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Unforgettable·en- . counter with angel_ in disguise
The armed services are in trouble. All branches of service are in need of recruits. The only thing that you needed to go into the U.S. Army was a high school diploma, and now, that is not even necessary. The army has been cutting standards and doing away with tradition in order to recruit more soldiers, and this has been going on long before Sept. I 1. The army will now take you even if you test positive for some illegal drugs.
Eugene Iacovelli staff writer
There have been reports on several news programs discussing the possibility of starting the draft that is if this now "military operation" actually turns into a full-blown war. The question most men between the ages of 18 through 21 should be asking themselves is how ready is our military for war?
The United States Armed Forces has undergone massive changes in the past several presidencies. There was an effort to improve our military as well as down size all branches of service, which began towards the end of former President Bush's term in office.
Through the Clinton administration the armed services may have improved technologically with increased firepower and new weaponry, but recruits decreased drastical-
The fact is that this country and its military are not ready for war. There was a time when our country went to war and we attacked the enemy in every possible way. Now, news reporters are not allowed to·refer to terrorists as terrorists. The idea is that the "terrorists" believe that they have a true agenda and by dehumanizing them with such phrases is insulting to their beliefs. This is nothing more than political correctness gone mad. Liberalism, love, and good intentions do not win wars. War by definition is the loss of innocence.
Unless this nation collectively can realize that we are unprepared, mentally and physically, for any sort of confrontation we are doomed. For those as pessimistic, we can only come together in the hope for a diplomatic end to our nation's tragedy.