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New web site offers help for students
2 by EugeneA. Iacovelli staff writer
12=15pm • 1:lS pm 1:30pm -3:ltpm
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The new web site, www.cabrini.edu/itr, created by Information Technology and Resources, offers different help links on the site to aid students that have frequently asked questions. Getting important information and records is now just a point and click away. Cabrini College now offers a web site to help students with issues of academics and financial aid.
The Information Technology and Resources web site offers students the opportunity to check their transcripts and their business office records. The site contains computing support services anc!,faculty and student resources, as well as a general help section, for anyone having trouble with webct. This new service may be quite beneficial for those students on the go. Students can even log on to the site to find out what is happening around campus. The site will even provide little reminders •as to when registration for next semester begins
Although few know about the new web site, it does come as a blessing for some. In the beginning of the school year, a great deal of students were experiencing problems with webct and its services. Transfer student, Pam Hoch, is relieved to have some h~lp when it comes to her computer. "It's nice to have help online for any trouble that may arise with my computer," Hoch said. "Now I can go on line and try to get help instead of having to call the school."
Information Technology and Resources will prove to be most valuable to many but before one can log on there are a few steps that must be taken. Each student must have a domain name that is established when registering on the webct address. Once this is complete a student is free to log onto the site at any time.
The new web site is: www.cabrini.edu/itr
To access: -choose student resources