2 minute read
Psychology students inducted into Psi Chi
by Cheryl Tranchitella staff
Each inductee was given a certificate and a membership card to be recognized nationally. They also signed a book that Cabrini holds for each year since
One of the largest groups of Cabrini College stu- Psi Chi first started. dents was inducted into the national honors society in The students inducted into Psi Chi were very psychology on Wednesday,March 20 in the Mansion pleased with their accomplishments. Rose Leahy, a dining room. To be inducted the student must have a junior, was one of the inductees. "I am very happy grade point average of a that I was able to accom------------------- 3.0 overall and in psy- h plish such a thing, and chology, to take four "I am very happyt at I was able honored to be in such a courses in psychology, to accomplish such a thing, and society," Leahy said. major or minor in psy- honored to be in such a society." Linda Cylc, a junior, chology. was also an inductee. "It staff writer
Graduation is right around the comer and many seniors are not prepared to take on the world right away. Some seniors are looking .for summer jobs while others plan to relax after all the stresses of preparingfor graduation. Overall, there seemsto be a lot of indecision among many seniors as far as what to do after college. Let's explore the options.
Cabrini offers job-search infonnation in the co-op and career services office. Students -can post resumes online and increase their opportunities. There are also some career fairs in the area for students to send resumes and get their names heard.
April 17, 2002
CareerBuilder Career Fest
10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sheet Metal Workers Local 19 Building
1301 S. Columbus Boulevard
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
For directions and additional information. call 800-4453600
April 18, 2002
Great Valley Job Fair
This job fair is sponsored by the Business Development and Training Center. ft will be held at &beValleyForge Convention Center. Over 75 companies are expected ·to attend. Visit http://\\'ww.bdtc.com/ for additional information.
April 22, 2002
Special Education Recruitment Fair
IO a.m.-3 p.m.
Days Hotel Tunonium Conference Center
9615 Deereco Road
Timonium, Maryland
Teachersare needed for pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade positions. Admission is free. To get to the Conference Center from Philadelphia. take 95 South to 695,towards Towson. Take exit 24 to 83 North. Tum off at exit 17 and then go to Padonio Road. Make a right on Deerco Road. Days Inn Hotel will offer a special rate for lodging. To get more infonnation about this job fair, oall 800-2,353297, or send e-mail to rharden2@bcps.org.
April 23, 2002
GreaterWildwoodJob Fair Bxpo
10 a.m.-6p.m.
Wildwood ConventionCenter
Burk Avenue and theBoardwalk
Wildwood, New Jersey
April 24, 2002
CareerandTeacher F.ducationJob Fair
Oleyney University of Pennsylvania
Cheyney and Creek Roads
Call 610-399.2033for moreinformation everyone.
The national honor Rose Leahy, is definitely an honor. It society in psychology, junior brings you into the also known as Psi Chi, ----------------'---- national community of was started at Cabrini College by a student in the mid psychology. It gives you a chance to be in touch with 1980s. That student asked Dr. M.L. Corbin Sicoli, the psychology community outside of Cabrini," Cylc professor of psychology and present Psi Chi advisor, said. if she would be the facilitator. She accepted the posi- The guest speaker, Dr. John Cook, was a· 1990 tion and has been the facilitator ever since. Cabrini College graduate. Cook is a professor at the "I am very proud of the students in their accom- University of Pennsylvania. Her speech was titled plishments," Sicoli said. "Being inducted in to Psi "Cabrini Psychology Graduates Succeeding in a Chi will help the students get admitted into graduate Larger World." school since they are now nationally recognized." The ceremony was open to friends and family. The purpose of Psi Chi is to encourage, stimulate Afterwards, there were refreshments and fruit for and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology.
More informationon job openings can be found on the web at www.monster.com or at www.hotjobs.com.Bothof the$eJites allow youto postresume infonnation and search through job listings. For more info on the co-op and career services depart:lylentvisit www.cabrini.edu.