4 minute read
Blood may be father's bu·t heart belongs to stepfather The·darker days of Catholic schools
Where will you send your child to school?
Chances are that that question, at this stage in many of your lives, has never crossed your mind. The thought of having kids is probably just as far off. For many of you, however, that question will lead to one of the most significant choices you make as a parent.
Several factors come into play: Public or private
Catholic or Protestant, the navy or the anny?
M_ajorityof parents, however, must choose between public and Catholic schools. Before, the main debate came to fruition based on each parent's religious beliefs. If the father was Jewish and the mother was Catholic, a very difficult compromise had to be made.
New information about priests molesting young boys had bombarded television news programs, newspapers and magazines such as Time and Newsweek.
The case for today's parents, as well as tomorrow's, who are pushing for a public school education for their child, just got stronger.
But do these facts hinder the education that a private (religious) school has to offer? For as many cases we are hearing about priests who have been charged with molestation, there are many, many more happening outside of the church, something that the news media is shying away from. Why? Because it makes a better story.
What about the validity of some of the claims being made against priests? Some people are "stepping for-
,. ward" 30 or 40 years after the event supposedly occurred.
Are they grabbing onto the molestation bandwagon trying to catch a few dollars that are falling off the front cart?
Schools of religious origin are feeling the heat of these claims. Some of them are true, but not all of the schools and parishes are guilty of each other's crimes.
Parting shot: Not all priests are perverts and not all priests are gay.
This editorial was chosen by a vote of 6-2
The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
My parents were divorced when I was very young. I can't remember l;heday my father left. I don't remember how I felt or even if I cried. It is weird how such a significant moment in your life can just be erased from your mind Sure I can remember bits and pieces of time I had with him, but before a few months ago I could not even remember what my father looked like or how he acted. When I was nine years old my mother remarried. This man became my father. When I was sick, he is the one that helped my mom take care of me. When I had my brief stint with field hockey, he came to every game to cheer me on. When I had trouble with school, he is the one who helped me out He even taught me how to drive and helped· me get my first car.
My mother and my step father raised me to be the person I am today. They taught me that I could do anything I put my mind to. They were there for all the good and the bad times. They were
Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to Theloquitur @hotmall.com or The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor,Pa. 19087 4J there for the first breakup; my first speeding ticket and even through the whole college selection process. They were there through it all.
•Requirements: Names ' will not be withheld from letters and a phone number must be provided.
Then a few months ago my life changed All of a sudden out of no where my birth father decided to call me and confuse the bell out of my life. I can't say that I never wondered about him but it was something that I didn't think about often because I had a father figure in my life. He called to say that he wanted to come visit me. What was I supposed to do? I had to say yes, I mean I had to see my father. Didn't I? I mean most people who have an opportunity to meet their birth father would right? So I said sure and set up a week that he could come and visit me. The first time I saw him was very weird. I looked just like him. I could not even believe he was stanrung in front of me. He stayed for four days and we hung out and tried to learn about each other. We had to learn everything. He left promising he would keep in touch.
Months passed with no calls, no letters, no emails, no nothing. Sure I was upset but there weren't many expectations so I didn't expect much. Theo just two weeks ago he decided to call and act_like he was interested in my life. I can not even explain to you how mad I was. If this man, who is supposed to be my father, was interested in my life .he would have been there for the last 20 years. Instead he wasn 'L He decides to just pop in and out whenever he felt like it I was honest with him. I told him that I rud not need a father but that we could be friends. Friends however keep in touch.
The truth is that this man knows nothing about me. He doesn't even know that I ever played field hockey or what it was like to pick a college. He doesn't know that I am awful at math. I would be surprised if he even knew what my major was. He doesn't check up on me like my stepfather does or ask how my day at school was. Instead he just picks up the phone when he feels like it. It is just not good enough for me. I hate to say it but my life was a lot less confusing before I met him ·again.
My point is that this man that married my mother when I was nine has been there for the last' I 2 years and I know he will be here whenever I need him. He is my true father no matter what my birth certificate says.