a must when trying to pick out a quick and ing that you only have five minutes before class. You healthy start to your day. Sometimes you might be better barely have time to brush your teeth and comb your off just setting that alann for hair, but you're starving a little earlier. and there's no way that

With college students there is time for break- and other very busy people fast. What do you do? as the target market for

For most people today, these products, are these our lives are pretty busy bars just as popular as the and typically we don't real thing? No. Most stuhave time for the most dents prefer actual cereal important meal of the to the fad cereal bars. Juday. That's why so many • nior Ashley Graham says, companies have come out 'The ones with the milk in with breakfast bars as the them are disgusting. It's "meal on the go." not real milk, they're real-

The craze started with ly dry." One bar that still Pop Tarts when we were ;,;,;..-; gets a good reaction from younger, which are still / .A almost everyone however, pretty popular. Today !l is the Rice Krispy Treat. however, we have fruit _...._ ____ photo by Justine DiRlippo that these bars are quick

A nice big bowl of cereal with some cold milk seems to and convenient, there is be more popular than the convenient bars. still no substitute for sit-

_..;.1 While most students admit and grain bars, oatmeal bars, granola bars and any other kind of bar that you can think of. Cheerios and

Golden Grahams have even come out with a cereal bar that claims to have real milk in it.

Some of these bars may not be as healthy for you as ting down to a good old bowl of cereal with fresh cold milk.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Rob Eshelman Captain Crunch Berries

Cookie Crisps Josh Bennet Cookie Crisps 1,

Ashley Graham Trix

Nut Cheerios ConradCrane Lucky Charms


hBy Richard Magda staff writer

Hidden between two trees stands a simple, weathered, off-white statue of Jesus holding his barbed heart and offering his scarred hand. In any light, one could notice that he appears lonely at Cabrini College, watching students drift by on their way to class in Founder's Hall.

Despite the attacks on the United States, students are not rushing to religion for comfort or answers. Instead, those who have been religiously uninvolved are continuing to passively ignore the outstretched hand and welcoming heart of the Catholic Church.

"Since what happened in New York City, I haven't noticed any change in attendance or faith at mass," said John Verdi, junior, who is the leader of Campus Ministry's First Year retreat. "It's basically the same people there as were in attendance before the attacks."

Although interest has not noticeably increased in the Brockmann Chapel of St. Joseph since the World Trade Center disaster, several student-organized prayer vigils have sprouted around campus. Since some students were unable to attend the initial service held by Cabrini College, other students have taken it upon themselves to help remember the victims and pray for the survivors and rescue workers.

A prayer service called "SeeYouat the Pole," for the leaders of our country and for the expression of students' feelings, was organized by junior Kaity Barnes. Both students and faculty were in attendance. As another part of the program, Barnes also prepared the "Campus Cares" banner, which can be seen in theWigwam

Also leading students in prayer, Verdi organized a Residence Life sponsored service at the peace pole on Sept. 17. Gathered at the pole, which was surrounded by candles, students prayed in song and word.

"Along with the candle light vigil that I held at the peace pole, I have noticed other involved students tholding their own services as well," said Verdi. "Kaity Barnes held a prayer service, too. I noticed a lot of faculty and staff there with students. Some professors even brought their College Success classes out to join the crowd."

Although not attending mass or prayer services at Cabrini, some students practice their faith and pray at their own churches.

"As a freshman, I went to church here every Sunday," said Mary Catherine McDonald. "I went on a regular basis last year too, but this year I am partial to the masses at home. I didn't go to any of the prayer services on campus, but I wish I would have."

Keeping the victims of the disaster in mind, other students express their religious beliefs in unique, untraditional ways.

"I would rather do what God put me here to do," said Dave Johanson, junior. "I'd rather show him with actions than tell him with words. By doing that, I feel like he knows that I appreciate the gifts he bas given me instead of hearing about them."

With such diversity in where and how students of Cabrini College follow their faith, it can be expected that involvement in campus is stagnant. However, what most students are not aware of is that Campus Ministry offers services and makes it their policy to tend to the college The statue of Jesus greets us on the steps < student, according to Verdi. Founder's Hall each day before class.

Like many churches and religious groups, Campus Ministry is stepping forward in the wake of the strikes on the United States to comfort, offer prayers, and maybe gather a few enlightened souls to join their mission.


by MarianneMcKlm staff writer

All work and no play can make any person stressed. A great thing to do to avoid being stressed _allthe time is to ·get out and do something. Don't just sit around, come out for some good ol' karaoke fun. Sometimes you might find some great talent, other times you might get a great laugh. People often wonder where the word karaoke came from and what is karaoke. Karaoke is the Japanese abbreviated compound word "kara" comes from "karappo" meaning empty, and "oke" is the abbreviation of "okesutura:' or orchestra. Music tapes in which only the accompaniment is rerecorded were named ''karaoke." It actually started at a snack bar in Kobe City. Karaoke is a form of entertainment that was originally established for Japanese business people. Since everyone enjoyed singing popular songs to the accompaniment of music, karaoke bas become known worldwide and bas been entertaining people for the past 20 years. Originally in the f~ _of a tape, karaoke ~volvod to· the

CD. This great development made possible the enhancement of video scenes for each song on a TV monitor along with the lyrics to the song that is being played. Many people enjoy it not only because they take pleasure in singing, but also because they say it is a way that you can actually feel like a professional singer standing in front of an audience holding a microphone.

Family karaoke has also grown to be growing attraction in entertainment. Many people are buying home karaoke machines for get-togethers. Hearing your voice for the first time can be very strange. That is why some people are also buying home karaoke machines. Th.is way they are able to prepare themselves with hearing their voice or sometimes even practicing before they go out in public. With this home form of karaoke becoming increasingly popular, there are now sites on the Internet that allow you to download karaoke players. Many of them even offer a music search engine in which to find songs that you can sing with. You can check out www.teleport.com.,www.rythmica.com., J • l ,l t • or even www.vanbasco.com. Any of these will let yo download a karaoke player on your very own computer. There are also a number of karaoke contests in whic people can win great prizes or a large sum of money. Th number of karaoke contestants has risen in the past fe, years because this form of entertainment bas become in creasingly popular. To find out about contests there ar many websites that can inform you what is going on in you area and places that you can go to join the karaoke~There are many places that offer karaoke in our area lik New City Tavern, Nickels' Tavern, Blarney Stone, Th Draught Horse on Wednesday nights and Casey's on Tues day nights. For a larger listing check out the web 2 www.phillyatnight.com. Remember, have fuo and get Ol and sing karaoke. This is a sure way to ease those stressft nights, a great way to meet new people and sometimes be good laugh, which is a great way to stay healthy.

The reality of tragedy is just starting to hit home

For some, the reality of war never seemed possiJle. It was something that just didn't apply. For those Nho have been enlisted for many years, they thought hat war has passed them by. All of that has changed )OW. It has been nearly a month since the WTC atacks but the reality is just starting to set in.

For many, the reality comes from talking to people Nho are dealing with these issues first hand. One, a ,appily married veterinarian, was telling about her 1usband, 53 years old, was called for service last Neek. He is now in Virginia training for what is being jubbed "America's New War." Odds are that he won't oe home for at least a year. This woman who has 3een her husband practically every day for over a jecade is feeling the repercussions of a war she had 1othing to do with. For her husband, he's in the midjle of all the speculative talks that are engulfing our 1ation.

The second person said that her boyfriend has oined the military. He'll be gone for five years. He nas also signed up for active duty. He is in his early 20's, his fate is now unknown. Within one hour two jifferent couples told two stories of how their lives ::ire now different in the wake of this tragedy. Reality s hitting home, but we may never get used to it.

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