Feb. 07, 2002 issue 15 Loquitur

Page 9

Is Cabrini University in our future?

Many local colleges are changing their statuses to universities. Now, with Eastern College being the latest to do so, all eyes are focused squarely across King of Prussia Road at Cabrini. However, the administration is not feeling any pressure to add more programs or increase their graduate studies curriculum.

Workers at Eastern College were out quickly changing their sign on King of Prussia Road to read "Eastern University" recently. The college officially became a university on Dec. 1, 2001, immediately drawing speculation about the future of Cabrini's college status.

A 1999 report from the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools "strongly" recommended that Eastern consider university status based on two reasons, according to an Internet letter posted by Eastern University President, David Black. Firstly, Eastern offers extensive graduate programs, and secondly, they have opened a new department, the School of International Leadership and Development. All in all, Eastern University offers 46 undergraduate and graduate programs to its students.

According to Nancy Santos

Eastern has recently made the decision to change from college to university status.

Gainer, executive director of marketing and communications, marketing a university can be tough. "The public has to become educat~ ed about the facts," Santos Gainer • said.

When speaking to administrators about Cabrini's status in the community, one term that continues to be used is "niche." Cabrini has a niche as being a small, private, Catholic college geared towards undergraduate education.

"We're the best in education

(majors)," Santos Gainer said, referring to regional studies showing Cabrini being rated the second private school in Pennsylvania for education majors.

Santos Gainer also said that most universities try to market themselves as small schools, de-· spite their rather large sizes. "It's all relative," Santos Gainer said when speaking about the quality of programs offered at universities and colleges.

President Iadarola feels that

Eastern became a university because of their international appeal. Iadarola went on to explain that the word "college" translates to "high school" overseas. However, "university" translates to "college." So, basically foreigners don't see a need to go to a "college."

Eastern also offers a more expansive masters program as well as a doctorate program.

Iadarola continued by speaking more about Cabrini's "niche," saying that the school is meeting a "need" in the market. Becominf Cabrini University would me.ai that the school would have tc change its mission statement anc place more emphasis on graduate work. Cabrini would also have tc increase its on-campus resources such as the library and faculty making it an all around large1 school.

-story continued on page 3

Enron scandal· explained by Dr. Mary Harris

"The ultimate cause of Emon Corporation's brutal collapse was a culture of greed and arrogance that bred excessive secrecy," competitors and lawyers interviewed by Kurt Eichenwald of the New York Times said. Due to the alleged white-collar crime causing the fall of Emon Corporation, one of the world's largest energy traders, Congress has been forced to reevaluate the business ethics of the entire nation. Critics and members of Congress charge that Enron Corporation managed to violate basic accounting procedures and committed white-collar crime, that have not only effected its employees and shareholders, but its political status with the country.

"Dec. 2 Enron Corporation filed for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which is a form of bankruptcy that allows the company to operate while attempting to redeem itself,"

Dr. Mary Harris, assistant profes- cording to a basic accounting prinsor of finance, -============= ciple, known said. A Chap- "Anoccurrencesuch as the Owner ter 11 bank- of Partnership, ruptcy may as Enron filing Chapter if a companot seem ex•tremely detri11 shows how large nytperson f • bl" d d b (Enron) owns mental . to trmS are In e y less than 50many busi- the almighty dollar, percent of a nesses, but in Enron's situation it is a matterof $1.2 billion of debt and losses that were kept off the books, hid-

Accounting firm, is currentl) being investigated for sigriing fi. nancial statements and reports tha contained false information involving the loss and gain of Emon's investment partnerships.

anything to make a company (investment part- buck. nerships) the loss and debt

books. It was later discovered that Emon did have ownership in more than half of these so-called investment partnerships. What Emon essentially did, according to accusations from 1997 to 2000 was report all the investment partnerships revenue (gain) and disregarded their losses.

Arthur Anderson, a Big Five

-Lisa Simonetti, senior accounting major of that company does not have to be reported on the den in separate investment partnerships. Investment partnerships can be best described as separate businesses that were partially owned by Enron Corporation; however, Emon failed to report the debt and losses of these small investment partnerships on the books because Emon did not claim to own more than half of these companies. Ac-


"As an accounting major seeking my CPA certification, it ha5 been driven into me that the onl)' companies worth working for are the Big Five Accounting Firms,' Lisa Simonetti, a senior accounting major, said. "An occurrenct such as Enron filing Chapter 1 shows how large firms are blinde1 by the almighty dollar, anything t make a buck. Enron should nc have attempted to keep separat investment partnerships off th books, and Arthur Anderso should have had the ethical stand ing to refuse approval of financia statements."

-story continued on page 3

photo by Justine Difilippo

Pungent odor in Founders Hall disrupts classes

Last semester, Founders Hall had something unique to it. It was nothing like a class that was only offered once every other semester. What made Founders Hall unique last semester was the strange odor corning from several locations in it. Some students could not take the smell, others moved their seats and the ones who desperately wanted te get away from it, just prayed class would end early. Some of those students got lucky.

George Hebard, an adjunct science professor, has worked here for the last 15 years. Last semester, he dealt with something for the first time. Teaching Biology

Principles at 8:15 a.m. in room 358, he encountered an odd aroma.

"One student started to stir and asked that class be evacuated," Hebard said. To get some air into the classroom, he tried opening the door, which only made matters worse. After trying to teach his

class for some time, he had to cut the class short by 25 minutes.

"It smelled like it was coming in through the ducts and since you can't open the windows, the smell was very nauseating." After going back to collect his materials, he warned the incoming 9:35 class to all hold their noses. So far this semester, he has not experienced any foul odor in his classroom. "It was actually very funny."

Having to deal with the situation once, wondering what it was, seemed rather humorous to Hebard. But for Maria DeFruscio, a junior, the situation is only disgusting. Last semester, DeFruscio took "Introduction to Christian Tradition" with Reverend Dr. Timothy Lent, a doctor of the ministry and an adjunct religion professor, at 12:30; lunch time. "We had class in room 202, the one next to the guy's bathroom," DeFruscio said. DeFruscio's theory is that the men's bathroom is emitting the odor and there may be some kind of pipe problem.

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Whatever the actual problem is, she had noticed it making people in her class sick or giving them headaches. "I'd never gotten sick because I used to sit in the front of the room. The smell was much worse in the back, [near the wall separating the men's room from the class]." Though this smell was a problem for some last semester, DeFruscio also encountered it on Jan. 23 in the radio station, during her 6 to 8 p.m. shift.

Like Hebard's class, DeFruscio's instructor took action as well. "We never had class cancelled, but we moved into the parking lot once and moved to different class rooms twice." DeFruscio even recalls coming to the class once to find a note on the board about where class was being held. The note on the board indicated that class was being moved to a different location for the day "due to the stench."

Lent also took action by making some phone calls. 'The problem was never addressed," Lent said. Unlike Hebard, Lent had to deal

with the smell several times all semester: The only thing the room had to combat the problem was the vent, as the windows do not open. "It was a major distraction. You should never subject students to something like that. It is my sincere hope that maintenance will do something about it for the sake of having a better learning environment for the students."

Pat Kelly,·a sophomore who was one of the students in Hebard's Biology class, has come across the smell in both locations on their separate floors. One location is on the third floor of Founders Hall, somewhere in between the foreign language lab and room 358. In between those two areas are the men and women's respective bathrooms. Kelly has also been around the smell on the second floor where DeFruscio had her class that could not take the smell. This semester, Kelly has been fortunate enough to not run into the smell again. While he was not really sure what it was last semester, all he knows was that he did not

enjoy the smell and it made him feel like he "was going to pass out."

But what could the smell that is disrupting students and faculty alike possibly be? Though he has received no formal complaints from anyone, Howard Holden, director of maintenance, has some idea. "Something like this happened over the break and was common to the dorms," Holden said. Apparently, a lack of use can dry up the pipes. Pipes are constantly filled with water, but when there is little use, the pipes dry up and there is not water to block sewer gas. The gas can then move up the pipes and be released, giving off a foul stench. "It's very mysterious, but it happens when the pipes aren't used to their fullest capacity."

Holden recommends that students make public safety aware of this, should they run into these problems again this semester. But he is very sure of himself when he says, "There is no real hazard, it's just a real bad smell."

Bush meets with Afghan leader

In less than four months since the United States began bombing the Taliban regime of Afghanistan, and just weeks after the near-total defeat of the group, President Bush has invited the new temporary leader of Afghanistan to the White House and pledged lasting friendship and committed the United States to immediate and long-term aid. The United States has committed itself to supplying $297 million in aid to Afghanistan.



According to www.usinfo.state.gov, in March, children in Afghanistan will begin a new school term with the aid of $6.5 million from the United States, providing 9.7 million books for students to use. This $6.5 million is part of the $297 million that the United States is providing to rebuild Afghanistanparticularly the health, education, agricultural and women's ag- .Yancementssectors af.s<lCiety.

According to www.usinfo.state.gov,on Jan. 28, 2002, at the White House, President Bush and the chairman of Afghanistan's interim government, Hamid Karzai, compiled a joint agreement to fight terrorism, while restoring stability, security and reconstruction in Afghanistan. The statement reads, "We stand together for a new and better future for Afghanistan - a future free from terror, war, and want. We pledge our respect for the culture and traditions of the different peoples of Afghanistan, and for the great religion of Islam, which has been tragically distorted and misused by the Taliban."

During this meeting, in addition to the $297 million that the United States is providing for Afghanistan, Bush also agreed to transfer $223 million in Afghan assets that were previously frozen.

President Bush also stated that the United States is planning to help Afghanistan build its own , military. In doing this, the United

ment Corporation (OPIC) has offered $50 million to fund United States projects to restore Afghanistan. This funding will go toward United States support of police officer training in Afghanistan.

Hamid Karzai is the leader of the J>ashtun Popalzai tribe in Afghanistan and will rule for six. months regarding the transitional government that will assume power for the next two years. He speaks fluent English and has a long history of power behind him. In 1992 he served as a deputy minister for the first Mujaheddin government. In the early 1990s, he supported the new Taliban government. but by 1994 he began harboring suspicions about thegovernment.

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Cabrini U~iversity?

-story continued from page 1

For people like junior English/communications major Kit Dewey, that idea is not very appealing. "I was looking for a small school and I don't want that to change." Dewey cited the desire for a small school as a key incentive for attending Cabrini.

Sophomore special education major Haven McMickle liked the idea of a larger school, citing the "more opportunities" it offers. McMickle, along with her friend Dewey, is going to Kansas University this summer to study "drama therapy" as a major. They hope to bring back what they learn from Kansas University to further Cabrini's resources iri that area.

University status for Cabrini would also mean that the school would have to c~ange its pay scale for faculty. Becoming a university is something that has to go through the state government and could take years to accomplish. Holy Family and Immaculata Colleges are both rumored to be considering university status for their schools.

When asked about the pressures to change Cabrini to university status, Iadarola firmly stated, "I don't run this college by fads out there!" Her voice seemed to resonate throughout her office, and her stem answer seemed to echo perhaps months of thought and criticism.

In an interview conducted via e-mail, Dr. Jonnie Guerra, vice president for academic affairs stated that, "right now it seems more natural to refer to Cabrini as a college rather than as a university." Guerra went on to say that Cabrini would want their focus to be on teaching, not on research, if they did become a university.

The general consensus among many of the staffers here is that Cabrini will continue be a college. The issue of Cabrini's status will not be raised again until at least 2003. At that point, the school will begin to assemble committees to re-evaluate the college.

Enron scandal made easy

-story continued from page 1

Aside from charges of breaching accounting ethics, Enron also has been met head-on with three different charges of white-collar crime. The first charge brought against Enron is Security Fraud. Enron is accused with failing to give correct copies of a IOK report to potential investors and shareholders. A I OK is a financial report that shows the share-worth (earnings per-share), net income and the overall growth or decline of the corporation. The second charge brought against Enron is referred to as insider trading. Former Enron officers have been accused of making $1 billion in Enron stock before officially declaring bankruptcy. In plain terms, Enron executives sold their stock for $1 billion dollars before Enron stock value plunged by keeping their financial status under their hats. The final criminal charge brought against Enron is tax fraud. This offense is usually used when dealing with tax evasion. Enron has allegedly been charged with Federal Bank Fraud, which involves lending information between Enron and the said bank.

Even though Enron has officially declared a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, former Enron employees appear to be financially suffering the most. Enron employees invested much of their savings in Enron stock, which now is worthless. People lost much of their life savings for retirement.

When dealing with a typical 401K plan, it is standard procedure that an employee makes a contribution to his retirement plan that his place of employment usually matches in stock. Enron only supplied their employees with an equal contribution in Enron stock. Under legit circumstances, it is the duty of the employing company to supply its employees with diverse stock options; however, Enron stock was the only stock offered to Enron employees. For the most part, Enron employees were happy with their 401 K plans because Enron stock was growing.

When Enron executives discovered that the financial collapse of their company was inevitable they put a "lock-out" on employee stock, which stopped employees from trading Enron. This "lockout" forced employees to lose half of their retirement pension because of the company's failure.

It has been established that Enron has played a major role in dramatica11y disrupting the lives of its' employees and shareholders, but it has also displayed a negative effect from a political standpoint.

Prior to Enron's collapse, Enron representatives met Vice President Dick Cheney on several occasions to discuss new energy policy. Enron was a major contributor to politicians. Enron gave $1 million to President Bush and contributed heavily to many members of Congress. This is the same Congress that is now investigating Enron.

Two months after one of the world's largest energy traders, Enron Corporation, declared bankruptcy, 20,000 people are out of jobs and out of much of their retirement pension. Kenneth L. Lay, CEO of Enron, has refused to appear before Congress because he feels as though he has already been convicted of the crimes brought against him and another former Enron officer was found dead in bis home last week of an alleged suicide.

*Information explained to by Mary Harris, assistant professor of finance*

Lock to be fixed in Apartment Complex·

DEADLINE: Sept. 16, 2002

FIRST PRIZE: $5,000 Cash Award

A malfunction in the electronic lock system in the Cabrini Apartment Complex has caused the security system to _break down. The doors to the CAC have been propped by tras~ cans since Friday. Public Safety has added extra patrols to the CAC area while waiting for a new part to fix the electric lock system.

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Siblings to invade campus this weekend

Younger siblings can have a hard time dealing with older brothers and sisters living away from home. Even if you live at home, the amount of time that college homework can take up can have an impact on the quality time spent with siblings. Why not make them feel special and bring them to a weekend that is designed especially for them? Siblings weekend is just such a weekend right here on campus being held Feb. 9-10.

The event starts on Saturday, Feb. 9 between 10 a.m. and noon

when siblings are supposed to arrive. Between 11:30 a.m. and I p.m. there will be a brunch in the cafeteria. Siblings will be charged $5 for each meal so students should be ready to treat Later on in the day is when the activities begin.

Jerry Palestini, better known as Mr. Magic, will be on hand to perform magic shows and leave his audience with questions of, "How did he do that?" He will also be available to make balloon sculptures and further amaze students and their siblings. Mr. Magic will be in the Widener Center Gathering Area between 1:30-3 p.m. At 3 p.m., gather up all of the

balloon animals and shapes and head over to the Dixon Center for fun and games with all of the recreational activities that are planned. Do not forget your bathing suits because the pool will be open for swimming and games. There will also be Wallyball and Squash on the squash courts. After all that excitement, everyone •is bound to be hungry so dinner will be served in the Founders Hall Dining Room from 4:30-6 p.m. Be careful not to eat too much though. There will be an ice cream social in the Widener Center Gathering Area at 7 p.m. followed by a special showing of the movie "Shrek" at 7:30 p.m. in the

Widener Center Lecture Hall.

Sunday, Feb. IO, the last day of the weekend, brunch will be served in the cafeteria from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. At 1 p.m, there will be a carnival in the Dixon Center where there will be a giant slide, a moon bounce and super hoops, a giant basketball net where everyone can try their luck at being the next Michael Jordan. John Verdi, co-chair of CAP Board and student coordinator of siblings weekend, said, "This year we also have a photo package where students and siblings can get their picture taken and put the picture on a pin, a key-chain or a button." One of the big hits of siblings

weekend last year was a caricaturist who will be pleasing many returning siblings with a return visit. Junior Christina Piselli said of her younger sister, Lisa Marie, "She asked me if we were having it [siblings weekend] this year and if the guy who does the cartoon pictures will be there because she didn't get a tilrn last year. She's really excited about coming up.'' Last year the weekend was a huge success and CAP Board is hoping for a similar turnout this year. Verdi said, "Siblings weekend is usually one of our biggest events of the year, along with Spring Fling."

Public Safety Report

Jan. 30- Feb. 4

The following is a life of infractions reported by Cabrini College Public Safety between Jan. 30 and Feb. 4. The dates cover from midnight to midnight.

• On Jan. 31, one citation was issued for littering by House.2.

• On Feb. 1, 13 citations were issued in one • room in House 7 for drinking. During that same night, six citations were issued in another room in House 7 for drinking. The parties were in two adjacent rooms. Eleven citations were issued in the New Residence Hall for dri,:tking. On Residential Drive, two citations were issued for drinking by House 7. One citation was issued in House 5 for smoking.

• On Feb. 3, two citations were issued in Xavier for drinking and vandalism. One citation was issued for drunk driving in front of the Cabrini Apartment Complex.

4 NEWS Thursday, Feb. 7, 2002
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New magazine program 'Cabrini Cross Section' informs campus of local news and events

Video Practicum, a program developed to utilize the equipment that was not being used in Cabrini's video studio, was created for students who are interested in communication involving video production and want to be a part Cabrini's TV show. The class, that will eventually be producing a TV show, meets every Thursday at 5 p.m.

"The TV show was Frank Plum's idea;' Cathy Yungmann, associate professor of communication, said. "He proposed it when they moved into the new facility last year."

"When we moved into the new studio, we wanted to use it as a club," Frank Plum, executive producer of practicum, said. "Instead we gave students credit. It's a one credit class that meets once a week for about an hour."

Plum proposed and created this class along with Kim Campbell, director of the TV show. Dr. Jerry Zurek, professor of English and communication, and Yungmann approved the proposal of the class.

"For two years I bugged the school," Plum explained, "to start

something. They have all this equipment and they were not using it."

"So, I did some investigating and found out that there is public access in Radnor. I went down there and they said they ~ould give us some time."

Plum and Campbell worked together with other students in advanced production. "Last semester they piloted the project and trained 20 mass media students to operate a camera, write news stories and produce those stories," Yungmann said.

The stories that the students write and produce are then produced into a TV show called "Cabrini Cross Section."

"It's a news magazine .show. It airs every two weeks on Radnor channel 21," Plum said.

The show is a local show designed by these college students about local events. "It's like the Loquitur on TV," Campbell said. "It consists of campus and local news and events that are going on."

Last semester the students who were interested were trained. This semester, they are going to produce the show. 'We start the first show next week," Campbell said.

"It takes a week to put together and a week to get it out. The show will probably be out in four weeks."

"Cabrini Cross Section" took a lot of work to gefinitiated and carried out. "I am in awe of these students," Yungmann said. "They took the entire concept themselves within a semester and trained a whole bunch of students. It's an amazing thing."

Since this is the first year for the production, those involved hope that it lasts.

Yungmann trusts that other students will follow in the footsteps of Plum, Campbell and the other advanced production students who took the time and energy to create this project.

''These students are starting a whole new medium on campus," Yungmann said. "When they graduate, the students who they trained can take over."

Like Yungmann, Campbell wants to see this as an ongoing, yearly project.

"We hope the freshmen enjoy it so it catches on," Campbell said. She and Plum, along with others, are graduating this semester and leaving the production in the hands of those they trained.

Science department to expand due to new grant

by Catharine Hernson tified of approval from NSF, the Jabs. Most of the equipment will ture research. Also the department NSF Fast-lane. Students and facassistant perspectives editor grant was funded in full. be delivered to the new science will acquire an electroporator to

The NSF grant is different from building, scheduled to open in the study DNA. The National Science Founda- other types of grants; it is awarded fall of 2004.

Fuller-Espie is very excited

• New building; Fall 2004

• New major; Biotechnology

• Upgraded chemistry and biology equipment

• New digital camera to fit with the microscope

ulty can all follow the progress of the department online as well at www.NSF.com. The site allows tion_ awarded a large grant to with the knowledge that the col- The chemistry department will about one purchase in particular. users to find out the most recent Cabrini's biology department. The lege will match the donation. This receive two new pieces of equip- The departments will be buying a acquisitions and other u_sesof the $84,176 grant was received by bi- is a cost sharing strategy that ment that will utilize over half of digital camera to fit to the micro- grant money. ology and chemistry department forces an institution to help its the grant money. The new pieces scopes. With the camera, students chair Dr. Sheryl Fuller-Espie on own department become better. are a high-performance liquid will be able to photograph their Jan. 15, 2002. Cabrini more than matched the chromatograph and a gas chro- work and integrate it into lab re- Science News: Fuller-Espie applied for the NSF grant by $124,876, making matograph. These items will be ports. grant in June and had to endure the total amount $169,052. used to further study the compo- The main function of the grant is the six-month wait to be notified if The money will be used to ere~ nents of liquids and gases. to help the college as a whole. the application was approved. She ate a new major in the biology de- The biology department, though Right now the sciences are in a was contacted in October for addi- partment, to be called Biotechnol- not getting the majority of the cramped area of the school, but tional details and to include a bud- ogy. The new major was devel- money, will be receiving a laundry soon they will move to a new get for less expensive microscopes oped as an undergraduate labora- list of new equipment. Much of building and have all new equipin the application. After the tory-based program for the next the new instrumentation will t>e ment. The new materials will, as changes, Fuller-Espie had a good stage in the post-genomic era. The used in cell cultures. The depart- Fuller-Espie says, "Hopefully erefeeling that the grant would be ap- field requires very specific, spe- ment will obtain three new Lami- ate a wow factor for perspective proved but was worried that NSF cialized laboratory equipment. nar flow hoods, two inverted mi- students."

would only supply a partial The grant money will be useq in .rQs~s and tw9-£aivt¥1dippde,.. Tile. p-ant.was applied for com- •.., •.~.•.• • •••••••• , _amo~~t9f_t1!_e_$!:_3!!1:..Y~t_\\_'.h~!1_ n~- - -bQlQ_t1l_e - c.PIE.IJ!is_try_ ~d - bJologx - •!;Il~U~ators,_ all f 6!j~e_r~·:.e~r ~ur- j>l~t~Ix_o~e~!11:!n_tern<:_tTh!o~~h--

uitur NEWS 5
photos by Katie Reing Sophomore Brian Fry displays a product while making a commercial for video production class. Senior Stephanie Masucci holds the camera.
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Mazze o's Gets Rave 'Bitters and Blu·e Ruin' Reviews Philadelphia

Krista Mazzeo is finally relaxing and able to give all of her attention to Cabrini's radio station.

After the premiere of the independent film, "Bitters and Blue Ruin," that was about two years in the making Mazzeo is looking forward to having some time of her own. She wants to focus on her managing of Cabrini's radio station, WYBFFM.

The film premiered on Dec. 14. The show was sold out. There were over 400 viewers in attendance. There were a few minor problems before show time. "We had a couple of technical difficulties during the day. They gave the wrong lens for the projector that we rented. We cleared everything up about a half an hour before it started." Mazzeo said.

The overall feeling for the movie was good. The atmosphere was what appealed to everyone the most. "I heard from a couple people that it was the closest thing they have ever seen to a rock concert. People were really rambunctious, cheering and clapping. It was just insane," Mazzeo said.

The movie was aired an additional time on Dec. 16. It was shown in front of a smaller crowd. Mazzeo felt that it was a better "test" crowd. She felt this because the audience got the jokes and they were not friends or family of the actors.

Now they are looking to submit the film into film festivals. T-besubmission date for the Philadelphia Film Festival is Feb. 4. They have every intention on submitting to the Philadelphia and a couple of Chicago film festivals.-

There is already a second script in the works for another movie. They are going to try to start filming the second movie some time this summer.

Mazzeo is looking forward to starting to write a couple

l>MB ~Ben

Pictured above is a comical scene from Krista Mazzeo's movie, 8 8itters and Blue Ruin", that was released on Dec. 14 at a private showing in downtown Philadelphia. "Bitters and Blue Ruinn is an independent film Mazzeo was responsible for co-producing over a two-year period.

of her own ideas and make them into either a book or a screenplay. "I have a laptop computer at home that is up to the task," Mazzeo said.

There is already a list of people who want VHS tapes of the movie. Although no formal moves have been made to do this, if they do get into a film festival they are going to try to get a distribution deal, so that the movie would be available for rent and sale

Mazzeo is considering bringing in a copy of the movie

in for a screening of it in the lecture hall, for anyone who could not make it out to the premiere or who did not hear about it. She would especially like it to be shown here because there were a few scenes that were actually shot on Cabrini's campus.

Mazzeo's favorite part of this experience was having the premiere and getting to see people's reactions. However, she does admit that she found the whole process of making the movie a bit exhausting.

and Jerrv Ice Crea~

Presen+: One Sweet Wh-ir(ed

For those who always search for good reasons to eat ice cream, your wishes for justification have finally come true! Dave Matthews Band, Ben & Jerry's, Music Matters and SaveOurEnvironment.org have all teamed up to create a new ice cream sensation that will not only uphold the great Ben & Jerry's reputation, it is also 01eaot to help stop global warming.

Consisting of caramel and coffee ice creams with marshmallow, caramel swirls and coffee-flavored fudge chips, this new ice cream craze is called "One Sweet Whirled."

By creating this new flavor. hopes are high that people will be encouraged to commit to reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases, as well as to encourage Congress to

aid in the cessation of global warming. Targets are not only environmental activists. but also DMB fans. as well as all of the '·Ben & Jerry's fans" who undyingly support their favorite brand of ice cream. In addition, however, the partnership hopes that people will realize what a good cause they are supporting, thus initiating more support to make a change.

Portions of every sale will go to the DMB 's Barna Works Foundation, which is an organization created by the band that provides aid to numerous charities. Portions of each sale will also benefit SaveOurEnvironment.9rg 's global warming efforts.

The official launching of the new Ben & Jerry's flavor is not due·until April of 2002, but "One Sweet Whirled" can be found in most grocery stores, beginning this month.

6 A&E Thursda~Feb. 7,2001
Photo by Krista Mazzeo
Photo retrieved from www.b6nandjetryic6c.com
One SweetWhirledis'the all new BM andUerryice creamflal/Of~eel by DMB., , ',
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Part 1: Spring Break in Jamaica

An additional pleasure to not attending classes during spring break is spending the entire week relaxing on the sandy beaches of a Caribbean island. A Jamaican vacation provioes a traveler with numerous experiences and memories to last a lifetime.

The cities of Negri! and Montego Bay offer many sights and activities to occupy one's schedule during a visit.

Located on the western coast of Jamaica, Negri] features beautiful beaches, active nightlife and historic sights that convey the wonderful essence of the city.

While in Negri) one can sip on

a papaya daiquiri at Rick's Cafe, feast on the freshest seafood the Caribbean has to offer at Alfred's Ocean Palace, or dance to hours of reggae music at Roots Bambo.

Negri! also offers recreational activities for the adventure-seeking tourists. Rusty's X-Cellent Adventures provides bike tours of the Jamaican countryside, or one can tour the countryside on horse-

students Jenine /ke/er(middle-bottom) and Maureen Keffy (middle-top) along with friends attend a Toga party in Jamaica.

back with Rhodes Hall Plantation.

Northeast of Negri! is the fine city of Montego Bay. A visitor to this city can enjoy pure white sand and crystal clear water at Doctor's

Cave Beach, Cornwall Beach or Walter Fletcher Beach, among many more.

Tourists can also spend time browsing for souvenirs at the

many flea/street markets. Montego Bay also features numerous historical and cultural tours such as MoBay Undersea Tour, an. underwater tour boat, or Rose Hall Great House, a fonner Englishstyle sugar plantation.

Many travel agencies offer several packages to both of these Jamaican cities. Expedia.com and Travelocity.com are online travel sites that provide information about hotels/resorts and airfare. These sites offer all-inclusive vacation packages starting at $687. Vacations may also be arranged by selecting separate airfare and hotel accommodations.

On both sites, hotel rooms during the week of March 4 to March 8 start at $75 and airfare ranges from $641 to $952. Airfares to Negril tend to be slightly more costly due to the added distance. However, one can fly into Montego Bay and then travel by means of ground transportation into Negri!. Travel packages can also be obtained at various travel agencies around the Delaware Valley.


Super Bowl Sunday excitement began as early as five hours before the game. 800 million people viewed worldwide and 130 million people in the United States tuned in to the television broadcast of the Super Bowl on Sunday Feb. 2.

Unlike many previous years, the entire pregame show was televised to its viewers. The pregame show, which was titled "Tribute to Everyday Heroes," was the first-ever entire pregame show to be broadcasted in Super Bowl history.

Due to security precautions, fans had to arrive five hours before the game at the Superdome in New Orleans, La. There was plenty of entertainment for them while they tailgated in the parking lot or waited to get into the game. The Barenaked Ladies played to the crowded parking lot followed by No Doubt.

The first musical performance to take place inside the stadium was of the song "Let Freedom Reign." The performance included Barry Manilow, Yolanda Adams, James In-

gram, Wynonna and Patti LaBelle singing the song that Manilow had written long before. During their performance, people dressed as red, white and blue statue of liberties. Towards the end of their performance children dressed as policemen and women, fire fighters, soldiers, doctors and football players paraded onto the field with a prop version of the Liberty Bell. At the end of the song the child dressed as a soldier rang the bell.

Next, the last five presidents of the United States, not counting George W. Bush, spoke the inspirational words of America's sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln. Nancy Reagan filled in for her husband, Ronald, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease. They spoke the words while the Boston Pops played Aaron Copland's 1942 composition "Lincoln's Portrait." Then, the Boston Pops played "America the Beautiful," while Mary J. Blige and Marc Anthony sang the song as a duet.

The stage was then set for Paul McCartney and his band to perform "Freedom." During the performance, a banner \\'.,i~ il- draw,ing<of lh~•·St1ttue-.o{biberty hqd Jl)essages -0f hope scrawled on the16ann1n.1Mariah..Qu-ey,.who·admitted

before the show that she would lip-sync, then took the stage and lip-synced the national anthem. After Mariah's rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner," the game was underway.

The E-trade halftime show featured the Irish rock band U2. U2 played with a heart-shaped catwalk that extended from the stage and encased some of the crowd. The first song played was off of their most recent album "All That You Can't Leave Behind." Th~ band played "Beautiful Day" as Bono sang and walked to the stage from out of the crowd. After running around the catwalk and jumping around during the upbeat song, Bono revealed that the inner lining of his jacket was an American flag. Then U2 slowed the tempo down. Bono then randomly quoted verses from Psalm 119 with the rest of the band playing behind him. This would be the interlude to the hit song that the group had years before, the 1987 hit, "Where the Streets Have No Name." Behind the bands, the stage immersed in a large movie screen where the names of the victims of the Sept. 11 tragedy-scrolled up the Screen.

Loquitur A&E 7
Photo by Jill Hindman Cabrini Admire Jamaica's beautiful scenery.


The 21st birthday is the birthday that is the most memorable and sometimes the hardest to remember. People celebrate their 21st in all different ways. A lot of people rent out buses out and load them up with their friends and hop from bar to bar. Others go out with a small group of friends, mostly because they are one of the first to turn 21, like junior Kate McDonald. "I like how I went out with a small group of people since I am one of the first people to turn 21 and not everyone could go out," McDonald said.

There are a number of ways to celebrate the big 21. A popular place to go is Atlantic City, N.J. with some friends, rent a room and gamble. Some people get a stripper or go to nightclubs. Most people said that if their birthday lands on a day while they were in school then they tend to go to the bars. In retrospect others said that if their birthday landed on a day that was not during school they would have a big house party so all of their friends could be there to celebrate the occasion. "I would like to go to the bar on my birthday and then have a house party so all of my friends could be there since not all of them are 21 yet," junior Jenna Marquardt said. Jessica Leahy, a sophomore, already has her day planned out as well. "On the day of my birthday I will go ·out with my friends from home to the bar. And another night I will get together with friends from school and go to the bar," Leahy said.

Senior Erin Crawford celebrated her 21st birthday this past Sept. 9, 2001 shakin' her groove thing with the band at Maggie O'Neil's in Drexel Hill.

These are only some of the ways our generation either celebrated or plans to celebrate their 21st. Step back into our parents' generation and think about how they celebrated. "Since I was married at the age of 18 and was pregnant with my first child at 21, I really could not go out and do the whole bar thing. My husband threw me a surprise party and I loved it and do not feel like I missed out on anything," Marianne Tranchitella said.

Dr. Arthur Young also had a memorable 21st. He actually had four celebrations. "The

A box of chocolates in a heartshaped box, a dozen of long-stem red roses, the kiss-kiss bears and jewelry. All of these things are the ritual Valentines gifts. If you really care about your special someone maybe a homemade gift from the heart would be a nice touclr, not to mention a surprise.

One idea for you fellas is to maybe make your lady dinner instead of taking her out to eat. Along with the candle light dinner you could play a burnt CD that you made for your man squeeze of their favorite songs.

As for gifts there are two really nice stores to ch~ck out. The first one is Things Remembered in the King of Prussia plaza, where you can buy anything from jewelry boxes to picture frames. An extra service that would make your gift extra special is engraving. The other store of choice would be That Personal Touch in the King of Prussia court, where •you can have picture books, memories

books and scrapbooks personalized.

Instead of getting long-stem red roses get her favorite flowers and on each stem attach a piece of paper with a loving or happy memory you each shared together. This goes for you too girls. Guys do like to receive flowers also.

The huge box of· chocolates is very cliche, guys. A better idea would be to go buy some fruit, nuts and anything else that would taste good dipped in chocolate. Melt the chocolate, dip the fruit, or what ever you choose half way into the chocolate and lay it on wax paper. Then put it in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes or until the chocolate is hardened.

If your honey likes stuffed animals, there is always Build a Bear in the King of Prussia plaza. Instead of picking out a prerecorded voice or sound, record your own voice to add that little extra sentimental touch.

If you plan on giving a piece of jewelry to your girl then go right ahead, this never gets old. Maybe be creative on the approach of giving it to lier. Some ideas are to put it around the flowers you give

her, or a stuffed animal's neck, arm, or finger.

You could also have flowers delivered to her house and later on stop by with a poem you wrote and had framed for her. Or if you like to draw or paint go crazy, mat and frame it for your loved one. Do not forget the card. Take time to make it yourself instead of giving a sto_re bought card. Get some ideas from the store cards and write and design your own. If you are not that creative record yourself on what you would like to say to your loved one and mail it just as you would a card.

Even though Valentines Day is known as a "Hallmark" holiday it is still special to couples. All of these things would be made from the heart. No one said they have to be perfect. It is just sweet that one would take the time out to make something with their own hands instead of just buying something. All of these tips also go for you too, girls. Valentines day is a couple thing. Show you care.

8 FEATURES Thursday, Feb. 7, 2002
photo by Jill C. Hindman
Next week look for the special Valentine's Day feature on couples that met at Cabrini. Find out how they met and how they fell in love.


first night I went to dinner with my family, then I had a party with my friends, then I had a block party and my last party was with my classmates. In south Philly we ate and drank," Young said.

One of the well-known challenges on the 21st is doing 21 shots. Not many people are very successful as this task. Junior Meg Chipman went to the Bent Elbow at 10 p.m. and lasted until 12:30 a.m. "I did 12 shots and there was no way I could do 21," Chipman said. There is also the thrill of celebrating for possibly the whole week. "I am definitely going bar hopping and it will definitely be with people from here. I figure I will be celebrating all week," junior Rose Leahy said.

No matter how people choose to celebrate their 21st it is unanimous. That day is the most memorable and if you can remember the night with a little assistance from a friend the next day you will never for get your 21st.

Top 10 Shots to Down

l . Chocolate-Covered 6. Buttery Nipple Cherry

2. Purple Hooters

3. Kamikaze

4. Blow J'ob

5. LemonDrop


Ah, it's that time of the year again, gentlemen. Tlille to break out your matching socks, let the moths out of your wallet and take your sweetheart out for a pleasant yet romantic evening. Perhaps you don't have any money or maybe you're single! Oh, no, how will •you survive ~t- .another sad and dismal Valenti.it'e'i.pay?Have n~fear. ·,

If hitched, you will 'lleed a date idea. Let the creati\!l~ flow a simple date at hom~_o,_ in the dorm can never be overs"tated.Romance is found in simplicity so order some take-out, dim the lights and tum on the love jams. Best music to dine too? Try some of the following: Peter Gabriel- In Your Eyes, Righteous BrothersUnchained Melody or Natalie Merchant- Tiger Lily.

The night is still young so take turns giving one another back

7. Apple Pie Slammer

8. Red-Headed Slut

9. Chocolate Cake l O. Snake Bite

Bus parties are just one of the many ways people choose to celebrate their 21st birthda:

• Bar-hopping from bar to bar with a big ye/low-cheese bus and a bunch of buds is merr rable way to spend the memorable day.

nhe Air? Who Cares

Lmassages or reading one another's palms. Then kick back and relax to a romantic movie. Blockbuster should have any of the following: Romeo and Juliet, Sixteen Candles, City of Angels, Ghost and When Harry Met Sally.

Feel like having a night out? Well, fill up your gas tank and head toward Philadelphia because love is air down there.

The Utah Jazz will also be in town that night to play Philadelphia's own 76ers. Ladies, nothing says "you're my man" more then basketball tickets. The game is at the First Union Center and tip off is at 7 p.m. sharp. For more details call (215) 336-3600.

Looking for something a little less pricey yet still romantic? Try a horse drawn carriage ride through the streets of Philadelphia. Rides can be purchased ranging from a 20-minute ride to 90-minute ride. Afterwards warm up in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Visit the 13th century cloister

and fountain found right inside the museum. The cloister and fountain come from the French Abbey of Saint-Genisdes Fontaines. For more information call (215) 763-8100.

The Blue Cross River Rink will also be open on Valentine's Day night if ice-skating is a possibility. There is a general admission price of $5 and a skate rental fee of $3. For more information call (215) 925-RINK. After you are threw skating take a walk at Penn's Landing and watch the sunset and stars shine bright.

Planning on staying closer to campus? The Gryphon Cafe in Wayne will be hosting a Love Syndicate from 8p.m. to l0p.m. The feature music type for the evening is folk. Call (610) 6881988 for more details.

The Point in Bryn Mawr, which in a haven for upcoming singer-songwriters and hot java, will be hosting Duets: A Valentine's Day Special Go explore the

world of rock through other couples: The doors open at 8 p.m., call (610) 527-0988 to learn more about these acoustic guitar playing poets.

Well if you're single and you don't have any interest in listening to someone play their guitar while singing about how happy they are to be in love, don't worry you can survive the dreaded Feb.14 as a singleton.

Throw a party, a huge party. Invite everyone you know that is single and just have a good time and forget what day it is. If you believe that this suggestion will lead Public Safety right to your doorstep then try to hit the streets instead. Go out to a movie or to dinner with your friends, maybe even bowling. Keep your mind off the fact that everyone around you is all sappy. Put on your best outfit and go out dancing and if you're 21, try a local bar to catch a live band.

Club Shampoo offers three

dance rooms mixing hip-hop and r&b, progressive- trance and party-flavored trance. Located in Philadelphia the club is open from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Call (215) 922-7500 for more details.

While down the city swing by Polly Esther's, a club offering completely 80's music on Thursday's. With no cover until 9 p.m. there should be no reason not to call (215) 851-0776 for more information.

Not into trance or 80's? Try Double Fistin' Thursday's with DJ Richie Rich at Chemistry nightclub in Manayunk. A college id gets you in for free and drinks are two-for-one. For more information call (215) 483-4100. Remember, just because cupid is flying around in diaper and didn't hit you with an arrow doesn't mean someone doesn't love you anyway!


President Bush continues cutting taxes during hard times

President Bush has called to congress to allow a $2.13 trillion budget that would set forth further spending for military aid and to help continue the tax cut._Many democrats are skeptical about Bush's plans because they feel that if this budget is allowed it could cause the national debt to rise. While most of the nation would agree upon giving more money to the military, would they agree to continue a tax cut during the war?

Over the next three years Bush's plan puts $175 million aside to continue the tax cut and continue with immediate economic relief. If this plan goes through the United States will be facing a deficit of over $100 billion, which would also be the first time we come across a deficit in five years. But Bush says that by the time 2005 rolls around we should, once again, start to see a surplus. What Bush has not discussed is how the government would be dipping into Social Security for some of this money, something they said they would not do unless it was to sure up retirement plans or help with the reduction of the national debt.

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle agreed that security is an issue, but he emphasized that our economic security also needs to be ensured. Dipping into Social Security and other programs is not the answer. Daschle said that this proposed budget is not the plan to boost the United States both defensively and economically.

Last year most Americans received a government check for varied amounts, some people got $200 while others got up to $600. This check would be the first of many to come our way. At the beginning of 2002 many people noticed a few extra dollars in their paycheck. This too was an effect of the tax cut. But how important is it right now for the government to be handing out checks to every Tom, Dick and Harry? Most people would survive without that extra $200 every year. It is a nice idea, but it seems impractical given our current situation.

Birthday symbolizes a mission of battling for the unborn

where abortion could be abolished. Desegregation did not happen overnight. Realistically, abortion cannot be completely wiped away from our society. Yet, steps can be taken to so that abortion can be eliminated.

learn about their own bodies and what their bodies are capable of doing.

~bed in Loquitur _arethe views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body Ol' the faculty

and adminisn:ation-

Jan. 22 marked my 21st birthday. It was a time to celebrate, and celebrate I did, indeed.

However, the celebration was bittersweet. Each year I am reminded that I share my birthday with a very sad day in our nation. My first breath took place on the day when it was legal to take life away. My birthday is shared with the day that the Supreme Court decided on Roe v. Wade. On my birthday, seven years before I was born, abortion was legalized.

I do not understand how anyone can be for the killing of children. The townspeople of Radnor scream bloody murder when a fledgling tree is threatened. }-\owever, the fledgling life of a child can be ripped away down the street at Planned Parenthood. Abortion is a sad practice that has been ingrained into our society. I woajd like to see a society

Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to Theloquitur @hotmail.com or The Loquitur 61 O King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087

Educating children in their early years of schooling about abstinence and safe sex is imperative. Parents and teachers need children to realize that their bodies are capable of having babies at young ages. Children should be educated on safe sex and abstinence before their bodies are capable of having children. Proper education on contraception and abstinence could help to curb the need for abortions.

I went to a Catholic grade school. When I was in fifth grade, the boys and girls in my class were split up. The girls were shown a video on "Our Changing Bodies." We were given tampons and sanitary napkins and we were told that we would all start getting our periods soon. We were not told about sex or what was the purpose of our periods. The boys were told about AIDs and how important it is to always use condoms. They were not warned about getting girls pregnant. Our school did not tell us about abstinence or safe sex pertaining to pregnancy prevention. It should be mandatory that children

In addition to education, adoption should be a stronger outlet. Many people want children, but cannot conceive. It's a sad fact that many women throw away their unborn children, while many women would do anything to have a child, yet cannot. Since Roe v. Wade was passed, over 42,000,000 children were terminated in the womb. And that number is just the abortions recorded in the United States since the date that it was made legal. The actual number of abortions far exceeds the number of people killed in the entire great wars put together. That's a sad fact in American history.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that my life was given to me on this infamous date so that I could dedicate my life to help bring others into this world. While I realize that I will never be able to see a society where abortion is demolished, I can dream of seeing a nation where abortion is unnecessary. Currently, our nation faces a higher death rate and an ageing society. Hopefully, our nation will soon realize that we have to give a voice to the unborn.

The Loquitur

The Loquitur editorial
5 The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor pub-
- • - - - - - - - - - - - • ' PERSPECTIVES Thursday.Feb. 7,2002
board choose this editorial with a vote of
Editors Editor in chief: Michael A. Kazanjian Managing editor: Renee Tomcanin News editors: Beth Ann Conahan and Amy Gassen Sports editor: Tracy Timson A&E editor: Geri Lynn Utter Pen:pecth·es editor: Renee DiPietro Features editor: Jill C. Hindman Photography editor: Justine DiFilippo Copy editor Joe Holden Web editor: Charles La Courte Adviser: Dr. Jerry Zurek Staff Photographers MikeBaggiano Bemadett Hazel Loren Burton Jamie Knobler Trevor Daniels Charles La Courie Kit Dewey Steve Neild Mike Dotzman Ryan Norris Rose Marie Gonzalez Alicia Perry Tom Grosse Erin Smith Nat Hamilton Jen Smith Tara TaylO< Katie Reing Staff Writers Kenneth Bawnbach Lisa BroomaU Maria Chambers Colleen Connor Vincent DeFruscio Catherine Dilworth Melissa Modesti Ryan Mulloy Leanne Pantone Gina Roswell Karen Schweizer Jen Smith Jennifer Dalvano Alexis Strizziere Kelly Finlan Cheryl Tranchitella Catharine Hemson Lucy Truglio Eugene Iacovelli Sharvon Urbannavage Shannon King Cheryl Wagstaff Richard Magda Paul Williams Tanya McCausland Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written. edited and producedby students r,gistered in COM 346, 350. 351. 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for Only studenu registered in lhc i}boveclasses, however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the bcne6ts secured in tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to lhc editor. Letters •Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters and a phone number must be provided. Loqu1tur Is establlsfled8f 8,fofUJDfor Stu• $bould be signod1andtbe authonlrlJl,known to the, edident exr,ress:ionand as a ,·oice in the t<ll'S.Name~arc "'ithheld only in unus~ circumst~cs I> J I unillfubftell,.:ro!Sust, flu a'nd open-discus- 1 • 'approvtdlbylute'taitik in' chief'. i:fuel. 110-lt,e 'editor sion of issues. should be subm,ued by noon on Mondays.

State of the Union or Sta·teof_ Confusion?

these countries? Why do they hate the U.S.? Well, the Korean War was fought from 1950-1953. We aided South Korea and have caused the split among those people that still exists today. We would certainly be hostile if someone would have intervened in our Civil War and caused the North and South to become two separate countries.

MatthewTeilhardBeauchesne guest writer

Tuesday, Jan. 29. Bush tackled many issues that night, but surprising to no one, his main focus was on the terrorist attacks. The first statement he made, after dispensing with usual pleasantries, was that "our nation is at war." Who started this "war?" I know it was not Congress. War for President"Bush and his administration means death and destruction.

People do not understand that you cannot win this self-proclaimed war on terrorism by destru.""·""''-'i!!'dthe killing of people. You only perpetuat further violence. Pretending that violence solves these situations is the reason the U.S. is in its present situation. President Bush does not seem to care, in fact he does a most appalling thing, he dehumanizes people by saying, "eliminate the terrorist parasites." Dehumanizing people will only fuel hatred. Besides should the Islamic world suffer from being called terrorists and parasites for the select actions of a few?

The general public makes little distinction between those who perpetrate acts and the greater group or state they represent. Bush also wants to encourage "development and education and opportunity in the Islamic world." Again this is part of the problem; perhaps it is not our place to change the cultures and ideas of other countries. Muslims may resent the U.S. if we change their ways.

Bush assures us that America will act to achieve his goal of "prevent regimes that sponsor terro.". He warns three countries N9f(h,l\oi:ea, Ir~. and Iraq. \YhY

What did we do to Iran? In 1953 the CIA overthrew the leftist government and installed the Shah, who committed grave atrocities against his own people. Yet bush tells us that the current government of Iran, the Shah, was overthrown in 1979, is "an unelected few [that] repress the Iranian people's hope for freedom." We supported and propped up one of most repressive governments they knew!

Then we intervene on the side of Iraq against Iran in the 19871988 Iran-Iraq war. Then Iraq, we supported them, gave them technology and then we invaded them. Iraq did invade Kuwait, but Kuwait's government is just as repressive as Iraq's. The reason we invaded is purely economically, cheap oil!

Afghanistan, surely we did not do anything against them? In 1998 the U.S. bombed Afghanistan for attacks committed. on U.S. embassies. '.'lroevidence was given as to if the attacks originated from Afghanistan or what exactly we hit.

We intervepe too often in international affairs. The U.S., however, fails to "stand firm for the nonnegotiable demands of human dignity" with China. Perhaps it is because China is our most favorite trading partner.

Most of the Islamic world is upset with the U.S. because we support Israel and give billions to its military. Unfortunately some of the things the terrorists say can be backed up with empirical evidence. The methods they use are heinous, but so are some of the methods the Jewish people used against Palestine prior to 1948.

We consider the·Muslims to be the #'o I ,,e11emy,eve.n,,tn.O\Jgh,,tbey.haie a I

valid claim to Israel. Previous to the creation of the Israeli State, the Palestinians occupied that region for nearly 2000 years. Bush insists by repeating that "our cause is just,'' but at what cost? "We have spent more than a billion dollars a month - over $30 million a day." Can this spending be justified? Bush wants to spend even more. "Whatever it costs to defend our country, we will pay." The terrorists can bleed the U.S. dry not by blood, but with money. If Cold War spending returns, along with the increase spending in Medicare and Social Security, the U.S. could plunge into a deep depression.

Bush, however, wants Congress to act "in a fiscally responsible manner," yet he wants to spend money on, schools, bead start, teachers, energy, tax relief, a stirnuhis package, health security, pension plans, social security and the environment.

The president still has not addressed the grievances of the terrorists groups as of yet. Are they right? Do they have a claim? Can their violent acts be understood? No violence can be justified. I do not honestly know who is right. Their cause will only grow stronger as we kill them, making them martyrs. We can kill them physically, but we may fail to defeat them ideologically.

The U.S. can spend as much money and invade every country in the world, because Bush thinks of the "entire world as battlefield."

The war on terrorism, however, will fail unless the terrorist grievances are iesponded to. Our only true protection against terrorism is a passive role in international affairs.

The U.S. suffered a great tragedy on Sept. 11, but is all this really necessary? Countries suffer tragedies all the time, like in Sudan and Rwanda. I have not noticed anyway collecting money for the Sudanese. In this current time I think people have to practice restraint and rational thought.

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you plan to participate in Bush's 4000 hours of community service? Aking Beverly English/Communication Sophomore -I'll do it willingly, but not because Bush says so. Community service should be done because you want to do it. Michelle Scavitto ElementaryEducation First-year -No. I'm sorry, but I don't. Devon Spratling Political Science First-year -I guess so. If he's not enforcing it though, then it's just an empty comment. Jennifer Coppola English/Communications First-year -I was thinking about it. compiled by Sharvon Urbaunavage Comic Cornor _euBLrC.ffi5TRODm Flu:.-n !:i.Ti me:) !, rt 1 ~ along way tD Cabrini College wacomem I

Public safety cracks down hard on athletes

the administration. The school wants to retain students, but it makes the living situation uncomfortable and awkward. No one wants to live in a place without any freedom.

Accessibility a must on Cabrini's campus

Public safety has recently been targeting athletes. This is somewhat similar to the police practice of racial profiling. Ordinarily I would care less about some random jock getting written-up for having a party, but things are starting to get out of hand.

This campus has the Residence Life staff go on rounds twice every night to make sure nothing outrageous is going on. Public Safety is supposed to be there just to back-up the RA's. There is no need for a P.S. officer to walk unasked into a relatively quiet building; this can only cause more of a rift between the students and

Now I don't agree with all the students. There have been many times that I feel people deserved to be penalized for stupidity. But there are definite instances that should have just been left alone.

The most targeted group on campus is the men's soccer team. Granted they can be loud, obnoxious and stupid, but they are usually quite easy to control. There is no reason that P.S. should go out to specifically look for a soccer guy with a beer.

Just a confession, I'm no angel. I like to party. It is very likely that I am out as much as the soccer guys, but I have never been written up. There are even times that I can say that I honestly deserved to get caught, and was lucky enough not to. The one time that I actually got to hang-out with my friends on the soccer team, P.S. just

walked up to the room without even a knock and told everyone to leave. No one was written-up, but that was still an unfair situation for the men on the soccer team. The other week after a dance there was an abundance of P.S. officers on duty in the CAC. There was one stationed on every floor and two posted outside the soccer and women's lacrosse apartments. There was no reason for any of this. First of all, there was hardly anyone on campus. Secondly, there were definitely no problems in the CAC at all. There was no noise, there were very few people in the building, and no one was complaining about anything.

I do not remember last semester being very disorderly, but that may just be me. From my memories this campus has a pretty good record - no alcohol poisoning, a minimal number of arrests and not much damage to the campus. It is very hard to understand why P.S. is cracking down harder after a nice semester, it can only make things worse.

Love is just around the corner

it; they have their pick of who they want to "hook-up" with, while the only thing the women get are slim pickings. Don't be offended, guys; I'm not saying that you aren't good enough. I'm just saying that you are few and far between.

After reading Alexis's story on "hooking-up" and the infamous "walk-of-shame," I laughed out loud. A lot of what Alexis wrote + about is true.

If you haven't noticed there are not many male students wandering around campus. There are 432 male and 798 female, full-time students currently attending Cabrini according to Karen Karlsen, assistant registrar. Let's do the math. There are approximately two women to every one male at,Cabrini. The guys definitely seem to enjoy it. Let's face

So, what does all this have to do with "hooking-up?" The answer is simple. More women around campus tend to have a higher-risk of becoming a random "hook-up" or taking the "walk-of • shame" because there are not enough guys for all of us women. But, believe it or not, ladies, there is hope.

Most of us will meet our future husband or wife at college or within an eight-mile radius from our homes according to Dr. Young, English professor. Go ahead laugh, I did the first time I heard it in Dr. Young's 19th Century British Literature class last semester. You're 1>robabl:9asking

how I went from "hooking-up" to marriage, only to prove a point, and restore hope for the single-females at Cabrini. I know for many of us the thought of marriage had never entered our minds. However, if Dr. Young is right, one of those random "hook-ups" we experience all too often may become a husband or wife. I don't want any of you guys to become panicstricken because I used the "M" word, but I had to restore the hope of the women on campus.

Valentine's Day is right around the corner and I would hate to see anyone down in the dumps because they didn't have anyone special to spend it with. Even if you don't, remember, your love is either on this campus or within an eight-mile radius from your home. So, ladies and even guys, this might make you think twice about taking the infamous "walk-ofshame" at 9 a.m. Friday morning.

eludes a handicapped student) meets in the Woodcrest lobby to compare notes? Simple little things like that. I mean, they were rebuilding the steps anyway. Why not make them handicapped accessible while they were at it? Just because they don'! have to does not mean they shouldn't.

Let me preface this article by saying how much I enjoy being a student here at Cabrini. I enjoy living on campus and think I go to a great college. Really, I do. Honest. That being said, I have a complaint.

I think Cabrini is not conscious of the needs of the handicapped students that attend this institution. More than that, I think Cabrini does not plan for the needs of future handicapped students.

Now, don't get me wrong. I know Cabrini has made some great efforts in their new endeavors. The New Residence Hall, though lacking a name, has wonderful handicapped accessibility. Similarly, the Apartment Complex and the Dixon Center are also handicapped accessible. No, I'm talking about the older buildings on Cabrini's campus.

Take for example, Woodcrest Dormitory. This building was built before the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992 required them to make the building handicapped accessible. Over the summer a new set of front steps was constructed for Woodcrest.

However, since the building is "grandfathered" and does not have to be handicapped accessible, when the new front steps were made, they were not made with a ramp. Now I know you are saying, "Katie, what's the point? The rest of Woodcrest is still not handicapped accessible, why bother?"

Here's why: What if in next year's incoming freshman class there is a student with a parent or sibling who is handicapped? What if next year there's a class project and the group (which in-

Second example: The new communications center in Founder's Hall. The only accessible feature is the doors to the radio studios can be powered by remote for handicapped students. Even that is small potatoes when you think about all that is in the wing: TV studios, editing bays, computer labs, graphic design Jabs, newsroom none of them are accessible. And what about the double doors leading into the wing or into the radio station? You guessed it, not handicapped accessible.

The rest of Founder's Hall has accessible features, why was this edition built without the features? It is rather presumptuous and ignorant of us to think that there will never be any handicapped communications students, don't you think?

Last March, the Loquitur published an article on handicapped accessibility on campus. One of the major stumbling blocks listed for making improvements to our campus' accessibility is money. Making the doors to the radio studios accessible was reported as costing $4,000.

Here's a thought: What if they did it right the first time and made it handicapped accessible instead of having to go back and redo it. I'm willing to bet it would be cheaper.

My point is, as a campus community we need to be aware of one another and of each other's needs. We should think and plan ahead before we go rushing into remodeling buildings and walkways. It is apart of the Cabrini Mission Statement. It is a part of "Education of the Heart." Now we just need to live it.

Thursday, Feb. 7, 2002

Patriots upset the R·ams 20-17

Super Bowl XXXVI proved to be a Super Bowl game where the actual game was better than the commercials. The New England Patriots had a revolutionary war and beat the St. Louise Rams in the last seconds of the battle.

Losing the Super Bowl is doubly tough when your team goes in as a 14-point favorite, rallies from a big deficit in the fourth quarter, and still loses. That's what St. Louis found out Sunday as the New England Patriots' Adam Vinatieri kicked a 48-yard field goal with no time remaining to beat the Rams 20-17 in the Super Bowl.

The loss spoiled what many fans figured would be a coronation. Few experts gave the Patriots much of a chance against St. Louis, who had the NFL's best record (14-2) in the regular season.

The loss left St. Louis fans crying in their Budweiser; disappointed their team didn't capture its second Super Bowl title in three years.

The Rams were down the whole game-with the 3point lead the Patriots had started off with in the first quarter. With each quarter the patriots stayed ahead bu~ewly-started to close. Rams tied the ~~h~~c:1.:~30 to play. Cheers were had in hopes that the game would go into over time and a chance for the Rams could still be had. When the field g?al sailed through, there was dead silence, by Rams fans

ri, the kicker of the New England Paots, b o g ~rhaps they brought him, so

calmly to one of the most dramatic points in the history of American sport that the overwhelming favorites St Louis Rams must have known they were doomed. Vinatieri 's 48-yard kick sailed over the bar so majestically, for the stunning 20-17 victory.

The hero made it sound like a stroll in the neighborhood park rather than a pulsating Superdome. "I didn't have too much time to think about the meaning of the kick," Vinatieri said: " I didn't hear any noise of the crowd. I didn't look around. I just kinda focused on what I had to do. Maybe I'll wake up in a cold sweat but right now I just feel as though I've earned my money."

Super Bowl XXXVI proved that there was lack of Ram. The Rams spent all season energized by the arm of league MVP Kurt Warner. But Warner's two interceptions in Super Bowl XXXVI were costly, as they helped give the Patriots gain the Super Bowl victory.

Nonetheless, the Rams remain focused on returning to the Super Bowl in the near future. Even with the .victory the Patriots had, it still did not build American confidence in the team. The football pole for 2003 has the Rams in better favor than the Patriots.

A funny coincidence that has happened ever since the Play Station Bowl, where two players are picked from each Super Bowl team to play a Super Bowl football video gam~, started is the turn out of the game. Every year the team that won the Play Station Bowl has won the Super Bowl and this year the Patriots took the Play Station victory as well.

Top Ten Super Bowl Moments

1) The last field goal

2) MVP Tom Brady's speech on his honor

3) The amount of good food that was consumed after dinner

4) The Patriots interceptiontouchdown play

5) Paul McCartney "talking about freedom"

6) Budweiser commercials

7) U2's halftime show

8) The actual game compared to prior Superbowl games

9) The Patriots coming out as a team and not being individually announced

10) Mariah Carey wearing clothes while lip-syncing -compiled b-:,Renee Di Pietr<

100 nights before graduation is coming up.

Be there! Don't miss it!

Saturday Feb. 9, Brownies 23 East , Ttie.bus leaye$?t 7 p.m. from the Dixon Center.

Loquitur SPORTS i:
AP Photo
1 J J •1 l
Tom Brady became the youngest quarterback to win the Super Bowl and the MVP at age 24. Adam Vinatieri celebrates after kicking the field goal that put th1 Patriots on top of the Rams.

Trip to NBA-Jam is cancelled

The NBA All-Star game comes to the First Union Center Sunday Feb. 10, bringing with it some of the biggest names in basketball history. But while many students say that they are looking forward to the event, Resident Life's school NBA All-Star Jam trip has flopped.

"The Jam session was a trip activity where students could participate in running games and could compete against each other," said Nicole Faison, the sponsoring R.A. The program was meant to be fun. But in all, only a total of five students signed up. Thereby causing the program to close.

Although the Jam Session had been first advertised in the beginning of the spring semester and had been flashing on the Widner Foodcourt's television information screen since then. There was still a lack of knowledge and or interest in the student body.

This continues a trend of what Faison called " low counts for residence life programs" and also poor campus awareness."No one reads the flyers," she contin-


When sophomore Monica Green was asked if she had planned on going to the All-Star Jam Session she said with a tentative "maybe." "I have only seen one flyer for it," she said. "Usually I'll see a flyer for something, and it will say the activity is tomorrow."

Green continued to say that she might go with her family to the affair but she wasn't sure.

The NBA All-Star Jam has planned appearances by musical favorites such as Lil' Bow Wow, Warren G, Naughty by Nature, Lil J and Corey. The Jam is also planning to featme Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, Jamie Foxx and Nick Carter.

The All-Star game is intended for all basketball fans but attracts a larger audience. Many musical acts and parties are scheduled around Philly due to this event, it is sure to be a diverse crowd. Although the schools trip was canceled, the NBA Jam will go on as scheduled and is open to anyone who is interested and can get tickets.

Injured bodies but healthy spirits

From the amount of medical tape, it has been said that the Cabrini women's basketball team resembles a group of mummies running up and down the court. This season has not been the easiest for the team. "We've had our ups and downs," assistant coach Kate Corcoran said. "Many of the women on the team are injured, some having multiple injuries."

Despite these injuries, the team has pulled through and proved that they have heart. In an upset this past weekend over Eastern University, the Lady Cavaliers won by a score of 62-52. This was a great confidence booster for the women and the game brought their season record to a winning 10-9 showing.

Cabrini and Eastern have been rivals for some time now and last

year, the Cavaliers lost to Eastern in the quarterfinals during playoffs. The women showed heart, dedication and exhibited their talent on the court.

There are two new coaches this year for the women's basketball team. Head coach Darlene Hildebrand and assistant coach Corcoran have worked hard to keep their team healthy, strong, and determined to win the conference.

When asked to reveal the team's greatest accomplishment so far this season, Corcoran stated, "Our greatest goal is yet to come. We all have aspirations to win the conference and excel into the NCAA's."

Senior key players Erin Crawford and Colleen Dorian have aided the team to be a strong force in the competitive PACconference over the past fom years. Crawford scored her 1000th point last year,

as a junior and Dorian's talent under the basket has been shown to win many games throughout each season. Kendra Ryer and Wendy Wilson are also two seniors that will be difficult to replace.

According to Corcoran, they are recruiting heavily as the year elapses to fill the shoes of the valuable seniors and their position on and off of the court as Lady Cavaliers.

It is just a few short weeks until playoff time, so the women have to keep on working hard and stay focused to prove their status in the league. "We have two more tough games, then it's playoff time! We need to stay focused and healthy and then we will be ready to aim high and win," Corcoran said.


AttentionAll Students

:1 ee>ntest~ndwtr.>priZes!

la ~1~4---------------------SPORTS~----------------Th_m_sd~ay~,_Fe_b._7_,2_00_2
photo by Justine Difilippo The NBA All-Star game is coming to the First Union Center on Sunday, Feb. 10th. Basketball, music, and parties will fill the city all weekend.
- -
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you answered YESto any of the questions,then wewant you to...
' ' '- GoodSchoolsPennsylvaniaannouncesthe ''- ' , JonathanKozolStudentEssayContest , ' ' '- GoodSchoolsPennsylvaniaannouncestheestablishment of the Jonathan '\_ , KozelEssayContestfor excellencein writingon the crisison publiceducation '¾ '\_ in Pennsylvania.Essaysmustdramatizethe impactof thecrisisby comparing/ \. '\. contrastingthe opportunitiesavailableto studentsin specificschooldistrictsin '-\ '\_ Pennsylvania.Entriesmustbe publishedin a schoolor localnewspaperand ''\_ aredue March1,2002. • \.. ' ' '\. Winnerswill be presentedwith a citationandcashprizeby JonathanKozol in "'• \.. HarrisburginApril2002. ''\. .. '- See \.. ' ' ' • ' ' for moredetailsor log onto www.goodschoolspa.org. ' \~ '' ''-' ''''' '''' ,, ''' '- \\ ''- "\.~,,,,.,.,\,'\.'I'. - --
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Cabrini gaining athletes is not a problem

Cabrini College's intercollegiate teams are classified as NCAA Division III, which means that Cabrini cannot give out sports scholarships.

NCAA Divisions I and II schools are able to offer money to prospective students in an attempt to lure them into that school. Perks can range from partial to full scholarships, which include the price of books, room and board.

The Division III philosophy creates an "all students are equal" atmosphere, placing academic skills and education as its top priorities.

According to Steve Colfer, admissions counselo and nead men' sse team coach, Di1sion III coaches need to be able to "wear different hats."

Schools like Cabrini cannot af-

ford to hire full-time coaches.

A pamphlet put out by the admissions office states that Cabrini has won more Pennsylvania Athletic Conference titles than any of the other 36 colleges involved.

Cabrini recruiters have the advantage of the Dixon Center as a selling point. The relatively new facility is used to "enhance the athletic experience."

Meanwhile, Colfer admits that attendance at Division III games is minimal. Colfer tells his team that they are "playing in front of a funeral crowd, which is friends and family."

Colfer went on to talk about the imp_ortance of academics being equal to athletics. He explained how Proposition 48 guards against academic failures in sports.

Proposition 48 was passed in 1983 as part of the NCAA rules and regulations for mandated

Tim Maddox on and off the court

academics. It requires that student athletes maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 in at least 11 core courses. It also requires that students have a minimum SAT score of 700, or an ACT score of 17.

Most schools have compliance officers that they have to report to. Coaches are also forced to do self-reports and self-evaluations. They must turn in any athlete who plays while being ineligible.

Colfer says that Cabrini doesn't really lose that many prospective students to its competitors like St. Joseph's University and LaSalle University. He stresses that at Cabrini, academics is number one.


Reading will be followed by a wine and cheese reception.

Tim Maddox.

Q: What is your major?

A: Chemistry

Q: What is your hometown?

A: West Philadelphia

Q: What are your plans after college?

A: To work for a chemical company like Dupont or study organic chemistry.

Q: Favorite Food?

A: Fried Chicken

Q: If you were trapped on an island what CD would you bring?

A: Donnie Hathaway

Q: What is your dream car?

A: Lincoln Navigator

Q: Are you single?

A: Yes

Q: What celebrity do you think you look like?

A: Omar Epps, but the ladies say Denzel

Q: Why do they call you ''Delicious"?

A: It all started in practice, Delicious came from the movie "Kings Of Comedy". One day Chris Pittman was talking about the movie at practice and that part came up and he just started calling me "Delicious".

Q: What is your favorite thing about basketball?

A: Competition

Q: What are your hopes for the team this year?

A: To win .the PAC aharnpionship a,gain and go far in the NCAA's ''#~'3,·(

_L_oq_u_~_r__________________ SPORTS---------------------15
and Students invited to a Speakers Forum 1 p.m. on Feb. 18th featuring Rachel Tzvia a noted Israeli poet1 activist and scholar. A reading from her most recent collection of poetry titled "Azimuth" will follow.
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Photo by Tom Grosse
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Men's basketball stomps Eastern

The Cavaliers stunned an unassuming Eastern basketball team on Feb. 2. They had great play from the starting five, which eventually lead Cabrini to an 81-63 victory over the Eastern University Eagles.

With 1:35
photo by John Ferrise left in the game, Cabrini was winning and held on to their lead to win the game.
What's up on campus?,- _,.7 •Annual Fine Arts Department Faculty Art Exhibit Opening, 3-5 p.m., Holy Spirit Library • Three-on-Three Half Court Basketball Play Begins, 10 p.m., Nerney Field House 8 • Sibling Weekend Begins 9 • Sibling Weekend Activities • I 00 Night at Brownies 23 E. in Ardmore 10 1112 13 •Ash Wednesday
Eastern player, number 22, Kevin Harding tries to maneuver around Cabrini players.

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