1 minute read

Gettin' dirty with 'No Soap Radio'


When commenting about an upcoming show on their message board at www.nosoapradio.net, No Soap Radio's guitarist Jim Farrell, also known as Diesel said, "It's a basement party, not a rock hall, but nevertheless, it will most definitely rock." The show, which was in the basement of a house around Rutger's University on Saturday, Feb. 22, did in fact most definitely rock. The house, which was located on Louis Street in New Brunswick, is inhabited by members of the band Clever Hans. They hosted the party and invited the opening bands, Rue, along with No Soap Radio to play with them that evening.


By the time No Soap Radio took the stage/floor of the basement, the room was packed wall to wall with people. Looking from the stage you couldn't see past the first few rows of people due to the amount of fans and friends that

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