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Trip to Ita eyes tot
Two Cabrini students were awarded a free trip to Italy Foundation upon nomination by staff at the college. The stude 2002 graduate, both ofltalian-American descent, received the and culture. •
Cabrini is affiliated with the National Italian-American Fo for students to learn about their Italian culture. Members of and faculty and staff nominated those students whom they tho were nominated by Dr. Mary Laver, coordinator of comm Center.
"I thought that this would be a great experience because I w I spent my 21st birthday there, which was really cool," Verdi s They first landed in Rome, but they did not spend any tirn all. The closest they got to see the pope was when they went Reformation Period. They spent most of their time in Sardi Seven days were spent there touring many small cities and vill Some sites included nostalgic villages, which dated back t people living there. In a nostalgic village, Verdi got the oppo thousand years ago and saw the remnants of people who were
"It was an awesome thing to see and I got to climb a moun wasn't too bad," he said
The medieval villages and how the people were still living streets and everything else surrounding you pretty much looke was not that big of a difference.
Verdi also discovered that the employment rate in Italy is with Italian officials and professors that want to plan for a economy is low in these areas, they want to develop them so for people from all over the world.
Verdi said, "I was astonished by how the people are so co they are little, but over in Italy, they are big things. I just thi for granted."
For fun, Verdi ate at many different restaurants. He had plen
Everyone dreams, but it is what we dream that raises so many questions. What does it mean? Is this really going to happen? Dream interpretation can be very complex. Since Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams," the idea has been common that dreams reflect underlying thoughts and feelings. The ordinary belief today is that the people, actions, settings and emotions in dreams are personal. There is a connection between these personal dream elements and what role they play in our sleeping state of mind.
Some common dreams are those that take place in a frightening atmosphere, where you believe that you are falling, someone is chasing you or a death occurs. Dreams can be interpreted in many ways.
According to psychology professor Dr. Anthony Tomasco, "The brain tries to make some sense out of what we dreamed." Even though Tomasco is not a big believer in dream interpretation he does believe in the current theory about dreams. "The most common theory is the activation synthesis model, Tomasco said."
"This model suggests that there is some psychological purpose for certain areas of the brain to be activated during sleep. Such areas are the sensory area where vision in the occipital lobe and hearing in the temporal Jobe can be found. Then there is the interpretative part, the part that does the
Flying is another extremely common dream. These types of dreams usually represent frustration or sadness. It can also represent a lack of control. Death in a dream usually coincides with major changes in life. It can illustrate the end of something as well as the beginning of something new.
First-year student Krista Eshelman said, "I heard that when one dreams of a death it means that a baby is being born and when one dreams of a baby being born it means that someone is going to die." This could very well be considering that it represents the circle of life.
Dreams also contain symbols. These symbols represent a plethora of meanings. If a dream includes kisses, they usually represent acceptance and release. Money in dreams indicates good luck. Dreams that consist of color represent the future. Blue indicates that a new friend will come into your life. Black means solitude or loneliness. White represents authority and absolutes. Red means devotion, green means travel, yellow indicates illness and brown symbolizes safety and security.
Is there logic behind these dreams and symbols?
Whether you believe that dreams have a hidden meaning or that they are psychological, it is always interesting to hear others' interpretations. What is your next dream going to mean?