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Week In Review

b Richard Ma da assistant news editor

Men's Lacrosse


The men •s lacrosse team battled Wesley on April 6 lo win 9-5. The next game for the team is set for 3:30 p.tn. on April 11 al Villa Julie. After losing its first two ames of the season, the team bas now won eight consecutive contests.

23-5. The Lady Cavaliers will take their game to GwyneddMercy today at 4 p.m.

Men '.sTennis

The men's team lost on April 7 to Kings College by a 6-1 deficiL

The men bounced back on April 9 to defeat Neumann in a clutch PAC contest.


The softball team is on track for Women'sLacrosse an undefeated week. In a twinbill

The women beat Neumann13- against Eastern on April.4, the 10 at homeon April 4. OnApril6, women sealed the first game 8-6 the women's team continuedthe and carried the momentum streakwidt its fourthCClllSCCUlivelhrougb.the secondgame winning win againstAlvemiaby a scoreof 6-0. In a doubleheaderagainst

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