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ITR partnership with Drexel enhances server, ups internet connection, offers more
began its work in the New Residence Hall on campus. Wireless networks tend to involve zones. Students must be in a zone for a connection, the ITR department has done away with that notion. The staff have now made it possible for anyone to connect anywhere in the building, with a complete restructure of the network. Their most recent venture was the Grace Hall atrium, which is now operational and ready to help out with registrations. McIntyre said that by Thanksgiving, Founders Hall will be completely hooked up.
Problems and Solutions
es can be picked up almost any way on the Internet, including through personal e-mail. To combat this problem, some colleges have purchased site licenses for anti-virus software that will protect their servers, which would be easily crippled by a virus. The ITR department has taken the proper precautions. While McIntyre admits that downloading some things may affect your computer, the ITR's use of Norton Anti-Vtrus Program scans all incoming and outgoing e-mail. The program will soon be initially offered to the campus through Ii- • brary loan or download from the ITR web site.
Cabrini College President Antoinette ladarolo and Drexel University President Constantine Papadakis exchange college sweatshirts while forming an /TR partnership on April 3, 2000. Since the partnership, the network at Cabrini has gained speed and technology.
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The Network
Most importantly, though, the ITR department has revamped the Cabrini server with increased speed and extended overall bandwidth of the Cabrini network. Bandwidth is the network capacity. Basically, this includes the speed of both the Internet and the campus network. On campus, each office, classroom, lab, residence hall and general public area has at least one jack per person for connection to the network. There are also some additional jacks located in various areas on campus. The jacks are connected to Ethernet switches, connecting each user to the network at a speed of 10 Mbps, or megabits per second. Since the outsourcing to Drexel, Cabrini's server has increased its speed three fold.
The Internet
The speed is not the only thing that has changed with Cabrini's Internet connection. From work- ing with Drexel, Cabrini has signed with "Yipes," a new Internet Service Provider that has been much more manageable for the ITR department. With this new company, a new e-mail and system have been provided.
Every building on campus now has a connection of 100 Mbps with a 1 Gigabit per second fiberoptic backbone. This year alone, the ITR department plans to upgrade and provide the students and staff with a much more reliable network.
Last year, the ITR department
This is good news to sophomore Josh Dzielak. Dzielak does not feel the server is fast enough to meet his needs as a student and has even experienced his own problems with it. "It freezes the computers constantly," Dzielak said.
But while there are some students who have experienced problems with the server and wish it would be fixed, there are also those who are content with the current system of operations. Michael Tolland, a sophomore, uses the server in the library and in the labs on campus. Tolland feel the network is very efficient, though he has experienced some set backs with it as well. "On occasion it takes awhile to open sites," Tolland said. Vtruses can be a major part of the slow down of a server. Vtrus-
Signs,waysto copewith depression
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"Students are afraid 1that asking for help means that something is wrong with them." MallgahanRasco stresses that it is important to get help immediately instead of letting the problem progress, especially if suicidal thoughts and ideas are being expressed. Ac- cording to a Miami University website, "Some studies show that suicide is the third leading cause of death among people aged 1524. One way to prevent suicide is the early recognition and treatment of depression."
There are many ways to treat depression. Medication is available as well as talk therapy with a counselor or maybe even just a friend. Mallaghan-Rasco said,
''The best treatment is a combination of talk therapy and medication."
On campus, the counselors in the Rooymans Center are ready to assist students who may need help or just need to talk. They are available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and on Thursday, someone is usually there until 8 p.m. Appointments can be made through Eleanor Di-
Donato at extension 8561 as well as by arrangement if a time is needed when counselors generally are not available.
Mallaghan-Rasco said, "If depressive symptoms persist for longer than two to three weeks, it does not mean that anything is wrong with you, but it is important to reach out for help."
Tolland attributes this minor server problems to an overload of people using the server. He is correct, as the problem can be as simple as a swarm of people all using it at once. But while personal and recreational downloading, such as video lectures or file-sharing, can be cut down or stopped, the only real way to increase speed of the network is by throwing more money at the problem. McIntyre agrees that file sharing will slow down someone's connection, therefore does not encourage the use of Napster-like programs.
In 1994, the University of Penn spent around $5-million on their network. Last year, Penn spent around $13-million for their network services and infrastructure. Costs rise and will continue to rise with more and more of a demand for more connections and the increase of speed.
signsot deJH:eHion: Interpersonalsigns
• persistent pessimism
• negativity physical signs
• disinterest in food, work and sometimes sex