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StUdents 'squash' stress levels

By Aron Usdan staff Writer

Tests, papers, quizz.es,lectures and homework, the workload never ends at Cabrini College. Some students may find that this can be quite a stressful thing to be dealing with especially with the weather getting colder and outside activities becoming few and far between. A great way to blow of some steam during the fall and winter months is to join one of the many indoor intramural sports that the Dixon Center has to offer. For those who don't swim, play hoops or volleyball. the game of squash can be the perfect solution for over worked students seeking a great workout and lots of fun.


If you've ever wondered what the glass enclosed courts are for when you first walk into the Dixon Center, they're for squash. a game that has been played for centuries and bas evolved into a favorite among both young and old The players use racquets similar to the ones used in the game of racquet ball in order to hit a small. black. rubber ball between a collection of lines painted on the wall in front of them. Sounds pretty easy bub? Well it's not; the ball is made out of a tough kind of rubber that doesn't bounce very w~ll. making it extremely hard to keep the ball in constant motion. To keep the ball constantly moving. players find themselves pushing their physical capabilities to the limit If playing squash sounds fun to you make sure that you invest in a good pair of ruuning shoes and towel because you'll be ferociously sweating the entire time you play. 1be squash league meets twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Dixon Center. There will also be an open tournament on October 24th at 8p.m., all abilities are welcome. Sign up sheets foe the regular squash league are on the glass doors opening to the courts.

Squash is a great way to let off some s~ and have a great workout at the same time. Learning new sports such as squash is also a great way to meet new people. Now is the time to get into the exciting game of squash. ,

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