2 minute read
A question of faith in troubled times
Eugene Jaccovelll staff writer
There has been much discussion over the sexual abuse scandal that has turned the Catholic Church upside down. Many of the allegations span decades of abuse, lies and cover up by church officials. This puts a negative spin on what the church is supposed to stand for. Many Catholics are left standing around feeling as though they have been lied to and the fact is they have been. So, the question is, what are we to think of priests today?
For some hearing about the news of a priest molesting a young boy seemed lie old news. It was something people joked about, but you were the one afraid to laugh. The fact is the media and many other political officials knew what was going on for years. If anything the cover up of priest molestation could tum out to be bigger than what most people expected.
When I was a child we were taught that priests were the closest Jiving thing to God, but what have happened to his messengers? By all accounts high - ranking church officials should be tried under the same laws used to put mobsters away for life. Whether it is a priest or a hoodlum, anyone committing such horrific acts of child abuse and then protecting themselves and others from prosecution by lies and bribes should face real justice. Even though it is hard to see the good in so much bad, we must try. Not all priests are child molesters. Some are hard working individuals that have dedicated their entire live to not just serving God but also serving all of mankind. It is easy for the media to point out all of the wrong doings of the· Roman Catholic Church. But when was the last time a newspaper or a television program spotlighted a priest that has done good and has made a difference. Think about that the next time you hear something bad about the Catholic Church.
agreed on everything life would be boring as hell. Open your eyes and your mind to what is around you. Even if you get annoyed and fr:ustrated at the environment that you are in, you will one day look back and miss it, but it will be gone and you will be sad. Savor every moment so that you can look back with a smile and not a tear. If something bothers you fix it. Complaining gets you nowhere except a reputation as a whiner. If you feel like you are overwhelmed and have so much to do, take a minute to look around at the people you know. I guarantee there is someone doing 10 times the work you are and probably complaining less.
Be proud of yourself, but be humble. Do not gloat, but accept a compliment. Always walk with your head up so that you can make eye contact and smile at anyone that passes you buy. If you think that you are having a bad day, play a little game that my mom made up for me when I was younger, "What could be worse?" You'll be laughing in no time. Laugh at life, but don't be too proud to cry. If you love someone tell them. If you feel like you need a day off, take it. If you need help ask for it. And mom is always right.
Don't be afraid in life to do the things that you want to do, to do the things that make you happy. One thing in my life that I will not tolerate for myself is regret. I regret nothing and I hope that I never will. Life is a classroom. Everyday we learn a new lesson, if you are paying attention or not. You are only here for such a short period of time that you should not waste it being unhappy or unsure of what it is you want. Carpe Diem ... everyday.