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Accessibility, rumors and cash
Accessibility has been an issue for quite some time. Last March Loquitur reported on how accessible Cabrini's campus was for handicapped students. The report showed that many areas around campus were ·notmade with handicapped students in mind. Last year none of the doors that access The Hamilton Family Foundation Wing, which houses Cabrini's communica- • tions center, were accessible for the handicapped. It is now one year later and we have seen some improvements. Some handicapped students now have remote controls that open certain doors within the communications center but the main entrances still remain unmanageable for physically disabled students.
So Cabrini is almost there when it comes to improving its campus accessibility issues, but what will it take to complete the job? Is money being poured into the ,. right places and if not, what can students, faculty and staff do to improve it?
Rumors have been flying around campus that the new roof on Grace Hall cost upwards of $700,000. This roof is coming soon after faculty benefits were cut. Hopefully the money that the college is saving on its employees isn't being used to put on that lavish roof.
Also being heard buzzing around Cabrini are rumors that the faculty are among some of the lowest paid in the area. Money isn't everything, but it sure is nice when it can keep some wonderful professors here at Cabrini. Someone once said that Rome wasn't built in a day. It took years and years of hard work to get it right. Maybe Cabrini is still going through its formative changes.
Shoot for the moon and you might catch a star. Students and faculty must push the importance of accessibility to the higher-ups involved so that we can "'"'-see results. Things have gotten better, but there is al~ays room for improvement.
The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the" editor published in Loquitur are the views of the stu~ dent editorial board and the individualwriters, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.