Feb. 28, 2002 issue 18 Loquitur

Page 7

The cause of the mysterious rash that has been breaking out in various schools throughout the nation still remains unsolved. The rash, which is red in appearance and itchy, bumpy and even burning on the skin, has shown up in seven states, including: New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington and West Virginia.

Schools in Montgomery and Bucks counties have seen the rash develop and spread. Because of the mystery surrounding the rash and the rapid spread of it, many of these schools, such as Spring Ford Middle School and Quakertown and Richland Elementary Schools, have closed for a short period of time during the breakouts.

Once the schools have closed and students are no longer in the building, the rash disappears quickly after, sometimes in only a few hours.

However, precautions have been put into effect to prevent schools in the surrounding areas from being infected and having to shut down.

"Nurses have been keeping

Studentsin elementaryand middle schools

that disappearsometimesjust hours after leaving school.

vigilant about any rashes," Terry Quinlan, Lower Merion School District coordinator of health services, said. "We have seen nothing concerning so far."

As one part of the precaution-

ary measures taken by Lower Merion, the parents are being kept informed. "We sent a letter home to all elementary and middle school parents. Included in that Jetter was a letter from the Pa.

Department of Health about rashes," Quinlan said.


Job marketprovesto be jumpable-hurdle

The pending obstacle of searching for employment is approaching for the seniors who will graduate in May. Repercussions of the Sept. 11 terrorists' attacks have catapulted soon-to-be graduates into a shaky economy. However, the job mar-. ket is not as bleak as many may assume.

"Employers have been calling us to recruit seniors," Nancy Hutchison, director of cooperative education and career services, said. "If they upload their resumes to the Career Connections website, it will be put into the resume database and remain in our web resume book."

Prospects for the upcoming job search for Cabrini graduates cannot be determined until after commencement. According to Hutchinson, job scarcity is not something to be worried about this year. "We are still getting lots of co-op and career opportunities coming in."

Although there has been a organizations will be anywhere noticed decrease in the number of from fair to poor. However, govemployers recruiting at local job emment/nonprofit organizations fairs, seniors should not be dis- project a 20.5 percent increase in couraged about the availability of college hiring. opportunities. "Bigger organiza- Georgie Rushworth, senior tions are not intending to do as English/communication major, m u c h _______________ has begun her recruiting "Employers have been job search on but there are Mosster.com still plenty calling us to recruit and through of opportu- Seniors." the co-op n i t j e s , " office. "Right Nancy Hutchison, Hutchinson , now, it's more said. • • director of cooperative about the· peoH i r i n g pie you know cuts are ---------------. and getting biggest among employers who references through your friends," hired large numbers of new col- ·Rushworth said. "I think. that the lege graduates last year. economy would have still been Employers expect to hire 20 per- bad even if not for Sept 11." cent fewer new graduates in the Each year, the cooperative and 2001-02 school year than in 2000- career services office sends a sur01, according to the annual Job vey to the graduates to compile Outlook survey by the National information on the number of Association of Colleges and graduates who have attained Employers. employment or have gone onto Communications companies, graduate school. automotive and mechaJticalequip- Of the 84 percent of May 2000 ment manufacturers, and financial graduates who responded to the services firms feel hiring for their survey, 98 percent were employed

or in school. As of Monday, Feb. 18, 90 graduates from the class of 2001 have responded to the survey and all of them have jobs or went on to graduate school.

The responses returned to date are from the initial mailing of the forms. Two more mailings will follow and those who still have not responded will receive a phone call from the co-op and career services office. "Hopefully we'll get more back next week," Sue Farrell, secretary of the cooperative and career services office, said.

This form is also available on the co-op web page of Cabrini's website. "It takes about three minutes to fill out," Farrell said.

Seniors who have yet to start searching for future employment are encouraged to attend upcoming career fairs and visit the co-op and career services office. Starting early will be beneficial to the recruiting process. Making the job hunt a priority will assist in securing a position in the workforce.

Mysteriousrash spreadingin schools
photo by Loren Burton scattered across the country have contractedmysteriousrashes

Network security:a concern on campuses

safe using the computers on campus. "I use the computers on campus all the time, and I only had one problem in the beginning of the year in my dorm. It's great when you are in between classes and need to check your email on the Internet."

Pat Kelly, a sophomore English and communications major, disagrees with Reich. "In the communication and newsroom computer labs it is hard to check your mail if you have America Online. Only some of the computers will actually go to the sign on screen and let you sign in. Sometimes I will leave not being sure if -I am completely signed off."

The computers in the computer lab in the new computer lab on the third floor of Founders Hall, pictured above, as well as all the computer labs on-campus and most of the computers in the dorms, houses and apartments are connected to the school's network.

Is your computer safe from hackers through the network at Cabrini? The infonnation technology and resources department has taken precautions and fixed problems regarding the network and its security. The ITR department, unlike some other universities and colleges, cannot see your e-mail or the Internet pages that you access.

The ITR department at Cabrini does not have the capability to accomplish this. However, Drexel University, who is Cabrini's ITR partner, can view them if their current policy changes. Drexel's current policy forbids them from

viewing any email or web pages accessed from the campus of Cabrini College.

Network security is based on a program that protects outside forces, like hackers, from entering a private domain. According to

John McIntyre, director of the ITR department, "There is a firewall that is a configuration from Cisco located at Drexel. This not only protects Cabrini from hackers but monitors when a hacker tries to hack into the system."

Cabrini has had problems with Internet hackers before. The most notable of hackers was an exemployee of the school.

According to McIntyre, "An employee was asked to leave last

February. The employee had created a direct link from the Cabrini homepage to a pornographic site. The employee was dismissed, and we (ITR department) have taken more precautions to prevent this from happening again."

The ITR department will be doing more to maintain privacy.

"On the ITR website there will be a personal directory, ensuring that the personal accounts of Cabrini students will only be accessed by the person using a password," McIntyre said. "The only piece of information that the ITR department would be able to view is anything that is saved onto a server."

Megan Reich, a freshman business administration major, feels

Kelly Lohr, a sophomore secondary education major, had a similar experience in the Library. "I couldn't be completely sure if I was signed out, so I started to check by going to aol.com again. I worry about someone else accessing my email, especially if it was because they went to aol.com after me.

The problems that face Cabrini students are small compared to the problems facing students at other colleges and universities. Because of inappropriate behavior in email, many educational institutions have issued acceptable-use policies.

According to The Chronicle of Higher Education issued in Sept. 17, 1999, "A.U.P.'s define what behaviors are inappropriate or appropriate for users of campus networks and computers." These institutions provide these policies

School rashes Continued from page 1

"We also have a rash report. We have been reporting all rashes to the Montgomery County Department of Health." Quinlan said. "They then have the option of contacting the child's physician concerning the rash."

The final measure of precautions in the Lower Merion School District deals with the basic operations of the schools. "The operations department looked into heating and ventilation to make sure all the filters were being replaced," Quinlan said. However, not all schools in the area have been implementing such extra provisions. The Tredyffin/Easttown District sees nothing wrong with the current policy and feels it is the best defense the school has. Dawn

Zrebiec, school nurse coordinator, explained, "We are taking no special precaution and following our normal procedure. We double

allergic reaction or if it's a children's sickness like fifths disease or chicken pox, then we deal with that rash."

Zrebiec further checked with our "Thismysteryrash comesand goes." explained that if the rash was unidentifiable, the child was sent Dawn Zrebiec, home to see his or her

school doctors and they've decided that our normal procedure is the best one."

in handbooks and on the Internet. Institutions like Cornell University, Salisbury State University and Harvey Mudd College all have computer-use policies that restrict a person's Internet and email practice. The ITR and computer departments of these schools will exercise their right to access the email and Internet pages that are accessed on a campus. Most ef the rules are broad, but they all contain some of the same aspects. Sending viruses, spam email, or mass email is prohibited according to these policies. Also prohibited under the computer-use policies are Internet pages that have information about how to perform or cause harm to someone. According to The Chronicle of Higher issued March 19, 1999, a professor at Clark College can no longer send emails using a computer on campus, because he did not follow the acceptable-use policies regarding email.

Finally, there is one way for a network to keep their system safe. According to The Chronicle of Higher Education on Jan. 21. 2000, Randy C. Marchany, a security expert at Virginia Tech, said. "Every computer in the network should be updated with the latest virus protection system. There should be a broad acceptable-use policies for using a computer on the network."

seems to be limited to the elementary and middle schools. Unlike in the middle and elementary schools, there have not been any reported cases in high schools that are linked to this unknown rash.

Districts like Tredyffin/Easttown

cleared by the doctor.

"This mystery rash comes and goes. It appears very quickly and we haven't had any cases like that in any of our schools," Zrebiec said.

The rash that is infecting many children

school nurse coordinator of physician and then was Tredyffin!Easttown permitted to come back to school when it was already have an extensive procedure, which guards against the spread of rashes, not just this mysterious rash, in the schools. "If a· student comes in with a rash we try to identify the rash," Zrebiec said. "We find out whether it's caused by poison ivy or an

Unlike the middle and elementary schools, high schools in the area are not too concerned about the rash. Because of that, precautions have not been put into effect to guard against the rash.

"We're doing nothing," Edward Monastra, principal of Phoenixville Area High School said. "It's going to middle and elementary schools and infecting that age group as opposed to high school students. So, we're just going from day-to-day like we always do."

2 - - - - Thursday_Feb. 2lr;2002 Nt!WS~ ------------------------------
photo by Jen Smith


America's defense against future terrorist attacks could include pre-emptive strikes against countries that help terrorists. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz offered no details about where or when such attacks might occur. "We'v.e already lost. enough Americans. We're not going to !qse any more by hesitating," Wolfowitz told a group of defense contractors Tuesday.

Pentagon officials have said repe~tedly that no decision has been made about when or where the next U.S. action will be.

Speculation in recent days has focused on Iraq, which President Bush named last month as part of the "axis of evil" with North

Korea and Iran. Wolfowitz is viewed widely as one of the strongest voices within the Bush administration in favor of military attacks intended to overthrow Iraq's president, Saddam Hussein.

Documents found in Afghanistan have left U.S. military officials surprised at the size and sophistication of a group in Southeast Asia linked to the alQaeda terror network.

The group, Jemaah Islamiyah, is an extremist Islamic network that shares al-Qaeda's antiAmerican ideas. It has connections in Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. Some Jemaah Islamiyah fighters were sent for training in al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan.

"It's a lot larger or more robust than we thought," the Pentagon

official said, briefing reporters on the condition of anonymity

A crackdown in December and January by several governments in the region exposed a plot by Jemaah Islamiyah to attack U.S. naval and other facilities in Singapore. Some information on the plot was gleaned from evidence discovered by U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

People also were detained in Malaysia and the Philippines about the plot. Officials said they found large caches of explosives in those countries. There are no signs that al-Qaeda's surviving senior· leaders are headed to that part of the world, or any other, for the moment.

Wolfowitz said he worries that Americans are beginning to act as if the threat from terrorism is over.

Phi.Sigma Iota Initiation

Last month. the Gamma Xi chapter of Phi Sigma Iota at Cabrini College held its annual Initiation. Patrice Miller, graduate of 1998, addressed the gathering in the MansiQnDining Room regarding the Importance of Studying a Foreign Language. The honorees for the evening are students who have achieved at least a 3.00 in their overall stud1esand havetakenat least one 300 level language course, while maintaining a 3.00 in all language study. After acandlelight ceremony initiating the three honor society, awards for excellence in French, Italian and Spanish were distributed to several other students.

"Dozens· of al-Qaeda fighters remain alive within Afghanistan, although the military campaign there has severely disrupted the group," Wolfowitz said.

"The success is only interim success. There is still a great deal of work to be done," Wolfowitz told the conference. "I do fear the country has not absorbed that the conflict is far from over."

Saudi-born fugitive Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network has lost its safe haven in Afghanistan because the U.S. and Afghan military removed its Taliban militia protectors, the unidentified defense.

The official said the al-Qaeda leaders have not gone to lawless Somalia, as once feared. Officials still don't have a fix on bin Laden, the network's fugitive leader, he


He said there's evidence the group may begin to function in a decentralized manner, with local "franchises" conducting terror attacks without waiting for direction and funding from Afghanistan.

"If this trend continues, future attacks probably will not be as sophisticated as the Sept. 11 suicide hijackings," the official said. Groups may also have to tum to for money to local sources such as robberies.

The official estimated that at least several hundred al-Qaeda fighters had been killed or captured in Afghanistan, but he emphasized U.S. officials have no clear count.

Cabrini alumnus: Jeri Rayon

Jeri Rayon graduated from Cabrini with the class of '94 majoring in communications. Rayon made the transition from Cabrini into tlie work world with ease and_great success. While at <:;:abrini,Rayon took advantage of the co-ops available. Her coop was with WYSP radio station, which lead to her first job out of college. "I found it easier to find a job out of college because of the internship that I had a WYSP. Immediately after college I went to work at WYSP. with a reference from Michael Troop from the co-op office and then on from there," Rayon said.

Currently Rayon is Director of Alumni • Affairs at Harcum College. "Cabrini provides a very well-rounded education. I am able to do many things," Rayon said. Even though Rayon was a communications major she feels as though the multifaceted education she received has broadened her education and she is able to pursue many different avenues. She still is very active

in the world of communications, with her background in radio but especially in the video and film industry, which was her concentration at Cabrini.

Rayon is still very active here at Cabrini, She is currently on the Alumni Executive Board. She has also kept in very close contact with fellow classmates and professors some of which are still on staff at Cabrini.

Rayon feels as though Cabrini has opened many doors for her. Specifically with the co-op but also with contacts that she received during her four years at Cabrini.

Not only did Rayon benefit from the worldly contacts at Cabrini, but also the close-knit family formed here. ···rreally love the fact that I am so close to my fellow classmates and also my former professors. It is very comforting to know that I can always call on one of my professors if I need a contact or help finding a job. I know they will be there. That is_why I continue to be involved in Cabrini and will be in the future,'' Rayon said.

Loquitur NEWS 3
This photograph is of the new initiates and professors. From left to right: Jeanne Radicone, initiate, Jacki Armes, co-president, Dl Juan Carlos Jimenez, Dr. Cynthia Halpern, faculty advisor, Carolyn Ashton, co-president, Karen Urbano, initiate, and Kimairy Candelaria, initiate, •

WolfingtonCenter:service learning,spirituality

Service learning and civic engagement, community outreach and partnership, spirituality of service and an institute on Catholic social teaching make up the four main goals of the newly dedicated Wolfington Center, located on the bottom floor of the Widener Center.

On Thursday, Feb. 21, the goals along with plans to achieve these goals were unveiled to the campus community. Faculty, staff, students, alumni and members of the community filled the Widener Center Lecture Hall for the dedication of The Wolfington Center.

Thomas Neamy, class of '77 and a member of the Board of Trustees gave the opening and closing remarks and introduced the various speakers.

Dr. Myrna Grandgenett, special assistant to the President for Mission and Ministry Director, was one of the speakers. Grandgenett told a story about a women named Anna who came across another woman nicknamed "The Jonquil Queen." Anna was mesmerized by the beautiful daisies the woman had planted and sought to meet her. When Anna finally met "The Jonquil Queen," she was surprised that such an ordinary looking woman

could do such great things.

When Anna ~ked "The Jonquil Queen" how she managed her garden, she replied, "Every day for the past 15 years, I went out and planted as many bulbs as I could. When people came to visits, I asked them to join me in planting bulbs. In God's time, with all of us working together, the hillsides all around were filJed with flowers. So we went to the next field. It was really just going out and planting every day. Pretty simple."

Grandgenett then compared The Wolfington Center to the fields of daisies. "We all joined in bringing it the seed of life," Grandgenett said. "Like 'The Jonquil Lady,' we will go forth in The Wolfington Center every day and plant seeds for the future, joining with others in the work and continuing to believe that we will see hillsides of flowers in the days to come and far into the future."

J. Eustace Wolfington, the benefactor of the new center, also spoke. He gave a brief speech detailing that his admiration for Mother Cabrini's dynamics and respect for Mother Ursula Infante convinced him to fund the new center for service and learning. He said that he modeled his career in business after Mother Cabrini.

"I always believed that the most important part of a person's life is spirituality," Wolfington said.

"When I heard about this program, I realized the most important idealistic time of a person's life is when you are in college. It's when you are searching for the truth and your intentions are most pure."

Senior Carolyn Ashton, president of student government association, spoke aJ:,out how the blooming of campus ministry into The Wolfington Center promoting service and leadership has influenced her life.

"Due to my experiences here, I have decided to pursue my masters in religious studies and become a campus minister," Ashton said.

Sister Mary Louise Sullivan, former President of Cabrini College and Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, President of Cabrini College, also spoke. Both ladies delivered brief backgrounds of Cabrini's success in community outreach.

Sister Sullivan talked about "Project Outreach" that Dr. Joseph Romano, philosophy professor, helped set up in the '70s.

"It was an opportunity for students to spend a semester in a Cabrini mission," Sister Sullivan said. Sister Sullivan also recognized alum Linda Panetta who participated in Project Outreach while at Cabrini. Sullivan boasted that Panetta is currently fighting

for social justice to close the school of Americas.

Iadarola talked about how greatful she was to have inherited a legacy of service with roots deep in the Catholic faith from Sister Sullivan. She commended Dr. Jerry Zurek, English/communications chair and Dr. Sharon Schwarze, philosophy chair, for brainstorming and structuring the core curriculum at ,Cabrini.

Iadorola recognized Dr. Seth Freebie's Sem 300 class that was unable to attend the dedication because the class tutors at Julio de Borgious middle school in Philadelphia as part of the core.

"This year alone, over 1000 Cabrini students are attacking critical social problems through over 100 service projects," Iadarola said.

Over spring break, many students are traveling to West Vrrginia to serve _theeconomically depressed community.

Additionally, Mary Laver, coordinator of service and learning and community outreach is currently piloting a seminar entitled, "Leadership of the Heart." She plans "outreach Saturdays" where students involved in the seminar spend their Saturdays dedicating their time to service projects.

future of The Wolfington Center.

Following the dedication, faculty and staff dined in the Mansion with the Wolfington Family. Student athletes scattered around campus to direct all who attended where to go.

Cabrini Recognized for Service

• 1989, one of the frrst institutions of higher learning in the nation to implement community service into core curriculum.

• 1991, first college in Pennsylvania to require community service for all students.

• 1997, Templeton Foundation placed Cabrini on its "Honor Roll for Character Building Colleges" for Seminar 300, volunteer service experiences, community based internships and field experiences as well as cooperative education opportunities offered throughout the College.

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photo by Tara Taylor The Wolfington Center has been completed and dedicated. It is the new center of service learning and civic engagement, institute of Catholic social teaching, community outreach and partnership and spirituality of service. The Wolfington Center officially opened on Thursday. Feb. 21 after the ribbon cutting. Faculty, staff, students, alumni and members of the community attended the dedication. The center was made possible by Benefactor J. Eustace Wolfington, who admired Mother Cabrini's dynamics. Jessica Morgan and Father Steve Albero, campus ministers, prayed for the information from the Wolfington Center pamphlet

Buried in the Back Pages

A Fishy Situation

Garth Spacek, 42, of Madeira Beach, Fla., was stabbed in the abdomen with the detached bill of a swordfish after getting into a fight with another fisherman. Spacek began fighting with Frank Ashmus, 46, on the dock. The argument moved to Spacek's apartment after he hit Ashmus on the head with a beer bottle and left the scene. Ashmus then followed and used the swordfish in retaliation.

Both men have been arrested and were held "without bond on charges of aggravated battery." According to Pinellas County Sheriff spokeswoman Marianna-Pasha, Spacek was in fair condition. Not surprisingly, both men were reported drunk.

From Yahoo! News

Iguana-Throwing.A new pub fad?

Susan Wallace, 47, was convicted on Monday of causing unnecessary suffering on her pet iguana, Igwig. Wallace flung Igwig twice at the doorman of The Anchor pub on the Isle of Wight. During the night, patrons of the pub had been subjected to Wallace placing her pet lizard on their shoulders and heads, and she had been asked to leave.

"She was extremely drunk," officer David Harry said in an AP article.

Magistrate Sally Crocker will allow the iguana to stay with Wallace, who has indicated that she loves her pet dearly. lgwig is doing well in spite of his experience. Wallace faces six months in prison, a fine up to $7,150, a ban on keeping animals or all three.

From The Washington Post

Moosama Bin Laden

A 1,200-pound cow is on the lam. The Charolais cow escaped from a Cincinnati, Ohio slaughterhouse by ~umping a six-foot fence. It has managed to evade police and officials the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Going by the nicknames of Moosama Bin Laden, Charlene Mooken (a play on the name of Mayor Charlie Luken) and others, the cow has become a celebrity, being featured by local DJs, local television and even CNN. Luken plans to five the cow the key to the city when captured. Businesse's are also getting caught up in the cow craziness. Fifth Third Bank offered the cow a starring role in its next commercial. Fast-food chain Chick-Fil-A is offering 100 free chicken sandwiches to the lucky person who catches the cow. No matter how or when the cow is caught, Cincinnati has fallen in love with their bovine hero and wants to keep it off the hamburger bun.

From Cincinnati Post

News from around the world

Daniel Pearl confirmeddead

The death of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pead was confirmed by viaeotape. Pearl, 38, was abducted in Karachi, Pakistan on Jan. 23. His wife, seven-month pregnant Mariane Pearl appealed to the Pakistan government to fight terrorism.

It is believed that there were a dozen or more people involved in the abduction. The search continues for Pearl's body and his abductors.

Crematoryfaces criminalcharges

A crematory in LaFayetter, Ga. is facing criminal charges for theft by deception. Ray Brent Marsh, the operator of the Tri-State Crematory, allegedly accepting money for cremations that were never preformed.

On the crematory grounds. 339 bodies have been found. Only 70 have been identified. Authorities anticipate that it will be late summer before the bodies are identified. Only three or four acres of the grounds have been searched. It is estimated that the grounds are eight acres.

Catholicpriest apologizesfor sexualabuse

Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua issued a statement that apologized for the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests. The announcement was made just days after the Philadelphia Archdiocese announced the dismissal of several area priests for sexual abuse of minors.

Just last week in Boston, a fonner priest was sentenced to nine to IOyears in prison for committing more than I 00 acts of abuse against minors.

Boston's Cardinal Bernard Law has been charged by critics with protecting priests known to have engaged in past sexual abuse of children. In response. the Boston Archdiocese suspended nine priests and gave authorities the names of 80 priests involved in sexual abuse of minors. lnese abuses occurred over several decades.

After the dismissal of the Philadelphia priests, the Archdiocese believes that they have no sexual abusers left that they know of.

1 Afghanistantrainingnewarmy


Afghanistan's new national anny is off to a slow start. Two hundred of the 60() recruits found their way to the nation's capital for training. Trainees Me having difficulty getting to the capital due to transporta• tion issues caused by the weather.

Recruits were selected by the interim governments.

Afghanistan has not had a national army since 1979. It was broken up during Soviet intervention.

The 600 recruits will make up the first batallion, which will most likely stay in the capital and become a force to protect the president.

Divorceillegal in Chile

Chile remains the only western democracy, besides the small island state of Malta where divorce is Hlegal. The only way for a couple to separate in Chile is to have their marriage annulled by a judge. 1ne fight for divorce has been going on for almost a century. A divorce law is in the works but is facing opposition from the church and conservative politicians.

·,Loquitu~ , NEW-S
Students in the Accounting income tax class will be available to prepare individual federal and state tax returns FREE OF CHARGE! Contact: Ann Servey, coordinator of Accounting program and income tax professor at (610) 902-8322 or ann.servey@cabrini.edu

"People think we're ·always dark and gloomy, and we're not," Matt Skiba, guitarist and lead singer for the prot-punk outfit Alkaline Trio, said. "We definitely like to write songs about darker things, but we like to think of it as a celebration of the evil ideas that run through everybody's head."

The members of Alkaline Trio, singer-bassist Dan Andriano, drummer Mike Felumlee, and singer-guitarist Matt Skiba, after years of wandering in the pop cultural wasteland, have finally found a safe world, with bands such as At the Drive Io and Jest to Brazil, for the

emotionally charged style of punk best known as emo-core.

When Alkaline Trio first formed in 1996, the punk

there was a lull for a while but we stuck together and made it work," Skiba said.

Alkaline Trio went on to scene was in a self-induced slump, which was brought upon because of many unsuccessful records and a disinterested public. Skiba, who played with bands such as Jerkwater and Blunts before fonn-

we would have broken up definitely," Skiba commented.

with Blink-182 was the Trio's way of selling out.

The scripts have been thrown out the window, burned to ashes, and spat upon. That's right, they do not use scripts to make you laugh until you cry. Cabrini College's lmprov Troupe has been around for several years now, but they are becoming more and more popular around campus, and a lot funnier. They perfonn comedy skits similar to those seen on the television show, "Who's Line is it Anyway?"

Ten students, who love to have fun, have been working hard to brighten your college days through laughter.

Earlier this month, the Improv Troupe (otherwise known as "On The Spot"), put on a twelve hour improv marathon. The purpose of this marathon was to raise funds for their trip to Skidmore College in New York as well as to gain more recognition on campus. Several students made posters and signs to hang around Cabrini's Campus as well as campuses

release a series of LPs and had mild success early on in their career. Their lineup in the band steadily evolved over time, with various members coming and going. With Photos retrieved from www.alkalinetrio.com the latest addition, ing Alkaline Trio, had grown up with the Trio's ex-bassist, Rob Doran. With a drummer, who the band describes as "long gone" the trio spent years of constant playing and songwriting, all in attempts to perfect their craft. "With punk

ex-Smoking Pope drummer, Mike Felumlee, Skiba hopes things have finally settled down with the band and that things will remain more permanent and stable. "Thing have been easier than they've been in the past. If Mike hadn't joined the band,

The band released two albums on the independent label, Asian Man Records, 1998's "Goddamnit," and 1999's "Maybe I'll Catch on Fire." Both albums soon became favorites of the "diary-rock" scene. The band's most recent album, "From Here to Infinity," was popular enough to embark the band on tour with Blink-182. However, their most recent tour, with the association of MTV's darling Blink-182, has upset some of the Trio's more possessive fans, who have voiced their opinion on the bands website. Many negative remarks toward the band have been made and many of their. original fans feel that touring

"One time in Philadelphia, I mentioned the Blink tour. Half of the crowd was throwing rock signs and the other half was throwing us middle fingers," Skiba said. With lyrics that are sensitive enough to make emo kids weep and songs fast enough to make Blink fans forget about Carson Daly, Alkaline Trio have a steadily increasing fan base. The band feels that they will top the 200 show mark they hit in previous years and hope to continue with their success playing the music they love.

On the Spot: Improv Improves I MUSICAl

nearby and local stores. The twelve hour event was successful, and ended with an lmprov Auction at which the troupe members auctioned themselves off to help out in the college community.

Last semester On The Spot had shows every Monday night, but this semester they have been practicing so they can become more familiar with each other and help bring a lot more laughter on campus. On The Spot has been growing in many ways. New games are being brought out and their horizons are broadening.

When the troupe finally got to the National College Comedy Festival at Skidmore college, they got to meet fellow actors and actresses from college around the east coast. There were workshops and each school got to perfonn their own little show throughout the weekend. Senior Jess Snow said, "I think those of us who benefit the most from this experience are the 'new kids on the spot."'

On The Spot shows usually take

place on Monday nights in the Widener Center Lecture Hall; many people attend these evening comedy events. Katie Reing, Junior, said, "(Improv) gives you something to do on Monday night. What are you going to do? Sit at home and watch "Third Watch?" I don't think so. Go to the improv show!" Reing also said that the troupe is "fantabulous" and they are a very energetic group of people. On The Spot consists of ten Cabrini students from all different majors and grade levels. Each of these students comes from a different background and brings his or her own style of comedy to the troupe. First year student and troupe member Devon Spratling said, "You can laugh at us and we won't get mad."

For a schedule of upcoming Improv performances go to http://www.on_the_spot_improv.tripod.com or contact them at onthespotirnprov@hotmail.com.

w ll l'h. of the roN't AWARD < Ml'Slt' ~1 8PM MARCH 15, 16. 21, 22. lS,, !nfy;


Pa:rt 11:Spring Break in Cancun

Where else can a typical college student go over spring break to see beautiful girls baring it all in string-bikinis and sexy guys flaunting their stuff on white sanded beaches? It is definitely not the New Jersey shore. The place to be over spring break is Cancun, Mexico.

Upon arriving to Cancun, one may find its beaches breathingtalcing and the resort food not so appetizing, but when night falls the fun begins. Cancun can be described best as party central. It is a place where girls let more than just their hair down and guys leave more then just their shirts behind.

After the tedious task of passing through customs, students are shipped onto a bus stocked with Corona. The bus driver yells, "cervesa," "cervesa" and people charge for the cooler to buy a cold bottle of beer for two Americandollars.

The next thing on everyone's agenda is arriving to the hotel for a week-long stay in the tropical paradise of Cancun, Mexico. After unpacking, people charge to

the pool to bake in the sun. Hanging- out by the pool gives everyone a chance to get acquainted with one another. If you think chilling out by the pool while sipping on pifia coladas and margaritas is a good time, Cancun nightlife is indescribable. Brain Foye, Penn State student says, " The clubs in Cancun are nothing compared to the nightclubs at home. I had the time of my life in Mexico."

Imagine being covered from head to toe in foam while dancing to the beat of the music. LaBoom is one of Cancun's popular nightclubs that host a spectacular foam party. The women arrive wearing bikinis and guys arrive shirtless. When the music is bumping and the foam is flying it is not unusual to see guys and girls stripping down to their unmentionables in the middle of the dance floor.

LaBOQmmight be the place for foam, but Senor Frogs is the place for drinking. Sefior Frogs is home to the famous Yard. For those of you that are virgins to the Yard, it is the device that drinks are served in. They come in an array of dif- . ferent colors like fluorescent orange, yellow, green and pink.

The bartenders do not believe in serving 8 once drinks; they go straight for the yard.

After throwing down a couple of Yards at Senor Frogs, it is common for people to participate in wet t-shirt and tan-line contests. If the crowd begins to boo, contestants are eliminated by being pushed down an inner-tube and dropped into the ocean.

Even though some people may be swimming back to Senor Frogs from a dark ocean, the night is not over yet. After a night of heavyduty partying at Cancun hotspots like LaBoom and Senor Frogs, it is time to go back to the hotel and finish the party. People continue dancing, drinking and have a good time back at the hotel with old and new friends.

Rae Ann Rosselli, · Gwynedd Mercy students says, "I had the time of my life in Cancun and if I had the opportunity I would go back for spring break 2002." For most college students, spring break is one of their most memorable experiences they will have before graduating. Cancun is the place to let lose and have a good time with old and new friends.

LOQUitllr " 7
Photo by Jill Hindman Tropical paradise and partying awaits college students in Cancun, Mexico for spring break 2002.

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Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus what if the sexes want to visit the other planet? What happens when the women read the pamphlet for Mars and men read the pamphlet for Venus? Will the solar system collide into one?

Advertisement and marketing agencies get paid money to grab their designated target market. For magazines there is no exception. How many times, while passing a magazine rack have you read captions like "Kama Sutra the sexual see-saw," "How to catch him cheating," "Make those dark circles disappear makeup tips," "Does he love you," "Bedside astrology what's in your stars for March," "Sexy hair," "Sex survey," "Make him crazy for you" on all the women's magazines. Or pass the men's magazines and read "Make her keep coming back for more," "Ten things you don't know about women," "Get the abs you want and that will make her drool." So much valuable information pours from these magazines that answer all of life's burning questions. Each talk about "the game" r and what "game " you need to have to woo your partner. What happens when the magazines for men spark a female's interest and what if the magazines for woman spark the men's interest?

RRROOOAAADDD TTTRRRIIIPPP! !! Don't you ever just need to escape the normal everyday routine, road trips are what it's all about. Sometimes in life you just need to be spontaneous, random, and hit the road with some of your friends to help create those memories that last a lifetime.

Here at Cabrini the students can relate all to well to the need for change. Whether it's just for a day, or for a whole week, a change of pace_is always needed to spice up your life a little. The following is a glimpse of the some of the random, wild times students have experienced in the past year.

"It was 12:30 a.m., and a friend and I were bored, so we got in the car, and ended up at Loyola College in Maryland. It was real random, we stayed at a friend's house and just came back the next day," sophomore Kelly Wayland said, "It was nice to just pick up and go."

"We went to University of the Arts for a weekend and boy, was it random," freshman Anita Joerger says while laughing, "Lindsay Young and I took a cab to get across Philadelphia, who ended up being in a cab with an undercover cop. We got dropped off at the wrong place, and had to walk back to where we needed to get, Lindsay kept picking up these cones and placing them in random places. It was really crazy and so much fun."

Every once in a while people just get these cravings for certain foods just like Scottie Giblin.

"Yeah, me and the guys. just felt Mexican food so we drove to Delaware to get some," he exclaims, "It was a good time."

"The first official road trip for us girls took place in October. The five Cabrini nut cases made it to New York, even with the obstacle of going the wrong way on 476. The weekend in Nanuet, or as the girls said Nanuk, was adventurous. We all laughed and had a good time in my five-minute town.

The events of the weekend, were seeing the yuppie part of town, or just touring the second largest mall in the world. The five of us who traveled two hours made the weekend full of memories, quotes, tears and laughter, and a good time was what was accomplished this weekend away from good old Cabrini," says Laura Giorlando while reminiscing.

"Feeling the need to get out of this place," Christine (Stoop) Boffa exclaimed, "Dana and Denise and I picked up and headed for New Jersey. We went to this local bar in my town just for a change of scenery. It ended up crazy. We ending up spending the whole night talking with this police officer and a forty-year-old man who gave advice on how to live life, while informing us these are our the best days of our lives and to make sure that we make them count. The next morning when we were talking about it, we came to the conclusion that pickup lines must have changed in the past twenty years."

Memories are what we can look back upon for the rest of our lives. Random road trips along with many other activities help create a more vivid memory to look back on. So next Friday

night while you 're sitting in your dorm room complaining about nothing to do, just think RRROOOAAADD TTRRRIIIPPP!!!

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photo by Justine Di Filippo Memories of a road trip can be good or bad or both, like getting stuck on the Ben Franklin Bridge like the girl above.

Eye Candy or

This doesn't mean the advertising agencies are not doing their job. It just means that we are all human and are cfilious about the opposite sex. Picture this guys, you 're picking up your girl friend for a date and of course she is not ready, so you wait. You see Vogue sitting on the coffee table and the. main headline says, "Sex positions that make him say I love you." You look to th_e left, you look to the right. the coast is clear, so -you pick it up and start reading. You hear a voice from the bedroom that's says "I will be ready in a minute," you reply with "take your time," a remark you have never uttered when it came to waiting on her. You read the magazine and think to yourself "that is where she learned it."

Picture this ladies, you're in your man's house, kicking back and you must go powder -your nose. You go in the bathroom and fmd a library of Maxim and Playboy sitting on the back of the toilet. You decide to take a gander. You see outfits you would wear and hair ideas from the pictures and then you come across an article on "How to last all night long without drugs," and you think this is how he does it.

It is not just sex, but life in general that these magazines preach about. "I see how my girlfriend does her lip gloss now," Derick Colonello said. "I have read girls magazines and my favorite would be Cosmo. Women's magazines are funny to me, but also knowledgeable, I never knew women think and worry about dates, guys, style and make-up."

On the other hand sex is all some guys think about. "My favorite girl magazine is the ones with the hot girls on the cover," Clarence Scott said. "I think girl magazines have it all wrong when it comes to what guys want. Guys don't necessarily want you to show up in lingerie,'just show up naked and ready to go. Save yourself $30.00."

When asked about if his girlfriend's behavior has ever reflected an article or quiz he had read, he replied, "No, I prefer my girlfriends be illiterate."

Girls take more of an interest in men's magazines then guys take in women's magazines. "I like to breeze through my boyfriends magazines once in awhile. I know he just looks at them for the pictures." Lauren Socia said. "I read them and explain

them to him. Come on, unless the article has sex in bold print then it won't be read. Guys are more visual and girls want more information. We understand the magazine content better then they do, then we train them. Seriously, the men magazines deal with better topics than women's sometimes, I don't need a new make-up tip every month. Men's magazines also deal with fmancial issues that can be helpful."

For some guys there is no hope, "I read the girl magazines when I am forced to, like the doctors office," said Tom Grosse. "Girls magazines don't use as many jokes as guy magazines. I have read _articlesin girl magazines and I still don't understand women."

"Personally I like the quizzes," said Anthony D' Aleo. "Playboy has nudity and Maximhas good article and features, but by reading women's magazines I can learn a little more about women." Jason Rotella thought that girl magazines tell the women what they want to hear. "I like men magazines because they cover the topics I am interested in. Women's magazines do the same, but you can learn from mixing the two;• said Rotella.

"Women are not an assembly line and guys magazines preach about how to turn your woman on," Megan Rogers said. "What works for one guy may not work for another, and what turns one girl on will not turn us all on. I have read Men's Health I don't think any panties would be dropping with the moves they put in the article, even if the cover boy were to do it himself. Of course it may work on some girls, best bet guys is to ask what your woman wants."

So there you have it. Women1 s magazines do not hold the key to your man's heart and the men's magazines don't give guaranteed aphrodisiac for sex. There is no manual for men or women even if one of us is from Mars and the other from Venus.

The Other Residents On Campus...

Driving onto Cabrini's campus, especially for commuters, can present its challenges. The incessant traffic jams, the rude drivers, the constant red lights. Perhaps the most challenging part of the daily commute, is not the commute itself, but getting onto the driveway here.

It has taken me a few tries, but I have mastered the art of entering the school. Go past the entrance gates, then quickly cut my wheels to the left and hit the one patch of driveway that is actually level.

It has not always been this easy though. I have turned too soon, scraping the undercarriage of my car. On one such occasion, in a flurry of swears and curses, I noticed the house that sits next to the gates. Always with a car parked outside of it, I wondered who actually resides next to· the stoic entrance gates.

The gate house is one of the remaining original buildings on campus, from the time the school bought the estate. In the early 1900s! cars were non-existent, and horseand-buggy carriages were the way to get around. The house by the gates is where the carriage driver would reside.

With the advent of cars in later years, the gate house was home for approximately four chauffeurs, with the head chauffeur in charge of the house. It was also once believed that the groundskeepers of the estate resided in the gate house. However, according to Martha Dale, director of alumni affairs, that is not true.

Dale, who is an authority on what life was like on the estate before it was a college, says that the groundskeepers lived on the second floor or Grace Hall, above the stables.

When the estate was purchased by the college, the gate house became the home of the campus chaplain, and remained that for many years. Today, it is the home of Si&ter Arlene Van Dusen, of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, founded by Mother Frances Cabrini.

The gate house is not the only building that the sisters use on campus. Anyone driving out the back of the college will notice the offshoot of the l)lain driveway. Beyond the "Do Not Enter" sign, is the Emmaus Retreat House, also belonging to the sisters. The house serves as a getaway, complete with swimming pool for the sisters.

According to Dale, the retreat house was once the pump house and pool house, where

the pool equipment was stored. It also served as a spring house for the estate, where food was stored and kept fresh.

So, until the hierarchy of Cabrini install

some kind of roller-coaster car pulley system, m~y people will be noticing the gate house, and wondering how they manage to make it up the driveway.

_L~_wt_ur__________________ FEATURES----------------- 9
photo retrieved from www.greekgrams.com photo by Jamie_Knobler
• I
The houses at the entrances to Cabrini's campus are more than Just fine examples of architecture. They have a history all their own.


Poor economy dashes hopes for soon-to-be~grad_uates

The economy has been slowing down for quite some time now. Yes, the popular misconception that the economy was perfect before 9-11, is false. However, it has gotten worse. This comes as bad news for pending college graduates across the country. Four years of hard work and no pay off. What's the deal with that?

The job market is certainly not as plentiful as it once was, but it is by no means dry. According to the article on page 1 there are still opportunities available. They may not be in the specific area that you would like, but it is only temporary.

There are simple things that students can do to make the job search much easier. The most important, however, is to start early. If you are a senior and have not even begun to think about where you want to apply than you 're hurting yourself. Start as early as possible. Plenty of people land jobs by October of their senior year. The market isn't as flooded then as it is in May, so do yourself a favor and get moving.

Another major option to ~onsider is graduate school. It may not be what you were thinking about last year, but now it might seem like a good idea. By the time you get out of grad school the job market could be in a much better place than it is now. Plus having the master's degree doesn't look too shabby on that finely tuned resume.

_ Access .from anywhere?

To be fair, it hasn't been very long since the Cabrini library has set up its new access from anywhere network. The network offers some truly amazing research materials such as full text editions of every single article from the Philadelphia Inquirer since 1981. Most newspaper web sites will charge you at least 2 dollars per article, this is free. But since it has been set up, people off campus have had a difficult time signing on. From the college it's fine, but that's not the point. Hopefully the kinks get worked out ASAP.


The editorials,viewpoints,opinionsandlettersto the editorpublishedin Loquiturare the views of the studenteditorialboardandthe individualwriters, not the entirestudentbodyor the facultyandadministration.

In a world filled with animosity, hate, sorrow and many other melancholy emotions, there are a lot of other emotions I sometimes forget that we as human beings are capable of expressing. From time to time I begin to think I don't make enough time for all of the good emotions and only allow the bad emotions to be present in my everyday life. I have to wonder then, why don't I make more time for things that make me happy? But then again, at times I forget what it is that makes me happy to begin with.

I sit back and look in on my own life thinking, what is it? What is it that will make me happy or excited, maybe even proud and strong? What is it that I have to • do?

Have you ever just wanted to go do a certain something because you know it will make you feel a certain way? You remember how good you feel during and after you

Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to Theloquitur @hotmail.com or The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087

•Requirements:Names will not be withheldfrom lettersand a phone numbermust be provided.

do something that is good for your mind, body and soul that you just want to keep doing whatever it is that makes you smile.

Well here comes the part where I plan to tell you about all of the things that make me feel like a better and healthier person. Telling everyone how I feel will make me smile.

First of all I want to hear all of my favorite songs and all of my favorite CDs and I want to hear them all the time. So I play them. I want people to stop fighting unless it's about something really important. I wish people would stop complaining about everything and stand up and take some action instead.

The one thing that would really make my day would be to go on a random road trip. I just want to get into a car and go down south somewhere. Or possibly a tropical island. Why the hell not, right? Just pack up and go somewhere whenever I felt like it and stay for however long I want or until the money runs out. Sometime after I get back from the trip and before I die, I want to write a book about my life.

I defiantly want to go fishing, that would finally settle the internal issue I have within myself as to whether or not fishing is boring


The e thing I do love to do that makes feel so calm is to open all of the~dows on a rainy day and crawl into_ bed with a good book or movie. "· "-

I love to go walking or running too, it relieves all of my stress and makes me laugh. I love to voice my opinion and tell people how I really feel. That makes me feel independent and slightly powerful and important. Right after that I would like to say that I like to just chill with my friends and do what we do best because it's always a good time with the girls.

I want to write a little letter to all the advertising company's that use women as sex symbols and disrespect their womanly beauty to sell products. I want to tell them that they suck and that they are teaching the young women today that they have to portray a certain image to be accepted in society. Well the list of all the things that I do and think that make me happy and smile could go on forever. What is most important here is that I want to stress the fact that we need to take time out to do things good for us. Life is too short and apparently we aren't going to live .forever. Live it up. Live it all up till you can't do it any more.

The Loquitur

JO PERSPECTIVES-,: Thursday, ·Feb. 28, 2002
Do what makes you smile, be happy a·ndlive it all u
Editors Editor in chief: Managing editor: News editors: Sperts editor: A&E editor: Perspectives editor: features editor: Photography editor: Copy editor Web editor: Adviser: '.vhchaclA. Kazanjian Renee Tomcanin Beth Ann Conahan and Amy Gassen Tracy Timson Geri Lynn Utter RencC DiPictro Jill C. Hindman Justi:lc Difilippo Joe Holden Charles La Courte Dr. Jerry Zurek Staff Photographers Mike Boggiano Bemadetl Hazel Loren Burton Jamie Knobler Trevor Danjels Kit Dewey Mike Dotzman Rose Marie Gonzalez Tom Grosse Nat Hamilton Tara Taylor Charles u, Courte Steve Neild Ryan Norris Alicia Perry Erin Smith Jen Smith Katie Reing Loquitur is established as a forum for stu• dent expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open dMISslon ot issues. Staff Writers Kenneth Baumbach Lisa BroomaU Maria Chambers Colleen Connor Vincent Defruscio Catherine Dilworth Melissa Modesti Ryan "1ulloy Leanne Pantone Gina Roswell Karen Schweizer Jen Smith Jennifer Dalvano Alexis Strizziere Kelly Finlan Cheryl Tranehitella Catharine Hemson Lucy Truglio Eugene Iacovelli Sharvon Urbannavage Shannon King Cheryl Wagstaff Richard Magda Paul Williams Tanya McCausland Loquirur is a laboratory newspaper 'Mitten, edited and produced by studenu registered in COM 346. 350, 351, 353 and 354. Memben of the campus community are invited to worlc:on or submit stories for print. On1ystudents registered in the above classes, 00"-·cvcr,arc eligible to n::cciveacackmic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured in tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to tl)e editors. Names are withheld only in unusual circumstlDCes approvedby the editor in chief. Letters to tile editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. Individual copies of theLoquitur can be purchased for one dollar,

Words for the inconsiderate

Memo: To the owner of the green Oldsmobile who viciously cut me. off in the Founders Hall parking lot Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2002 at 9:30 a.m YOU SUCK!

Okay, perhaps that is not the most polite, educated thing to say. But you were there, you know what I'm talking about.

What, you forgot already?

Allow me to refresh your evil memory.

I was sitting patiently waiting in my car with my turn signal on, when you raced around the comer, zipped up the row of cars and took the spot.

Perhaps you do not understand the concept of road courtesy; allow me to explain.

If we can all forget about housekeeping, speed-bumps, housing and terrorism for a second, and just be courteous for a little while, life would run much smoother:

Courtesy is something that we all lack on this campus. When someone is waiting for a parking space with their turn signal on, THE SPOT IS THEIRS!

If you are turning into the Dixon Center lot, use a tum signal. The roads on campus are not racetracks. If people are so concerned about getting to class on time, then leave earlier. Oh, and by the way, parking in a handicapped spot, a faculty spot or a fire exit and leaving your emergency flashers on DOES NOT MAKE IT OKAY!

Courtesy doesn't just pertain to the parking lot situations. If

Letters to the editor

someone is right behind you going intQ a building HOLD THE DOOR FOR THEM!

Stop thinking that we, as students who pay tuition, are allowed to treat employees in the Food Court, or facilities, or the staff in the Grace Hall offices as our own personal help.

The same is true for the way students are treated. How many times have _you been waiting to purchase food in the Food Court, and imagined yourself in front of the "Soup Nazi" on "Seinfeld?"

The person behind the lovely "sneeze-guard" barks at you, "Next!"

Chances are if you say hello to them,.ask them how their day was and treat them kindly, you will get extra chips after they bark, "Pickle and chips?!"

The bottom line is that a little bit of courtesy (smiling, acknowledging the people around you) will go a long way for us all.

Alternative spring break in West Virginia

Going to Appalachia, West Virginia during spring break was a great experience. I meet new people from West Virginia as well as from Cabrini. The time spent down in Appalachia showed me how grateful we should be for what we have. It has also shown me how little things can make someone's life a little better.

During my spring break last year, a group of 45 students went down to West Virginia. Twenty-

Shoulders to lean on

"Best friends are the siblings God forgot to give us," said an anonymous source. What defines friendship? To me, a friend is someone that I can talk to about anything and always depend on when I need someone to pull me through a rough time in my life. A friend is someone that I can act like a complete moron in front of, and (s)he will laugh right along with me. A friend is someone I can cry to when I have a problem that I don't know how to handle. A friend will never judge me, but will always tell me when I am being ridiculous. A friend will support me in a decision that I've made, but will also tell me when my decision is the wrong one. In my group of "true" friends, I include my mother. Without her, I don't think I'd have enough knowledge about the subject of friendship to be writing this right now.

ability to see people-more clearly and begin to understand more readily who our "true" friends actually are.

Sometimes, if you are lucky enough, you find a person who fills in a part of your life that you were missing. For instance, sometimes a friendship can grow C"'· so intensely that you may feel asthough (s)he has taken the place of the sister or brother you never had. If you are so lucky, holding that bond is more important than you may realize. No matter the situation, it is important to always keep loving and holding memories close to your heart, because before you know it, college will be over and lives will start to change. < 1

five students went to a site in East Bank WV and 20 went to an union site.-I went to East Bank. For the first couple of days it snowed really badly but we were able to clean out a thrift store and help finish building homes for low-income fanlilies. The time spent down there was a time to get to know not only others but also yourself. After every day we had a reflection time, this allowed me to think about exact• ly what I have done to help

someone and how it affected me. After a week of work and fun, I realized that I could have been in the sun relaxing and enjoying the weather but instead I had a great time laughing, making others happy and making myself proud. Appalachia is not for everyone but please don't knock it before you try it.

RespectCatholic beliefs and traditionsduring lent

I was rather dismayed by Julian Smoger's complaint that meat is not served on Friday's until Easter. Cabrini is a Catholic college and therefore one should expect that, at times; tradition and beliefs would become part of the experience of attending.

Ar, a Jewish staff member, I feel that it is appropriate to

respect these beliefs and traditions. Understanding and appreciating other religions and cultures can be an enlightening growth experience. I always thought that "expanding our horizons" was supposed to be a part of today's college life. It can be enriching to learn about the ways of others.

On the culinary side, perhaps this is an opportunity to explore other types of food. How about a vegetarian salad? (They make great salads at Cabrini.) Or, as my Jewi~h grandmother Sarah would say, ·~have a piece of fish!"

When we are young, we are taught that those who are nice to us are our friends. As we grow older, we realize that "niceness" does not always constitute friendship. "Friendships" become divided into the following categories: best friends, friends, acquaintances and people we just cannot stand to be around. As we continue to grow, we develop the

Friendship is one of the most important aspects of my life. Without it, I, nor my life, would be complete. I would not be able to get through each day alone, without talking to my friends, best friends or "surrogate brother or sister," either about something important, or nothing at all. I have been fortunate enough to create some incredible friendships at Cabrini. I can only hope that others have also had the pleasant experience that I have had when it comes to meeting people that they love to be surrounded by.

My friends are the ones who keep me going and always remind me to keep the level head on my shoulders. In them, I find solace and peace, in a world that is sometimes filled with chaos. In them, I find happiness and joy. For all of this, I thank them, and extend my~_ love and respect.

Web exclusive...


Read Catharine Hernson's perspective on appearance, television, music, her roommate, the Olympics and more.

Read Renee Tomcanin's perspective on her mythical reflection on New York City and her feelings on going back over spring break.

Also visit the online site to interact electronically with the writers and a community message board to voice your opinions of praise or dismay


\ L.oquitur .. , ' .. PER:SPEC1IVES
11 ''11:QJ.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter

Every freedom fighter can be called ,a terrorist, just as well as every terrorist can be called a freedom fighter, yet it all rather depends on who is doing the labeling. These terms may be interchangeable from person to person and from group to group, •"'but there is no way to combine the two into one concept and pretend that the other one doesn't exist. These terms are two completely different symbols of fighting with a lot of similarities. Terrorist and freedom fighters both fight against their oppressors, but I think freedom fighters try to use different means other than violence to get their point across.

There have been a lot of misconceptions about freedom fighters, just as there have been about terrorist. The biggest misconception is that all freedom fighters are terrorists.

Many people argue that there is no way to define on_eor the other yet who is truly going to argue that Gandhi was a terrorist? Or Jesus? Or Marin Luther King Jr.? Not many would take up that mission; they would look pretty silly. These men were the farthest thing from terror. They are the complete opposite of the next misconception, which is that freedom fighters are about "the guts and glory of battle 'til the death." Taking such extreme measures for freedom may have been the popular road to travel centuries ago, but today some of our freedom fighters are, or were, the most spiritual examples of peace. Gandhi and King were these kind of men.

·'->Today Sandra Loranger is a living example of tbis kind of a freedom fighter

Loranger has been the first person in the history of the United States to be put in jail for feeding the homeless. "If feeding people is a crime, I am beyond rehabilitation," she said. She served 45

days because she could not stand by knowing that others were hungry. The Municipal Court of Santa Cruz County, California, did not agree with her. It tried to regulate the commercial kitchens. Can we call her a terrorist?

These are the cases that cause me to shake my head and say, "No, these men and women were not terrorists." By their supreme example of what a freedom fighter is could cause some people to rub out the concept of a terrorist before wiping out the concept of a freedom fighter. Well, no, that's probably not true; but I can't see the existence of one tenn without the other.

Sometimes I think that the question of whether there is a difference or not is just a ploy to get some kind of philosophic answer that is going to reveal some special insight on how you see the big world.

The whole saying that one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist is true. But the real point is, there is a choice. Man has a choice to see his freedom fighter as a terrorist or not. I believe man needs to have that choice. We cannot label everyone solely a terrorist or a freedom fighter.

It's an interesting concept to think that there are two types of crusaders in the world; both symbolizing the two different extremes of good and evil. I see Martin Luther King. Jr. as one of the greatest freedom fighters of all time. I don't see how he could ever be one man's terrorist, but I guess he could be if you wanted to put some sort of twist on what he was saying and try to make him out as some bad immoral person. Then you could maybe go as far as saying that the man who killed King was not a terrorist, maybe he was a freedom fighter. Sure, you can say that and I will hear you out; but don't for one second think that I believe you and will be stepping on your bandwagon.

Like I said before, I think there is a difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist; but I think everyone is going to have some trouble agreeing on who belongs where, which is fine, as long as there is still a choice.

On Sept. 11, 2001 the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City fell after being hit by hijacked airplanes. The Al Qaeda, a known international terrorist network headed by Osama bin Laden perpetrated the attack against the United States' symbol of democracy. To the eyes of millions of Americans, Osama bin Laden and his following are terrorists. However, in the eyes of Al Qaeda and their followers, the groups are freedom fighters. Therefore, it could be safe to assume that one person's freedom fighter is another person's terrorist.

The Al Qaeda views itself as freedom fighters. The Al Qaeda views the United States as evil and therefore tries to do anything that is possible to drive the United States out of Israel. They feel that the United States military desecrates the sacred shrines of Islam by their presence. They feel that any means imaginable is proportional to the end. They are working to rid the world of democracy. Therefore, they struck out on the World Trade Centers to wipe away the symbolic heart of democracy. They feel that the United States power usurps the powers of God and is, therefore wrong. To them, the people in the World Trade Center were not innocent. Rather, they were part of the nation of evil that we call home. They are fighting for the freedoms under the rule of God. They view democracy as their enemy so they attack on United States soil and other areas affiliated with the United States.

On the other hand, the United States views the Al Qaeda as a terrorist group. On September 11, the country shook in a state of confusion, sadness and fear of • what might happen next. Most of the nation had never heard of the Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.

They thought that the act again~t the World Trade Center was the first time that the Al Qaeda expressed anything towards the United States. However, Osama and the Al Qaeda plotted to rid the United States of Israel as far back as 1989. Terrorists traditionally target symbolic targets that contain many innocent people. Multifarious peoples died in the attack against democracy. Some of the people were not American. Some might not have even been for democracy. Innocent bystanders died. Americans view this as one of the worst acts ofterrorism ever perpetrated on American soil.

Freedom fighters and terrorists walk a thin line of differences. The main difference between the two is how the media portrays them. The media views terrorists as groups that perform violence against a group of innocent people for anti-democratic political gain. Our country viewed the Trench Coat mafia highlighted in Littleton, Colorado as internal terrorists. Personally, I agreed with the majority of Americans. However, there was a group of people who viewed these students as freedom fighters striking back on a society where they were oppressed. On the other hand, the media glorifies the works of freedom fighters. Mother Theresa, a non-violent freedom fighter shone throughout her career due in large to her portrayal by the media. However, the United States also considered itself freedom fighters during the Bay of Pigs invasion, which perpetrated a disaster. In the eyes of Cuba, our country posed a terrorist threat. Patriots during the start of our nation were viewed in the eyes of our country as freedom fighters. The media and the budding colonies revered the men that took part in the Boston Tea Party. They respected the men as freedom fighters of the times; therefore, the men were looked upon as heroes. However, they partook in terrorist acts against England. This fondly told story of our American history illustrates how one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter. And history continually repeats itself.

....;.._ 1 .z _________ PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Feb. ll8, t2.002
Renee says there is a difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter
************ Amy says that the difference is really only in the title that one labels the group or individual

Winter athlete Player profiles

Colleen Dorrian reflects on her years

To come back from a major injury in the sports world, any athlete would make the sacrifices it takes to play again. Colleen Dorrian, a senior on the basketball team, did just that during her four years at Cabrini.

Having played all of her life, Dorrian has had a love for the sport of basketball. She played the game throughout her high school career in hopes of playing college basketball when she graduated. However after that long journey, Dorrian, who had leg problems in high school, suffered a major injury that would keep her from the court.

It would be a long awaited surgery that would correct her nagging injuries. But with no real alternative, Dorrian went under the knife to correct her knee problems in hopes of getting a chance

to play the game again.

Dorrian sat out, biding her time for two and a half years, hoping to be back on the court at 100 percent. She watched the basketball team have an amazing season in her freshman year, cheering them on from the sidelines.

"I did not think I could reaUy come back though," Dorrian said. But refusing to give up, Dorrian stuck by the team for as long as it would take to one day run onto the basketball court.

After the long wait came to an end, she got her chance to come back to the court. Playing both forward and guard, she calls her comeback "one of her biggest accomplishments" in her four years."

The team played last week in the PAC Semifinals, but came up short, losing the game 49-71. "It's a shame to end on a loss." But while she is not pleased about the loss, she is very proud of the team,

and the effort they've all put forth to help the team.

Now, her Cabrini basketball career is corning to an end. "I have played all my life, but now it seems like it's over. I'm really going to miss going to practice and the competition. It was all so much fun."

After college, Dorrian isn't really prepared for the work of the outside world. "I wish I knew what I wanted to do." What's on her mind now though is a rip to Mexico at the end of her school year, which she is very excited about.

Dorrian has worked hard to accomplish everything she had brought td the basketball team. Now, ready to graduate, the advice she offers her teammates is to "have fun and enjoy everything while you can."

Gary Goldman gears up for graduation

than being a _resident,but he continues to stay active with assistant features editor the school and the team.

After four years of being a student and an athlete, senior year has arrived for basketball player Gary Goldman and it's time to say goodbye to so many of the friends and teammates who have become such a part of life that they're almost like family. For Goldman the long journey is almost over and the best part of being on the team for all these years has been winning championships with people he considers a big family.

Originally from. Cinnaminson, N.J., Goldman has one older brother and one younger brother. His number 11 on the court can be seen in the guard and forward. positions. He stays true to the Philadelphia sports fan when he said that if he were to play for any professional sports team it would have to be the Sixers.

For the first three years of his time spent at Cabrini, Goldman lived on campus, but this year he decided to move off campus with four of his friends from the team and a few other people. He said that he enjoys off-campus life better

Goldman is a business administration major and is not really sure what he wants to do after graduation. All that will come in time, but right now he is doing a co-op with an insurance company called US Liabilities. Like many people Goldman is excited about graduation, but anxious about what the future holds.

Even though graduation is a time to say goodbye to friends and a life you lived for four years, you don't have to say goodbye to everyone. "I think I will keep in touch with a lot of people," Goldman said. "I have a lot of good friends at Cabrini."

One of these friends, junior Heather Buonacuore, had something to say. "He is so much fun to be around and he made my college years here so much fun. I don't know what I am going to do without him next year. But I love him and wish him the best after graduation."

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photo by Ryan Mulloy Colleen Dorrian.
photo by Heather Buonacuore Gary Goldman.

Men's lacrosse season has started

Orders reverberated off of the dirt, while ivory colored sticks cut ~through the crisp air. The players were running like maddened soldiers, their eyes focused on the movements of the white careening ball. The temperature was low but the players didn't complain. "It's worse for the coaches, Head Coach Steve Colfer said, "We have to stay in one place."

The men's lacrosse tearri is ready for the season after months of heavy training including their schedule of running laps to all of the campus exits, cardiovascular exercises and skill training.

According to Colfer, this year, the team has both strong leaders and strong hopes for the season.

Lead by the quick captains Tom Lemieux, Adam Schaff and Brandon Lawler the team will be facing off with Western Maryland College on March 3. However the ultimate goal looms in the future. The team plans to fight for both the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference title and the NCAA championship this year, continuing the win in the PAC championship that they had last year.

They also plan to surprise critics. "Students who play here, play for the love of the sport," said Colfer, "younger team members have brought new spirit to the game." With the training that the team has been receiving, new players like the twenty-five new freshman team members should find themselves well equipped to play in the PAC. "We will never

give up," said Lou Verdecchio

Outside of the conference, critics' prejudices have helped to further fuel players to score goals, throwing and catching like they are soldiers in a war. "Everyone outside the conference thinks that it's a joke," said Verdecchio, "but we have heart and that's the most important part."

The feeling was echoed from the coach as well as from many of the other players, because according to tliem, why else would someone get up in the early morning hours and run? Why else would dyeing your lacrosse stick matter? And why would anyone want to run in subzero temperatures, in shorts?

~endra Ryer runs.the court

Upon graduation in May, Kendra Ryer plans on attending graduate school at San Diego State University. Ryer, a sports science major, will be back in familiar territory in Calif. She is originally from Paradise.

Ryer is a senior forward on the basketball team. Sh~ has been playing for 13 years and her favorite aspects of the game are the contact and competition. Her greatest achievement in the sport comes from ~freshman year when the team won the championships.

Besides playing basketball, Ryer's hobby is simply having fun. When not on the court, she enjoys to getting out on the slopes and snowboarding. Ryer prefers to listen to alternative or hard rock music. Smashing Pumpkins' "Rotten Apple," "which is the best of Smashing Pumpkins," is her favorite CD.

Once the semester is over, and Ryer has graduated, she will miss her friends that are here the most.

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photo by Leanne Pantone Kendra Ryer. photo by Karen Schweizer
Intramurals Announcement~~""'""' -, If anyone has suggestions for the intramural program
Kate Corcoran at extension 3909. Please off er opinions about what you would like to . see this year with intramurals and what has worked in the
The men's lacrosse team has started practicing for the new season.
Keep your eyes open neHt issue for more ~enior profiles.

A controversial Olympics comes to an end

After two weeks of scandal and controversy, the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics came· to a close on Sunday. The closing ceremonies gave us memorable performances by acts such as the rock group Kiss and Christina Aguilera, who was showing a lot of skin· despite Utah's cold climate. But wait a moment; there was a bunch of medals and athletes.

Canada won its first gold medal in 50 years in hockey on Sunday, the last day of the games, beating U. S. The Canadians were awarded a secorid gold medal after a French judge was accused of mis-. conduct in pairs figure skating. Russia's Anton Sikharulidze and Elena Berznaya won the pair's figure skating gold medal, but after a week-long investigation, Canada's Jamie Sale and David Pelletier were given gold medals as well. Russia was so angry at the judging in several competitions that it threatened to pull out of the games

in the last several days. Russian President Vladimir Putin even spoke out against the refereeing as the country lost two gold medals in the doping controversy. Two Russian athletes were accused -of using performance - enhancing drugs.

On the ice athletes displayed tremendous ability especially as the first black athlete took the gold in the women's bobsled race. The country that came in first with 35 medals was Germany, with three gold medals in the speed skating competition. Impressively the U.S. didn't do too badly either, taking away 34 medals, compared to the best record of 10. Sarah Hughes got the gold in woman's figure skating after the favored to win; Michelle Kwan tumbled after performing a triple axle. Kwan still managed to take home the bronze meg.al and Irina Slutskaya won the silver for Russia.

The Mormon Church didn't do any recruiting during the games, as promised, but some of the fans could of used a little bit of peace time after Saturdays riot. Roughly

30 people were arrested and nearly two - dozen people were injured when a riot broke out during a pre - closing event got out of control.

Fans smashed cars and storefronts and at one point threw bottles at the police. Many of ~e police on hand were volunteers.

Though there were a few problems with a judge and the occasional drunk and rowdy curling fan, the Olympics went off without a hitch. The $1.9 billion event went smoothly despite fears of possible terrorists attacks. There will always be controversy with judging and even doping will always remain as a scar on the games. Olympic officials threw two cross - country skiers out of the games and stripped them of their gold medals for using an unnamed performance - enhancing drug. Despite a few negative incidents that may or may not have brought a great deal ofshame and embarrassment to the games the 77 countries that participated were to represent harmony and sportsmanship between the athletes and nations. And in the end, the great event of winter came and went without as much trouble that was initially expected. That is something positive for the Olympics and for all of those that participated.

~lcollol abuse ~ictim speaks to student athletes

An alcohol awareness program was made mandatory for all student athletes. Mary Beth Horvath invited Steve Hatzai, a victim of alcohol abuse to speak in the Widener Lecture Hall.

Hatzai was a senior at Syracuse University in 1992. He was celebratipg his preeminent graduation by going to multiple parties. After drinking all day long Hatzai felt it was a good idea to climb onto the roof of the house he where he was drinking. He tried three times to swing from the roof onto the third floor balcony. The first two times his friends were able to catch him, not the last. Hatzai fell 45 feet onto the pavement below. He landed on his jaw forcing his brain to slam into the back of his skull. He was in a cotna for two weeks

and woke up on graduation day.

"First impressions are very important, don't you think? If you saw me on the street, what would you think of me?" Hatzai asked the students in attendance. One man shouted out, "That there was something wrong with you."

Another response was, "I would wonder what happened to you."

Hatzai thanked the audience for their honesty and responded that a few years ago he would have said the same thing.

Hatzai stressed the fact that he hated lecturing·, that he didn't want to force a life of non-drinking on any one, but also that everyone should know what can happen after binge drinking. "I was a heavy drinker, I could handle my liquor. I wasn't a crazy drunk. I wasn't a stupid drunk." He said of himself before the accident. He also described himself as

the kind of person who, "Never thought this could happen to me."

• Hatzai showed a video of his long recovery process. It took him months just to be able to put on his own socks. "I think about my father every time a watch this," he said after the screen went blank. The camera was shut off after two minutes of taping Hatzai try and put on one sock. The audience was in awe by the video and only more so after Hatzai pulled people from their seats and used them as examples of people who had died due to alcohol related causes. Hatzai said, "Once you start drinking the common sense is gone. Just think before you drink." He then apologized for preaching and thanked the audience for the listening.

Women's Issue Week kicks off

with a Eating Disorder Speaker on March 12th at 2 p.m. in' ·the New Residence Han lounge.

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AP photo The Olympic flag is carried in during the closing ceremonies on Sunday.

Kick into shape after spring break at the Dixon Center WI

Last semester, Tracey Greenwood, fitness director, hired Lisa Kuesal-Tryanor to instruct members of the Cabrini College community in kickboxing. She taught step a few years ago during the Dixon Centers' freshman year, but took time off to heal an injury.

During most of her day, she works as a personal trainer at various locations. On Mondays and

Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., she can be found punching and kicking in the aerobics room located on the ~ond floor of the Dixon Center.

The class starts out with a cardio jumpstart followed by squats and intense stretching. Stretching is focused on the legs and arms to get the body ready to throw punches and deliver high kicks.

After the body is limber, punching drills are performed. Many choose to use weights to add resistance to the arm workout.

Next, the class does a half hour of various choreographed routines

thurs fri Slln

28 1

• Women's history month begins.

• Housing deposit due

• Last day for seniors to apply for Dec. 2002 graduation.


• Men's lacrosse vs. Western Maryland University, TBA

involving various kicks and punches. Upbeat songs like Britney Spears "I'm a Slave for You" and "Lady Marmalade" from the soundtrack of Moulin Rouge help to pump up the heart rate. Throughout the class, KuesalTryanor reminds everyone to breathe and to have fun. Most of the combinations incorporate the initial punching drills of jab, cross, hook, upper cut.

After an intense cardio workout, Kuesal-Tryanor teaches new combinations during a cool down. Then, the class does lunges and


• Residents Halls close at 7 p.m. for spring break.


other leg work followed by pushups arid sit-ups.

After a lot of kicks, punches, lunges and sweat, the class cools down, unusually to Sade's "Lovers Rock."

The class fluctuates from a core of five-six to a random group of 10-15. If you~ prepared to sweat. Drink a glass of • water before hand, and keep a bottle of water at hand to sip during class.

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• Men's lacrosse vs. Dickinson College, 3:30 p.m.

1 r t ...
news editor
photos by BernadetteHazel Kick boxing is just one of the aerobics classes offered at the Dixon center right now. There are a variety of classes available for students at Cabrini. Jab. Cross. Hook. Upper Cut. Jab. Cross. Hook. Upper Cut. Knee. Knee. Kick. Kick.

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