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Cabrini Professors write __ books to educate students

Thomas Carlyle once wrote, "The true University of these days is a collection of books." At Cabrini College there are teachers writing books for their students, in a hope to further the student's education.

Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history and political science said, "Hard work and a lot of thought goes into writing a book like this. It's like writing the longest midterm paper ever." Girard was approached by Randall Miller to write a book on American Foreign Policy. Greenwood Press published the book entitled, "America and the World," which focuses on the foreign policy of the United States from George Washington to Ronald Regan. Girard said, "It was based on a dozen articles, which I wrote, that were published in journals and my doctoral dissertation. Years of teaching also helped me to gear the book towards students and their interests in America's foreign policy."


Anthony Contipodero, history club president said, "Reading his book is not like reading other text books. It's easier to understand than other texts and is helpful for students trying to grasp difficult concepts."

Harvey Lape, instructor of philosophy and Dr. Sharon Schwarze, professor and chair of philosophy, grew tired of teaching a course with books that did not have what they were looking for. The art of thinking was a course that the two

Prentice Hall, titled, "Thinking adding extra sections based on the _Socratically: Critical Thinking comments they received. Lape and about Everyday Issues" for the Schwarze have started work on course, which is now called another philosophy text that will Critical thinking. "We began writ- delve into the subject of ethics. ing the book around 1980, we fin- The chair of the history and ished in the early 90s and had it political science departments, Dr. first published in 1998," Schwarze James Hedtke, will soon have his said. book, "Lame Duck Presidents-Lape said, "We divided up the Myth or Reality" published by writing process. I would write one The Edwin Mellen press. "When I chapter, and she would write first tried approaching publishers, another. Then we would critique I was actually approaching the each other's chapters and make wrong ones. I would approach the the necessary cJianges." textbook publishers, instead of "We wanted to develop a text university publishers." For teachthat students would like to read, ers looking to publish books, it is one of the ways we did this, is that easier to approach university we have a Sherlock Holmes story press, instead of company owned without the ending printed in the publishers. Hedtke said, "The book. The student then has to book comes from a lot of years of think of what conclusion Holmes work. It started with my dissertawas able to derive," Schwarze tion and has been edited by many said. people." His book is original, in Lape said, "One of the hardest that a person will be hard pressed parts about getting a book pub- to find any book specifically about lished is when you have to sell lame duck presidents. your book to a publisher. You Dr. Cynthia Halpern, chair of the actually have to give them a chap- romance language department, ter of the book, and they decide if has published one book called, it is worth their time." "The Political Theater of Early

"After receiving approval with 17th Century Spain, with special reviews and comments we edited reference to Juan Ruiz de it several times," Schwarze said. Alarcon." Peter Lang published The final product turned out dif- the book as part of the lberica ferently than the spiral bound edi- series. tion located in Schwarze's office, These teachers and many others which the two had finished in at Cabrini have published books 1986. or are in the process of writing and

After the book was published, having their works published in Lape and Schwarze received com- order to give students another eduments and constructive criticism cational tool. from colleagues and book review-

However, rather than preparing students for their chosen careers, SEM 300 promotes working toward a better society.

The goal of SEM 300 is to assist students in using their intelligence and compassion to help make a better world. Acquiring practical knowledge and skills, understanding and accepting differences, and developing a sense of civic responsibility are the benefits of partaking in a community involvement project.

An average of eight SEM 300 courses are offered each semester. Descriptions of each course theme can be found in the college course catalog and are also mailed to students when they enroll in the course. Although some SEM 300 course already have a designated community involvement project in which the class participates as a whole, some courses allow for the individual student to choose a desired site for their service project.

A list of community involvement projects is sent to students enrolled in these courses so that they may review and choose which projects are of interest to them. However, due to limits on the number of students needed at each site, the selection is based on a first-come, first-serve policy.

Students may also request to be placed at a site for which they are already involved. Information about the program and the duties involved must being submitted to Shirley Dixon, coordinator· of the office of diversity initiatives/student liaison for service learning.

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