Nov. 15, 2001 issue 11 Loquitur

Page 3

ITR partnership with Drexel brings faster connections, more options

In 1997, Drexel University became the first wireless university. Cabrini partnered up with Drexel to pave the wave for a wireless campus, as well. The partnership through WebCT, a website that allows individual classes to have their own website. Through this website, papers can be sent via the internet.

consisting of both Cabrini and Drexel employees, is now located on campus, with offices in Founders Hall.


The partnership has advanced Cabrini with several new ideas. The signing with Drexel has brought WebCT to campus. WebCT is the world's leading provider of e-Learning. Essentially, WebCT gives students the option of taking quizzes and handing in papers from the comfort of their own homes. After bringing this web site to Cabrini, Drexel offered special faculty training sessions and continues to educate faculty and students alike in how WebCT works. The WebCT online program can be viewed at

Last year, Cabrini College out sourced its technology-support services to Drexel University. This marks the first time that one college hired another college to provide such services. Such outsourcing is common among companies. For students, hiring Drexel has

meant additional services beyond what were provided in previous years. For instructors, the partnership has provided additional resources for teaching.

Why Drexel?

Cabrini sought out Drexel for several reasons. Drexel University was the first university in the United States to require students to

purchase a microcomputer. It was in 1997 that Drexel became the first wireless university library in the nation as well.

John McIntyre, director of ITR, said that everything has been very beneficial for the campus staff and students. A partnership with Drexel advances the campus through both technology and possible ventures for the future. An ITR staff,

ITR has also ~de help much more easily accessible for students. The website,,now offers a help online section. ITR have also created a help desk to assist the problems students face with their computer, the Internet and the server.

-story continued on page 3

Dealing when your down with depression

There comes a time in nearly everyone's life in which they feel down, overwhelmed or just plain sad. These types of feelings are normal, but if the feelings are persistent and intense, there may be something else worth considering. November is Depression Awareness Month and college students al"! just as susceptible to the effects as anyone else.

Depression is the major reason why students come to the counseling center and first year students are the ones who are most vulnerable. College is a time of great transition and not being able to achieve a balance among jobs, free time and school can lead to a depressive state, according to RooymansCentercounselor, Su:zanneMallaghan-Rasco.

There is a difference between just feeling sad and clinical depression, however. When something stressful or upsetting happens in life, a period of depression may follow. This is, most likely, a normal part of life, but when the symptoms come to affect academics, friends and a person's general life-style, there could be a more serious problem.

Some of the warning signs of depression include crying or the inability to cry, under or over-eating, irritability, loss of pleasure in activities that were once found to be enjoyable, loss of concentration,withdrawalanddifficulty with memory. Some of the more serious warning signs that someone may be in trouble are feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, guilt or self-blame, pessimistic thoughts andsuicidal thoughts.

-story continuedon page 3

A student logs on to webCT,an interactive websitemade available through Cabrini's partnership with Drexel University. photo by Justine Di FIiippo Novemberis national depression month.

Hunger,Homelessnessawarenessbroughtto campus

The Hunger and Homelessness Campaign has been put into high gear since Thursday Nov. 8, and will continue until Tuesday Nov. 14. The Student Committee for Community Outreach is organizing the events to raise money and food for homeless shelters and to educate the campus community about hunger and homelessness. They are using the motto "advo-

cate, educate, fill a plate" to make their cause a success.

Tonight from 5:30 to 7 p.m. the hunger banquet will be held on the second floor of the New Residence Hall. All are invited to come and experience living in a different part of the world and having very little food. Posters advertising the banquet read, "experience a life outside of your own." Mary Laver, coordinator of leadership and service learning,

says that it is all about "food, drama and teaching." Attendees receive a card when entering the banquet that will identify where they ~e from and what kind of living conditions they will be experiencing throughout the evening. Food will be served according to the person's assigned status and even the sitting arrangements will depend on where the person is from. It is a completely interactive event that is designed to help students understand poverty. Students can also take part in the distributing of turkeys and other foods on Tuesday, Nov. 20, around mid-day. Anyone interested can call or stop by Campus Ministry to sign up. Volunteers will deliver the turkeys to Our Lady of Hope Church in North Philadelphia. From there needy people will be able to pick them up for their Thanksgiving dinners. Boxes have also been set out around campus prompting people to donate canned goods, leftover ramen, and other non-perishable items. Donations will be taken to the Greater Philadelphia Food Bank and other local shelters at the end of the campaign. Since the beginning of the campaign on Thursday, Nov. 8, there have been several other programs for students to take part in. On Tuesday, Nov. 13, a program called Arrested for Hunger was

held in front of the Wig Warn. Arrest warrants had to be filled out and the person was then given a phone to rally up enough money to have themselves freed. Letters could be written to elected representatives concerning hunger and poverty.

On Tuesday, Nov. 13, from 7-9 p.m. an interactive program was held to inform students about how to help reduce hunger and poverty. The program was held as a partnership with Philadelphia Cares Program.

On Wednesday,Nov. 14, a fast in Solidarity was held. A group of

students got together and fasted for 20 hours to raise poverty awareness. Money that they did not spend on food will also be donated. The hunger banquet this evening will be the conclusion of the fast.

Laver wants to remind everyone that although a special week has been set aside for raising money and food for people who are less fortunate, helping the needy is an ongoing process. Campus Ministry organizes two Saturdays every month where students help out at food banks and shelters.

First year student Corey Hatten served as the judge during "arrested for hunger." Students, staff and faculty were arrested and bail was set. Those arrested had to call around campus to get their friends and coworkers to bail them out.

Search IX retreat helping students explore inner self

Holding true to tradition is something that Cabrini College values. Starting five years ago, the Search Retreat sponsored by Campus Ministry has become a part of Cabrini tradition. This year, Search took place Nov. 9-11 at Appel Farms in Southern New Jersey.

"Search is a student led retreat which allows every participant to connect on their own level to get to know themselves, others, and God in a deeper way than they had before," Mary Laver, coordinator of leadership and service learning, said.

"On the retreat, you get in touch with your inner self to develop

more relationships with others and develop a relationship with God or your higher power," Katie Bartoski, small group leader, said. Students who are involved in Campus Ministry went on the retreat as leaders to keep things together. "Our job as leaders is to make sure everything goes smoothly. We are also in charge of small groups. We help the students in these groups get to know themselves, others and God," Carissa Bassett, a small group leader, said.

The leaders on the retreat were simply there to "keep the ball rolling."

The leaders are as much a part of the group as the others. We facilitate the different activities that go on," Bartosik said.

"The student leaders have been meeting and preparing for this retreat since September," Laver said. The leaders worked long and hard to make this retreat a positive experience for the students that attended.

''Their hard work really paid off. The leaders showed their leadership and made a really great retreat," Anthony Contipodero, team leader, said. The response of the retreat was well worth the hard work of the student leaders. However, it is the response of the students that attended that determines the success or failure of the retreat.

''The outcome was just great, excellent," Contipodero said. "Everyone came together and had a great positive attitude towards

the retreat."

"What you put in is what you'll get out," Bartosik said. "My group got a lot out of it. It helps when group members participate. It feeds a positive effect and all members are affected by it."

The overall response of the students that went was positive. They pretty much enjoyed the experience and were deeply affected by it.

''Wonderful. Amazing. There's nothing else like it," Kat Pirrone, student participant, said. "I was probably one of the biggest advocates against the retreat. I went because some friends said it would be good."

The confidentiality of the retreat causes reluctance to go. Some think it is a cult, and others just

simply will not go because they do not know exactly what goes on.

"If you knew what goes on before you go, it will take away from the experience. Because you don't know, everything is a surprise," Pirrone said.

"I was reluctant to go because everyone was being so shady about it," Tim Mcintrye, student participant said. "It was definitely a positive, overwhelming experience. The main key was bonding with everyoqe flse. ! enjoyed it."

At the end of the weekend, "Everyone was in good spirits," Contipodero said. There were two general outcomes noted by Contipodero. ''The students couldn't wait to become involved in the community, and they couldn't wait to tell their friends to go be-

2 NEWS ________________ Th_urs_da_y_,N_o_~_1_s._2_00_1
photos by Amy Gassen Sophomore Susan Landolf and First year student Vince Crognale are the bailiffs that arrested Director of Public Safety Charlie Shaffner.

ITR partnership with Drexel enhances server, ups internet connection, offers more

began its work in the New Residence Hall on campus. Wireless networks tend to involve zones. Students must be in a zone for a connection, the ITR department has done away with that notion. The staff have now made it possible for anyone to connect anywhere in the building, with a complete restructure of the network. Their most recent venture was the Grace Hall atrium, which is now operational and ready to help out with registrations. McIntyre said that by Thanksgiving, Founders Hall will be completely hooked up.

Problems and Solutions

es can be picked up almost any way on the Internet, including through personal e-mail. To combat this problem, some colleges have purchased site licenses for anti-virus software that will protect their servers, which would be easily crippled by a virus. The ITR department has taken the proper precautions. While McIntyre admits that downloading some things may affect your computer, the ITR's use of Norton Anti-Vtrus Program scans all incoming and outgoing e-mail. The program will soon be initially offered to the campus through Ii- • brary loan or download from the ITR web site.

Cabrini College President Antoinette ladarolo and Drexel University President Constantine Papadakis exchange college sweatshirts while forming an /TR partnership on April 3, 2000. Since the partnership, the network at Cabrini has gained speed and technology.

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The Network

Most importantly, though, the ITR department has revamped the Cabrini server with increased speed and extended overall bandwidth of the Cabrini network. Bandwidth is the network capacity. Basically, this includes the speed of both the Internet and the campus network. On campus, each office, classroom, lab, residence hall and general public area

has at least one jack per person for connection to the network. There are also some additional jacks located in various areas on campus. The jacks are connected to Ethernet switches, connecting each user to the network at a speed of 10 Mbps, or megabits per second. Since the outsourcing to Drexel, Cabrini's server has increased its speed three fold.

The Internet

The speed is not the only thing that has changed with Cabrini's Internet connection. From work-

ing with Drexel, Cabrini has signed with "Yipes," a new Internet Service Provider that has been much more manageable for the ITR department. With this new company, a new e-mail and system have been provided.

Every building on campus now has a connection of 100 Mbps with a 1 Gigabit per second fiberoptic backbone. This year alone, the ITR department plans to upgrade and provide the students and staff with a much more reliable network.

Last year, the ITR department

This is good news to sophomore Josh Dzielak. Dzielak does not feel the server is fast enough to meet his needs as a student and has even experienced his own problems with it. "It freezes the computers constantly," Dzielak said.

But while there are some students who have experienced problems with the server and wish it would be fixed, there are also those who are content with the current system of operations. Michael Tolland, a sophomore, uses the server in the library and in the labs on campus. Tolland feel the network is very efficient, though he has experienced some set backs with it as well. "On occasion it takes awhile to open sites," Tolland said. Vtruses can be a major part of the slow down of a server. Vtrus-

Signs,waysto copewith depression

- story continued from page 1

"Students are afraid 1that asking for help means that something is wrong with them." MallgahanRasco stresses that it is important to get help immediately instead of letting the problem progress, especially if suicidal thoughts and ideas are being expressed. Ac-

cording to a Miami University website, "Some studies show that suicide is the third leading cause of death among people aged 1524. One way to prevent suicide is the early recognition and treatment of depression."

There are many ways to treat depression. Medication is available as well as talk therapy with a counselor or maybe even just a friend. Mallaghan-Rasco said,

''The best treatment is a combination of talk therapy and medication."

On campus, the counselors in the Rooymans Center are ready to assist students who may need help or just need to talk. They are available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and on Thursday, someone is usually there until 8 p.m. Appointments can be made through Eleanor Di-

Donato at extension 8561 as well as by arrangement if a time is needed when counselors generally are not available.

Mallaghan-Rasco said, "If depressive symptoms persist for longer than two to three weeks, it does not mean that anything is wrong with you, but it is important to reach out for help."

Tolland attributes this minor server problems to an overload of people using the server. He is correct, as the problem can be as simple as a swarm of people all using it at once. But while personal and recreational downloading, such as video lectures or file-sharing, can be cut down or stopped, the only real way to increase speed of the network is by throwing more money at the problem. McIntyre agrees that file sharing will slow down someone's connection, therefore does not encourage the use of Napster-like programs.

In 1994, the University of Penn spent around $5-million on their network. Last year, Penn spent around $13-million for their network services and infrastructure. Costs rise and will continue to rise with more and more of a demand for more connections and the increase of speed.

signsot deJH:eHion: Interpersonalsigns

• persistent pessimism

• negativity physical signs


• disinterest in food, work and sometimes sex

I..oguitur NEWS 3
feeling that nothing can ever makeyou feel better

Cabrini Day dedicated.

Informing America about Anthrax

America should not be scared but should be informed. That was the message given by the chair of the science department. Dr. Sherry Fuller- Espie delivered this message on Cabrini Day, Thursday, Nov. 8, to staff, students and guests about biological and chemical weaponry.

The anthrax disease that started as a small, isolated case in Florida is not a new concept of biological warfare. In fact, biological warfare goes as far back as early Greece, when in times of war, dirty and dead animals were placed into the populations drinking water to contaminate it and kill the people who drank, it. There are three ways to get anthrax: cutaneous (through an open wound), inhalation and indigestion. In 1942, a bomb that contained anthrax was dropped overhead on Gruinard Island, Scotland Scientists placed 60 sheep on the island to see what would happen to them. All 60 of the sheep died.

Living Exuberantly Through Art

In 1971, researchers detected anthrax spores still viable on the island. Anthrax spores can survive any where from one year to 1 million years.

In 1986 the island was decontaminated; however people have still not returned.

Anthrax has a life cycle that affects mostly animals. There is the entry of the disease where it then divides rapidly and then produces toxins. It hibernates and then will make the body decompose. Once the body disintegrates into the land, the cycle starts all over again.

In order to kill the disease and stop it from spreading, it is necessary to get a shot called ciprofloxacin. This shot is very expensive and has more side effects than penicillin or doxycycline. It consists of a series of six inoculations and an annual booster shot.

Fuller-Espie said that the first line of defense is medical centers. Therefore in order to prevent deaths from anthrax, America should be prepared for another bioterrorism attack.

For more information on anthrax, go to the U. S. Department of health and human services website at:

staff writer

In a collective effort for a clearer perspective on Sept. 11th, Cabrini students dedicated Cabrini Day to the people, the emotion and the repercussions of the Attack on America. Assistant Professor Lisa Learner-Wagner gave the student-artists an outlet for their reflections on the attacks. Her "Life Drawing" and "Color Theory" classes contributed works for one of the day's workshops, "Speaking Through Art."

Works from the Life Drawing class shouted the depth of emotion in each artist. George Ojomo used tremendous but subtle symbolism in his self-portrait by using a knitted brow and a gaping mouth in contrast to the calm expression of his "other self." Under the relaxed brow of his pre-Sept. 11 self, a smiley face shined in his eye. Bulging above the gaping mouth of his post-Sept. 11 self, a skull glistened behind the tear in his eye.

Continuing this theme of selfconflict was Geronna Lewis. Sitting in front of Uncle Sam, with his hands clamped over her ears and the flag bound around her eyes, Lewis gave pause to wonder what we truly see and hear. Lewis said, "We are the ones who put a veil on our own eyes."

The abstract work from Color Theory students provoked thought of not only our lives since Sept. 11, but of our life that day and the days before it. In a trio of images, Kim Clayton's world was colorful and harmonious with bright pastels before the attacks, fractured with dark and blistering violent colors the day of Sept 11 and black, white and blatantly divided since the 21st century's most infamous day.

Learner-Wagner said, "Art is a wonderful vehicle to get people talking." Her students provided plenty of material to discuss among the group gathered in Grace Hall Atrium. Ellie Pfaust's work spoke of the atrocities witnessed over her 60-odd years of conscious existence. She shared the image of herself as not only an innocent child and a vibrant young woman living with the haunting acts of Hitler and Stalin but also as an older adult of today living exuberantly in her art, despite the ideology of Bin Laden.

As art reflects not only our society but also our common emotions and our shared concerns, it exudes the spirit of its creators.

Thanks to the perspective of our artistic community at Cabrini our spirit is not only mirrored, but is guided into an uncertain future with more understanding and hope than it possessed on Sept. 11.

Who keeps sending Anthrax through the mail?

Although officials are unsure if the anthrax-containing letters originated from home or abroad, many factors indicate that either possibility is surely an option. Officials also think these letters may be connected with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The secretary-general of the international police agency, Interpol, Ronald K. Noble, in an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer on Oct. 30, said, "They [the people connected with the anthrax-containing letters] wanted to be associated with that [the terrorist attacks]; they have the same goals."

According to Dr. James Hedtke, chairman of the history and political science departments, "Bin Laden likes to kill in bunches; anthrax only kills small groups of people." . .

This is not the only indicator that the anthrax letters originated in the United States. Another of the main indicators is that the dates heading the letters were written in American style: 09-11-01, with the month first, followed by the day and then the year.

Hedtke also noted that white supremacy groups have previously stated that they would use anthrax against the government and media, should they have the opportunity. Officials are aware that anthrax has previously been accessible to these groups.

There is an opposite side to this, however. According to Hedtke, the use of benzonite to harden the anthrax spores indicates that the Iraqis could have a connection with these letters, as they have been previously known to use benzonite.

Officials are also aware that one of the individuals involved in the hijacking met with an Iraqi agent just before the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. It is possible that an exchange of anthrax could have taken place between the two men.

Another theory concerning the origin of these letters is whether or not the culprits could have been foreigners who were trained in the United States, as were the hijackers who earned their pilots licenses in the United States.

Vice President Dick Cheney, along with other administration officials, have declared the al-Qaeda terrorist organization, a group which works with other Islamic extremist groups to overthrow any regime that is deemed to be "nonIslamic," a possible suspect, but all options are being left open to definitively find the culprits.

4 NEWS Thursday, Nov. 15, 2001
photo by Joe Holden Artwork from the Life Drawing class gathers inspiration from Sept. 11.
. . . ., •·-•- ····-

.to those affected by Sept. 11

Cabrini Spirit Award given to deceased EMT hero

An emergency medical techni-. cian killed during the Sept 11 attacks on New York's World Trade Center was posthumously awarded the Cabrini Spirit Award at an all-day college seminar yesterday.

Marc Sullins, 30, a married father of two and EMT at the Cabrini Medical Center in New York City, was last seen on the ground floor of the complex's second tower just before it collapsed.

'Take care of one another out there.' Marc would often end his shift as an EMT by saying these words to co-workers replacing him on duty," said Myrna Grandgenett, executive director of the J. Eustace Wolfington Center for Service and Leadership, who presented Sullins, award to Robert Walsh, manager of hospital care services for the medical center.

"Marc will be always be remembered and defined by his great courage and selfless concern for others, which has granted him permanent hero status in the eyes of New York, the nation and the

world. It is clear that Marc was already a hero for the many who had the privilege and pleasure to personally know him and those who were fortunate enough to be taken care of by him."

The ceremony was part of what would normally be Cabrini Day on the campus of the 2, 1OD-student college. This year, however, staff and students alike dedicated the day to remembering the attacks and moving on from Sept. 11.

"It has been eight weeks, two days and about four hours since the first plane hit the first tower," professor of communication Cathy Yungmann told the standing-room-only crowd in the campus, Grace Hall. "Today, we're looking forward."

After the award ceremony, students heard attack-related presentations from an art teacher, a microbiologist, two political science experts and an eyewitness to the attacks.

"Everyone has their own New York City experience," said Lisa Gryzbowski, a Cabrini Mission Corps volunteer who worked just

-Myrna Grandgenett

five blocks from the World Trade Center and watched the tragedy unfold from the roof of her apartment building. "I never thought that these attacks and the collapse of the towers would be my experience, as well as the experience of nine million other people." Gryzbowski recalled raising a toast to the city's famous skyline just days before the attacks. "We gathered on the rooftop to pay tribute and raise Coronas to

the skyline in all its nighttime glory," she said. "But in a matter of hours, the city I loved changed forever."

Later, art professor Dr. Lisa Learner-Wagner unveiled artwork related to the attacks done by students in her fine arts classes, and biology department chair Dr. Sherrie Fuller-Espie, a microbiologist, discussed anthrax and germ warfare.

"Don't be scared. Be informed and be ready," Fuller-Espie said.

"It is critical for our first lines of defense - health officials, epidemiologists and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - to be ready."

The program closed with a question-and-answer session hosted by political science professors Dr. Jolyon Girard and Dr. James Hedtke, who discussed issues related to the war on terrorism.

Girard struck down a suggestion that the government is encroaching on civil liberties by detaining suspected associates of the terrorists.

"I think there needs to be some restraint on civil liberties during

Nation prepared for -biological warfare cipro stockpiled for all citizens

After several deaths and a handful of individuals left ill after being infected with anthrax, what plans does the U.S. have to secure the safety of its citizens? Anthrax, the infectious disease caused by spore-forming Bacillus anthracis, has appeared in the mail of politicians and private citizens. One of those private citizens, a hospital worker from New York City, died from inhalation anthrax. This common disease among cattle is also used as method of terror. With such horrifying possibilities on the horizon, what is the United States doing to prepare for a largescale biological attack?

Because of its use as a biological weapon, Americans face an attack from anywhere, by an enemy that may never be seen. This disease can be left almost anywhere, only to be picked up by some unsuspecting person that may die without ever knowing what happened. This is the key benefit of a biological weapon, the ability to kill many, but for the attacker to remain unnoticed. Not long after the Sept. 11 attacks in New York City and Washington, D. C., there came a new threat, the terror of disease. Homeland Security Adviser, Tom Ridge, has stated that the anthrax cases are unrelated to Muslim extremists. The latest assault of terror comes from a completely dif-

ferent breed of terrorist, one likened to the Uni-Bomber. At America's darkest hour its citizens face life-threatening disease from almost anywhere. These sorts of terrorist attacks are considered to be individuals with grudges or vendettas against people for unknown reasons.

Tom Ridge has assured the nation that there is enough Cipro, the vaccine for anthrax, for all citizens. For an effective treatment of anthrax, doctors will prescribe antibiotics immediately. Lately, there has been a rush to hospitals all over the East Coast for symptoms of the flu. Anthrax symptoms resemble flu-like illness, but the attitude of the people is "It's better to be safe than sorry."

times like these," he said. "Compared to our recent history, our government is showing great concern for civil liberties. Not one U.S. citizen has been arrested. Congress hasn't passed laws to inter people like World War II. There's no Red Scare."

Hedtke discussed suspected terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden's recent condemnation of the United Nations for supporting airstrikes on Afghanistan. "When bin Laden goes on television, he's not just spreading propaganda. He's giving orders to cells operating in the United States," Hedtke said. ''Bin Laden has a thing for New York City. The United Nations, its building and its mission are all being threatened.

'That's a crucial mistake on his part."

-Reprinted with pennission of the Delaware County Daily Times

Laura Casamento graduated from Cabrini College in 2000.

Not to set off alarms, but what American's need to be aware of is the possibility of something much worse. Phillip Russell, a former director of the Army's Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, has stated that biological terror may be greater than first believed. ''What needs to be answered is whether Russia has safeguarded its small pox stocks," said Russell.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, biological weapons and nuclear weapons, small enough to fit into a brief case, went unguarded and could have disappeared to the "highest bidder." This can only mean that anthrax is the last thing Americans have to worry about.

·Loquitur ·t ..' ,,...·.! NEWS 5
"It is clear that Marc was alreadya hero for the manywho had the privilege and pleasureto personallyknow him and thosewho were fortunate enoughto be taken care of by him."
Accordingto the u.s.Departmentof HealthandHuman Services:
• Ciprofloxacin is availableto all in stockpiles in precautionto biologicalwarfare
• The FDArecommendsthatcipro shouldnotbe administratedunlessabsolutely needed·
• Tetracyclinesand penicillinare also availableto combat Anthrax


Krista Mazzeo. communications center supervisor and general manager of WYBF FM. has an independent film premiering on Dec. 14. titled "Bitters and Blue Ruin:·

An independent film is a movie that 1smade b) people \\-ho do not work for any kind of cmema com pany and do not have many contacts in Hollywood or Ne\1,York. It is <;trictlylow budget. It can cost anywhere from $300 to $50,000. Independent filmmakers are allowed to make theu- own decisions. However, these filmmakers must fund the entire film by themselves.

When Mazzeo graduated from Cabrini in Dec. 1998, she received a degree in English/communications. Although most people here associate her with Cabrini's radio station, she does have other interests. " I have fulfilled my goals with radio. Film just happened to be something that came along. and I figured let me try it out and c;ee how it works".~1.izzto said.

Her friend'> \\-rote the ,creen play five year,; ago They funded the entire mo\ 1e out of their own paychecks Tli.! actual filming took about two years.

Since f,.fazzeo had a background in sound and engineering, she decided to help them out.

The film is set in 1947. It is a type of dark comedy/mystery. It is

about a college professor who is trying to \Hite a book, but he has writer's block. He winds up getting into an absinth ring, a type of alcohol that was banned because it had psychedelic effects on its users. lt is basically about all of the people that he encounters while he is trying to get this abc;inth and the other people in his life

Mazzeo always had fi1'1l m the back of her mmd. When s'le was httlt: she ahvays had dream" of packing her belongingi, and to Hollywood. She gave up those dreams because both she and her family knew th t it was not a stable lifestyle.

When asked where she gets her motivation from Mazzeo says, '·l.Jltimately motivation is to be able to live comfortably and to have money." She wants to have the financial freedom to be able to do other projects in her field of study. "It is getting to do what a lot of people only dream of doing" Mazzeo said.

The premiere will be held on Friday Dec. 14. The theater has a seating capacity of 500 and it is almost sold out.

Mazzeo's friends have already started to work on a few more scripts. She is hoping that this opportunity opens the door for them to work on upcoming films.

Sister's Trousers Dance Company Performs in Grace Hall

Sister's Trousers Dance Company held both a workshop in the Dixon Center and a performance to a large crowd in the Grace Hall Atrium on Friday Nov. 9. Sister's Trousers have been described by many as riveting, thrilling and mysterious. Sister's Trousers is a modem dance company, which uses dance and poetry to express its' views about gender identity, anxiety, community and folklore.

This female dance company uses its performers' abilities in dance and the arts to convey positive messages to young women. Its goal is to educate young women on important issues which they must face each day. Sister's Trousers does this through choreography and performances. The dancersnot only performfor live audiences but the also key the audience into a creative process and make the audience feel as though they are a part of it also. ·

Sister's Trousers are not just about dancing beautifully but also conveying a message to young women, that will supply them with education, awareness and respect for themselves.

"The dancers are talented and use their feelings along with their Incredible dancing abilities, at the workshop we had to pick a feeling and describe It through dance which was an Interesting process."

Sister's Trousers performed expressive modem dance, they not only exhibited movements but they put feelings behind the movements, there was depth to their dance which is not seen often," said sophomore Laura Giorlando. Giorlando is involved in many activities on campus which deal with drama and the arts, "I really enjoyed the workshop, I learned a lot from it," said Giorlando.

First-year student Megan Mincoff bad this to say about the performance and workshop: "'Thedancers are talented and use their feelings along with their incredible dancing abilities, at the workshop we had to pick a feeling and describe it through dance which was an interesting process."

To express your own feelings is a wonderful thing but also to see feelings expressed by others can open a person up even more. That is what the goal of the Sister's Trousers dance company is, to share feelings with others and open them up to their own.

6 A&E Thursday, Nov. 15, 2001
Photos taken by Krista Mazzeo Jim Boyle, local comedian, plays Chester Trunche in "Bitters and Blue Ruin" James Gioffreda, pictured above, plays "George 'Thumper' Johnson.• "Bitter and Blue Ruin" was written, directed and produced by Sean Kelley, Scott Elwell and Krista Mazzeo.
• - I
Megan Mirzcoff -first-yearstudent

Michael Jackson: the King of Pop

He is the only man who is able to draw Marlon Brando out of hiding for an award show, shut down Times Square in New York city, and have his new album reach nu~ber one on the Billboard charts this week. Who is he? The king of pop, Michael Jackson, who in case you did not know, released his latest album "Invincible," on Oct.30, 2001.

Despite mixed reviews of his new album, it will enter the charts at number one this week. The 16track CD will feature guests like guitarist Carlos Santana, the departed rapper Notorious B.I.G. and actor Chris Tucker. The video for the first song of the disc is "You Rock My World," which features movie actors including Tucker, and it has been on heavy rotation on both MTV and VHl. During the weekend of Halloween, also on heavy rotation on both of those channels, was the


The new album from Michael Jackson, "Invincible;• offers a combination of new-school pop and R&B music mixed with the distinguished Jackson-style songwriting for a hit release that is bound for platinum status.

"Invincible,'' which was released on Oct. 30, features a wide span of producers ranging from R&B

stars such as R. Kelly, Babyface and Teddy Riley along with producer Rodney Jerkins of Darkchild Entertainment.R&B singer •• Tyrese also appears as a guest writer on "2000 Watts." Even Jackson's 4- lfy year-old son, Prince, appears on the album for the song "The Lost Children."

has people not only buying his

In 1985, after co-writing and new album but also several of his performing "We Are The World;' older albums. Later this year, he is Jackson's career would start to expected to release his older al- down spiral. He destroyed his rebums with bonus tracks: lationship with McCartney and

At just 4 years of age, Michael upset Beatles fans when he bought joined his brothers and formed the the collection of John Lennon and Jackson 5; he was the front man Paul McCartney songs from the and lead vocalist. After having ATV Music Company.There were hits under Motown like "ABC," rumors spreading that he was tak"The Love You Save," and "I'll be ing drugs to change his skin color there" in the late 1960s. In the mid to white and sleeping in cham'70s, Michael, putting his solo ca- bers. "Bad," the title of his 1987 reer on hold, then filmed the record, which was produced by movie, "The Wiz," which was Jones did not live up to the expecmoderately successful. Quincy tations of "Thriller." Then in Jones, who would produce 1992, after releasing "DangerMichael's first solo album, "Off ous," Jackson became the target of The Wall," produced the sound- more allegations and rumors. Altrack to the film. " Off The Wall," legations of sexual abuse by Jackhad two number one hits and re- son's young friends, as well as ceived Grammy awards. what looked like a staged mar-

The first track on the album, "Unbreakable," is Recent photos used with permission from the defining song of Jack- son's new image and personality. In an interview with TV Guide, Jackson said that the song's message says "that I'm invinci-

a·Jackson's new album was released on Oct.30 and has already topped the charts.

ble. You can't hurt me. Knock me down, I get back up." The song also features a rap sample from the late Notorious B.l.G. Hard pop-style beats support the first three tracks of the album, including "Heartbreaker" and the title track "Invincible." The pace then turns to a softer, smoother rhythm with the love ballads "Break of Dawn" and "Heaven Can Wait"

The first single released from the album, "You Rock My World" opens with a skit featuring Jackson and comedian Chris Tucker. "Butterflies," the second single to be released, is reminiscent of Jackson's '80s hit "Human Nature" from his Thriller album.

This mix of soulful ballads, R&B tracks and Jackson's famous style of singing makes for an appealing listening experience for both old and new Jackson fans.

'Jackson puts on his shades, after performing at a concert in the mid '80s. ,,.,1"h rP'" , r

Next, the team of Jones and riage between him and Lisa Marie Jackson worked on one of the Presley, had the media swarming most commercially successful al- for more. bums ever. "Thriller," which was After his release of a double released in 1982, had a long run of album, "History: Past, Present, successful singles like "Beat It," Future," it was discovered that "Billie Jean," and the most infa- Jackson had married again. This mous "Thriller." The album won time to a woman named Debbie seven Grammy awards for Jack- Rowe, with whom he had two Michael Jackson Halloween spe- son. Another hit which, came out children. The marriage ended in cial, "Michael Jackson's Ghosts." in 1993, was his duet with Paul October 1999.

Jackson also stopped traffic at McCartney, a song titled, "Say, Despite personal obstacles, Times Square in New York, at his Say, Say." Jackson would follow Jackson has succumbed the media first-ever in-store appearance at that up with the largest individual mayhem. After all, he did not_earn ..!.1;~YJ!_gi~.B~C:,0!9~_S~J~:.'J!vs_!!!_-__-~P.Q!1~8f§!,riJL4..e~l_~Y£r,sign~~~\~ of pop for nothing. cent frenzy concermng Jackson Pepsi. ·

The Michael Jackson Fan Club

P.O. Box 181275

Corpus Christi, TX 78480

Lgguitur A&E
Photo retrieved from Michael, the king of pop, promotes the release of his new album "invincible" in N. Y.
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EVIi lrlllls 1111 I St1r1 Tl Tall

They are everywhere you tum, from the NBA basketball court to our local Cabrini College campus. Cornrows, braids and extensions are gracing the heads of males and females alike. Known as an ancient African tradition, these hair forms are more than just a piece of history.

Handed down from generation to generation, the origins of this famous art form otherwise known as hair braiding can be traced back to Egypt 3500 BCE.'

"Different types of braiding comes from different regions of Africa," junior Geronna Lewis said. "The different types of braids and extensions worn by men and women signified what tribe you were from and also your status in the community."

Angelle Penn, a freshman, said that African men love to see braided hair on their women; it is part of a tradition in ancient and modemAfrica.

This African tradition has made its way across the seas to become one of the fastest-growing trends in the country. "From the time Africans were brought over on slave ships, we became beauticians for our masters. We learned how to do their hair before our own. There were no supplies to do extensions or any fancy braids, so we kept normal

braids in our hair. As time evolved so did our creative styles with the hair and the need for hair products for our own hair was finally met," Lewis said. "It was a long time before America saw extensions in Africans' hair."

Lewis explained that extensions, an addition to natural hair with either synthetic or natural hair pieces done through weaving, were possible when the slaves first arrived here due to lack of hair products.

African women learn from a young age the art of hair braiding. Young girls typically have their hair braided by older female relatives such as sisters, mothers, grandmothers, cousins and aunts.

The skill of braiding is learned first by watching, then by doing to gain experience. A young African girl develops these skills usually from practicing on younger females and her own hair first. The skill of braiding is considered a life skill for all African women in Africa. "I grew up watching my mother and aunts braid hair. I was never formally taught how to braid, it was just something I picked through constant watching," Penn said. "This is just something you see all of the time. Really anyone can learn how to braid and cornrow from just watching a few times. Then you start to try it out on yourself and friends and the skill just becomes easier to do."

So where can one go to get their hair braided, cornrowed or perhaps have a few extensions added? First decide what type of braid you are looking for. There are a few types of braids to choose from. Perhaps a French braid, an inside-out braid or maybe a head of cornrows, a braid done against the scalp across the head, will fulfill your tastes. With many options to choose from, a stylistic design should be easy to obtain. "Braid shops line the streets in many city neighborhoods where the demand for braids and extensions is desired," Lewis said. Pricing and time should be your only constraint. Most braids and such take anywhere from one hour to eight and range from $100 to $500 in pricing. "It is an all-day project. I plan to do nothing else that day except braid. I always do my own hair too, which, makes the process longer;' Penn said.

Considering the price and time constraints, why sport braids?

"It's easy manage and to maintain and I never have to worry about anything," Penn said.

Freshman Patty Klara, who is also Penns' roommate, said," It's easy, it's looks neat and plus Angelle can practice new braids in my hair." Many people braid their hair simply for satisfaction.

"I have my hair French braided before basketball games sometimes because it keeps my hair out

A f I rrJe For GjvJngJ

b¥Cbtnyl JDM>Gblda Campus Ministry. Canned goods arcbeing staff writer accepted in the chapel and in CampusMinistry at any time until Nov. 20. The food

Dissect the word Thanksgiving. A time will be donated to hunger relief programs of thanks and giving is what it boils down in the area including the Greater Pbiladelto. It •invites people to donate their time. phia Food Bank.

Here's your chance. Every year Cabrini College Campus

There are many things that could be Ministry donates a whole turkey and a full done to contribute to the true meaning of meal for six to eight people to about 75 Thanksgiving. If you have clothes you do households. All of the donations go to Our not want anymore or some extra canned Lady of Hope. North Philadelphia, and the goods, donate them to a local church. meals will be dispersed to the homes. If Canned and nonperishable goods or even anyone would like to give a money donameals for shut-ins would be generous and tion, checks are being accepted. Make greatly appreciated.

._ , Jbem Coll~e Campus MinOn campus there is a food drive. istry and the mdney Will go towards food f;


of my face and I don't have to worry about my ponytail coming loose," junior Katie Kempton said. Kempton also said that although she has never really thought about having her hair cornrowed she is always open to try new things.

"I'm not sure I would ever have extensions done but I like the way braids look on women and maybe sometime I will have to try it," junior Amy Perone said. Although it may seem as though braiding is limited to females or those with longer -length hair that in fact is not the case.

a r1d

for this program. Campus Ministry is also accepting food baskets until Nov 20 for the people who were affected OD Sept 11.

Many people have Thanksgiving traditions. "We go around the dinner table and give thanks," Junior Bonnie Garlic said Some visit old friends at the ritual homecoming games at their old high schools, others make meals for shut-ins and visit past loved ones' graves and bring flowers.

"My family donates turkeys to homes along with clothes," Junior Jenna Marquardt said Thanksgiving is usually when people spend time with their family all nice and cozy around.a dinner table catching up with one another. Some people choose to

Many African men have their hair braided not only as a sign of their cultural, but because it has become such a stylish hair form in the recent few years. Hair can be braided at any length if done correctly.

Not only is hair braiding an ancient tradition, but also it is also fun and unique to try. The fastest growing hair craze in the country is sweeping through your dorm room next so hold on tight. Practice on a friend or ask someone to practice it on you. You might be surprised with the results.

spend their day differently like Junior Kit Hillin. "I go to a homeless shelter and help out there with giving out food and spend time with the people;• Hillin said

On November 15 at 5:30 p.m. to 7.:00 p.m. there will be a Hunger Banquet in the New Residence Hall This programis to inform people abouthowbad bmlgerreally is in our developed world and developing worlds. It is to inspire people and help with the awareness of the seriousness of the situation. All are welcome to attend. No RSVP needed. For more information call Mary Laver at x-8409.

) 8 -------------------------- FEATURES Thursday, Nov. 15, 2001
photo by Jill C. Hindman Tyquaine Wilson sports his cornrows for the camera.
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Imagine this. A toy store manager arrives at the Mall of America at 4:30 a.m. to hand out numbers for the hottest toys currently on the market. When the numbers run out that means the toy is sold out. What other day could provoke such a craze among ordinarily well-mannered adults? Besides Christmas Eve, that day woulp be black Friday. Black Friday is traditionally the Friday after Thanksgiving. This year the mayhem will begin on Nov. 3. Black Friday was labeled as such because on that particular day retailers generate enough revenue to put their ledgers "into the black." The day also, of course, kicks off the stressful holiday season. For those who procrastinate in their gift purchasing, this may be the first day of many in their month long credit "maxing" frenzy. The fortunate one's who begin their shopping earlier in the year may be afforded the luxury of relaxing all day eating turkey sandwiches.

The U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that retailers earn

one quarter of their total sales for the year in the five weeks before Christmas. This year, the National Retail Federation in Washington expects shoppers to spend 183 billion dollars on general merchandise, apparel and furniture.

With the enormous crowds, the greedy customers, and the overall madness, security is tighter and more precautions then ever during the holiday season. Specta Guard LLC is a security company that provides personnel and equipment to 60 shopping centers between New Hampshire and North Carolina. Security makes themselves aware of people who are walking as if they are shopping together but are not really talking to one another. They also look for customers who are walking too close behind others or who are walking too close behind people through the revolving doors, as well as those with shopping bags lined with aluminum foil, which enables them to get safely through lines.

As the rush begins on Nov. 3, so do the sales. Locally you can find many at the nearby King of Prussia Mall, which is the largest shopping center on the East coast. With 8 de-

partment stores, 365 shops, and 59 restaurants and eateries, security will be extra tight throughout the entirety of the premises. Macy's will be having many discounts given the fact that this year marks the 75th annual Thanksgiving Day parade. Shoppers can look forward to 25 percent off all Ralph Lauren men's clothes, 25 percent off all Joe Boxer underwear and all men's and women's coats. Gap women's, men's and children's lines are selling sweaters starting at $39.50, and giving a portion of the proceeds from all purchases to the Make-A-Wishfoundation in the spirit of giving.

What is always a season of joy and human awareness, this year there is more of a need then ever to recognize the significance of our fellow man. Sadly, people may fear making the trip to the malls on Black Friday due to the recent attacks of terrorism upon our nation and it is under speculation what results the day may bring. Whether the stores bring in major money as usual or less then expected, it will undoubtedly be interesting.

Jenine J. lkeler


She jumped off a 75-foot cliff in Negri}, Jamaica, is addicted to anything vanilla and has had an internship with the highest rated local newscast in America.

At 5' 1" Jenine J. Ikeler might be short in size, but towers in experience. Ikeler, a senior English/communications major, had a mission last spring and that mission was to find an internship. Not only did she find what she was looking for, but also an experience that she would never forget.

Ikeler landed herself an intern~ ship at Channel 16 'The News Station." Channel 16 is the number one station in Scranton, where she is from. It is an ABC affiliate and is owned by the New York Times. Channel 16 is the 51st largest marlcetout of over 200

markets in the country and it covers 22 counties.

"I was really thrust into this environment," Ikeler said. "I wrote stories for the reporters to read on air, chose sound bites for the producers and interviewed people while choosing an angle for reports. Basically, I did everything from researching to producing."

When a student applies for an internship at WNEP they have the choice of working in news, weather or sports. As a news intern Ikeler worked 40 hours a week at WNEP ""'.ithoutpay. "I met a lot of people. I had the privilege of meeting former governor Tom Ridge, the recently appointed head of Homeland Security and different anchors from the area. I also rode in the Sky Cam helicopter and talked with people from CNN.Dn.tbe.telephooe." -~-~

An intern can expect to rotate their bi-weekly schedules during the week and on the weekends. It was a hard decision for Ikeler whether or not to take the internship because she knew that she would have absolutely no money for the entire summer. When asked how she managed Ikeler said, "I relied on the financial support of my mother ~d had really good friends that paid for all of my cover charges and drinks."

The reporters at WNEP explained to her that this is a profession that you need to love in order to do. It is a very stressful work environment that inhibits a person from starting a family or in some cases, relationships. It also can make it difficult to establish a social life because of the crazy hours and the fact that every two

thought that I wanted to have a career in broadcast journalism, however after spending 12 weeks in a hectic news environment I decided that I wanted to go into public relations. After taking a public relations class with Melissa Reich, public relations professor, this semester, I am sure that is what I want to do."

Even though Ikeler realized that she does not want to pursue a career in broadcast journalism she looks at this in a positive light.

"I could have never learned all of that in the classroom. Reading about it in a book, or hearing about it in a lecture is completely different than the actual hands-on experience that you gain," said Ikeler. "I was not paid by the hour, but the education that I have acquired through this experience was priceless."

photo by Joe Holden The King of Prussia Mall is experiencing the calm before the storm with their nicely hung decorations. photo by Jill c. Hindman years reporters get transferred all J!!.'!!ne l~~r IOV!,_~_tg!f!ro~ -~a_·bandanna and watch "Sex in the WNEP-is• 24-hour operation. City" after a hard day's work. "Going in to the position I


Cabrini's Thanksgiving spirit carried by few

Once Halloween hits, there is no running; the holidays are upon us. They arrive like an express train, one right after the other. Thanksgiving is next week, which means most of us will be surrounded around a turkey dinner and pumpkin pie dessert. Thanksgiving is an American holiday. Sure you know the story. There is no need to go into detail about an event that we begin to learn about continuously throughout years of schooling. There is no need to emphasize how the holiday centers on the self-explanatory theme of thanks, is there?

So how could, after so many years, we still be ungrateful and oblivious to the gifts put in front of our faces?

Cabrini College offers a libel arts education, designed to help one gain knowledge both in and outside of the classroom. Yet the opportunities for one to accomplish this form of education is seen as an experience of extra-credits points for class, rather than gaining the knowledge of the real world.

We are supposed to be a character building school. So how are we building this character? At Cabrini Day last week, a LARGE percentage of attendants up and left after the first presentation. The forum was not over, let alone had even begun, but people had already dismissed themselves. By the time the forum came to an end with a ceremony to honor its finest student leaders, the once jammed pack, unseat able crowd was long gone and the empty space was no longer filled with students. The absence of the attendants was not a surprise; these students did their job. They signed the registrar's sign-in sheet. They gained their extra credit points. However, the purpose was not fulfilled. Students left the forum with the same attitude they had before getting out of bed. Might as well have stayed in bed.

The editorials,viewpoints,opinionsand lettersto the editor publishedin Loquiturare the viewsof the studenteditorialboard and the individual writers,not the entire studentbody or the faculty and administration.

Editor in chief:

Managing editor:

News editors:

Sports editor:


Perspecth·es editor:

Features editor:

Photography editor:

Copy editor Web editor:


Memoir of the Mexican Border

dusty mattresses in Anapra, Mexico. Anapra is a colonious of El Paso. After crossing the cultural and national boarder by van, we played soccer with the kids in the neighborhood. We couldn't communicate verbally , but we could all smile. We could all laugh. We thought we could all play soccer, but those children kicked our butts.


Michael A. Kazanjian

Renee Tomcanin

Beth Ann Conaban and Amy Gassen

Tracy Timson

Geri Lynn Utter

Rene~ OiPietro

Jill C. Hindman

Justine Difilippo

Joe Holden

Charles La Cowte

Dr. Jerry Zurek

Staff Writers

Kenneth Baumbach

Marianne McKim

Lisa Broomall Ryan Mulloy

Maria Chambers

Leanne Pantone

Colleen Connor Michael Paolucci

Vincent DeFruscio Gina Roswell

He was sleeping when I first saw him. His dusty hair was every which way. He wore a pink and white floral pajama set. He napped on an old, beat-up couch next to his brother and his sister who slept in a toy-filled crib. His mother bad left the morning before, claiming to be' going shopping for a few hours. She never came back. His name was Jamie. I instantly fell in love.

This past May, I traveled a world away to the Texas/Mexico boarder with 11 other students and Mary Laver, coordinator of community outreach and service learning. We traveled by plane before America was afraid to fly. We landed in Texas.

David, a volunteer at the charity houses that we stayed at, served as our tour guide. He picked us up at the El Paso airport in an old, white van.

During the first three days of our week-long trip, we stayed on

The first night in Anapra, we sat on the front porch of the stone house we stayed in. The front faced the American boarder. A mile from where we stood, there were high buildings, bright lights, many cars and a train track. On the side that we stood, there were many tiny, makeshift homes with sparse electricity. The view was beautiful, however, filled our hearts with sadness. It is a culture shock bow people can live so close to one another, yet live such different lives.

While in Anapra, we visited a library run by an amazing woman named Kristina. She told us how her colonious, which is severely poverty-stricken, is overrun with drug and alcohol abuse. She told us bow many of the children in her neighborhood are physically and mentally abused. While the main focus of her library is to educate, Kristina also emotionally supports the children who come to her to learn.

After our stay in Anapra, we traveled back to the United States. We went to Immigration Court and watched as nine men were tried for crossing the boarder and sent back to their respected countries. The Honorable Judge Penny M. Smith presided. She could have been the spawn of Judge Judy and Anne Robinson. She treated the men as if they were animals rather than human beings.

We also heard the stories of many other people who live in Mexico, or who are fleeing for a better life in America. One of the nights of the trip, we stayed in a shelter in El Paso for Mexicans who snuck across the boarder with hopes of starting a better life. I washed dishes with a few of the men after dinner one night. Our conversations consisted of a lot of hand gestures and smiles. One of the men showed me a picture of his girlfriend who snuck across the boarder with another group. .They had plans to rendezvous in Los Angeles.

During this Thanksgiving season, I can't help but think back to my trip to Mexico. I met many people who go without much of what I take for granted. I mainly think about Jamie. I wonder if his mother ever returned and what happened to him and his brother and sister.

Awareness of hunger spreads

Editorial Board

Renee DiPietro

Geri Lynn Utter

Staff Photogn,pbers

Sean Atwell Jeffrey Hardy

Marcel Bassett

Jennifer Brunner

April Caldwell

Maria Chambers

Tun Gordon

Catharine Hemson

Amanda Howard

Marianne McKim

James Mc Quire

Michael Paolucci

Diane Wizimir,;ki

Loqultur is established as a forum for stu• dent expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, tree and open discussion of Issues.

John Delsordo-Tarlecki Karen , Catherine Dilworth Jrssica Spriggs Loqui1uris • labon1ory nclispapcr mnen.edited and Jennifer Dalvano Alexis Strizziere duocd by studcri~ rt1:is1cttdin COM 346. J,O. 351. 153 and Catherine Hemson Cheryl Tranchitella :~::~°!7orcamc:;;::;,:1%;; 1;:~~~

Eugene Iacovelli Lucy Truglio clnscs. howc,er. areeligible t0 rccei"c

One week ago today I was gress to support aid for world hunger. The letter writsitting in the Grace Hall Atri- ing was new this year but important. Writing to U.S. um for the beginning of the officials who make the decisions of how much help Cabrini Day forum and had and provisions we will give to the hungry helped fuse the privilege of asking stu- our voices with many others. dents and faculty to help edu- See, all the U.S. hunger policies are decided in cate, advocate and fill the D.C., and the people making these decisions affect plate, which is the slogan for world hunger. The world needs more bread. The US the Hunger and Homelessness provides the largest amount of financial aid each year Awareness program. My for the hungry. I was so proud to learn that fact. But Renee Di Pietro friend Devon and I stood be- then it was followed by this piece of inform~tion, perspective editor fore the attendants of the which faded my smile. In comparison to the other Cabrini Day forum and spoke countries that give aid, we give the least pe{eeiit of about the different events that one could participate aid from our Gross National Product (GNP), whfchis in to support this campaign. the amount of money our country gives to goods and The different events such as the Hunger services. Though they do not give physically as much Banquet, arrested for hunger and Hunger 101 were as we do, they are making much more of a sacrifice. and are great way to get involved. The Hunger Ban- There is so much focus on terrorism today; the unquet is tonight. mediate needs of the hungry are unconsciously being

Results of this hunger campaign vary from food placed on the back burner. We cannot forget about and mo~e~ con~butions being sen~,fo:J~~~J88 ~ilft~~a-rn~:~~~~ ~.;~·::,,: ~., Thanksg1vmg dinners and letters bei~MJ!tJq,C{?(!- r,f."i!m .,.,fill uo'{

-· PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Nov. 15, 2001
acadcrruccmht. Su~ Shannon King Sharvon Urbannavage ::::nl\ 1 -:::t.!;/r!:'{~~;!~=i~t~~!"'C: Richard Magda Cheryl \Vagstaff tor.Lc1tcTSshould be fiiancdand lhc authunhip known to W ~lissa,Mode!W>•" 111> ~Williaftfs~l!l>J~l ;;>1tod-tin,fJl"Of ~ilt1'ttlb:LO•~•"""""""'" 'P- I T C I d pr<YYC:ld by the cdnor in chief. Letten to the tdcor should be 1 • J,, .3.!'YA.~~.,a~s,a_n."" ,.• ~• submiucdby1100C1onMooday.,_ 1 ·-----.------- --
Amy Gassen news editor
• • •

Guitar is her passion, money's not her fashion

Maria Chambers

ta f writer

Mm • y pa<;-.ion Wnen I have my gumrr m my hand-,, I run fearless. I am shameless I am tree. Pl3¥mg guitar is my favonte outlet for my emotions When I'm angry or up:-et my guitar is always right there for me to hold. My guitar ,s my best friend

I started playing guitar about four and a half years ago. I remember the first lesson I ever had. This old guy came to my house with his bright-blue Fender electric guitar and I was using my

mom's old beat-up piece of rotten wood. Now that I think about it, it sounds really funny, but at the time it was not very cool During that first lesson the old man tried to teach me how to play "Pretty Woman." I came out with something that sounded like someone threw the guitar against the wall. After hours of practice I began to feel that learning the guitar would be a very rewarding experience. It may not get me far tn hfe-. but l know that it's t.1e one thing that will always bl! stab! for me in th:s crdzy world.

Every Tucsda) night 1 go to The Point in Bryn Mawr, where they have open mic night l ltke to get up on stage in front of all those people and play my mu,ic. There 1s no feeling like baring my soul through songs. I also like to sit back and watch everyone else play and sing. Some people play guitar, some piano and some sing by themselves, but no matter who

you are or what you sing, there's always a warm welcome from your fellow musicians.

I have a passion for live music. Seeing someone play on stage m front of me really lets me feel the emotion the smger puts into the music.

I listen to folk music as well as a little-known genre of music known as punk-folk. During the month of October, I went to four concerts mclud nt Ton Amos Meli%a Ferrick and two Ani Di Franco 'ihO\\i-. The,e three artists have had sucfI an impact on my life. Die mam re.lson I listen to these women is for th~,r lyrics. I find so much mcanmg Ill the words these people sa).

Ani Difranco is my most favorite artht. Over the years, she has developed a sound that 1s like no other. She sings about everything from life and love to political issues. A few weeks ago I saw her in concert and the people there

A National Lampoon talent

spirit. I get up early and get a start on wiring my house's exterior with 11,000 clear Christmas lights. Each year I add more.

The sparkle my house gives off at night time is an expensive one. I avoid wondering what the amount of the energy bill is.

Joe Holden

copy editor

Thanksgiving is already here. It's the beginning of the greatest season of the entire year. Thanksgiving is the threshold of eating, decorating, visiting with family, crazy mall confrontations, school break and so much more.

I will begin fasting on Sunday in order to pack it all in on Thursday qight.

Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday. Pack it in baby- all the food you can eat.

My brother was going to have his wisdom teeth pulled the day before this holiday. I counseled him out of that. He would have been at the mercy of good cranberriesand split-peasoup.

The day afterThanksgivingis good for gettingin thatChristmas

I also end up having to buy about 20 new sets each year because I always buy the cheap sets of lights from Kohl's Department Store and they usually crap out after so many years. For two bucks, you get a strand ofl 00 lights.

Avoid connecting more than three of those cheap light sets together. It can be horrendous trying to find the dumb set that decided to retire.

By the end of the day after Thanksgiving I have usually taken numerous spills off of ladders, been shocked and have severe frostbite. If you plan on decorating and you have bad similarly bad luck, here are some tips to help.

Do not lean the ladder on a scrawny tree or a skinny wire.

Theyarcflexible,bonesarenot If you have to lean t>tlt Ii winc;fow,

were wonderful. J enjoy concerts I enjoy music when the person for the atmosphere, but also be- writing and singing the songs also cause I get to talk to people who playc; his or her 0\Vn instrument have the same interests as I do and When I saw Tori Amo5 about a are on the same level as far as pol- month ago, she played her pianos ltlcs goes. and sang her songs, to which she

I am not a person that listens to ' wrote the lync-,. To me. that is the radio very much. When I do awesome. Not only does she have listen, I am in my car because I an amazmg voice, but her lyrics have yet to get a tape player in- are bold. If Tori has something she c;talled.The music on the radio has wants to say in a song she comes no meaning for me. Yes. there are out and say~ it mstead of thinkint some songs that I e 1jo), bt:.tfor the about whether the song 1s gomg to mo~t part the newer music on tht: ge: r dio air play. radio does not benJ my ear A ,ot I always find that no m tter of the newer musJc out there today where I go I can talk to people I 1s n->tsomethmg that will last for meet about mustc. It's something dee-des to come. It bothers me that b everywhere Tum on the that rnuc;ic ha, been so comrner- tel vbion for five seconds and you ciali7A!d.What e,er hdppened to he8" music, no matter what chanmaking mu~1cfor personal enjoy- nel is on. !\1usic 1, somethmg that ment instead of "who can make often gets ignored or taken for the most money.'' 1 remember granted because 1t 1s always there. learning about Hayden, Mozart To me, music is a treasure, and I and \Vagner. These musi~ians am one of the many boxes that were poor but respected for their holds it inside talents.

make sure it doesn't close while you're under it. Use a broomstick or something. A heavy window leaning on your head can give you a stiff neck. Also, while you are leaning, make sure you have good balance.

Familiarize yourself with the circuit-breaker box. If you have hooked up the number of lights I have, you are familiar with tripping these suckers.

If you see exposed wires it's better not to touch them.

When you get your Christmas tree, remember to carry it into your house from the base. If you pull it in though the tip of the tree, all of the needle fly off and the branches get bent for some reason.

Whatever you find yourself doing, remember to give thanks for the thingsyou have.

Each Thanksgiving I give thanksfor havingmadeit through anotherNationalLampoonsdecoratingexperience.

Random Things to do on Weekends

10. Jump in a Cabrini tour and ask who lives in the houses at the end of the driveways and other obscure questions. (Especially ifVmce De Fruscio is the student ambassador.)

9. Walleto the corner of North Wayne Ave. and Lancaster Ave. Push the buttons for the crosswalle sign. Skip across the street to the fun "chirpie" noises. Hang out with the kids on the benches. They are fun.

8. Go albino deer hunting. Bring a camera and submit your picture to us. We'll publish you. You'll be famous.

7. Ride the Cabrini shuttle to Radnor Train Station. Take the R5 to Thirtieth Street Station in Philadelphia. Then, take the Rl to the airport. Stare at the Celestial Ball Garden located in baggage claim.

6. Walk to Minilla's Diner on Lancaster Ave.

5. Go to the shady 24-hour Burger King off of Valley Forge Road.

4. Walleover to Eastern and play at the playground. Frolic with the ducks.

3. Bake cookies in the New Residence Hall. Bring some to us in apartments 102 and 103. We'll even let you use our kitcbens,but the new ovens in the NRH are better.

2. Grab all of your friends-and people that you don't know-and pay ultimate Frisbee by thepeace pole. •

1. Play man hunt behind the Mansion. Wear all black: and walk: lilcc the Pink:Panther. by Amy Gassen cl Renee Tomcanin


America needs to move on, but at what pace?

of work and they really want to help, but it is not necessary work for a fire fighter to be doing. There are so many volunteers who don't have jobs that save lives. A computer programmer can dig just as well as a fireman. Not all the fire fighters should leave but having more than three quarters of the city's fire department on site is a bit much.

Two months ago terrorists attacked the United States. Sure, it was scary. As a result people have been a bit more cautious these past weeks. Enough is enough. There is no need to live life in fear.

Every other country in the world is plagued by terrorism. In Ireland there is a daily bombing. Israel is constantly in a ruckus. Mexico is in the middle of a guerrilla war that's been going on since it became a free country. These people do not constantly worry about opening a letter just because they don't know who sent it. These people are lucky to even get mail.

No one has ever been scared to travel from those countries. Americans even go to them everyday. Life does not have to be different now.

So, we lost a few buildings and a lot of people died, it is sad. Life has to go on. People die all the time, it happens. When a car bomb goes off in Belfast, the whole nation doesn't mourn for months. The families of those hurt even smile again after a couple of weeks.

I refuse to live my life in fear. I will not be a victim of this attack. I will not stop being free. The reason people target the US is because we are free. We don't have rules of who to worship or how to think.

The fire fighters in New York are up in arms about Mayor Rudy Giuliani's new rule preventing so many of them to be at the "Ground Zero" sight.

Just a little thought, don't they have fires to fight? What about the people who need them to come do real fire fighter work instead of picking through rubble to find dead bodies?

I know it is an emotional line

Another huge problem is the anthrax scare. Don't get me wrong it's a terrible disease, but a normal person is not going to get enough spores to be killed. There are scientific studies that show how much actual anthrax it takes to become ill, and it is a lot.

I hear about people who say, "I'm having some breathing difficulty. I think I might have anthrax."

Come on people, the possibility of getting anthrax, as a college student is slim to none. If you do get it, the possibility that it was meant to harm you is negligible.

All the contaminated letters are going to important media personnel and government officials. Don't worry, the terrorists, whereever they are from, are not out to get you.

This is still a very free and well-protected country. We have a lot of space to move around; even people who live in a big city can drive out to east jibip to get away from the tight congestedness of the city.

We are still a country of freedom. We are free to choose whom we want to marry or not to marry. We are free to choose who we want to pray to or can choose not to pray at all.

The attack happened two months ago, nothing has really happened since, that can be proven as an outside terrorist attack. We have to get back to reality.

I am a free and independent kind of girl and I will not be taken advantage of because I'm scared of some foreign guy with a vendetta against my life style.

We have to live our lives the way we used. If not the terrorists win.

insensitive and wrong. To compare this unprecedented massacre to any other form of violence or terrorism anywhere else in the world is perhaps more unfathomable.

Terror has taken over America as the result of the Sept. 11 attacks. Although it is true that we must do our best to achieve a state of normalcy in our daily habits, doing so does not offer answers or provide protection against future unjustified outrages.

Of course the entire country of Ireland doesn't mourn for months over a car bomb in Belfast. America does not mourn over a car bomb in Los Angeles or any other city either.

What America should keep in their hearts and prayers without remorse, however, is the loss of the people who epitomized why America leads the world. It is normal to feel lost and unsure in such a time that cannot be shoved aside or moved beyond.


aim for the same goal yet prefer to take different angles on which path the county should take


Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to Theloquitur or The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. J9087

•Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters and a phone number must be provided.

The problem standing in the way of progress is the common misconceptions shared by Americans, much like that of my counterpart. As we listen to the government preach to us that we must continue to live as we did, our tendency is to think in fear but live in ignorance. It seems to have become the goal of America to return to reality. The shocker is that this constant state of fear in the face of terror has becomereality.

Part of dealing with the new reality forced upon the world is accepting the fact that "one and done" is clearly not the favored theory of anti-American terrorists. Phase two of the recent terrorist strikes involves micro killers being spread through daily mail. Once believed to be a possible threat after Sept. 11, biological warfare is now threatening those involved with making, reporting and delivering news.

The fact that this strain of anthrax bas such potent spores forces ordinary citizens to fear opening their mail because of cross contamination.

Of course other countries do not have to be concerned when they get mail. Only America is faced with the threat of psycho scientists brewing up this super spore to kill innocent people.

Americans must move on, but with caution and remembrance. Chalking up the loss of approximately 7,000 innocent people and two of the world's most prominent buildings as an ordinary case of death and destruction is absurdly

As for the enraged firefighters in New York City, they have the right to be offended by Mayor Rudy Giuliani's decision to reduce the number of trained men at the scene. These men are professionals and could not be replaced by computer programmers.

To say that nothing has really happened since Sept. 11 is ridiculous.

America is at war both overseas and on its own land. Politicians and diplomats are struggling to keep up with the progress of the American armed forces and the Northern Alliance. We still do not have any credible intelligence to lead us to Osama bin Laden or his cohorts. Those who spread anthrax have yet to be discovered.

Not to mention the possibility of terrorism as the cause of an airbus to lose an engine three minutes into flight and crash into a residential area of Queens, NY.

America is still a free and safe nation. There is no reason to change daily routines or lifestyles to accommodate the ideals of terrorists, but America is losing ground every time that someone forgets the impact that Sept. 11 has had on each aspect of the future.

Taking such atrocities only as events that happened two months ago will bring more trouble than any nation could handle, including America.

12 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Nov. 15, 2001
Catherine Hernson and Richard Magda battle their views on how America can return to reality

Hockey team defeated by Villanova

rity in the first half coming out The Villanova White Owls came lost was a tough one for Cabrini II, position so far this season. Howstaff writer strong and aggressive. They dom- out strong in the second half, however the team looked at the ever he to realizes that the team inated for most of the first half. going, at one point, on a four goal game as a learning experience. has to mold together and has room The Cabrini roller-hockey sea- The defense stepped up to the run against Cabrini. Cabrini's de- "It's tough. We are still trying to to improve. ''We just have to get son has started as of two weeks challenge of the White Owls fensive effort towards the end of get a feel for each other. We have used to how each other play. We ago. Because of the popularity of speed and kept the game close and the second half picked up; howev- only played a few games together. came out of the gates really fast the sport, a second team has been competitive. Rob Cain, a first year er it wasn't able to shut down the It will take time for us to get a bet- and strong. We have to try and added to Cabrini's roller-hockey student, played especially well fast paced and flawless execution ter feeling for one another," Esh- continue that kind of momentum club. Cabrini's 'teams are named with a great defensive effort even of the White Owls. Cabrini lost leman commented. The talent and throughout the entire game," Peifsimply Cabrini I and Cabrini II. though he usually plays an offen- the game by a score of 10-5, how- experience on the club is varied as fer said. Cabrini II roller-hockey team in sive position. ever they kept playing until the well, as on any team. ''We have a their inaugural season as a club Along with playing defense the final siren sounded. mix of people on the team, from Cabrini II plays has been a team full of dedication scoring was all Cabrini up until Rink had an especially great people who have a lot of experi- and commitment. Coming into the last two and a half minutes of game and led the team in scoring. ence playing and some with less Cabrini I next their game on Monday night with the first half. Cabrini's Brad Rink Rob Cain and first year student, experience. It will take time a Sunday night, a record of 1-1, they faced their had a hat trick scoring all three of Rob Eshelman added two more practice to get a feel for how we Nov. 18, at the most difficult opponent yet, the Cabrini's goals in the first half. goals to Cabrini's scoring effort. each play," Cain said.

VIiianovaSkate White Owls, a team from Villano- However, in the last two minutes Overall the team showed signs of One of the vocal leaders on the Center at 1O p.m. va. of the half, Villanova came back improvement and maturity and team, goalie Ethan Peiffer, has The team showed signs of matu- and tied the game 3-3. played well with one another. The played exceptionally well in his

Students talk back about the Sixers

by Ryan Mulloy

98-91 victory with 18 points, nine staff writer assists, four rebounds and two steals.

When the Philadelphia 76ers season started on the Oct. 30, 2001, something was missing from the team. Their first game, against the Minnesota Timberwolves ended in a 74-83 loss. The Sixers went on to lose their next four games to the Dallas Mavericks, the Houston Rockets, the Indiana Pacers and the Washington Wizards, with a returning Michael Jordan.

There have been odd line-ups for the Sixers, as opposed to last year. Last year, the common names were Eric Snow, Aaron McKie and Dikembe Mutombo, who was traded to the Sixers last year. This year, -starting players are the younger names like Speedy Claxton, Raja Bell and the returning Derric]f ·Coleman. There was some question in the mind of Sixers fans everywhere. Well now that question has the answer.

Allen Iverson, last season's Most Valuable Player, returned to the hard word floor to help assist the Sixers with a victory of Dallas. Iverson, who had been out due to his constant elbow problems, managed to help lead the team to a

"Iverson is a big factor to the Sixers," first year student Ryan Norris said, "He has skills and he plays good basketball." Norris also believes in the younger players, like Bell and Claxton. 'While he said Bell has not been doing badly since the start of the season, he does agree that the leadership of Iverson can better organize the team and get everyone at their best.

lverson's ability to bring out the best in his team is evident, through comments his fellow players have made. McKie has stated in several interviews that Iverson is a team leader and frees up his chances to play other positions on the court. A major highlight in the game with Dallas was Iverson's overthe-shoulder pass to McKie.

Loyal Sixers fan Michael Sofia, a first year student that lives in Philadelphia, is happy with the Sixers' line-up. "I feel there is a perfect blend of talent and age with the experience of Coleman and Mutombo. They provide the team with idea, but there is no question that Iverson is the team leader," Sofia said.

Iverson continues to lead the Sixers and will take them to a confrontation with the Atlanta Hawks, Mutombo's former running mates, on Friday, Nov. 16. The Sixers will complete their weekend with a game in New Jersey, taking on the New Jersey Nets. The game in New Jersey will be the Sixers' first game with former center Todd Macculloch, who left the organization over the summer. "Maybe with Iverson, they can win a few more here and there," sophomore Lou Verdecchio said.

The big news for Sixers and Iverson fans alike is the return game with Washington. On Nov. 28, Jordan and the Wizards will come to the First Union Center to take another shot with the Sixers, who lost the opening confrontation 76-90. "I can't wait to see him on the courts with Jordan," Sofia said.

With Iverson on the court, perhaps the Sixers can get past Jordan this time around. Sofia wishes them the best of luck this season and hopes Iverson can take home the MVP trophy again.

Loquitur SPORTS 13
photo by Renee Di Pietro
~·•'t ·,.·l•l."','l"l J' ,U ( J ••• J ..
Basketball season has started again, not only for our Philadelphia Sixers but also for our Cavaliers. Stay tuned to the sports section for upcoming Cavalier stories.

McGwire in the record books

JYPaul Williams

staff writer

Mark McGwire retired on Sunday, telling he world that he could no longer physicaly endure another baseball season. He will -etire after coming only 17 home runs away 'rom, 600; he would have been only the 'ourth player to do that in the history of ~ajor League Baseball. In 1998, the world .v~tched as he broke Roger Maris's home un record with 70 homeruns in a season. rhough it was a short-lived record with 3arry Bonds breaking the record this year, ~cGwire will always be known for his batle for the home run record with Sammy ~osa in 1998.

McGwire released a statement that said he ;ontributed to the success of some teams, md his motivation for playing was competng and not for the fortune and fame.

Dming the past season it looked as though McGwire would retire. He batted with a meager .187 average and only belted in 29 home runs this season. Troubled with an injury to his right knee in the 2000 season, the former single-season home run king said that he is not able to perform at a level equal to what the Cardinals organization would be paying him. McGwire did agree to a $30million,two-year extension to his previous deal in spring training; however he never did sign it.

The Montreal Expos originally drafted him on June 8, 1981, but he did not sign. Drafted on lune 4, 1984, by The Oakland Ns, he would help lead the team to success. McGwire began his career with the Oakland Athletics in 1986. He was part of the championship team in 1989, and he has reached the playoffs six times in his career. He was one of the most powerful homerun hitters.

that baseball has ever seen. His game three winning home run in the World Series of 1998 and a home run off of Randy Johnson that hit the upper deck of the Kingdome showed the immense strength that McGwire could hit the ball with. On July 13, 1997, McGwire was traded to the St. Louis Cardinals. There, in 1998, he would break the single-season records for home runs by hitting eight more than Maris

McGwire will be remembered in the record books even though Bonds has broken McGwire's most prestigious record. Some of the records that McGwire has attained throughout his years in baseball include: the major league record for most homeruns by a first basemen with 507, most consecutive seasons with 50 or more home runs (1996-1999), and he holds the record for the most consecutive home runs in consecutive seasons with 135.

Tips to stay happy and healthy over the holidays

No one probably enjoys the holiday season more than children.

Your Health

Taking precautions to avoid sickness or accidents can help make sme their season is healthy and safe, too.

Kevin Tracy, a pediatrician with UC Davis Medical Group, says, ·'Unfortunately, burns are common injuries around the holidays, but you can take several steps to promote fire safety." Here are some tips:

Check or install smoke detectors on each level of your home, preferably outside each bedroom.

Make sure all extension cords are in good condition. Never run them under a carpet.

''Unsafe food handling is another cause of sickness during the holidays," Tracy said, "but most problems can be easily avoided by following a few guidelines."

Fully cook meats and poultry, md thoroughly wash raw vegetables and fruits. Bacteria are often present in raw foods. Wash your hands frequently, and make sme children do the same.

Never put a spoon used to taste

food back into the pot without washing it.

Keep raw foods and cooked foods separate during preparation, and keep the utensil used to prepare them separate, too.

Thaw meat in the refrigerator, not on the counter. Never leave meat at room temperature for more than two hours.

"Holiday parties can pose safety hazards for small children," Tracy says. He also had some points to remember during these situations.

Clean up after your holiday party. A toddler can choke on leftover food or become dangerously ill on alcohol or tobacco.

Leave the sitter the phone number of the home you are visiting in addition to numbers for police, fire, poison control center and yom physician.

For additional holiday safety tips, Tracy suggests that parents check the American Academy of Pediatrics Web site at


This holiday season, don't let the spirit of giving lull you into giving bmglars, muggers and pickpockets a better chance to do

their dirty work. Crooks love the holidays as much as everyone else, but chiefly because it's an opportune time for crime.

If You're Traveling

Get an automatic timer for your lights. Ask a neighbor to watch yom home, or better yet, contact the local Police and ask for the Vacation House Check Unit

Don't forget to have mail and newspaper delivery stopped. If it piles up, it's a sme sign you're gone.

If You're Out For The Evening

Tum on lights and a radio or TV so it looks like someone's home. Be extra cautious about locking doors and windows when you leave, even if it's just for a few minutes. Do not display gifts where they can be seen from the outside.

If You're Shopping

Stay alert and be aware of what's going on around you. Park in a well-lighted space, and be sme to lock the car, close the windows, and hid shopping bags and gifts in the trunk. Avoid carrying large amounts of

Simple things such as eating well and bundling up can keep you healthy this winter.

cash~ pay with a check or credit card whenever possible. Deter pickpockets and pursesnatchers. Don't overbmden yomself with packages. Be extra careful with pmses and wallets. Carry a purse close to yom body, not dangling by the straps. Put a wallet in an inside coat or front pants pocket.

Criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering gifts, and it's not uncommon for people to try to take advantage of others generosity during the holidays by going door-to-door for charitable donations when there's no charity in-

volved. Ask for identification, and find out how the funds will be used. If you are not satisfied, do not give. Help a charitable organization you know and like instead. Last but not least, don't let holiday stress get the best of yom holiday spirit. Make time to get together with family, friends and neighbors. Think about reaching out in the spirit of the season and helping someone who's less fortunate or lonely.

Do your part to make the holidays a safe and happy time for everybody.

~l4 _____________________ SPORTS,________________ Th_m_s_da_~_N_o_v._l~_._200_1
printed with permission from Mark McGwire says farewell to baseball.
r ,. ' • • ,•• •-• • -··
photo by Katie Reing
,r :Jiu t.J

Cabrini partici-pates American Smokeout

Your Heatth

Nov. 15,2001 is the date of this year's Great American Smokeout. This day began in 1977 by the American Cancer Society to get people to stop quitting. The idea

of this day is to try and get smokers to quit even if it is only for one day. This day is always held on the third Thursday of November. More people quit on this day then any other day of the year.

During the 1993 Great American Smokeout, 2.4 million smokers quit, 6 million reduced the amount of cigarettes smoked that day, 10.7 million cigarettes were not

the Great

smoked, resulting in $18.1 million not spent on cigarettes. There are many good reasons for quitting and the effects happen almost immediately. After 20 minutes one's blood pressure and pulse rate decreases to normal. After eight hours carbon monoxide levels in blood drop and oxygen levels elevate. After 24 hours chance of heart attack decreases. 48 hours food starts to taste and smell better and damaged nerve endings begin to regenerate. After 72 hours breathing is easier. After two weeks to three months coughing, congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath h decrease. One to nine months cilia regenerates in the lungs. After one year the risk of heart disease is half of when one smoked. As the years go on the body begins to improve, and though cancer is not totally wiped out the chances of developing cancer is less likely.

Cabrini is participating in the Great American Smoke out by holding a few events. This past

Sister Trousers dance company holds workshop

On Nov.9th the Sister's Trousers Dance Company held a workshop at the Dixon Center Dance Studio. Amy Iadarola and Jennifer Rivers Pittman were the representatives for the Dane~ Company that would instruct the students in the workshop.

The dance company is located mainly~ i9-·the Washington D.C. are~ ,.wqrecently had a performan~ at the Kennedy Center last month. The company was performing this past Friday night at the Grace Hall Atrium

The one skill that the two instructors were reflecting to the students is that body movement can be used instead of speaking. With music in the background the

members of the workshop came together in one big circle. Each member of the workshop introduced one another while moving a arm or leg.

After everyone introduced himself or herself; they also had to express an emotion by using body language. Physical movement can express emotion, speed and size when performing. The two instructors taught that time, energy and space are good qualities for actors and dancers.

The members of the workshop were split into groups of four to put each person's movement into a sequence. Some of the dance sequences were fast or slow each having a reflection of emotion by students whom performed each sequence.

Tuesday there was an adopt a smoker where non-smokers were matched with smokers trying to quit. Today in the Widener Center next to the food court they are handing out survival kits and take the SAT not the test you had to take to get to college but a Smoking Awareness Test. Students have

a chance to win prizes. Take this opportunity to better your body and try quitting for just one day. If you can make it through 24 hours you can make it forever.

stopped into the workshop and she was very happy to see how some of the students were getting involved. She also stopped in to see Amy Iadarola who happens to be President ladarola's niece.

Alice Howes, the artistic director of Sister's Trousers Dance Company came in near the end of the class. She had members of the workshop clap and stomped their feet; by doing this it showed the class how rhythm is used in dance. She taught that dance movement could use beats, which can help dancers keep timing when they dance.

Overall, the workshop taught people about emotions, rhythm and dance. Students left with smiles on ,their faces due to the knowledge that they gained from the class.

_Loq_uim________________ SPORTS----------------- 15
photo by Maria Chambers The Great American Smokeout is Nov. 15th.
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'fl Students involved with co-ed volleyball at Dixon center Above, students compete in an intramural co-ed volleyball game. Co-ed volleyball was just one of the many activities for students to be involved with at the Dixon center this Fall. A few times every week the students would gather in the Dixon Center and compete against other teams. Intramural activities are something to keep students active on campus and offer a different change of pace from the regular day. What's up on campus? I '-,\II) t \ \ l 'I. 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21•First- Year Stu- •First-Year Stu- •Mass, 7 p.m., •Thanksgiving holident Pre-Regis- dent Pre-registra- Brockmann day break starts, Chapel of St. 4p.m. tration for tion for Spring Spring Semester Semester Joseph •Flag Football, •Trip to Beauty andtheBeast, 8 5:30 p.m., p.m.,~t Upper Field Tbealre -Great American Smotcout •

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Articles inside

Sister Trousers dance company holds workshop

page 15

the Great

page 15

Cabrini partici-pates American Smokeout

page 15

Tips to stay happy and healthy over the holidays

page 14

McGwire in the record books

page 14

Students talk back about the Sixers

page 13

Hockey team defeated by Villanova

page 13

America needs to move on, but at what pace?

page 12

A National Lampoon talent

page 11

Guitar is her passion, money's not her fashion

page 11

Memoir of the Mexican Border

page 10


page 10


page 9

A f I rrJe For GjvJngJ

pages 8-9

EVIi lrlllls 1111 I St1r1 Tl Tall

page 8

Michael Jackson: the King of Pop

page 7

Sister's Trousers Dance Company Performs in Grace Hall

page 6


page 6

Nation prepared for -biological warfare cipro stockpiled for all citizens

page 5

.to those affected by Sept. 11 Cabrini Spirit Award given to deceased EMT hero

page 5

Living Exuberantly Through Art

page 4

Informing America about Anthrax

page 4

ITR partnership with Drexel enhances server, ups internet connection, offers more

page 3

Search IX retreat helping students explore inner self

page 2

Hunger, Homelessness awareness brought to campus

page 2
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