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Blizzard turns students into kids again
Like little kids on Christmas morning, the students of Cabrini College sat around anxiously Sunday night waiting for the announcement that school would be closed for snow on Monday, Feb. 17. After the numerous instant messages, phone calls and searches on the web for any indication of a school closing, the official word made it around campus: Cabrini College would be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 due to inclement weather. Word spread like wild- fire and the campus became as active as it would on a Thursday night. It became a weekend that would last through Tuesday, Feb. 18.
With no classes, and seemingly no interest in doing any sort of homework, many of the students piled on the layers of clothes and went outside, armed with sleds, footballs and sparkes in their eyes. Many students found that the perfect place to begin their sledding adventure was on the hill next to the New Residence Hall and behind House One. Others decided to walk around the snowy campus and explore and, as usual, found the crowd to be outside of the Cabrini Apartment Complex.
So what are college kids supposed to be doing when there is snow on the ground? Tum into kids again, that's what. While some people managed to dig their cars out of piles and piles of snow, others took advantage of these piles and decided to build a snow fort. However, the popular vote seemed to be a game of football in the knee-deep "football field" behind the Mansion. As sort of a "pre-game" workout, so to speak, the snow in front of the CAC