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American ReclCroa Big turnout expected for campus sponsored blood drive

by RichardMagda staff writer

The American Red Cross is hosting its annual blood drive at Cabrini College. The drive will be held on Monday, Nov. 5 from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Grace Hall atrium. Donors must be at least 17-years-old, weigh at least 110 pounds and show valid photo identification.


The blood drive, held annually at Cabrini, provides a welcome addition to the area blood supply, which is always in need of a boost.

According to Donna Stoll-DeLeo, a nurse in Health Services, the American Red Cross needs the blood for victims of Sept. 11 as well as the usual recipients.

"Many people may have already given blood at extra drives especially for Sept. 11 victims," DeLeo said. "But Red Cross does need the blood from this drive, too."

DeLeo said the number of participating students has been at a steady rate since the drives first began. A week before the drive, 14 students and staff members of Cabrini have registered to donate. However, DeLeo is confident that the number of registrations will continue to grow with each drive.

"We usually get about 80 students and staff members to donate," DeLeo said. "Because of the tragedy on Sept. 11 in New York.City, we are expecting to surpass the normal turnout."

To bring registration opportunities directly to the students, "People will be in the cafeteria and the food court for students to register," DeLeo said.

American Red Cross posters have been put up throughout campus to advertise the blood drive and to give registration information for interested members of Cabrini College.

Qualifications to Donate Blood:

• must be at least 17 years old

-weigh at least 11O lbs.

-complete 11stcan be obtained at www.redcross.org/aervlceslblomed/bloodllearn/ellglble

Cannot donate if:

•have donated last 56 days

•have a fever higher than 99 degrees efeel unwell on day of donation

•are pregnant

•received tattoo in past year ...

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