1 minute read
Buried .in the BaCkpages
by SharvonUrbannavage assistantperspectiveseditor
Give me your wallet ... and your pants
"Give me your wallet, you old white-l;laired mother---,"
Oscar Reynolds yelled as stuck his head under an occupied bathroom stall in an East Memphis office building. When John Brady, 55, refused, ~eynolds reportedly slid out, banged on the door, then reappeared under the door and grabbed Brady'$ ankles. Reynolds managed to rip off the left trouser leg of Brady's khakis, making off with the pant leg and wallet. Reynolds ran out of the building, into the parking lot followed by Brady who identified the toilet mugger to a police officer standing nearby.
Got a quarter?
Herbert Raysin of Broward County, Fla. has been charged with grand theft for allegedly sawing off and stealing 144 parking meters in four cities since November. Using a pipe cutter to remove the meters from their poles, Raysin committed the thefts at night. The money from the meters has still not been recovered.
Castration of the artistic kind
Arguing his actions as being patnouc, Bob Rowan of Boulder, Colo. removed 21 ceramic penises from the Boulder Public Library's art museum in November. Dressed in a shirts that said "Love Our Flag or Leave Our Country," Rowan said he took the art because it was obscene and inappropriate for visitors, especially children. He now faces up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.