March 14, 2002 issue 19 Loquitur

Page 4

Six monthsafter Sept. 11 events,Americalooksdifferent

Security has changed in the United States since Sept. 11, with the most notable changes seen in airport security across the country. Security was going to change after a slew of terrorism warnings by Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, anthrax scares and Richard Reid being arrested for allegedly having a bomb in his shoe oa a flight. Americans had, what some

considered normalcy, taken away. Security in airports across the U.S. was obviously going to change after Sept. 11, but no one had an idea of how it was going to change. Six months later, Americans have come to understand a new standard of normalcy in security at airports. The Philadelphia International Airport had the federal government take over the security at the airport after ridicule and negative publicity when Dennis Knaus allegedly

smuggled four box-cutters and two paint scrapers past the airline hired security.

Mark Pesce, an airport spokesman said, "Security, since Sept. 11, has drastically changed. Now only someone with a ticket can proceed through the metal detectors and pass security checkpoints."

Matt Beauchesne, sophomore history and political science major, had to find this out the hard way. "I went to the airport to pick

up my sister, and I thought that I could meet her as soon as she landed. I walked up to the metal detector and there was someone checking tickets who said that you needed a ticket to get through security." Beauchesne also noticed that there was a sign that read "No box cutters, no straight razors, no bats, or golf clubs."

SIX MONTHS continued on page 5

Ron Becht,57, vice-presidentof·graduateand professionalstudies,di~s after brief illness

A wireless campus was one of Becht's dreams. While his vision was only in the beginning stages, Antoinette Iadarola, President of Cabrini College, and numerous faculty promise to continue the path that Becht started. by Renee Di Pietro perspe<:tiveseditor

Dr. Ronald Becht, 57, vice president of graduate and professional studies, died March 2, 2002, after being diagnosed with cancer less than a month earlier. Becht was a passionate component of the administration and a leader for his colleagues as well as his family. He joined Cabrini on Sept. 1, 1999, after a national search. His dreams, motivations and leadership caused a dramatic growth in the graduate and professional studies division. It was his dream to see Cabrini as a wireless campus. He played an instrumen-

ta! role in the recent agreement to outsource Cabrini's technology-. retated services with Drexel University.

"He died at the height of his career," President Antoinette Iadarola said at the memorial mass on March 11, 2002, in the Brockmann Chapel. It was the first day back from spring break when members of the administration, faculty, staff and family and friends of Becht came together to reflect on the story of his life.

"He has made a difference to this college in such a small time," Iadarola said. "He was the glue that held us together at times." Iadarola read aloud some of the

comments that coworkers had passed on to her about their experiences with Becht. "I. always knew I could count on you. I miss your hearty laugh and smile," one coworker wrote. "He gave a lot of himself," another wrote, "I always sensed he was a man of peace." Though Becht's presence is greatly missed, his coworkers will continue in the direction to fulfill prior dreams and goals set by the department.

BECHT continued on page 2

photo by Renee Tomcanin Picturedabove is the current view of where the Twin Towersstood from atop the Empire State Building. Six months later the city is still healing. by Paul

Investing: make money grow while in college

Most college students must take out loans to pay for their education. Therefore students should have some sort of investments to help them pay off their loans or even help them in the distant future.

College students today are living in a world where a college education is both necessary and extre~ely expensive. Although Cabrini College offers many grants and scholarships to aid its students, there are stiJI many students who have to take out loans to cover the rest of the tuition, room and board costs.

After graduation, students not only have to worry about finding a job, pay off their loans and find and pay for a place to live but they also have to start planning their retirement funds. It is a wellknown fact that by the time today's college students are old enough to collect Social Security, the funds that will be given to them will not be substantial

enough to support the person's lifestyle.

Due to all of these factors, it is important that students start investing money. There are several ways. Some ways could potentially provide more earnings than others. However, those ways are usually more risky than the ones that give you minimal interest.

A couple of ways to invest money that are · less risky than entering the stock market are bank accounts ·and savings bonds. A savings account is going to give the ownei: of the account minimal interest while most banks require a minimwn balance of $300. If the balance falls below the $300 mark, the owner of the account will actually be charged around four dollars. Banks also provide money market accounts. These accounts require more money to be put into the account than the savings but the owner of the account earns a higher interest on their funds. The minimum balance for these accounts can be anywhere from $1,500 to $5000. If

Money can multiply if you invest it correctly.

the balance drops below the minimwn charges, a $20 fee may be incurred.

Most students are given savings bonds when they are young. They are bought at half of the face value on the bond and over a period of 10 to 20 years the bond eventually reaches its face value. If the bond is not cashed in when it reaches face value, it will still continue to gain interest. Bonds do not drop in


value. However, the interest rates on them do vary from time to time. They are a safe but slow investment.

Stocks are an extremely risky investment. An investor should be well-educated in the stock market before jumping into it. Assistant Professor of Finance Dr. Mary Harris said: " To make a profit in the market, you want to 'buy lo"4 and sell high,' but that is easier said than done."

A slightly safer way to invest in the market is to invest in mutual funds. They are safer because they offer diversification. This means that one is not only investing in one stock or as Harris says, "not all of your eggs are in one basket." Although mutual funds offer less risk they give you a lower return. If students decide not to participate in any of the before-mentioned investments, their world is not going to end. However, when they do graduate and get a job, they should begin contributing to a 40l(k) plan as soon as possible.

Harris recommends that one

should contribute the maximum amount that their company will match. If the company does not match their employee's contribution then the employee should contribute the maximwn amount allowed that is pre-taxed. Although there is still some risk in a 40l(k) plan the investor is able to choose their investment and plan their own risk/return portfolio and watch its progress. If the investor decides that something is not right with their investment, most plans will allow the investor to make change at certain points in the year.

A 40I(k) is a person's main retirement fund. If it is started immediately, the investor will have a large investment upon retirement.

Right now paying off loans and setting up a retirement fund seem far off in the future to many students, but if the students tackle the situation in their college years, they have a great potential not to have to worry about their financial future as much.

BECHT continued from page 1

The growth that Becht brought to Cabrini was not only in factual data of numbers, reports, programs and admissions, but also in the people touched by him daily.

"What he most loved about life was people,"· Iadarola said. He helped coworkers find confidence in themselves and helped them to question life and not just to sit back and watch and wonder.

Becht had a "phenomenal" sense of humor. He was someone that m~y people waited to see every morning.

"If there was laughter he heightened it," Dr. Martin Sharp said, of the graduate and professional studies department. "He was always willing to reach out to others. He was a renaissance man. The. Jesuit-Georgetown background showed. He believed God's work could be done during this time," Sharp said. "He was an exceptional individual."

Becht brought over 20 years of experience in higher education to Cabrini. Prior to Cabrini, he served as the vice president for

academic affairs and academic dean at Loras College in Dubuque Iowa. Before his work at Loras, he was vice president at Marian College of Fond du Lac in Fond

"Whathe loved mostabout life was people"

du Lac, Wisconsin. He also served as an academic dean at the College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati, the assistant to the chairman of the department of English and the assistant dean of the graduate school at Marquette University in Wisconsin. Becht • had direct responsibility in supervising graduate and non-traditional programs at each institution.

Prior to his administrative work, Becht taught for many years at Marquette University, the

University of Connecticut and Carnegie Mellon University. Becht was born in San Angelo, Texas. He received a bachelor of arts degree in English and classical studies from Georgetown University, a master's degree in English language and literature from the University of Chicago and a doctorate degree in English from the University of Connecticut. Becht was an expert on nineteenth-century British literature. He was a scholar with a passion for literature and it was a p_assion that lived with him the length of his life.

Becht is survived by his wife, Sherry Becht, and his three children, Matthew R. Becht of Arlington, VA; Penelope Becht O'Connell and son-in-law Michael of Newark, DE; and Joseph R. Becht of Emmitsburg, MD.

Joseph Becht, the youngest of the three children, remembered his father's death like his life. "He was a man who died in the same manner that he lived in a quiet, gentle grace."

2 NEWS ________________ Th_urs_da_~_M_arc_h_l4_,_2002_
photo by Justine Di Filippo

Students participate in annt1al service trip to West Virginia

Notice to Campus Residents.

A memo .to the residents of the New Residence Hall was sent out on March 12 from Resident Director Tricia Arnold.

"To the members of the New Residence Hall Community:

"In the early morning of March 12, 2002, the following incident took place in the New Residence Hall:

"• A fire alann was activated from a pull station on the third floor.

By the end of the week after all of the painting, our sweatshirts were completely coated in paint."

Finally, students worked with

The annual service trip Project Appalachia focused on the hills of West Virginia and allowed students to participate in service work over spring break.

Several towns in West Virginia are floundering. Excessive strip mining, floods and loss of jobs have left the communities in a bad place. However last week, a program that is a twenty-year tradition created by the Campus Ministry, now the Wolfington Center, helped alleviate some of those problems. Students and staff traveled to West Virginia to help residents by working on three major community projects.

According to students the work they did was hard but rewarding, Cabrini decided to focus on the town of East Bank completely instead of splitting the focus with Union this year. Several people commented on the incredible scenery of the town, while one student Jamie Matozzo said that in areas "everyone had a dog," and

that stray cats prowled the grounds freely.

In one project, workers were to rebuild a porch for a local thrift shop called The Mustard Seed.

The Mustard Seed is an important store because it also distributes foodstuffs to the community. The food is given out to families in the community who are in trouble.

"The most expensive thing in the thrift shop was probably only a quarter," Matozzo said.

Other students worked with the Southern Appalachia Labor School, a task force of high school dropouts and Americorps volunteers. The group worked to rehabilitate an eighty-year-old house in Page, W. Va. "We did plastering, drilling, building and sanding," said Mary Laver the projects coordinator. "Everyone got this white plaster dust in their hair."

One student, Josh Dzielak described the work that he did with his group, and fun that he had. "We had to be inventive,'' he said, "We had to paint a ceiling without a brush. So we took tape and taped a brush to a broomstick

John Verdi cleans walls of the Manse. The students working at the Manse were making it livable for volunteers to stay at while working in West Virginia.

the West Virginia Presbytery as they worked to clean flood damage to a house that needed to be used to board future volunteers.

Over the summer, •floodwaters devastated the area and even swept

several local houses down river. "Bat droppings had to be cleaned out of the attic," Laver said.

To cap off the week Cabrini volunteers did not forget old friends in Union, the town where fonner Project Appalachia members worked in. One night they joined together for a night of fun and a potluck dinner. A goat was born that day to the Appalachia's friends and it was named "Cabrini."

Wolfington Center Update:

• Tuna fish and peanut butter drive to benefit Patrician Society in Norristown until March 26

• Search X Retreat April 12-14

• Mass, every Sunday ?p.m.

"As a result of this inci~ dent, the New Residence Hall community will be suspended of ALL visitation privileges until April 1, 2002, at 12 noon as a result of the false fire alarm.

Residents are not penniued to be within l 00 feet of the building during this period if they are with a non-resident of the building. Immediate family members, RD's and RA's will be the only people pennitted in the building during this time.

"Should any further incidents occur during this time period, the New Residence Hall could lose visitation for an additional period of time,

''H anyone has infonnation on who ·took part in these incidents, please bring it to the attention of Public S-afety, an RA or [Tricia Arnold]. If the individuals(s) who are responsible for pulling the alarm are found, visitation in the building will be reinstated."

Loquitur NEWS
photo courtesy of Mary Laver Senior Jamie Matozzo holds a baby goat with Carrie and Reed Moran. photo courtesy of Mary Laver Cabrini students and Mary Laver take a break from hard work with Marge Booth, site coordinator at Manse in Dry Creek, WV. and painted. photo courtesy of Mary Laver Junior

Buried .in the BaCkpages

Give me your wallet ... and your pants

"Give me your wallet, you old white-l;laired mother---,"

Oscar Reynolds yelled as stuck his head under an occupied bathroom stall in an East Memphis office building. When John Brady, 55, refused, ~eynolds reportedly slid out, banged on the door, then reappeared under the door and grabbed Brady'$ ankles. Reynolds managed to rip off the left trouser leg of Brady's khakis, making off with the pant leg and wallet. Reynolds ran out of the building, into the parking lot followed by Brady who identified the toilet mugger to a police officer standing nearby.

Got a quarter?

Herbert Raysin of Broward County, Fla. has been charged

with grand theft for allegedly sawing off and stealing 144 parking meters in four cities since November. Using a pipe cutter to remove the meters from their poles, Raysin committed the thefts at night. The money from the meters has still not been recovered.

Castration of the artistic kind

Arguing his actions as being patnouc, Bob Rowan of Boulder, Colo. removed 21 ceramic penises from the Boulder Public Library's art museum in November. Dressed in a shirts that said "Love Our Flag or Leave Our Country," Rowan said he took the art because it was obscene and inappropriate for visitors, especially children. He now faces up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Circle K Update

caner ID:. new police tactic

Michael LaRock, 22, had been arrested in Georgia on burglary charges, latet indicted for stealing from a motel in Essex County, N.Y. and fled the area shortly after. On Jan. 22, LaRock called the Ticonderoga police boasting that they would never be able to call him and ordered that his family be left alone. With knowledge of how police track numbers, LaRock would end his calls within three minutes. However, using caller ID, the police tracked LaRock to an Auburn, Ga. address and immediately contacted Auburn police.. When LaRock called back to continue mocking, Auburn police rang his doorbell and arrested LaRock when he answered the door.

All retrieved from .com

In the beginning of the 2001-2002 school year there was a lot of publicity about a new club at Cabrini called Circle K. Over the past few months most of that talk has died down. What has the club done during the fall semester and what do they plan to do in the future?

The president of Circle K, Jesse Gluckman, had the idea to start the club. He shared this idea with the club's vice president, Catie Garofalo. He explained to her that it is an international service club that is a branch of the well-known Kiwanis club.

Although Circle K is in its first year at Cabrini, there are numerous colleges in Pennsylvania who participate in this club such as: Drexel, West Chester, Penn State, University of Pennsylvania and many more.

The members of Circle K have done many activities so far this school year. They have worked in soup kitchens, held fundraisers, collected money for the victims of the Sept. 11 tragedy and they hosted a hoedown at Cabrini to raise money for a handicap horseback riding camp.

Although Circle K prides themselves on their work in the community the club does not only work for the community, they also plan fun events for the group. They hold dinners, go to movies and go bowling so that they can all stay connected and have some fun.

As of now there are 22 members. The only requirement to become a member of Circle K is to pay $25 for dues.

Circle K meets every Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the New Residence Hall. They change the day and time of the meetings every semester to accommodate everyone.

The club is excited about a trip that they are taking to a convention in Pittsburgh, March 22-24. This convention is set up to unite all of the Circle K clubs in Pennsylvania.

Garofalo said, "Our main goal of this club is to get people involved even if it is just coming to one event that we have. We try to have fun and do some services for those less fortunate."

Circle K is trying to give back to the community by helping different people with different needs. They do not just want to help one type of person. They want the opportunity to help everyone that they possibly can.

In the future the club plans to continue their current projects as well as start a tutoring program for children.

If anyone is interested in Circle K contact Jesse Gluckman (President), Catie Garofalo (Vice President), Lisa Difabio (Secretary) or Jon Zeminski (Treasurer).


$2,000 - $5,000 Scholarships!!!

Are you an ItalianAmerican student, or of Italian descent?


Are you majoring/minoringin the Italian Languageor an Italian related field?

You could be eligible for up to $5,000 in a Scholarshipgiven by TheNational Italian American Foundation

Loquiturhasa greatofferfor you.
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Applicationsare to be submittedortline only Deadline:April 30, 2002 please go to

Career fair held at Neumann

The Intercollegiate Career Fair will be held at Neumann College on Wednesday, March 20.

The Career and Co-op Services office encourages students to attend the event. Although the. event is geared towards seniors, Nancy Hutchinson, director of cooperati_veeducation and career services, and Kristie Conway Beucler, assistant director of cooperative education and career services, agree that is beneficial for students from all classes to attend. They say it is a great opportunity to find full-time jobs, part-time jobs, co-ops, internships, summer jobs or to begin to see what the interview process is like.

The fair will be attended by about 60 companies. Many companies choose to come back year after year. "That's to our advantage," Hutchinson said. While many career fairs are offered to students from large and small schools alike, they are attended by many more students, making competition tougher. This career fair is sponsored by five relatively small schools, Rosemont, Eastern, Immaculata, Neumann and Cabrini. This means fewer students and better chances.

Career and Co-op Services sug-

gests that students dress professionally and come with 25-30 resumes printed on resume paper. They suggest that students consider the questions that they may be asked: What do you know about the organization? What are your strengths? Including complicated questions like, how much money do you hope to make?

Hutchinson also suggests that if there is a particular company a student is interested in that the student does not make that his or hers first stop. She suggests practicing with another company first in order to be better prepared for the questions that will be asked.

When a student comes to be the fair, they will be given a pamphlet that lists all the companies that are attending. Hutchinson and Beucler suggest that students study this pamphlet before approaching any table. The student will be better prepared this way.

Also, Career and Co-op Services has a list of the companies that are attending on its web page so that students can research some of the companies before they attend the fair. Any research done before hand, will be helpful when speaking with someone from the company.

Hutchinson made O}lefinal suggestion, "Try not to sound too nervous."


World News in Brief

Directionsto ' Neumann College:

•From 476- Exit 5 (US 1; Springfield /Lima Exit).

•US 1 South to left at Route 452 to five points intersection.

•Right onto Concord

•Road to College entrance t/2 mile on right.

•To take the van: sign up in the Career and Co-op Services office.

• If you are interested in drivingthe van contact Career and Co-op services.

Princess Margaret dies

Princess Margaret, the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II died Saturday at the age of 71. Friday the princess suffered from a stroke in her home. She laid down to rest, later on in the night her breathing became heavy. Early Saturday mourning the family rushed her to the hospital. She died later that mourning while she was sleeping from the complications of her stroke.

The president of Crime stoppers commits crime

Alan Ralf McNutt, the former president of Crime stoppers in Nova Scotia was charged with stealing. After an investigation police found out that McNutt stole over $5,000 form Harris Enterprises Ltd. McNutt was forced to resign from his job and is now awaiting trial on March 15.

Prime Minister asked to resign

In the Bahamas Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is being asked to resign because he is no longer the leader of the majority of the house. In the Constitution of the Baham'as it says that the prime minister must be a leader of the party, which has the majority of the seats in the House of Assembly. If he does not resign the Governor General is bound to fire him and take over his position


Students in the Accounting income tax class will be available to prepare individual federal and state tax returns FREE OF CHARGE!

Contact: Ann Servey, coordinator of Accounting program and income tax professor at (610) 902-8322

"Some people may not realize it, but security has become a little more relaxed at the airport," Pesce said. "Right after Sept. 11, no one could do a curb side check in. Passengers would be in the airport for how ever long it took. The lengthiest delays were six to seven hour waits." However, there are new standards at the airport that all passengers are expected to follow. Cars can only park in spaces that are 300 feet or more away from any building. Passengers are now expected to arrive three hours before an international flight and two hours before a domestic flight. "Random people will be pulled out of line when boarding a plane and thoroughly searched, All passengers will be matched to their luggage." Pesce added, "United States Marshals are on flights, but the Federal Aviation Administration will not comment on which flights the marshals are present on or anything else about the marshals, including if they carry weapons aboard the plane."

Dr. Hal Halbert, professor of English and communications, endured thorough searching while

continued from page 1 traveling. Before boarding a plane in Philadelphia Halbert was searched. Halbert said, "I forgot to take off my watch, didn't know there was change in my pocket, and my belt was made of some kind of metal. l was pulled to the side stood on a pad and had to have my belt and watch removed. I was then frisked and had to turn down the top of my pants in the front and back." Halbert endured a strange security procedure at the Long beach airport. 'The security was much tighter. They had national guardsmen there with their M-16's at the ready, which means they were presumably loaded weapons." Halbert added, "Overall I think the security was thorough and fair, but the unslung weapons were really bo,!hersome."

Chrissy Remley, a freshman accounting major, said, "I think the precautions are necessary, if I had to fly, I would feel safe."

Beauchesne is not as sure as Remley. "I would fly, but if someone was trained in hand-to-hand combat, they could probably take the plane without needing a weapon."

Loquitur NEWS
photo editor
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Buried Treasures in SITCOMS:

'THE WONDER YEARS,' 'Saved by the Bell,' & 'Din·osaurs'

"The Wonder Years," created by Neal Marlens and Carol Black, is a historical and dramatic sitcom that ran on T.V. from the years 1988 to 1993. The Emmy-winning series describes the problems, wishes, and life of a boy who was coming of age in the late 1960's and '70s.

The off-screen narrator of the show, a much older Kevin Arnold, reminisces about growing up in a typical suburban household during this period in American history. The people that make up Kevin's world include his best friend, Paul, his firs't love, Winnie, his hard to reach father, Jack,

growing up, although not as realistic as "The Wonder Years." "Saved By The Bell" debuted on NBC, way back in 1989. The show was originally planned for a· prime-time slot on NBC, however, after only two episodes in primetime, "Saved by the Bell" was moved to its Saturday morning time slot where it gained immense popularity and played out most of its existence. From grades nine through twelve, the show followed the adventures of Zack, Screech, Kelly, Slater, Jessie and Lisa in Bayside High, and in some other famous settings such as everybody's favorite hangout, The Max, Palm Springs and even Hawaii.

Nothing can separate the sacred bond of Paul, Kevin and Winnie. Where are the superstars of "The Wonder Years" now?

big-bully brother, Wayne, his adolescent hippie sister, Karen, and his mother, Norma. The creators of the show wanted to create a show that would address the universal experience of growing up and childhood, rather than make a statement about the era in which the show is based.

What makes "The Wonder Years" so appealing is that many Americans can identify with what was happening in Kevin's life. Those who lived thfoughout the '60s and '70s could relate to the various historical events that occurred during the show. Also, Kevin is the universal teenager, which everyone who remembers their years growing up may relate to. Most of us remember our first kiss, our driver's license, and all of the other pivotal stages of young adulthood. This is what makes 'The Wonder Years" such a great show, the fact that we all have a little bit of Kevin in each of us.

"Saved By The Bell" spawned a college spin-off. "Saved By The Bell- The College Years," was a short-lived series that lasted only one short season. In what was to be the final episode of the college years, producer Peter Engel decided to have the characters of Zack and Kelly plan their wedding to each other. However, the series was cancelled before the marriage could be finished. Engel, however, convinced NBC to let him film a 2-hour TV movie to tie up loose ends. In 1994, "Saved By the Bell: The Wedding" aired in prime-time, wrapping up the "Saved By The Bell" series. So ended the run of the Zack Morris based series after 5 years on the air and over 100 episodes.

Does anybody remember the show "Dinosaurs?" This comedy show revolves around the Sinclairs, a likeable prehistoric, working-class family of dinosaurs who faced modem worries. Earl Sinclair, the father of the family, was a blue-collar Megalosaurus, who worked for the Wesayso Development Corporation. He and his wife, Fran, had three children: Robbie, a 15-year-old who questions authority and has a mohawk, Charlene, a 13year-old who was obsessed with shopping and guys, and the Baby, a toddler who was trapped in the terrible two's. Remember the saying "not the mama?' Yep, this was the show that it came from. The baby would constantly hit Earl over the head with whatever object he could find and yell this famous phrase while doing it.

Who could possibly forget Baby Sinclair's famous phrase, "Not the mamar using the animatronics technology from his Creature Shop, bringing to life a family of prehistoric dinosaurs in an otherwise normal situational comedy. He liked the idea of creating worlds where none existed before and making them into a reality:"

The original idea for "Dinosaurs" came from Jim Henson. Henson envisioned

A&E Thursday, March 14, 2002
Photos retrieved from
"Saved By The Bell" was another show that dealt with Photos retrieved from The extended "Saved by the Bell" cast were an imperative part of the Saturday morning NBC lineup. Photos retrieved from www.x-enter-

04d6aft O~flournes

Forget the whiny twenty-somethings.Forget the island and immunity challenges. Forget eating brains and plummeting bodies on bungee chords. MfV has a new show that further blurs the line between family sitcom and reality television series.

"The Osbournes" has been described as a "family-oriented sitcom" and a "reality-based comedy."lt follows the lives of heavy metal rock icon Ouy Osbourne and his family asthey eat, sleep and live life being who they are.

Aside from the fonner front man of Black Sabbath, Ozzy's family also stars in the show. His wife Sharon is

• described as a "workaholic" by her husband and appearance-wise is the most "normal" looking. However, she maybe a little lllOJ'.einsane than the himself. Also featured are bis two younger children, 17-year-old Kelly and 16-year-old Jack. Kelly is just like any teenager; she fights with her brother, is embarrassed when her parents show too much affection. Jack worships the band Tool and enjoys just hanging out with his friends. "The Osboumes" also showcases their nanny Melinda Varga and the many Osbourne family pets. One family member who is rarely seen is the Osboumes oldest child, Aimee. According to mother Sharon on,"She can't handle being around us lunatics all day while she's trying to start her career."

The show's setting is a large Beverly Hilts mansion.

The British family of heavy metal have let an MTV camera crew into their everyday "normal"lives. Vlswe1ssee everything from fist fiflhts to family dinners.


a&e editor

The Academy Awards will add a new category to their ceremony this year. "Shrck," "Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius" and "Monsters Inc." are all in their own category for Best Animated Film. After the massive success of these movies, 20th Century Fox will be releasing "Ice Age" on March 15.

The film is follows a group of animals that find a human infant during the ice age. The animals include a wooly mammoth, a sabre-toothed tiger and a pair of giant slots. The animals makt. it their job to reunite the infant with his parents.

"Ice Age" features an all-star cast. Ray Romano, the popular actor whose show "Everybody Loves Raymond" airs on CBS, supplies the voice of one of the µiain characters, Manfred the Mammoth. Also lending his voice to the movie is Denis Leary, who is currently in the second season of his controversial TV show on

ABC, "The Job." Leary provides the voice of Diego the Sabre-Toothed Tiger, another main character. Rounding out the cast are Diedrich Bader, Cedric The Entertainer, Jane Krakowski and Jack Black. Chris Wedge, director, makes his feature film debut with "Ice Age". In 1998, Wedge won an Academy Award for his animated short, "Bunny." While the movie is expected to do well enough on its own, it also carries the extra weight that "Monster Inc." had several months ago. When "Monsters Inc." came out, a major selling point was one of the trailers. The m~ch anticipated trailer was one for "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones." Though this will bring the major fans out of the woodwork, "Ice Age" is still expected to be very successful in theaters this March.

The first episode featured the family moving in, deciding where to put their multitude of crucifix and Ozzy's rifle. Each member of the household has a room that is in their -ownstyle. Interested viewers can take a tour of the house on MTV.rorn.

• "The Osboumes•· has been described on its own tenns. It is not quite a reality-television show and not a sitcom. lt involves family relationships, parental advice and the nonnal functions of daily life. The first episode featured O12.yand Jack figuring out how to use his new satellite television. The family is fond of curse words, and they are often censored. One can expect th~t the show .to values unlike any other with the Blizzard of Ozz as the patriarch. His fatherly advice on sex was, "If you have sex, use protection, and don't do drugs." The Osbournes are being followed and doing what they normally do. Ozzy makes appearances. Sharon goes about her business. The children party and go to school. The dogs pee on the carpet. ln the eyes of many reviewers, these are the signs of a hit.

"Someone at MTV deserves a prize,'' Television without pit said.

Rob Owen of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette sums up why the show will be a hit: "There's not doubt this is a family of people who love one another in their own weird manner."

"The Osboumes" airs Tuesday nights at 10:30 on MfV and·throughout the week at various other times. "All aboard the crazy train."

Loquitur A&E 7 1he
Photos retrieved with permission from
,.,.._ ...... ,11, ... .... 1111a11111ea1111u• r •r.• 1111111111111,al ....... Winnerof the TONY AWARD ~["i'i MtlSICAL MARCH.IS, 16,21, 22. 23. 8PM <rR\CLU~il \iHt]l'~i CABRlNICOLLEGE. 8PM. I~ .·H 1 •tr ,tm.i ~5 ~! 1d!i·1t" fnf<i:fiWW28.ili)

staff writer

Some people, especially college students, just cannot afford to make a monthly appointment at Toppers Spa to get primped and make them feel pretty. At home remedies can work just as well and for a much cheaper price. Have fun with some girlfriertds trying out some of the following:


Instead of putting some mayo


Using a clean makeup brush, brush your face with pure lemon juice. Let it stand for 5 minutes. thenrinse._Do this in the evening before bed because the citric acid may cause temporary redness. Lemon juice contains astringent and antiseptic properties that will get rid of the excess perspiration and unwanted shine from high humidity. Another shine stopper tip: In a cup, combine 10 drops of lemon juice with one half cup of water. Saturate a cotton ball with mixture and dab over clean skin. Do not rinse.

HairConditioner •

Heat up one half cup of mayonnaise and apply to dry unwashed hair. Cover with plastic bag and wait for 15 minutes. Rinse and shampoo thoroughly. Your hair will be left shiny, silky and smooth. medicines, can contribute to your shiny glow. ping some on your face.

Common things that are used everyday, such as certain foods and on your BLT, consider slap-

MAYONNAISE Apply whole egg mayonnaise on your face (right from the jar) for about 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

TOMATO MASK For oily skin, mash up a ripe tomato and leave it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm (not hot) water.

HONEY MASK Apply-13are-honey(straightironrthe bortle) to your face and neck. Allow it·to set until dry (about 15 minutes). Rinse with very wann water.

MILK OF MAGNESIA Apply straight from the bottle on your face. Let it dry for about five to ten minutes. Rinse with warm water, and gently pat your face dry with a fluffy towel.

PEPTO BISMOL This is a face mask particularly suited for those with sensitive skin. In the same way that this product coats the stomach, it gently caresses the face. Apply it straight from the bottle, using a cotton swab. Allow to dry, then rinse with cool water.

BANANA MASH Mash up a very ripe banana. Add just enough honey to make a soft pulp. Apply over face and hair. This is such a great firming mask that aging movie stars have been known to put it in the cups of their bras to make their breasts "perky." (Just make sure that you don't use too much honey and you use a sturdy bra.)

KeepA FreshFace

After applying makeup, spray mineral water on your face and let dry. Dq. not wipe. Makeup will stay looking fresh longer.


Pepto Bismal can be used for an upset tummy or a rough looking face.

Wash face thoroughly. While your face is still wet, rub in a small amount of petroleum jelly. Continue wetting face until the jelly is spread evenly and doesn't appear greasy. Just remember, it will not stay greasy if you keep adding water a little at a time!


This exfoliating scrub will leave your skin soft and glowing. Mix the juice from 1 lemon with 2 parts coarse salt and 1 part olive oil to make a paste. Step into the shower and massage into body. Tum on the shower and rinse. Pat dry and apply a rich moisturizer.


All photos by Jill C. Hindman Mash up some tomatoes for a fun at-home face mask that will only cost you about 65 cents.

Dip a toothbrush in a mashed strawberry and brush vigorously to remove yellowing and stains. Or after brushing with your regular toothpaste, make a paste of 1 tbsp of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice and brush again. It tastes horrible but just think white teeth! You should start to see a change in a week.

Are You A Sn1art@-$$?

Sarcasm. I believe it all began many years ago when Sherlock was digging in a yard with Watson. Watson, ever the lazy one, concluded that there was no s-t in the yard. However Sherlock, the determined one, told Watson to "keep digging." And so sarcasm, and its sister, the comeback, was born.

Since then, sarcasm (defined as a "cutting remark") has had an irresistible effect on pop-culture. For the quick-witted, it can

be a bruising remark to a foe, designed to insult their intelligence. To the slow-witted, it most likely meant that high school was really, really bad.

Television shows have adopted such a technique, with characters like Chandler Bing on "Friends," who feels the need to add his own drum shots to his witty remarks. There is also the character of George Costanza on "Seinfeld," who was the recipient of many sarcastic remarks.

Many people will remember the classic exchange between George and his coworkers, when he is eating all the shrimp at the

table. "George, the ocean called, and they're running out of shrimp." To which George replied, "Well, the jerk store called, and they're running out of you!" Never to be outdone, George added the ever crippling, "Well, I slept with your wife last nightl"

Sarcasm is not just something used on television or in movies, but something that can be heard in almost any social situation. One student, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared one comeback. that his baseball coach gave him. "I was saying something really obnoxious to my coach, so he

Just looked at me and said, 'If I wanted to hear from an a- -hole I would have farted."'

Others, like sophomore English/communications major Brian Fry, likes to make things personal. "When I was in eighth grade I used to like to say, 'Your Mom!' to people."

So, no matter what the topic of conversation is, chances are there is a comeback or some sarcastic remark to be made. That's all Captain Obvious, now try not to get a paper cut from turning the page.

Thursday, Mar. 14, 2001

Get A Green Fever

It's that time again, when Irish eyes are smiling, Guinness flows like a river and everybody gets a little green. St Patrick's day falls on a Sunday this year and the bars have already started representing their green leprechaun hats and shamrocks. Philadelphia is notorious for its St. Patrick's Day festivities, from the bar hoping to the parades, Philly is the place to be.

Over a hundred marching and string bands, Irish dancers and other festive groups make their way through town for the annual St. Patrick's Day Observance Association •s·parade. This year's theme is for the fallen heroes of Sept. 11; the parade will feature representatives from New York's finest in the Ring of Honor. People, Irish or not, line the streets, donning their best shades of green.

The parade moves down Market Street from 20th Street to 16th Street, up 16th to the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, then to Logan Circle, where it ends at the viewing stands. If you can't make it downtown, the parade will be on WPVI (Channel 6) from I p.m. to 3 p.m.

If you're not the parade type then you can bar hop like a leprechaun. Many authentic Irish pubs are located within the Philadelphia area. Finnigan 's Wake is probably the most popular pub and entertainment complex as it is included in National Geographic Traveler Magazine's "Ten Must See Sites in Philly." Its unique Irish atmosphere, complete with cobblestone floors and actual Irish memora-

bilia, inhabits four thematic floors and features live Irish bands. Located at 537-41 N. and 3rd St., Finnigan's Wake will host a memorable St. Patrick's Day celebration beginning bright and early at 8 a.m. on Saturday.

"Black Sheep" refers to an Irish bar located on 247 S. and 17th Street in Philadelphia. Owned by two Irishmen, the pub showcases an "Irish fusion" style and an extensive selection of beer and whiskey. A solid, red door, which is conveniently· opened from 11:30 to 2:30 a.m. and a quaint brick townhouse facade attracts everyone from Wl!arton students to lawyers and doctors.

For an older-style Irish setting, visit Fergie's Pub on St. Patrick's Day, located at 1214 Sansom St. claiming to be reminiscent of the pubs of the Emerald Isle and Old Dublin Town, Fergie's offers $20 tickets for a night of food, drinks and partying. Tickets must be purchased prior to the event.

If you're just looking for an old Irish pub to throw a few back, then here is a listing of other Irish bars in Philadelphia and addresses for above bars. There is a brief description courtesy of the bartenders from each establishment.

For students who prefer to stay close to Cabrini, Erin's Pub and P.J. Henry's are convenient alternatives, located Jess than five minutes down Lancaster Avenue.

Find your pot o' gold this St. Patrick's Day on the Erin Express pub-crawl. This annual pub-crawl takes place March 9 and March 16. The Erin Express is a bar hopping bus ride from bar to bar on St. Patrick's Day. It usually stays at one bar for about




St. Patty's day is a day f9r the Irish to celebrate their heritage. Holiday traditions include parades, parties and bar hopping. Go into any Irish bar and spot the countdown to the lrish's favorite day of the year. Any Irishman or woman will proudly share a beer this March 17.

2 hours and it is off to the next bar to get your driok on. Depots where you can catch a 1:30 p.m. bus that takes you all over town will be stationed at these (and other) Irish bars. The crawl is good because it allows you to interact with different crowds in different drinking establishments and offers a safe; sober ride to each. Just make sure you have a designated driver for the way home because the crawl does not provide door-to-door service.

Or if your more up for a concert here is the skinny on an Irish New York band playing at the Theater of Living Arts 8 p.m. Mar 17. "Politically-charged Celtic darlings Black 47 have become favorites both inside and outside their hometown of NYC. While they've played gigs on the other side of the Atlantic, they're most celebrated in the Big

Apple, where they play the pubs and club circuit. It's anyone's guess who might show up at their shows, revolutionaries, bookies or even Liam Neeson to hear the bellowing brogue and theatrics of front man Larry Kirwan. Kirwan dishes out his political and social views as freely as the Guinness flows. But the band's hard-earned respect and self-deprecating sense of humor keep things from getting preachy. Among the trombones, tin whistles and uilleann pipes, there's even a little silliness in their attitude," courtesy of

No matter what you decide to do always remember to be safe. For a day when the beer is green, the shamrocks are lucky and everyone is Irish, Happy St. Patrick's Day.

If you'rejust lookingfor an old Irish pub to throw a few back then here is a listing of Irish bars in Philadelphia.

McGillin'sOld Ale House

This friendly, family-run tavern is one of the city's oldest watering holes. _

1310 Drury Ln, Philadelphia, PA (215) 735-5562


Want style? Go elsewhere, friend. This is a place for nofrills drinking.

228 Race St, Philadelphia, PA (215) 627-3532


Good pints, good atmosphere, good jukebox, no TV - the perfect pub.

1214 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA (215) 928-8118

Black Sheep

Refurbished townhouse transformed from dive bar to upscale Irish pub.

247 S 17th St, Philadelphia, PA (215) 545-9473

Cavanaugh's Restaurant

A college bar done right.

119 S 39th St, Philadelphia, PA (215) 386-4889

BlarneyStone Mace's Crossing

A stuccoed boathouse just a bit removed from the water doubles as a preppy pickup bar.

1714 Cherry St, Philadelphia, PA (215) 564-5203

Smokey Joe's

Watering hole of choice for Penn'sfaculty and thirsty student body.

210 S 40th St, Philadelphia, PA (215) 222-0TT0

University City Irish Dive has sports, Guinnessand karaoke. 3929 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA (215) 222-5340

Westy's Tavern & Restaurant

Unassumingtaproom is the destination of choice for drinkers of every stripe.

1440 Callowhill St, Philadelphia, PA

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The world six months later

Two towers of light now illuminate the Manhattan skyline. 6 months ago that space was occupied by the gigantic World Trade Center buildings. Things have changed.

Last Sunday CBS aired the first footage from inside the towers during the attack. The footage brought a new level of terror to an already frightening situation. The film, shot by two French filmmakers who were documenting the _lifeof a rookie fireman, was opposed by many of the families who had lost someone in the attacks. The film was then carefully edited to remove fatalities and any scenes showing explicit gore.

It was a reminder that what happened wasn't a dream but an ongoing nightmare. So much has changed over the past six months that it is becoming hard to keep track. The anthrax scares, which consumed and horrified the nation, are old news. The hope that we will capture bin Laden tomorrow and put an end to this war is gone. Reality has set in, this war will not end overnight. And an innocent journalist was captured and brutally murdered. These are not situations that we expected to be dealing with at the end of last summer.

No matter, here we are. Soon we will be remembering the one-year anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks. What will happen between now and then is unforeseeable. But we can go into the next six months with a sense of optimism. The Untied States has pulled together and has showed, once again, why it is the strongest country in the world.

- A bronze statue that stood outside of the Twin Towers has been made into a temporary_memorial for the victims of 9-11.

On Monday, a moment of silence was lead by Mayor Bloomberg in New York City at 8:46 am, the exact time the first plane slammed into the first tower. Another moment of silence was held at 9:03, the time of the second attack. The towers of light were switched on Monday night by 12 year old Valerie Webb, an orphan, and will remain lit until April 13.

This editorial was chosen by a vote of 9 to 3

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.

We say that we have equality, which seems to be true, but only in theory. In reality, there are injustices everywhere you tum. It appears that everything is a barrier. Women do not get paid as much as men. Skin color might decide the job that a person gets, even if he or she is the less qualified person. Many injustices are apparent in the courtroom. For example, the whole d~ with insanity. As far as I understand it, if someone is declared insane by a court of law, then he or she is given treatment in an institution. That's great for the convicted person, but what happened to the crime that was committed? It doesn't just disappear.

ff someone who is not insane commits a crime like murder and is found guilty, a sentence must be paid There is not any treatment or arrangements made. The punishment that is given to the defendant stands.

Why isn't that the case for someone who is insane as well? Let's say that another murder was Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to Theloqultur_ or The Loqulfur 810 King of Prussia Road Radnor,Pa. 19087

•Requirements: Names will not be withheld from lettersanda phone numbermustbe provided.

committed and the person who killed someone was declared insane. Therefore, treabnent for the insanity is given. However, what happened to the crime? It is still there. It was still committed. I do not understand why the person who is found guilty by reason of insanity is excused for a crime that he or she committed.

Although insanity is rarely used in trials, I still do not think it is okay. It is not fair to the victims or to the rest of society. Once a person is diagnosed insane and committed to get help, he or she is free to be out on the street after reaching a sane state. I do not think it is right and I have a problem with it, especially in the recent case with Andrea Yates, who was recently found guilty but tried to use the insanity plea.

This woman drowned her five children in the bathtub in Texas. Obviously there is something wrong with her. Apparently, she suffers from postpartum depression, which is no surprise for anyone. The lawyers said she did not know what she was doing when she killed her kids.

I do not think this excuse pardons someone for his or her actions. Just because someone was unaware or did not know what was being done ignores the fact that a crime was committed. I do not care if the person is insane or not,

he or she is a threat to society, and I think that criminal charges should apply.

With Yates, I am happy that she was convicted of murder because that is the crime that she committed. She was tried just like anyone else would be, and she should pay the price. ff she is declared insane, then let her get treatment in the jail cell and remain there until her time is up, even if during her treatment she becomes sane.

Nevertheless, I do not think that insanity should be a legal term. I believe that everyone should be tried equally for the crime that they commit. The mental state of that person should not be a factor in the trial. Let him or her get treatment in prison and remain there even if the person becomes sane.

The potential for someone who commits a crime to be able to return to society after they become sane is not fair. I think that people wouldn't feel safe if that happened somewhere near where they lived. I personally just do not think that justice is served by doing that. It is almost as if it's better to be found guilty by reason of insanity because you get treatment, then you are off, free. I don't think it's right, and I don't think that our country should use the legal term insanity any longer.

[__ ~"" _l!..:O~-------------------- PERSPECTIVES Thursday, March 14, 2002
Injustices are found everywhere, including inside the court room
The, Loquitur Editors Editor dlief: Managing editor: NtwS edlton: Sports editor: A&E editor: Penpectivu t4itor: i'e:aturn editor: Phetograp~y editor: Webediler: Adviser: Michael A. Kazanjian Renee Tomcanin llelhAMConaban and Amy Gassen Tracy TllllSOD Geri Lynn Utter Renee OiPietro Jill C. Hindman Justine Difilippo Charles La Courtc Dr. Jerry Zurek Staff Photocnpl,en Mike Baggiano Bemadett Huel Lon:n Burton Jamie Knobler Trevor Daniels Charles La Courte Kit Dewey Steve Neild Mike Dotzman Ryan Norris Rose Marie Gonzalez Alicia Peny Tom Grosse Erin Smjth Nat Hamilton Jen Smith Tara Taylor Katie: Reing Loqultur is estahlislled as ronun for studellt expression ud as • voice in l1le l1llillllllted, robust, free and open discussion ol isSlles. StaffWrlten Kenneth Baumbach Melissa Modcsti Lisa Broomall Ryan Mulloy Maria Chambers Leanne Pantone Colleen Connor Gipa Roswell Vmcent DeFruscio Karen Schweizer Catherine Dilworth Jen Smith Jennifer Oaivano Alexis Strizzierc Kelly Finlan Cheryl Tranchitella Catharine Hernson Lucy Truglio Eugene Iacovelli Sharvoo Urbannavage Shannon King Cheryl Wagstaff Richan! Magda Paul w-.mams Tanya McCausland Loqoitur ;s • labonlory - writlea.- -i produced by students rqisterod in COM 346,350. 3SI, 3S3 and 3S4. Members ol tbe .,._ OOIJUDaity an, invited to wort oa or submit for print,Oaly SIU· dents registered in tbe aboYeclasses, ...,..__ are eligible 10 r«>emocademic;credit. Subsaiption price d $2S per ya, and is iDcluded in die benefiu seemed ill tuitioo and fees. Loquitur ""'lcomes leners 10 die odilor.Letter> should be signed and tbe audlonbip _,, to die edilOrs.. NUUC$ are withbeld only in tmmt1al circummDces by the editor in cllief. Letters to die editor should be !Olbmit1edby nooa .., Moodays. llldividual copies ol tbe Loquitur can be pmcba,ed for one dollar. ... ___~-~-------~------------------------~-------------.-------------_-_.J ___ --·-- - - - - - - - - ------ - - -~='"-='"=-----=-=-:===-===-:-:="""-'='--'"'"·..,_,..,,,..,,,_-=-==-="='"'--=-==...--....-1

Honor is defined in many ways, but which are right?

I am a United States Marine and when I see all the commercials for the armed forces I see the main lopics that they preach. Many of these topics are teamwork, courage, commitment, integrity, pride, leadership and discipline, but the one that sticks out to me the most is honor.

I have had honor preached to me my entire Marine Corps career until present day. Boot camp was where I was taught honor, I never really thought about honor that much until I discovered what it meant. I am a Sergeant in the Marines and I thought I knew exactly what honor meant to me and to all.

When motivated by a discussion for Dr. Zurek on honor and heroism I decided to look at the topic from an analytical point of view, exploring all sides of the

issues, as opposed to opinion pieces.

Men sacrifice their lives "in the name of honor." To be honorable is the goal for many of men and they will give up everything for the title. What really is honor? More importantly, is honor worth all the trouble?

If honor were to be defined, no one would be able to agree on a clear definition. The Webster's dictionary defines honor as "good name or public esteem." Honor could therefore be described as a good reputation. Honorable is merely a title granted to someone that does something respectable. However, that which is honorable is up to the individual.

Many believe it is better to die a thousand deaths than forsake one's honor. What benefit does being honorable gain a person? You can feel honor toward yourself or feel honorable in the eyes of others. If you seek honor to impress others, you are working \'for a feeble reason. Attempting to be honorable to please others can be compared to smoking to be popular. Allowing others' opinion of you to dictate your actions is like being their slave.

In this view, it is not so honorable after all to renounce everything to be honorable. It is not worth a thousand deaths to look good to others. Even using honor as a reason to go to war is senseless. Unless you become a hero, your honor will be remembered by only a few of your survivors. Who would want to give up everything if they knew no one would remember it?

Honor could be used as a simple label to explain one's actions. Instead of explaining war as killing men with families, it is more comforting to use the phrase honoring thy country. In this sense, honor is merely a mask for the true intentions of your actions. Honor is not tangible and you cannot even guarantee it will be kept. If you are honorable your whole life but then commit one un-honorable act, the past will be forgotten. Honor, therefore, is not something you can prove, keep or even value because it is not concrete and lasting.

On the other hand, honor can be important to you. Our own hearts, not others opinions, more accurately depict our honor. You may regret later that you did not

live an honorable life if you do not make the choice now.

Honor could embody your integrity, nobility and character. Honor, perhaps, could be summarized as the knowledge that you bravely fought to preserve your moral standards. Therefore, honor could be standing up for what you believe in. In this manner, the definition of honor would vary person to person. Honor to one man could mean standing up for another's rights, while for another it could mean killing someone in a duel.

When all is said and done, the man with the most honor still dies. ls there really more satisfaction in knowing that you d1.dthe honorable thing such as fighting in a war?

Honor does not always lead to happiness. More often, it can be assumed, that it leads us away from happiness. Honor is the choice that is considered by some more moral but it is more difficult to accomplish. Some say the ultimate test of character, as those of you who took Dr. Lape's Intro to Philosophy course know, is how you behave when you know you will not be caught. The honorable man does not divulge in the possi-

ble pleasures, but instead chooses the more righteous and respectable path-even though no one would ever find out.

I am not saying I don't believe in honor. I do and I hold it very close to my heart. I believe in my own description of it. I don't live to satisfy other's honor. Many say my choices in life are honorable, however, I feel honored to do what I do, I don't feel honorable because I do it. A true leader will not look for honor, but just be satisfied to know he bestows honor upon his fellow people.

My point is don't put honor in a box. Honor does not always deal with war and death. Honor can beanywhere. Don't use honor or let it take you for granted, just let honor happen. You will know when it does; it is an intangible that you feel in your heart. Something no one can take from you but yourself, as long as you know it is real it is yours forever. Discover what it means to you, don't fall victim to another's honor or it will never touch you like self-honor does.

'9/11' documentary, an arguable but rewarding watch

The pain and terror experienced by many Americans on Sept. 11 was revisited in a twohour documentary filmed by two French filmmakers during the tragedy. It was at this point, while viewing the footage of "9/1 I," that I fully understood the emotional connection to the attacks of that day.

I had watched several debates during the preceding week about whether or not this documentary

should be shown to the viewing public. Although, I personally felt that Americans should have the choice to view this film, I could also understand the opposing perspective.

On the one hand, this documentary is a necessity for American history because it documented a day that altered how we will live for the rest of our lives. We needed to be able to see for ourselves the events that took place within the World Trade Towers to gain a complete understanding of "terror."

Would we know how devastating the Holocaust was if it were not for "Schindler's List?" Would the memory of slavery be as prominent without the miniseries "Roots?"

Although these were movies that depicted the heinous acts of

racial oppression, actual footage serves as an even greater historical documentation that will allow for everyone in the world, not just in New York, to experience the fear and chaos that occurred on Sept. 11.

However, empathizing with the victims' families, I can understand not wanting the documentary to be shown. I would not want to see film footage of my childhood friend dying from a gunshot wound to the head or one of my high school classmates being killed in a hit-andrun accident. Therefore, I would not expect the families of the victims to want to view a film showing the agony that their loved ones suffered.

People must realize that unlike the Holocaust and slavery, which were racially oppressive

acts, the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 were not directed at one race of people. As depicted in the documentary, almost every race in the world was represented on the streets of New York that day, and people from all nationalities and ethnicities died in those attacks. This was not only an attack on Americans, but on the human race as a whole.

Also, unlike the Holocaust and slavery, which eliminated mass numbers over many years, the terrorists killed 3,000 people between 8:46 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Thousands of wives became widows and hundreds of children became orphans within an hour and 45 minutes.

I am not implying that Sept. 11 is any more damaging to our history than the Holocaust or slavery, but it is a vivid reminder

of how we are never completely safe and how tragedy can strike at any moment.

The documentary was not at all what I had expected to see. Due to the continuous debate over the footage, I had expected images similar to those shown in the "Faces of Death" series. I was pleased to see an extremely tasteful presentation of that day's events.

Though, seeing the first-hand · views of being engulfed in white dust and hearing the thumping sounds of bodies dropping from the building will stay forever imprinted in my memory, I value the opportunity to witness such events that impacted American history.

Loquitur PERSPECTIVES 11 -

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: the treatment of the detainees

When asked about their rights he simply said, "screw 'em."

Look at the picture of me to the side. . Quite a winning smile, right? Well do not think I'm all sunshine and lollipops, because you 're about to hear some evil comments.

I'm not going to review the incidents of Sept. 11. If you've been living under a rock then most of this week's debate is rather pointless for you. Al Qaeda and Taliban members are all sitting down in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, being questioned about their involvement in terrorist actions and their association with Osama bin Laden. I have a question. Why are they breathing?

These people are associated with those who jumped into an airplane and were willing to sacrifice their lives in order to ensure their cause, kill Americans.

• Somehow I doubt the terrorists in the planes chose to be in that position but weren't about to argue with the crazy terrorist bin Laden. So really, any one of the guys in Guantanamo Bay could have been handpicked by bin Laden to give their lives to their "cause."

So if people want them to feel good and grant them their rights, I say, what more can you do than allow them to die? Line them up, tell them they're dying for bin Laden and his so-called righteous cause, and shoot each and every one of them.

I went to the Dixon Center recently. I love the new TVs they have there, but I go right after my 8:15's. I see stupid morning shows like "Live With Regis and Kelly."

Bruce Willis, star of "Hart's War," was on.

Regis asked him what he thought about New York and his quote inspired me. He said he could not think about these detainees because he was still thinking about the poor people who had to jump from the windows of the World Trade Center.

_Icould not agree more. These poor people had no choice. You can sit there and say they could have stayed in the building, but do you want to get your arms blown off or pretty much exploded? What about the people who burned in the building? Lastly, your last chance is to jump from the building and die a fast death. Hey, I heard the rumor about the guy who rode the whole building to the bottom and Jost his leg. How many of those rumors did you hear? I only heard the one. And the sad thing was that it was a rumor. I'm sorry for being so graphic, but maybe I'm swaying your opinion.

I hate to rely completely on movies, but I saw "The Patriot."

The comment made by General Cornwallis, played by Tom Wilkinson, makes sense. Though it's just a movie, the Cornwallis character says they fight wars like gentlemen, not recklessly and barbaric.

The terrorists fought recklessly and now they need to pay the ultimate price. I'm not saying they need to be tortured but we should line them up; maybe shoot them in the kneecaps, then maybe the elbows, followed by one in the head. That sounds crazy. I admit, torture is wrong. I am not crazy like these people. But as the saying goes, "an eye for an eye."

Last movie reference, I promise. I saw the Willis movie last week. It dealt with prisoners of war. I may not think these random terrorists are prisoners of war. There's an off chance that I'm wrong. In that case, I look to the movie. A Nazi colonel tells Willis' Colonel McNamara that his rights for trial and the rights of his men are denied for this one reason. It fits Guantanamo Bay perfectly I think.

Follow the rules of the Geneva Convention? Look at Guantanamo Bay for a second. Cuba doesn't look anything like Geneva.

I would have no problem bending the rules and looking the other way, especially for the innocent people who died on Sept. 11. Wouldn't you?

Afghani and British detainees being held by the United States in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, should be treated as prisoners of war, as they were combatants in an international conflict.

Although the initial attacks of this war were illegal terrorist acts, what has resulted is neither a specified search and seizure of those responsible nor a traditional war. Instead, America and its allies have destroyed rebel camps on the battlefields and conquered cities while trying to properly arrest and handle criminals. Unfortunately, the criminals still remain at large. Currently in captivity, however, are men who fought for a cause that they perceived as being just - men who are prisoners of war.

It is true that the men being held at Camp X-Ray are the most dangerous of the captured soldiers from Afghanistan. The detainees are reported to be supporters of or established members of terrorist groups, mainly al Qaeda. However, under the Geneva Convention of 1949, the detainees are entitled to POW status. Having failed to capture Osama bin Laden does not appropriate the United States to adopt the alternative netting of Taliban or al Qaeda members and stick them with collective responsibility for the horrific mass murder at the Pentagon and World Trade Center.

Neglecting the rights of the detainees under the Geneva Convention will lead to inhumane mistreatment of American soldiers in future wars, if not this one. Split on the decision, the Bush administration wants to abide by the rights, but is lazily unwilling to extend the effort to treat crucial members of the opposition righteously. Whether or not we treat them according to international Jaw, America still holds the enemy until hostility ceases.

Why not treat them well to make life easier on American prisoners in the future? Not only is it the morally correct decision, it will also eliminate America as acting on such a fundamental level as the terrorist organizations.

The Bush Administration is acting inconsistently with detainees who were later found to have no llnk to terrorism but are still being held. Last week, the Justice Department denied the departure of 87 detainees, of whom most were picked up for visa violations by local police departments or because of public suspicion. It is well known that in the days, weeks and months following the Sept. 11 attacks, Americans were paranoid, and rightfully so, of anyone seemingly of Arabic decent. Naturally, reports were filed and otherwise lawful illegal immigrants were shipped to Cuba for interrogation. Prior to Sept. 11, visa violators with no previous legal problems in America were quietly deported or provisioned a 60 to 90 day window to leave on their own.

Looking at the big picture, however, letting our pride and newly increased state of prejudice become our logic and rationaleis a wrathful mistake that America will be in danger of paying for in the near and distant future.

For the safety of American prisoners of war and the dignity of America itself, the defined leader of the world, the detainees being held in Guantanamo Bay should be treated under the conditions set by the Geneva Convention.

It is not saying much, but the detainees in Camp X-ray could be in better conditions now than they were living under the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. However, being held by America should constitute the freedom to take advantage of rights, not further disgracing of human beings. The criminals responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks are either still out there wondering when their time will come or already dead. Therefore, it is no question that the detainees should be thoroughly questioned. But it should be done the right • way - the American way. If not, we will be fighting this war from the other side someday.

12 ---------PERSPECTIVES Thursday, March 14, 2002
Ryan says that the captured detainees are not prisonersof war.
***"******* Rich believesthat the captured ·detainees are and should be treatedas such.

Basic Training: Weightlifting

Leaving the gym incredibly so~ is pretty much the standard. Walking out of the weight room feeling like "the man," or "woman," after the best workout in the history of exercise is a rewarding feeling. The next day, it's normal to be sore. But a few days later, what if your arms hurt? Or what about your lower back? Chances are, you are doing something wrong.

Weightlifting can be made simple. With dumbbells and other free weights, there are basic rules, sets, repetitions and ways to give your upper body a solid work out. There are also three different types of lifting: muscle endurance, muscle mass and muscle strength. Depending upon how you exercise effects the way you come out from the gym.

The Basics

Andra Riccio, an athletic trainer in trainer who works in the Dixon Center, feels that there are many basics that are imperative for working out with free weights. "People think they can just stretch. You can't just do that," Riccio said. Riccio recommends warming up with some cardiovascular work, using the exercise bikes or one of the other pieces of cardio equipment. When warming

up with free weights, the lifter should start off with lighter weights with lighter motion.

It's also important to control breathing when lifting. When lifting the weights up, you should always breathe out. Then when lowering the weight, it is very important to inhale again. When working out, you should never hold your breath. In the process of lifting and lowering the weights, you should always pace yourself as well. As the weight is lifted, you use positive energy to keep it going. But that is not where you stop.

"If you drop the weight fast, it's just wasted energy." Lowering the

weight slowly is what helps build the muscle. In swinging the weights around in such a fast pace,

you waste energy and you basically waste your time. "You should really take about two seconds to lift the weight and then use another four as you lower it." The range of motion in weightlifting, as in curling, is very important. It can be· modified, but should really only be changed in times of working injured limbs.

Another basic is maintaining proper posture. Beginners can sometimes lean against something to keep their back from bending as they lift. It may be a good idea to be with someone else, as working out with someone else is always a good idea. Have someone watch your back as you lift, in order to avoid bending. Another option is to use the free weights against a wall to keep the back straight.

"As you lift, if your back bends, you 're really just exerdsing substitution." With poor posture, the lifter really just does all of their work with their back as they lift, instead of using their positive force to curl.

Muscle Endurance

In working for endurance,. you work with lighter weights. Endurance allows the lifter to do more reps as well. The standard is about two or three sets with 12 -

20 reps. In between sets, it is important to rest, no matter what type of exercise you are doing, For endurance, the weight should be lowered for each set.

Muscle Mass

As lifting increases, the work increases as well. It is much more moderate lifting when working on muscle mass. There is also more rest. The rest in between sets should be approximately a minute. Like before, there is only two or three sets. The reps in this catego- , ry are between eight and 12.

Muscle Strength

Strength involves the most work. The heaviest weights are used to create much more strength. Once again, the sets are in two or three and lower in reps to between 6 and 8. The wait is much longer though. There is a three to five minute wait in order to allow the arms to recover.

Using the dumbbells or free weights in the Dixon Center is just one of the several different sets of equipment to use. With the proper education in what they are doing though, Riccio feels that just about any student should be going to use the facilities on campus.

Loquitur SPORTS 13
photo by Ryan Mulloy Clarence Scott demonstrates basic weightlifting step one. Basic weightlifting step two. Basic weightlifting step three. photo by Ryan Mulloy photo by Ryan Mulloy
Intramurals Announcement If anyone has suggestions for the intramural program contact Kate Corcoran at extension 3 909. Please off er opinions about what you would like to see this year with intramurals and what has worked in the past.

Winter athlete player profiles

Tim Gordon plays for the future

Senior year can be difficult for any regular student, and especially for an athlete trying to win the conference championship again. English and communications major Tim Gordon did just that this winter and succeeded. •

The men's basketball team stole the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championship after being seeded fofilth in the conference tournament. The men went on to win their way to the Sweet 16 of the NCAA championship tournament. This was Gordon's

best memory of his three years on the Cabrini men's basketball team. "We went further in the tournament then any other Cabrini team, so that was really good," Gordon said.

Gordon transferred from Bucks County Community College as a sophomore. He became the stMting shooting guard in his junior year. Gordon wants the team to remember him as a hard working player who gave his all every game, but always had fun at the same time.

The future looks promising to Gordon. After graduation his plans are indecisive. He either

wants to move to California or go over seas. The idea of California is to live by the beach and see just where life will take him for the summer. He wants to go over seas to try and play basketball.In fact he would like to play professional basketball after he graduates anyway, "It would be nice, especially to get paid for it." Basketball is a way of life for some players. Gordon is an example of that type of player. A player who works hard on and off the court, and would love to play even if he has to travel over seas.

,.,Four-year.starter Erin Crawford graduates

The Cabrini women's basketball team will be losing a four-year starter this May. Senior Erin Crawford will be leaving the school to pursue her master's degree at Widener University.

Crawford, a human resources management major, has been playing the game of basketball since she was five years old. At Widener she w~ll take on the role of being a coach as the team's graduate assistant, a job that, although different, will keep her in the game.

After four years on the team, Crawford compiled many memories of Cabrini women's basket-

ball. Her favorite is from her freshman year, in which the team won the conference championship and was invited to the NCAA tournament. Though the team was defeated in the first round, she still cherished the chance to play against another of the top teams in the nation.

Crawford is all abou_tbasketball, even deciding that she would take Charles Barkley with her if she were to be left stranded on a desert island. "I just loved the way he played, and I think he was a great person. He did some dumb stuff, but on the inside we was a good guy," she said.

Not very easily excited, Crawford put her name into

Cabrini's record book forever by scoring over l 000 points. She knew going into the game that she would reach the goal so she was not surprised when it happened. She viewed the highlight as a great accomplishment, not an overwhelming achievement. Crawford le.,ives Cabrini with all her memories from four seasons on the cofilt. She will be around basketball for the·next two years definitely and possibly the rest of her life.

Tim Gordon. photo by Catherine Hernson Erin Crawford. photo l?YJill Hindman
Keep your eyes open neHt issue for more senior profiles
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Any form of tanning may cause cancer

With spring right around the comer and wanner weather in the past couple of weeks, many people around campus are hitting up the tanning salons. Before leaving for that exotic destination for spring break last week, the campus looked like people had already been on vacation. No one wants to hit the beach with white legs and ghostly arms, so a nice base tan was part of the necessary preparations for Cancun, Panama City, Jamaica or wherever else students may have been headed. A nice tan may be nice, but what risks are being taken to get that sun-kissed look? The Food and Drug Administration says that some sunlight can be good for your health and vitality because it helps to produce vitamin D. However, in much less time than it takes to get a suntan, your body can make more vitamin D than it could ever use.

Tanning beds, sun lamps and ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer. Even if you do not get a sunburn, tanning over

time can cause the same effect. The longer you are exposed to these harmful rays, the more sus-

What you never knew abput ... Sara Rothfuss

ceptible you are to getting skin cancer. There are two types of UV radiation, ultraviolet A and B. UVA rays would be darker, deeper tans and UVB rays would be associated with sunburns and more frequent sun exposure.

Premature aging of the skin, wrinkles, damaging effects on the immune system and the possibility of malignant melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer, are just some of the dangers of tanning and long exposure to the sun. According to the FDA, over the past year, there were 38,300 cases of melanoma with 7,300 fatalities.

Tanning greatly increases the risk of skin cancer and the risk is not lessened by small amounts of tanning over time. It actually makes the situation worse because damage to the skin accumulates over time. Wrinkles and premature aging of the skin, unlike skin cancer, will show up in every sun worshipper.


face. Rothfuss has been on the Cavs women's tennis team for three years.

Q: How long have you been playing tennis?

A: Since eighth grade, so that's eight years.

Q: Io the eight years, where was the most curious place you've been bit by the ball? .,..,

A: I've been hit, but I can't really remember. I hit the coach at practice. He was hitting balls over the net at us and I bit one right back at his stomach.

is just one type of lotion used to protect the skin from the sun.

Week in Review


On Feb. 27, men's lacrosse started its season with an upsetting 14-3 loss to Franklin and Marshall. March 2 brought around a close game, but the end result was a 17-14 loss to Western Maryland. March 6 proved that the Cavs rebounded with a win against Dickinson, 15-7.


March 5 gave the Lady Cavs two consecutive loss-

es to Chapman University and University of LaVerne, 6-2 and 9-1, respectively. March 6 brought the Lady Cavs back into the running when they had a close game against Albion College, at which they lost 4-2. Later that same day, however, they upset Pomona-Pitzero by shutting them out 7-0.

Men's Basketball

In round one of the NCAA Tournament, the men's basketball team defeated Kings Point on Feb. 28 by a score of 85-73. In round

two on March 2 they kept their fire burning by defeating William Patterson 4743. On March 8, in the NCAA Sweet 16 game, howeverythe Cavs lost by one basket to Elizabethtown, with a score of 85-87.

Men's and Women's TennisNews

Reggie Day, men and women's tennis coach, was named Mid-States Association Coach of the Year.

Q: Have you ever gone ''McEnroe" on a referee?

A: No, I said something to a coach once, but not a referee. The Wesley College coach kept telling his players if the ball was out or not in the middle of the match, so I asked for him to be removed from the court because he was calling shots for his players.

Q: What is your favorite personal memory on the court?

A: It would have to be making it to PAC championships my freshman--.. year and making it to the second round, although I lost there.

Q: What was your record this past season?

A: For singles it was 10-9 and for doubles I think 5-8.

Q: How many [tennis] balls can you fit in your shorts?

A: I have never really tried, but I think I could fit eight. The most I've ever done is three because I've never needed more, but eight sounds good.

Q: Have you ever defeated a guy?

A: Yeah, I beat two guys pretty bad on a few occasions.

Q: In eight words, describe the strongest aspect of your game.

A: Leadership - I am the glue that holds us together.

Q: Who would you rather be: Anna Kouroikova with good looks or Martina Hingis with a legendary game?

A: Martina with the good game because it's not what's on the outside, it's what is on the inside that counts.

-interview by Rich Magda

_Loq_ui_tur________________ SPORTS----------------~- 15
photo retrieved from the internet Coppertone sunblock photo by Tracy Timson tennis player Sara Rothfuss, junior, shows her game

Golf team ready for season

The golf team is ready to begin another season. "We just came back from Ocean City, M.D., where the golf team has been getting ready for the upcoming season," Dr. Tony Verde said. Verde, the team's head coach, traveled to Ocean City with the team where he has been helping his player's fine tune their skills for this season. Though the cold weather is back, what events lie ahead for the golf team?

At the moment the team consists of seven to eight


members. Some of which have played on the team for at least one season. Some of its members are golf enthusiasts, playing for leisure and for competition, but this year they are playing for a common goal. Verde mentioned that the college would be hosting the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference golfing championship this year.

"The team will be prac_ticing at the Spring Ford Country Club" Verde said, "where the team will prepare for upcoming matches and tournaments." The golf team will play against

other colleges in the area.

Anthony D 'Aleo, junior and team captain, feels that the team has a good chance at winning the PAC title. He mentioned that Coach Verde referred to training as "boot camp." "We played l 00 golf holes in three days and the team was feeling better by the end of practice," D' Aleo said. The defending champions, Wesly College, will be the team's toughest competitors according to D' Aleo. The golf teams first match is against Arcadia, which will be in the first week of April.

What's up on campus?

Anthony D'Aleo drives the ball through the air hoping that it lands on the green. staff writer photo by Anthony D'Aleo After teeing off, Zane Hamid putts his way to perfection. Excellent putting is the key to finishing close to par on any golf course.
Women's Softball at Rosemont College, 3 p.m.
"Two Gentlemen of Verona," 8 p.m. at Grace Hall
Godfather," 7p.m.,WCLH fri 15 • Women's Softball at Salisbury Tournament, vs. Virgina Wesley 9 a.m., vs. Western Maryland 3 p.m. sat 16 • Women's Lacrosse vs. Misericordia, lp.m. •Men's Tennis at Villa Julie College, 1 p.m.
tues I 17 18 19 20 • St. Patrick's Day • Women's Softball • Senior class regis- • CAP Presents: at Arcadia tration The Have Nots 9 • Corrine Lalin Art University, 3 p.m. p.m.,NRH Exhibit Opening Reception, 3-5 • Intercollegiate p.m., Grace and Career Fair, 12 Joseph Gorevin p.m.- 3p.m., Fine Arts Neumann College Gallery, 2nd floor of the Holy Spirit Library
14 •
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