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SEM 300 takes learning beyond the·classroom
With the first semester winding down. students in the Seminar 300 classes have been really getting into their community service. SEM 300, a class usually taken in your jW1ior, but sometimes senior, year, requires a certain amount of community service. First you have choices to pick from. Then you pick three of those choices and you are given what is open.
The majority consensushas been that the community service is a great opportunity and the class is enjoyable. Senior Luke Stevenson bad SEM 300 last semester. Stevenson did bis community service at an elementary school in Upper Darby. He worked with first and second grade students that badbeen having trouble with math. "I loved it," Stevenson said. "It wasone of the best parts of last year for me. It was sa.JDQChfun, and also (CW8nting because I knew I helped kids do betterin school."
class work, but we worked a lot on their weaknesses too. It wasa great experience arid I would definitely do it again."
Kim Ciferni, junior, did her community service at Old Saint Joe's doing a care wall;-:' "It was surprising because these people were begging for food. They were standi!tg in the rain and freezing cold waiting for us to give them food. It was rewarding to know that we were giving food to people that really needed it."
KrisPittmanalsodidserviceat an .dioo .buthi&wuin.Norristuwn-wotking
Senior, Scott Giblin, had a slightlY,different point of view. While he liked the course and felt good about doing community service, he found room for some improvement. Giblin. who did his community service at Saint Erancis Xavier Cabrini Home, said, "Well Rita Horning and Heather Tu watt to the same place and they got to actually communicate with the mms. Wewervtold we would help them out also, but all we did was rake leaves the wholetime, but we made the best ofit .. Giblin ad4cd...I liked the course, but I thinkit wvuldhM bea[-betterif • tM wmediic 88 meaoingfttf w-."