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Pubic Safety: trained for campus action

In response to hearing that college campuses across the councampus. Ass1srANrA&EEDITOR Cabrini's Public Safety is not try.

nwnber of places for students to hang posters and flyers around GINAPERACCHlA


Although no major ctianges have been made to 1he policy, it trained to use weapons, sopho- One student suggested training now clearly states where a student can and cannot bang a flyer or There are presently 23 Public more Christine Losardo said, "I on how to handle sexual harassad and when it can be bung. "There are no changes," Jason Safety officers, 12 full-time and like the fact that our Public Safety Bozzone, director of Student Activities, said. "rt is just that no one 11 part-time, who are trained in does not carry weapons. It can be actually knew what the policy was."

CPR and first aid to keep Cabrini intimidating for some students, ment cases. "I've been hearing a lot abqut girls being sexually harassed on campus this year. I think it would be a great idea if public safety were made aware of this issue and were trained to do to write up a policy that is detailed and specific for everyone to year. The first aid training goes on for something about it," junior Dave understand. Experience in security and the two days, and CPR training usual- Madrak said.

Bozzone felt that it was the responsibility of the office of safe. They are also trained to deal and it's not needed on this campus. Student Activities to be proactive and put something together so with specific issues, such as iden- CPR and first aid training are the student$ ate made awareof the policy. He took it upon himself tity theft, that are brought up each given every year to each officer.

However, in orderfor thepolicyto work.StudentActivitiesis educational background of a ly takes about four hours. In addi- Each public safety officer goingto takeresponsibilityfor the postersor flyersthatare not potential Public Safety officer are tion to CPR and first aid, officers makes a complete tour of the camdisplayedlegally.The office is going to educatethe studentsby looked at first. According to are also certified to use an auto- pus every night. In addition, each takingdownthead,takingit to StudentActivities,callingthepeo- Charlie Schaffner, the director of mated external defibrillator, officer makes another tour of ple or club that posted the ad and ask them to get it and get it Public Safety, Cabrini's Public which is to help a person who may either the academic buildings or stamped.or place it in another area. Safety officers do not carry be having a heart attack. These the residence halls. These tours

Conversely,when writing up the policy, Student Activities dis- weapons, but he regards training devices are located in the Public involve logging a hand-held comcovered that there really are not many places for students to hang with a weapon as a plus. Safety Office and in the Dixon puter at designated sites around up ads around campus. "If there is no place to put things. the stu- The main difference between Center. dents need to address that; Bozzone said. "There are channels of Cabrini's Public Safety and the Joint training is given with the communicationthatyou needto addressthoseto. And hopefully public safety of schools like Penn Residence Life staff twice a year. it'llbuilda betterCabriniwherepeoplecan shareinformationand and Drexel is that these larger uni- According to Schaffner, this have1hosekiosksandinformationboards." versities have sworn police offi- includes report writing and cusStudentscan addressconcernsor solutionsto problemsto the cers who carry weapons. These tomer service.

StudentGovernmentAssociationor to StudentActivities. officers have arrest powers, A controversial issue comes up

Accordingto BernHazel,theSGAhasrecognizedtheproblem whereas Cabrini's Public Safety each year on campus that public withthelimitedplacesto displayinformationandis workingon a will rely on the Radnor Police safety feel they need to learn more proposalto get moreinformationbulletinsor kioskson <:ampus. Department, if necessary. about. After learning about the Bozzonesaid thatthe studentsneedto meetStudentActivities "We rely on Radnor [Police] if issue, they are trained to handle halfway;StudentActivitiesaddressed a concernthatstudentsbad, we have a real problem that we the situation if it ever were to nowit is up to the students to be proactiveandaddressunderlying don't think we can handle, and if it occur. issuesthathavebeenexposed. gets to that point then we'll call Schaffner said in the past

If anyonehasany concerns,he or she may contactStudent for outside assistance. But, we try Public Safety were trained to banActivitiesat x8407. to handle everything on campus dle cultural diversity and identity campus.

"We also enforce the Cabrini code of conduct and try to enforce the parking regulations in a fair and equitable manner. Certainly we all know that the campus is somewhat tight for parking on certain days, so of course we relax our enforcement on those days," Schaffner said.

According to Schaffner, the no. 1 one priority for Public Safety is to keep the campus safe and secure and to protect the people who live and work here.

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