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Pa:rt 11:Spring Break in Cancun

by Geri Lynn Utter A & E editor

Where else can a typical college student go over spring break to see beautiful girls baring it all in string-bikinis and sexy guys flaunting their stuff on white sanded beaches? It is definitely not the New Jersey shore. The place to be over spring break is Cancun, Mexico.


Upon arriving to Cancun, one may find its beaches breathingtalcing and the resort food not so appetizing, but when night falls the fun begins. Cancun can be described best as party central. It is a place where girls let more than just their hair down and guys leave more then just their shirts behind.

After the tedious task of passing through customs, students are shipped onto a bus stocked with Corona. The bus driver yells, "cervesa," "cervesa" and people charge for the cooler to buy a cold bottle of beer for two Americandollars.

The next thing on everyone's agenda is arriving to the hotel for a week-long stay in the tropical paradise of Cancun, Mexico. After unpacking, people charge to the pool to bake in the sun. Hanging- out by the pool gives everyone a chance to get acquainted with one another. If you think chilling out by the pool while sipping on pifia coladas and margaritas is a good time, Cancun nightlife is indescribable. Brain Foye, Penn State student says, " The clubs in Cancun are nothing compared to the nightclubs at home. I had the time of my life in Mexico."

Imagine being covered from head to toe in foam while dancing to the beat of the music. LaBoom is one of Cancun's popular nightclubs that host a spectacular foam party. The women arrive wearing bikinis and guys arrive shirtless. When the music is bumping and the foam is flying it is not unusual to see guys and girls stripping down to their unmentionables in the middle of the dance floor.

LaBOQmmight be the place for foam, but Senor Frogs is the place for drinking. Sefior Frogs is home to the famous Yard. For those of you that are virgins to the Yard, it is the device that drinks are served in. They come in an array of dif- . ferent colors like fluorescent orange, yellow, green and pink.

The bartenders do not believe in serving 8 once drinks; they go straight for the yard.

After throwing down a couple of Yards at Senor Frogs, it is common for people to participate in wet t-shirt and tan-line contests. If the crowd begins to boo, contestants are eliminated by being pushed down an inner-tube and dropped into the ocean.

Even though some people may be swimming back to Senor Frogs from a dark ocean, the night is not over yet. After a night of heavyduty partying at Cancun hotspots like LaBoom and Senor Frogs, it is time to go back to the hotel and finish the party. People continue dancing, drinking and have a good time back at the hotel with old and new friends.

Rae Ann Rosselli, · Gwynedd Mercy students says, "I had the time of my life in Cancun and if I had the opportunity I would go back for spring break 2002." For most college students, spring break is one of their most memorable experiences they will have before graduating. Cancun is the place to let lose and have a good time with old and new friends.

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