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'Access from Anywhere'

ACCESSIBILITY continued from page 1

On every floor in the N wing of the new dorm there is at least one accessible bathroom. The first floor has one bathroom in alI of the wings that is accessible. These bathrooms come equipped with lower sinks handrails and a handicapped shower. The elevator has a new design as well instead of using a key to tum on the elevator it had an id scanner and only those who have access can open the doors to this elevator. The elevator is also the biggest on campus both Caldwell ~d Shelley could fit inside without a problem. The New Dorm also has wider hallways, crossing paths with another wheel chair bound person is no longer an obstacle. The only problem that Shelley has with accessibility in the New Residence Hall is the laundry room. There is not enough space for her to get around to the back washers in her wheel chair. Shelley says, "If there are no available washers in the front I have to walk to the other side and between balancing my laundry and myself it is a real challenge."

Founders Hall Communications Center was given new technology in accessibility. The radio station has remotes that look like garage door openers to get into the radio station.

Getting into the COM Center if the main doors are closed is a different story. Many times these doors are propped open but when they are not they become difficult because of their weight. Caldwell was lucky enough to have a training specialist in high school. She said, "She taught me how to open doors. In case I was ever by myself I would be able to get in and out of buildings and to know that I can do things for myself."


Frustrated while trying to do research off campus? Finding that some of the free information on the Internet will not pass muster with your professor? Wishing that you could have access to the Library's growing list of propriety databases from home?

Well, Cabrinians, your wish bas been fulfilled. On Monday, Feb. 18, the staff of Holy Spirit Library celebrated their newest service: off campus access to Library databases. A ribbon cutting ceremony and refreshments accompanied the formal introduction of this new service.

"Access from Anywhere" is the slogan the Library is using to publicize this new service, since you can literally access Library databases from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a Cabrini Proxy is that your browser accept Domain Account. cookies. The EZ-Proxy cookie is Accessing databases off-camgus not used to track your use, but is similar to accessing them on- only to let you keep your conneccampus, with the one difference. tion as you move from one dataAfter selecting the database you base to another. This cookie will want to search (from disappear when you exit your h ttp://www.cabrini.edu/Li brary/ d browser. b.aps), you will be prompted to The Library staff is excited enter your· Cabrini Domain user- about being able to offer this new name and password. Add that service and is grateful to the information and the database you Informa_tion Technology and selected will be ready to search. Resources staff for making it hapThe software that enables the • pen.

Library to offer this service is The one caveat that the Library called EZ-Proxy. And it is easy! staff has is that Academic EZ-Proxy does not require that Universe/Lexis-Nexis is currently your browser be configured in any not available through EZ-Proxy special way to use Library software. ITR is working to solve resources from outside the Cabrini this problem. Co11ege computer network. The only prerequisite to using EZ-

Woodcrest received new steps this past summer. Last year, we were told that the main reason was that the older buildings, Woodcrest and·the Mansion, were not accessible because "There were not standards that had to be followed in the construction of these buildings [when they were built]" (Loquitur, March 22, 2001 no. 19). W!J.enthe new steps to Woodcrest were built, they were still not accessible. To April Caldwell this was one of the improvements she was hoping to see come out of last year's lobbies for more accessibility. Caldwell said, "I wanted to be able to get into Woodcrest for three years. Woodcrest used to hold all kinds of activities but I could never go because I couldn't get inside." Mike Caranfa chief facilities officer said, "[Making the Woodcrest entrance accessible] was discussed, .but since the building is not accessible once you get inside it was decided not to build a ramp."

Throughout her three years here, Caldwell and many others have tried to make this campus more accessible. She feels annoyed and upset that besides herself and many others tried to get more accessibility on campus and still there was "no great improvement to this campus."

Caranfa said, "There are still areas that are not accessible, mostly due to architectural impediments, but as buildings are renovated they will •be brought up to the current standards. All future construction will meet the requirements of the ADA."

If there was one thing that Caldwell wants most it's "better maintenance of the doors: These are the biggest problems that I face during the day."

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DEADLINETO APPLY:All applicatipnsmustbe receivedno laterthan Friday,April 19, 2002

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