March 27, 2003 issue 20 Loquitur

Page 5


March 27, 2003


Number 20


pages 8 and 9 •New

page 6

New building, new opportunity

A new edition to the Cabrini campus is underway, and the college is looking to the new Science Education and Technology building to advance science majors. The new building, planned to be situated between Brockmann Chapel and Grace Hall, is said to be completed by November 2004.

Science department gets an upgrade

Cabrini has decided to build a new science building for a number of reasons. "Our facilities are out of date and insufficient to serve our needs," said Dr. Sherry FullerEspie, chair of the science department. "They oppo'se a real scheduling nightmare trying to fill in all of the sections and it makes it difficult for the students to get into the labs because they are in constant use." Besides the limited space for students, the new instrumentation that Cabrini has been acquiring needs a home as well.

Moving to a new building, the science department will leave behind two labs, a prep room, a chemical room, a storage closet and an office suite in Founder's Hall. There are many ideas as to how the space can be utilized, but no final decision has been made. ."We will not be vacating these labs and offices until the summer of 2005, so the administration has a bit of time to work out what they are going to do with it," said Fuller-Espie. Besides the space in Founder's there is also the Bruckman Chemistry lab that the administration has to consider.

Cabrini determined the location for the new science building based on what it could offer the campus. "I think the primary reason for the location was because [Cabrini] wanted to frame the campus and create a commons

area," Fuller-Espie said. By placing the building between the Chapel and Grace Hall, students will be able to utilize the lawn as the campus common area

Moreover, it •will attract more pedestrianization and wilJ make a dramatic difference in terms of how students use the campus

Fuller-Espie said. The parking situation will also become less of a headache. Right now, most students prefer to park by the dorms or near Founder's, but by creating the new science building in this location the focus will be toward the Dixon Center parking lot and it will b easier to get to.

The steps being taken to prepare the land for the new building

are going as planned. Right now Cabrini is in the tree and brush clearing process and will be moving to the excavating process in the next few weeks. The contractors need to create a space for the basement, which will take up twothirds of the building underground. Once that is finished the foundation can be laid down. This project is to be completed and commissioned no later then November 2004. At this time the ribbon will be cut for the opening ceremony and guests will be allowed in. Cabrini hopes to get the classrooms set up for spring 2005.

'The new Science Education and Technology building will be a

multifuncti(?nal and interdisciplinary building that will house all sc_iencedepartments and hopefully create . the commons area that Cabrini is looking for," FullerEspie said.

New building impacts science majors

Three majors most students enroll in are biology pre medicine, biotechnology, and chemistry. The new building will impact the program in two major.ways. First, it will put Cabrini on the map.

"Cabrini is amongst the most competitive of small colleges in this area that can provide a real quality science education. This shows students that we mean busi-

ness when we talk science," Fuller-Espie said.

Cabrini is now going to be able to have all the additional lab space to provide to science majors. This additional laboratory space will be an improvement to the existing facilities. It will also be able to offer students state of the art programs, combining the theoretical with the practical aspects of the discipline.

Physics lectures are taught at Cabrini, but the students have to go to Valley Forge Military Academy for their lab requirement.

See NEW, page 4
•Understandingthe enemy,
study abroad program,
Heavy machinery has been brought in to clear the ground for the information science and technology building to be build between Bruckmann Chapel and Grace Hall.

New study abroa_d program to start early

Employment preparation essential for job interviews

According to John Heiberger, business department chair, it is not enough to just explain why a person would be a critical part of the business world, a prospective employee has to think critically and support their proposal. Right now the business world is looking for a varied and diverse group of people.

In the business field today, one must have the basic skills, but more importantly he or she must be able "to express them well with technical language, written and oral," Heiberger said. It is vital to have interpersonal skiUs, thatway employers know what one wants.

In accordance with Heiberger, the best way to find a job in the business field would be working with Co-op and Career Services. They have electronic databases that allow companies to look at your resumes online. Therefore, companies can come looking for and match one's skills and experience with their expectations. Another way would be going to job fairs. "Companies are always looking to hire new people atjob fairs," Heiberger said.

Cabrini offers three business clubs that would advance one's experience and creditability. They include finance, accounting and human resources. These clubs will help prepare students for interviews and make sure they have a well-prepared resume. Heiberger also advises business majors to talk to their advisors about their resumes because they may have particular tips and information about the major that employers are looking for.

Professional chapters, such as activities like corporate dining for succes are also important to get involved with and participate in. At this function, students are taught how to act during a corporate dinner or interview.

When it comes time for the job search and interviewing process, Heiberger said, ''students need to research the companies you are interested in." It is essential that one calls them and asks questions or checks out their website. This way it is easier to get the company interested in a future employee when one personalize stheir skills to show them how they match their company.

After the interview, it is important to keep in touch and let them know you are still interested. Send the person that interviewed the prospective employee a thank you letter followed up by a call in a couple of weeks to check on their progress and see if they hired anyone for the position yet.

Since there is such a strong interest in the program, the starting date for the study abroad program at the University of Notre Dame in Australia has been moved up a year. Instead of starting in the spring semester of 2005, it will begin in the spring of 2004.

The program, which has been in development for the past year, will be finalized and the formal agreement between Cabrini and the University of Notre Dame in Australia will be signed by President Antoinette Iadarola, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Jonnie Guerra and Peta Sanderson, the study abroad coordinator at the University of Notre Dame in Australia on Monday, March 31.

Sanderson will be giving three presentations on campus on Monday, two will be for students who are interested in the program and the third will be for faculty. The first student presentation will be held at 2 p.m. in the President's Hospitality Suite in the Dixon Center and at the other will be

held at 8 p.m. on the second floor lounge of New Residence Hall. Students have the option of choosing which one will fit in best with their schedules. Sanderson will speak to faculty at 4 p.m. in President's Hospitality Suite in the Dixon Center about the program so ''those faculty who are advisers will know how to advise those students who are interested in the program," Dr. Nicholas Uliano, study abroad coordinator, said.

This program is unique because, like tbe study abroad program in Rome, it is no longer run in conjunction with Arcadia, but it is managed directly with Cabrini.

The session for the Australian program runs from January to June. "The students arrive in the middle of the Australian summer," Uliano said. "In these uncertain times, Australia is a safe and lovely place to be."

Renee Cain, who is currently studying abroad in Australia, would "recommend studying abroad in Australia to anyone who is interested." Outside of the classroom, Cain "chased kangaroos, met tons of awesome people, went

hiking through rocks and saw some awesome scenery," she said.

This program is different than that other study abroad programs because "it appeals to a wide variety of majors," Uliano said. Any student in any major can study abroad in Australia.

All students are required to enroll in a course called Environmental Ecology, which is a four-week long class. The first two weeks are spent in lecture and workshop and the remaining two weeks are spent aboard the STS Leeuwin. The advantage of this program is that it "combines practical experience and education," Uliano said.

Students who attend the program will attend the commencement ceremonies at the University of Notre Dame in June and will be given a certificate indicating completion in the study abroad program, according to Uliano.

Study abroad "changes a person's perspectives and views on the world and makes he or she a much more complete person," Uliano said.

2 news
,I '"'!" Thursday, March 27, 2003
Cabrini students now have the option of studying abroad at the University of Notre Dame in Australia.
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History of hate symbols taught t~ prevent future offenses from happening on Cabrini's cam-pus

It has often been said that people who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. In a forum on March 20, run by political science professors Dr. James Hedtke and Dr. Jolyon Girard, on the history of hate symbols, the subject of remembering and reteaching the past came up as something that, as citizens, we all need to be responsible for.

Throughout the course of history, symbols such as the swastika and the burning cross have had several meanings. The swastika used to be a symbol of good luck and prosperity before it was adopted by the Nazis and became a symbol of raci~l oppression and


According to Girard, over the years it is important to teach the past so that everyone is aware of what me:inings symbols have taken on so that we understand the potential offensiveness that our language has. He recounted a situation in an elementary school recently in which racist symbols were sprawled ·on the walls.

A reporter interviewed a fourth grade girl about her feelings about them only to find out that she had no idea what they meant.

Some people might say that they are using the swastika with its original meaning. However, "To our people, in a world where the Nazis were responsible for the death of millions of people, that symbol represents everything that

human people are supposed to fight against," Girard said.

"You have to wake up each generation to what has happened in the past. If not, you get a sense of cultural amnesia," he said.

Hedtke said that any type of hate speech is a form of systematic intimidation that leads to the deprivation of rights of an_individual or a group.

In light of the recent events in Xavier Hall, several discussions have ensued in an attempt to understand the acts of the vandals.

According to Hedtke, "A person calling another person a name gives that person a sense of belonging. It makes them feel as if the person they are taunting is not one of them, making them feel more powerful. It is the act of

Cabrini to host second of two· annual blood drives

The American Red Cross will be on campus for the second of two blood drives this year on Tuesday, April 8 in the Grace Hall Atrium. Cabrini has been holding semi-annual blood drives for at least 15 years, according to Susan Fitzgerald, health services coordinator.

It is important for college students to donate blood because "they are typically a young, healthy group of people;' Fitzgerald said. "They are good candidat.esto donate because they generally do not have other health problems that older people face."

It is also important for all people, not just students, to donate because the Red Cross always needs to be ready incase the overwhelming need for blood rises. As of March 24, the Red Cross has "a 2.5-day supply of all blood types combined," Jennifer Lawson, Red Cross account manager, said. "The minimal safe level is a two-day or 48hout supply. Our optimal level is five-day supply."

Especially important for the Red Cross is their

"signed agreements with the military to support its blood needs in the event the demand for blood products exceeds military collection capabilities," Lawson said. In case of a military emergency, the Red Cross would like to have their supply ofblood up to their optimal !eve]. One of the ways to achieve that goal and be prepared is to hold a variety of blood drives, like the ones held on campus. "Our message to the American public continues to be one of preparedness;' Lawson said.

dehumanizing an individual and it begins simply by the use of a name."

With the implications of hate speech having the possibility to provoke unthinkable actions, one would think that there are severe legal ramifications for the use of such terms.

Hate speech is the only form of speech not protected by the first amendment. However, the case of Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire in 1942 decided that "any offensive, derisive, or annoying word" addressed to any person in a public place will be considered "fighting words." Legal action can be taken only if the "words have a direct tendency to cause acts of violence by the person to whom, individually, the remark is


According to Hedtke, most hate speech codes at colleges and universities have been struck down as unconstitutional. A student can be charged under the college code of conduct for defacing property and could be punished with anything from a warning to an expulsion.

At Cabrini, the major problem, according to faculty and staff, with punishing hate speech offenders, is the reticence of the students to name the offenders. Without students stf!nding up for what is right, things may never change and possibly get out of hand.

According to Girard, "You live in the environment you create."


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Cabrini College 3

Champion o_fpublic education·to speak at graduation ceremony

Nationally acclaimed author Jonathan Kozol will deliver the 43rd Commencement address to Cabrini College graduates on Sunday, May 18, at IO a.m.

New building to

• improve science department

NEW, from l

Students spend six hours of laboratory instructional time a week off campus because there is no space for physics labs. The new building will now provide students the physics labs that are needed to fulfill the course here at Cabrini.

The effect of putting Cabrini on the map will lead to an increase in enrollment in the programs. "In the first five years I definitely would venture to say that we will probably double the numbers in our program." Fuller-Espie said.

The second way in which the new science building will advance the science major at Cabrini is through research. Cabrini does not presently have any research facilities. Due to the limited facilities

and laboratory space the new building will have two laboratories on the biology floor and two laboratories on the chemistry floor devoted to undergraduate and faculty research. Students will now be able to do their research here on campus where in previous year they would have to go elsewhere and usually do it as part of an internship over the summer.

"This is really going to make a dramatic difference in the quality of our program here at Cabrini."

Dr. Fuller-Espie said.

Heather Buonacuore, a senior biology major, said, "The science and technology building will provide students with hands-on experience with state of the art technology. This will put students at an advantage in the field after they leave Cabrini."

For more than three decades, Jonathan Kozol has been a passionate voice and champion for the cause of quality public education for America's poorest children. Executive Director Nancy Santos Gainer said, "He is quite a big name in terms of everything we stand for. He is the type of person Cabrini College is all about."

Jonathan Kozol was born in Boston in 1936 into a traditional middle-class Jewish family. Kozol 's mother worked as a social worker, and his father was a neurologist and psychiatrist. Kozol attended Harvard, and later Oxford for a Rhodes Scholar, and then lived in Paris in poor neighborhoods for several years while he worked on a novel.

Gainer said, " He is a true. Cabrini type of person in terms of what he has done in his life, his commitment to his mission, children, education and to educating others about the inequalities that our world has created.

Jonathan Kozol was the young white teacher in a poor, black section of Boston who was fired for reading a Langston Hughes poem

to his students. Death at an Early Age, was a reflection of Kozol's experiences which allowed him to write a nationally accl~imed novel, and put urban schools on America's political agenda. Kozol has since tackled illiteracy, homelessness and educational inequality, earning the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award and the Conscience in Media award.

From the start Kozol combined teaching with activism. He taught at South Boston High during the city's desegregation crisis. In 1980, the Cleveland Public Library asked him to design a literacy plan for the nations large cities. His plan became the model for a major effort sparked by the State Library of California. The book that followed, "Illiterate America," was the center of a campaign to spur state, federal and private action on adult literacy.

Nightlong conversations spent in a homeless shelter in New York with mothers and children who befriended him during Christmas of I 985 were the result of Kozol's next book. Out of the experience came Rachel and Her Children: Homeless families in America, a narrative portrayal of the day-today life struggle of some of the poorest people in America.

In 1989, Kozol revisited America's s_chools. He went to rich and poor schools in over thir-

ty communities. This experience led him to write "Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools," which received The New England Book Award in non-fiction. Recently Kozol has authored "Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Concscience of a Nation," published in October 1995. Gainer said, "He has written a lot of books about injustice, the education system and how it sometimes structures for the haves and not necessarily for the have

StudyAbroadInformationMeetings will,PelaSltn.dtrnm, a rtprtStmolirtfromJhtUnivmillofNweDame,Austmlia. 2 p.m. Monday,March31 8p.m. President'sH~pitalitySuite DilonCenter NewResidenceHall 2ndFloorLoW1ge
BONNIEWELLERiPHILADELl'HIA INQUIRERiKRT Author Jonathan Kozol will speak at ~!"lencement.

Documentary portrays story of protesters

With news of the ultimatum that President Bush had extended to Saddam Hussein last Tuesday on their minds, a group of people crowded into the Wolfington Center Wednesday, March 19 to watch a documentary in progress.

The _film, entitled "The Camden 28," is a creation seven years in the making by producers Anthony Giacchino and David Dougherty. "We brought together many of the individuals," Giacchino said. "One of the messages we want to get across is that it's not pointless to protest."

The story is about 28 persons who were involved in a break-in of a Camden, N.J. draft board office in August 1971. They managed to destroy draft cards that would send young men off to fight in Vietnam.

The 28 individuals were arrested by FBI officials after an informant within their own group had leaked their illegal activity to the FBI.

Special guests of this "Camden 28" viewing were two participants of the draft card demolition in Camden, N.J. The two visitors were John Swinglish and Eugene Dixon. Now settled into a less hectic lifestyle, they were able to speak of their hands-on experience of the protesting of the Vietnam War with wisdom and advice for the present generation.

News of what the fighting in Vietnam was for confused many Americans. The Camden 28 were people who were united in their reaction to the war. They sought to educate themselves about the reasons that the war was being waged and to question what the media told them.

There were many unanswered

questions of the purpose of sending American soldiers to a country that everyone was ignorant about. The message that everyone was gripped by was that communism could not filter into the democratic United States, and Ho Chi Minh was seen as the enemy. Therefore, he had to be annihilated

The Camden 28 decided to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the war in nonviolent ways. Other obstructions of government files before the Camden incident included the pouring of blood on files in Baltimore of late 1967 and the napalming of more draft cards in 1968. Both events were symbolic of the blood shed by the men who were fighting an inexplicable war and the ironic use of the material that was crippling people on both sides of battle.

Questions from students about how the men's lives were affected

during their actions, indictment and acquittal were answered. Their families stood by them at most times but their neighborhoods were not always as supportive. Discussion circled towards the address that Bush would deliverlater that night. "I don't see war as a problem solver. It just creates larger problems. The government should step back and say, 'let's not fight,"' Dixon said.

"I reached a turning point in my thinking when a fellow sailor asked me if I thought what I was fighting for was right," Swinglish said. "I never once thought that we were really stopping the war by bombing papers. But we were making a statement, in order to change the hearts and minds of the people."

"I don't agree with the actions of the Camden 28 but J understand why they did it. Their actions

weren't just. The United States has its reasons for what they do. I know that the freedoms we fought for yesterday are not just for the sake of attacking," freshman Justin Hallman said.

"I thought it was great to have this forum. I think it's important for people to understand the importance of investigating for yourself, not just listening to what you're told," David Chiles, coordinator of Service Learning Resources, said.

"It makes you think of what the truth is and what is a lie, especially when it concerns people being sent to kill and to die," Chiles said.

To learn more about the Camden 28. visit

Cabrini College 5
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don't make the same mistakes

& Entertainment

Studenthost speaksout



Move over Leno. Watch out Letterman. Senior Anthony D'Aleo is in the hot seat and he's bringing a new, fresh attitude to televisions across Cabrini's campus.

As host of "Outspoken," a college student-oriented variety show based on campus, D' Aleo is helping to set the pace for the start-up of the new addition·to the campus'

~cabrini ldal~ taps the charts


like I didn't have a care in the world," D' Aleo said. "I figured 'If I don't get it, oh well. lfI do, then cool."'

"Outspoken" is produced as part of the video practicum within the English and communications department. Although D' Aleo is hosting the show for recreation, the rest of the crew will receive grades for their work on the show. "I don't want to let them down since it's their grade," he said. "It's their class. I'm just the puppet."

His presence in the video studio is not one of awkwardness, according to junior Matt Comely, a co-producer for the show.

"Anthony has adjusted very quickly, and has learned fast that we are not only here to learn and get credit for this class, but to have fun doing it."

D' Aleo has quickly adapted to this work ethic. His concerns appear to be with producing a good show, while still having fun in the process. "I w~s nervous in the beginning because I was kind of thrown into it, but now I'm a lot more prepared," he said prior to the taping of Cabrini's version of "Celebrity Jeopardy."

Judging by the talent on the televised American Idol auditions, Cabrini would have America topped in a heartbeat. Unlike Simon, the judges of Cabrini Idol had little to say in the wayof negativity.

Held on March 21, Cabrini Idol drew in an impressive crowd that made the Food Court bust at the seams. Parents, siblings, friends and students came out to support what turned out to be an incredibly talented group of contestants.

"I was surprised to -see that there was so much talent on campus because you never really hear about it," Maria Chambers, a senior who made it to the fmal round said.

Judges Andrea Manieri, class of '01 and dance team co-coach, Christine Lysionek, vice president of Student Development and Dr. Jolyon Girard, history and political science professor, could only comment negatively on the nervousness of the contestants

The general opinion among contestants and audience members about the first Resident Hall Association -run event was that it was enjoyable and surprisingly supportive.


Anthony D'Aleo hosts a "Cabrini Celebrity Jeopardy" segment for "Outspoken," campus variety show. media, as well as adding imperative experience to his resume. This future sports broadcaster, originating from Cape May, N.J., is currently in the process of selling his talent to local small-market news networks within the Allentown and Reading areas, and also in southern Florida.

His cool, relaxed personality played a major role in his approach while auditioning for "Outspoken." "I just went in there,

Rapidly becoming a local celebrity due to posters plastered across campus bearing a halfsmiling D' Aleo with an assuring thumbs-up, his modesty serves as a balance for his new-found stardom. "I've been getting a lot of stuff from my friends about it. I guess it's fun having people know who I am."

"Anthony's personality is great. He is charismatic and approachable, and is well-known throughout the school," Cornely said. "Casting next year will be tough as Anthony will be a tough act to follow, but we are confident that someone will step up to the challenge."

what I want to do. I've always dreamed of being a singer. Everyone involved was really supportive and we encouraged each other. It was a lot of fun.

Perhaps the best part of the event was how many people turned out to support their peers.

''We had a really great turnout."

Chambers said. "I wasn't expecting so many people."

Seven of the contestants made it into the final round where the judges placed the final decision in the hands of the audience. After a final round that garnered

standing ovations, Megan Mirzoeff was declared the firstever Cabrini Idol winning a $40 gift certificate to FYE, flowers and the ultimate prize of a recording contract through WYBF 89. l The Burn, the campus radio station. She will be able to record a song in the radio station to be burned on CD for airplay and for her own personal use.

"I really wish it wasn't a competition," MirzoefT said. "If I could do it all over again I would and I would do it with the same people."

Jen Culligan, a freshman who made it into the final round said, "It was a good experience to get in front of my peers and sing. It was good practice because that's

6 Thursday, March 28, 2003
Web Exclusives: The Road to WrestleMania Ryan Mulloy, A&E Editor, takes an In-depth look at thel 9th annual WrestleManla with notes and predictions for the Super Bowl of Professional Wrestling - J
Sophomore Megan Min:oeff sang her way into the.first place at the first ever Cabrini Idol on March 11.Along with a $40 gift certificate to FYE.Mirzoeff also won a recording contract through WYBF 89.1The Burn.

'Comedy Central' Comes to Cabrini

The cliche, "opposites attract" is exactly what attracted the Campus Activities Program Board to select the two opposite comedic styles of Billy Burr and Mark Reedy to come to Cabrini for Cabrini's Comedy Central.

The CAP Board met with the National Association for College Activities in the fall, and the NACA delegation made up of CAP Board members came up with the idea of a Cabrini Comedy Central. Christina Shelley, a NACA delegate from the CAP board, said, "Reedy would pick out the ridiculous things in life, while Burr does more traditional jokes." The first-ever Cabrini Comedy Central will take place on Tue;;day,April I at 8 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium and will be free of charge with free refreshments.

The NACA delegation consisted of six Cabrini students involved in the CAP Board who watched several comedians and decided that Reedy and Burr were far better than the rest of the comedians at the NACA

Famous rug exhibit visits campus library

meeting. Craig Vagell. the event coordinator for Cabrini's Comedy Central, said, "It was obvious that those two could each offer something different but both can deliver great laughs." Besides Vagell and Shelley, the NACA delegation consisted of other CAP board members Jeff Sy, Michael Sofia, Jana Fagotti and JohnVerdi.

Burr and Reedy will perform a one-hour set each. Burr will perform first and according to his entertainment website, Burr says, "he does not suck and will not suck. He only "kinda sucked on the show '1\vo Guys, A Girl. and a Pizza Place."' But as be says on his website, "that show kinda sucked anyway!' Burr has also appeared on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"

According to Reedy's entertainment website, "he could have been a cartoonist, but people told him that he was funnier than his creations." Reedy has appeared in many T.V.spots on Showtime, MTV and HBO.

"Both are filled of energy on the stage and are two of the funniest comedians I have seen;' Sy said.

Dr. Leonard Primiano, a professor of religious studies, founded the Sister Anne Ameen Art Exhibit located on the second floor of the Holy Spirit Library.

The rugs in the library are owned by Primiano. When he would go to visit an elderly woman named Sister Anne Ameen, he would say "Sister Anne, I would like to buy a rug." He would then buy one or two rugs. Before this exhibit came to Cabrini, it was at another gallery in Troy, N. Y. in The Art Gallery of the Capital Region.

One summer, about eight years ago, he met Sister Ameen. The women in Newfoundland are very well-known for making hooked rugs, or maps.

Primiano went and called her at St. Johns, Newfoundland from Philadelphia, while teaching at Cabrini, and asked if he could visit her for a week. She agreed to that and he lived with her for a week. He was the first person that lived with her in 10 years. He was the first person to have meals with her in 5 years. She essentially had been somewhat abandoned. She lived in a building that she owned, with very few visitors and nobody to take care of her or look after her.

So Primiano interviewed her for four days. Sister Ameen saw herself as a Christian missionary, although she was a Protestant. He also learned about a time in her life where she was sick with cancer. She had a miraculous healing with some supernatural force and she said, "An angel healed me." He would come back every year and do the same thing. She rented a shop to sell the rugs to make money to set up a home for girls that ran away from home.

She was gradually getting frailer. She was very fiercely independent, and Primiano was afraid she was going to literally bum the house down. She had about 60 rugs upstairs in one room, all wrapped up. He was afraid that the


house would burn down and the rugs would be destroyed. So he convinced her, along with the reporters from the Canadian broadcasting company to have a sale in St. John's of her rugs. A lot of them were sold; she must have sold 30 or 40 of them.

"We plead with her," Primiano said, "to have an executor of her will who is trustworthy. She picked a lawyer to be the executor. When she died, she died in an oldage home and there were 16 rugs with her, six of which are her masterpieces. The lawyer will not sell her rugs. He has given them to the people who own her old-age home. They are holding the rugs hostage as speak. "I've seen them, l know them, but they are not giving them up," said Primiano. This lawyer is acting in an extremely unusual way.

In her will, it statel'iliat her '

estate should go to the children of Bosnia, especially those children who have had their limbs blown off from land mines. The lawyer has prevented that from happening. Dr. Primiano wants the rugs sold so that people will be able to buy them, especially in museums in North America to build up her reputation in this country. The profit made from these rugs would then go to the children of Bosnia, as she wanted.

Dr. Primiano hopes to spread word about Sister Ann all across North America. Primiano says, "I think she's probably one of the most remarkable North American Folk artist there ever was; she's definitely one of the most important folk artists in Canada; No doubt about it."

Cabrini College
E~.·e~, 1 n ' I I','' I~ f I r • EDMED\fEENTRArtf, l:allllWtE- Tuesday,APRIL 7
1 8p.m. GraceHallAtrium
KATIE REING/PHOTO EDITOR Primiano showcased his collection of rugs at the Sister Anne Ameen Art Exhibit located on the second floor of the Holy Sipirit Library.
J .,# c.' t

Inside Iraq: Key groups

Shiite Muslims

Shiites account for about 15 percent of the world's Muslims. Shiites are dominant in Iran and are also the largest sect in Iraq. Pockets of Shiite Islam also exist in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan. Shiites insist that true leaders of Islam must be descendants of Ali, the fourth caliph and Mohammed's son-in-law. Shiism, originally a dissident faction, has its own distinct rituals and a more organiz.ed and hierarchical clerical system than Sunni Islam.

Sunni Muslims

Sunnis account for about 85 percent of the world's Muslims. They believe that the first four caliphs, the supreme religious leaders, were the rightful successors of the Prophet Mohammed but have chosen subsequent leaders based on Islamic political realities of the time. The Taliban are Sunni Muslims.


A non-Arab Middle Eastern minority population that inhabits the region known as Kurdistan, an extensive plateau and mountain area in Southwest Asia including parts of East Turkey, Northeast Iraq, and Northwest Iran and smaller sections of Northeast Syria and Armenia. There wereestimated to be more than 20 million Kurds, as of the late 1990s. Most Kurds are Sunni Muslims.

Ba'ath Party

Ba'ath party, meaning "rebirth" in Arabic, is concentrated in Iraq and Syria, coming to power in 1963. This party's idealogical objectives include secularism, socialism and pan-Arab unionism. The Iraqi sector of Ba' athists is led by Saddam Hussein while Syria's is led by Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr.

Insiaethe A quiae to the Mia

Three equal horizontal bands ofred (top), white, and in a horizontal line centered in the white band; the phra green Arabic script - Allahu to the right of the middle sta - was added in January 1991 during the Persian Gulf crii two stars but no script and the flag ofYemen which has a of Egypt which has a symbolic eagle centered in the wh

Eye on

Formerly part of the Ottoman Empire, Iraq became

Popalation:24;001 ,816

Area Comparative-slightly more than twice the st Iraq dinars per US dollar - $.3109

Televisionbroadcaststations - 13

Internetusers- 12, 500


Age structure:0-14 years: 41.1% (male 5,003,755; 15-64 years: 55.9% (male 6,794,265; female 6,624.i 65 years and over: 3% (male 341,520; female 388,3

Ethaic groups:Arab 75%-800/4,Kurdish 15%-20%

Religio111:Muslim 97% (Shi'a 60%-65%, Sunni 32'

Languages: Arabic, Kurdish (official in Kurdish rei

Uteraey: definition: age 15 and over can read and •

Clhute: Mostly desert; mild to cool winters with cl mountainous regions along Iranian and Turkisll with occasionally heavy snows that melt in ear extensiveflooding in central and southernIraq

Natani .lluardl:dust storms, sandstormsand ftod

8 Thursday, March 27, 2003
Facts retrieved from the foltowing websites: Information compiled by Lauren Mineo/ asst. managing
U.S.Marine Staff Sgt. Brian Flaherty of New Yortc.Delta Company of the Second Tank Battalion. disconnects a fuel bladderfrom a tank as a dust storm rages in preparation for an advance to the north of Iraq.

,1/arzone e Eastcon(iict I

Turkey's proximity to Iraq makes it a key ally for the United States. Inci.rlikAir Base has served for much of the last decade as the operation center for patrols enforcing the "no-fly zone" over northern Iraq. The United States wants to base large numbers of ground troops in Turkey - possibly to secure the vast oil fields in the north of Iraq. Negotiations are on going with Turkey over its airspace and allowing U.S. soldiers onto its soil for combat situations.



Conservative clerics wielded ~.:.i..~41 ultimate political control in the '70s and '80s. There followed an unstable and bloody period, including an eight-year war against Iraq, in which the country's.oil wealth plwnmeted from its previous high levels.

tekwith three green five-pointed stars

ALLAHU AKBAR (God is Great) in nd Akbar to the left of the middle star similar to the flag of Syria which has 1in white band; also similar to the flag band •


independentkingdomin 1932. of Idaho male 4,849,238) !) ) LII'koman,Assyrian or other 5% 37%), Christian or other 3% ns), Assyrian, Armenian ite-total population:58% hot, cloudless summers; northern ,rders experience cold winters ~. sometimescausing

In 1990 King Fahd invited US.led troops to enter the country following the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. Saudi Arabia served as the base from which Kuwait was eventually liberated. Oil revenues make up about three-quarters of the national income.

The country has been characterized by authoritarian rule at home and a strong antiIsraeli policy abroad, particularly under former President Hafez alAssad. In 1967 Syria lost the Golan Heights to the Israelis, while civil war in neighboring Lebanon allowed it to extend its influence in the region.

In early 1991, the country was the scene of a massive U.S.-led international military campaign to oust Iraqi forces, which had invaded Kuwait the previous summer. The country is a major U.S. staging ground for war with Iraq.

The United States has a large headquarters for Centcom - the command body in charge of the U.S. military in the Middle East, Asia and North Africaat the As-Sayliyah base, where U.S. commanders direct military operations.

Jordan is a small country with limited natural resources, but for years it has played a pivotal role in the struggle for power in the Middle East. Jordan's significance results partly from its strategic location at the crossroads of what most Christians, Jews and Muslims call the Holy Land.

In 1990 King Fahd invited US.led troops to en r the country following the invasio of Kuwait by Iraq. Saudi Arabia ed as the base from which Ku twas eventually liberated. Oil ues make up about threequarters of the national income.

Site of the bombings of the USS Cole in 1999 and a French oil tanker in October, Yemen is said to have strong connections to AlQaida. The government opposes war with Iraq.

9 San
lnformaaoncompiledbyVinceDefruscio, l.aufWIGatto, ShannonKing.RichardMagda.Cristin Marcy,LaurenMineo.LeannePantoneandSha,-, UrbaMavage.


A panoramic photograph shot from the roof of Grace Hall showing the construction site for the Science and Technology Center and the athletic fields on game day would capture a scene of l.lnprecedented growth at Cabrini.

Looking at the photo, the left side would only show a temporary chain-link fence surrounding tree stumps and fallen branches cleared for construction. But in 2004, the tree stumps will be replaced with students and the fallen branches with benches and eye-catching landscape. The new center will attract more science majors, enhancing Cabrini's reputation as a well-rounded academic institution. The college promises this center will bring Cabrini to the forefront in recruiting the best and brightest students - a sure sign of growth.

The right side might include a scene like this past Sunday when the men's lacrosse team hosted Ohio Wesleyan, ranked number 10 in the nation. As the teams warmed up, nearly 400 fans rushed to get a seat, and when the bleachers

were full they shuffled for a spot to stand. Although the Cavs lost, the change in the ambiance of the college was written on the faces of the spirited crowd.

As the Cliche goes, a picture is worth 1,000 words. But the spirit built by the Cabrini community this year cannot be shown in one picture or told in 1,000 words - it's just too promising.

The science center and the fan support at the lacrosse game are only two examples of the growing Cabrini spirit. It was noted by an editor that the crowd at Cabrini Idol, which filled the food court, was as diverse as it was large. The buzz from the event is still ringing in the community as the campus caught another glimpse of the growth and spirit to come. The Camden 28 forum invited a standing-room-only crowd to the • Wolfington Center, and the presentation ran an hour longer than scheduled because of the genuine questions asked by Cabrini students. When the perennial national powerhouse softball team plays at its Valley Forge field, the traffic of fans

ou Speak ...

How well do you think the school promotes "Cabrini pride" on campus?

walking across the Dixon Center parking lot overwhelms the lot's daily automobile traffic.

Of course, the growing spirit of Cabrini is not the result of an unknown blessing. It is the result of the dedication Cabrini has to building a unique community with intriguing events, including com• petitive athletics.

The college has been searching for an answer to the question of how to recruit more well rounded students. This past year should serve as a starting point. With the recent flood of spirit and enthusiasm boiling over, the college has its sight set on a Cabrini that will be attractive to a diverse group of people who will see the pride and character of the college as soon as they set foot on campus.

It is important to note that these examples are just a few signs of Cabrini's prospering spirit. Although it would be nice to list each of the year's spirited events, the best part is that 16 pages is not enough space.

Vince DeFruscio

Leanne Pantone

Shannon King

Catharine Hernson

Alexis Strizziere

Cheryl Wagstaff

Katie Reing Paul Williams

Dr. Jerome Zurek

Dr. Harold Halbert

Heather Dil.alla,Melissa DiPietrantonio,Jana Fagotti,KellyFmlan,JaclynFreese,Lauren Gatto, RoEiemarieGonz.alez,.JennaLewandowski,CristinMan:y,Antonio Masone,Lauren Mineo, Stephanie Moritz,Kmdall Neil,Gina Peracchia,Anne Marie White


All I hear about school spirit is during basketball season.

Not very well. The only way is sporting events. Cabrini Idol was very good.

Brian Wisniewski, sophomore

Lisa ESposito, junior

They give attention to various campus activities, different types of things, not just sports games. Sean Gracey, junior

At basketball and lacrosse games, everyone gets involved.

Cabrini Spirit Day gets people involved. The community service is great.

MaryAdam, Andrew Fmdlay,Jamie Knobler,RyanNorris, Jermaine O'Neil,, Amanda Snow

staff photographers

Nicole Anista, Adriene Baldwin, Kryten Bradley, Rob Cain, Justin Coe, Nate Day, Matt Difalon, Cecelia Francisco, Meghan Franzese, Greg Kerr, Steph Mangold, Holly Orlando, Jim Peterson, Shaun Smith, Annie Turco, Katie Wright

"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."
Nelson Mandela
editorial staff editor in chief managing editor news editor news editor a&e editor features editor perspectives editor Richard Magda Sharvon Urbannavage
Ryan Mulloy
- sports editor sports editor photo editor web/copy editor adviser web adviser
Loquitur Is .11laboratory n~papcr wrltlen, edited and produced by the:students o( COM 351, 352, zso and 251. Sub,criptlon price is $2S- per ~ar a.nd Is Included In the benefits secured by 1uttlon and fees. Addillonal coplc-sarc SI ear.h. 1.oqultur welcomn letters to the editor. Letters 10 the edtlor a~ to be less lhan 500 words. These are usually In response to a current Issue on campus or communlly .trea. Guut columns arc longer pieces betwc-en600 and 800 words and also arc usually In responff to a curre.nt Issue on the Cabrini Colk-ge campus or community. 1,c,ttusto the editor and guest columM are prinled as s~ce permits submissions m.11y be edlkd for length, cl.ulry and contenL Name, phone number and addre-ss KimberleyBlackey, should be included for wrlflcation purposes. Perso,aal au..acksand anonymous submissions will not be printed. Leners to the editor and guest columns can be submitted to or to the freshman - - ll<WSf0OJa.J11.>llbox ln.Founderuiall 2.64-

Students upset by lack of hate talk results

When I was told that there would be a meeting in Xavier hall to discuss the racist incident that occurred I was very happy. 1 thought it would be a chance to actually talk about how it made the community feel. Instead, I just sat through a 90 minute joke. After the introduction, which was well planned out and raised my expectations for what would be discussed, the students were told to look at the different posters on the wall. Each one was a blank sheet of paper with a large word on the top.

Gay, White, Black, Hindu, Straight, Muslim, and Christian were some of the titles of these. The students were then asked to walk around and write the different stereotypes they had heard about each of these categories. Right then and there I knew that this would not be taken seriously. Still, [ tried to keep my hopes up and prayed that maybe this would be used to show these people that they take prejudice. After everyone was done, what was written was not even discussed.

So, after an ,hour of listening to people laugh at different stereotypes and write funny comments on their worksheets, as well as people who don't even live in Xavier talk about it is everyone's responsibility to stop these things before they start. Everyone who brought up the actually incident of racism was either cut off or their question went unanswered. I don't know who I am more disappointed with, the speaker and his inattentiveness to address any actual issue, or the people who brought him to Cabrini and made it mandatory for the students who were already punished enough by racism to sit through something that trivialized it.

Alum proud of project's long history

Since I attended one of the very first outreach programs to Appalachia during Spring Break of 1980, I was very interested to read the article entitled "Project Appalachia." In my opinion, Ms. Gonzalez should have mentioned the previous outreach trips showing the history behind this Cabrini Campus Ministry service program.

It would have been interesting to read how long Cabrini Campus Ministry had been participating in the Project Appalachia programs and how participation in this program has changed over the years. I. Her article leads one to believe that this is a new experience for the Cabrini Community, which it is not. I am sure that if one searches the archives of Loquitur, one would find several articles on this event dating back to 1980.

If memory serves me correctly, it is about twenty years since Cabrini Campus Ministry's first outreach trip to Appalachia. Wouldn't it have been interesting to see how the present day outreach tnp differed from the first and !1ow the experiences of today's students differed from the original participants.

As a Project Appalachia past participant, it is a marvelous sight to see, as well as read about, young people deciding to spent their time helping others rather than partaking in the normal spring break activities of drinking and self-indulgence.

Kudos to those who attended this spiritual and eye-opening experience. Kudos to Cabrini Campus Ministry for continuing Project Appalachia giving students an alternative to the normal activities.

Kids will teach you to live life the right way

Everyone should work with kids at some point in their lifetime. Whether you are tutoring kids as part of volunteer work or if you are working at a daycare, kids at any age, teach you so much about life that it is an experience that everyone should have.

1 worked at the summer camp and school age childcare programs for my local YMCA for five years. Every day that I went to work, I was able to learn a little more about myself and about the preciousness of life. I was able to reminisce about being a kid and realize just how fragile and important our influence is on them.

You have to go into your job or volunteer work with an open mind. You cannot approach your time with kids with the attitude that they are a pain in the rear end, or else you will not be able

to really see kids the way that they need to be seen. You will never see the innocence and naivety of kids and truly appreciate them for what they are.

You have to look at all of the little "kid" things that they do, trip over their untied shoes and wipe their nose on their sleeve, as part of who they are. It is just like we adults who have too many rules and are impatient. If we weren't in a rush all of the time and weighed down with stress, then we would be able to really cherish kids like we should.

Working with kids on a regular basis forces us to learn how to be patient. If you handle kids with impatience then you will only end up with more stress than you started with, and you will see how quickly kids will refuse to be around or even listen to you.

Working with kids forces us to learn about the things that really matter, like whether our security blanket is next to us in bed or if our favorite person is going to watch us kick a ball or throw a


Children teach us the importance of being slow to anger and quick to praise, as any time when you deal with someone through anger the results are never pleasing. When you praise someone on a good work that he or she did, you will see his or her face light up with excitement and flattery and you will find yourself in good favor.

When working with children, we also learn the significance of the impact of our words on one another. Think about it, how much easier is it to believe the bad things that people tell you about yourself? It is much more evident when you say a hurtful word to.a child to see the impact of the crush on their face.

It is for these reasons that I think ev.eryone should work with kids at least once in their lifetime. There is nothing else that you can do that will teach you the valuable things you learn when working with a child.

Protesting is not worth risking your life to traffic


Note to protesters: You are not going to stop the war now that it has already started. Granted, it is a noble cause, but if you lie down in the middle ofa busy street pretending to be a dead Iraqi don't be upset when someone runs you over.

I know I'm insensitive, but I would rather be watching the news checking on my friends who are actually over in lraq fighting and possibly getting hurt t •,,

or killed (hopefully not), than a bunch of local activists who have gotten into trouble blockmg traffic. You have a valid reason to protest, its just that it's a bit late now. The only group l'm okay with having demonstrations are the people who rally to support the troops fighting. I don't like the idea of war any more than the next person. but enough is enough, look at what happened in Vietnam.

Too many people get hurt by the protests, not only the protesters, but also the families and friends of people who are over seas. I'm sure that we all know a friend-of-a-friend in the military, so act like it. Be concerned, be

thankful that you aren't there, be thinking of how great life will be when the war is over, don't tell the government to end it prematurely or else it destroys the whole reason we started in the first place.

Don't get the wrong idea, I respect people's opinions and I think everyone should have a chance to be beard. I'm just tired of sitting down to find out the details of who got blown up lately to see that some kid with a placard is in the middle of Market Street about to get hit by a mack truck and the cops sitting on the sidewalk in their riot gear waiting for something to happen.

Cabrini College
' 11

Air conditioning or the windows down

There is nothing that I hate more than driving in city traffic with no air conditioning during the summer. The smell of car exhaust and the lovely sticky feeling that comes over you from sweating due to the lack of air movement in stop arid go traffic. Then just when you think it is all over and you get to the comfort of your own home and it is just as hot and sticky there.

It is impossible to relax if you are not comfortable, and lets face it people who are not comfortable can get qujte cranky. So why would one want to sit in a pool of their own sweat rather than the comfort of crisp cool air conditioning?

Now most people who know me are probably wondering why I am in favor of air conditioning because it seems as though I am always cold • and bundled up. However, on those hot summer days I need to cool off too. I am not one of those people who have my air conditioner set very low, I just want to be able to rest comfortably.

Not only do I use an air conditioner to keep myself comfortable, but when I am around other people I want them to comfortable too. Not to mention the body odor that comes as a result. I don't know about you, but I can't stand body odor, and being in a confip.ed space like a car and having to deal with a foul stench is not my idea of fun.

It is my personal opinion that air conditioning benefits everyone. Sure it is nice to smell the clean summer air from time to time, but lets be honest how often do you drive down a nice country road all by yourself just taking in the sights. When I get in my car I don't drive to the middle of nowhere, so the smog of car exhaust is unexcapable.

Think back two weeks ago when we still saw the lingering traces of snow on the side of the road and the lower athletic field. Now two weeks later spring is finally here, the sun is warm, the days longer and of course there is no need for winter coats any more. After one of the longest and most brutal winters we have seen in recent years, it is time to put down the windows and let the sweet breezes of summer engulf us.

Imagine going to bed on a nice summer night with the windows of your bedroom open and waking up in the morning with a cool morning breeze blowing in on your face. There is something nostalgic and comforting about putting the windows down and letting the air blow as nature has designed it to do. As a child I can remember sitting outside on my front stoop at night enjoying the tran_quilpeace of the evening breezes and looking forward to going to bed consumed by the breezes of the night circulated by my fan.

Air conditioners are so typical of the modem world. As we do with most things in life, when something isn't exactly to our liking we fix it or get rid of it. When the air gets a little warm we automatically reach for the air conditioner because we cannot stand to be inconveinced. Years and years ago when there was no such thing as an air conditioner, people simply opened the windows. The concept of opening the window to "air out" the house • has completely, well, gone out the window.

Come to think about it, many people do not have air conditioners or they are broken or they simply do not like the idea of processed air. Air conditioners are expensive to own and upkeep, not to mention the fact that they pollute the earth. In a technology driven world there is a simplistic treasure in opening the windows and letting the smells of spring, summer and fall come through your windows. The cool breezes and scents of a rain fall and distant sounds of a passing train are all things that can be smelt and heard with the windows open that remind us of how simple life can be without the constant buzz of an air conditioner.

_ 12 !! Thursday, March 27, 2003

Men's team 1-1 for week; anticipating win against Marymount University

Rolling toward number 1

On Sunday, March 23 Cabrini's roller hockey team defeated Philadelphia University 8-6. The Cavaliers came back from a twogoal deficit in the third period to move into a tie for first place with Lehigh University.

The game started out with Philadelphia University scoring the first two goals. The Cavs fought back and took the lead early in the third period. Mike Casey, defenseman, led the team with three goals and scored the first goal that put Cabrini in the lead.

The fans made their presence known to the team when there was a highlight. A number of fans traveled to the Marple Sports Arena to cheer on the team. "It is nice to

The roller hockey team moved into a tie for first place with Lehigh University, on Sunday,March 23. know that the people on campus want to see us play. We really appreciate it. It gives us a boost," Ethan Peiffer, junior goalie, said.

This win brings Cabrini's record up to 11-4 and Philadelphia University's down to 9-5. With this win the probability of the Cavs facing Lehigh for the third time this season against whom

they are winless. The last time that the two teams faced each other the game was lost by Cabrini due to an over abundance of penalties. "I really feel that the team has grown since the beginning of this semester. Now I think that we can beat them by three or four goals," Rich Dematteo, sophomore forward, said.

Going from one extreme to another is not an easy transition, but Cabrini's men's lacrosse team has handled it well.

On Wednesday, March 19. the Cavaliers trounced DeSales University on the Bulldogs turf 19-3. However, the Cavaliers were dealt ablow on Sunday, March 23, when Ohio Wesleyan, the tenth ranked team in the nation, defeated Cabrini 19-7.

In the DeSales game, junior attack Mike Piccoli had three goals and four assists and freshman attack Matt Campbell had four goals and one assist.

"The game against DeSales was very intense and we played well," senior defenseman Tom Grosse said.

"Everyone had a chance to play in that game," Cabrini head coach Steve Colfer said. "Everyone did really well."

On Sunday, in front of a crowd of close to 400 people, the Cavaliers headed into halftime down by goal with a score of 4-3. It was not until the third quarter when Ohio Wesleyan started to dominate the game.

"It happened at the end of the third quarter." Colfer said. "It started to snowball from there; we lost our emotion."

"We had one of the best first half's we've ever had," Grosse said. The loss, however, was not a total downfall for the Cavaliers. According to Colfer, the team now knows what they have to work on.

"We have to work on the fundamentals," Colfer said. "We have to work on being sound between the boxes, face-off plays-all the boring parts of the game."

The game against Ohio Wesleyan is the beginning of the Cavaliers playing top-notched teams around the country.

"We want to play teams like Ohio Wesleyan," Colfer said. "They are good athletically and academically-we want Cabrini up there."

Cabrini's next game will be on Saturday, March 29 at home against Marymount University at 2 p.m.

"There is no time to feel bad," Colfer said. "We need to tum a negative into a positive."


Cabrini College
Ceca~ FRANCISCO/STAFFPHOTOGRAPHER Freshman midfielder, Kevin Rayer, defends against an attack by Ohio Wesleyan.
.... 13
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Tennis team down but not out with injuries

"Shh!" Sophomore Mjchael Sofia raises his index finger to his lips and hushes the crowd as he attempts to serve the ball. Focus. His white Cabrini College tennis polo, Rebok shorts, and Wilson shoes, glow in the spring sunlight that reflects the concentration on his mind at that pivotal moment; his serve.

In a close match that came down to the wire, Sofia and doubles partner, freshman Bill Mariano, lost 9:7. Cabrini beat Arcadia, reigning champions of the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference, in a match held at home on Monday, March 24, 4:3. Sofia was glad for the team but admits that a recent injury to his back has impaired his playing for the season

During a challenge match against fellow teammate, Mariano, Sofia experienced a sharp pain in his lower back. Sofia immediately stopped playing. The following day he found that he had pulled a

muscle and was unable to keep the competitive edge that the rest of his teammates possessed.

During a practice held on the following day, Sofia lost another challenge match to John Lobb, a sophomore, and it became clear that Lobb was a stronger player. Sofia has lost his spot as one of this year's top team starters.

Sofia played tennis all through high school for South Philadelphia's Gerard Academic Music Program, and went through five years without missing a starting match. Sofia played as number one in high school and three and four in his freshman year of college. "It was hard to go from a high position to knowing that I wasn't part of the top six starters;' Sofia said.

This year's top starters are senior Scott Giblin, senior Taylor Duffy, freshman Jack Keller, senior Rich Aldrete, freshman Bill Mariano, and sophomore John Lobb. Sofia said, "For the benefit of the team it's a much wiser decision to have John starting over me."

The support and encouragement of the team and Coach Reggie Day convinced Sofia that he still has a major purpose on the team. Tennis manager senior Jay Rotella said that the injury has affected Sofia's performance. "As of now the injury isn't keeping me sidelined," Sofia said. •

One of Sofia's major influences on the tennis team is the complete dedication and focus shown by Giblin. Sofia said, "Scottie always shows perfect sportsmanship and is the greatest player I have had the pleasure of playing against."

Giblin was named Most Valuable Player for 2001 and 2002. His success did not stop in Monday's match against Arcadia when he won his match against Arcadia's number one, Mike Brewer, who, after only six minutes of competition, was forced to ·retire due to injury. Giblin is also suffering from a minor injury but continues to play and continue his four year undefeated streak. "Scott is the best player that the PAC has ever seen," said Rotella. Cabrini's tennis team could be


Sophomore Michael Sofia serves the ball in a match against Arcadia. the first PAC win for the college so:what is Sofia hoping for by this year. After losing a match to his May 2005 graduation? "I Eastern University last would like to see the team earn a Wednesday, March 19, the team PAC title." needs to win every match ahead of Men's tennis coach, Reggie them. "Irs still a possibility," Day said of the team, "They're a Rotella said. The team has not lost great bunch of guys. I'm real any hope. proud of them. They'll do great Sofia continues to smile and this year." focus, as he looks ahead to the future of the team this year and the "restof his tennis career at Cabrini.

'84 Cabrini· Alumnu-s races for a cure


He has 15 years of multi-sport experience, including 12 marathons and three iron distance triathlons. With the support of his wife and two daughters, '84 Cabrini alum Steve Brown will be competing in Iron Man USA to raise funds for the Philadelphia affiliate of The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

Brown was a business administration major at Cabrini, where he played soccer. He played during John Dzik's first years as the athletic director. He cails playing a "growing experience," because they played a harder schedule to progress the reputation of the team.

On July 27, Iron Man USA will be held in Lake Placid, N.Y., Brown will •be sponsored by

Cycles BiKyle, in Bryn Mawr Pa. The Iron Man USA is a triathlon that consists of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike race and a 26.2mile run.

The 42 year old Upper Darby resident is the father of two daughters ages 13, and 14. Although they are involved in their own athletics, he calls them, "my number one support crew and cheering section."

Brown works as an officer and section manager for PFPC, which handles PNC Bank mutual funds in King of Prussia and Wilmington, Del. In his spare time, he trains for Iron Man triathlons, which he began competing in 15 years ago. He thought that it was something that he had to get out of his system so he entered the Great Floridian Triathlon. "My daughter placed my mpdal ~lltl PIY":n~k~ - 1.

found my wife and friends and we all shared in the victory. I thought that this was something that I

needed to do once and get out of my system .! was wrong."

14 Thursday, March. 27, 2003
PHOTOSCOURTESYOF STEPHENBROWN Left: Steve Brown competing in the lronman USA, Lake Placid, N.Y.,in June 2002,Above: Brown with his fYIO dauehters from left to right Jennifer, Steve and Danielle Brown at •\liu'bi¥w~il ..~J'l"1.0llm Nov...2QOt •

Calendar of Events

Thursday March 27

• Mass, 12: 15 p.m., Brockmann Chapel of Saint Joseph

• Men's Tennis vs. Wesley College, 4 p.m.

Friday March 28


• Coffeehouse Series: Matt Nathanson, 9 p.m., Widener CenterFood Court

Saturday March 29

• Outreach Saturday

• M's Tennis vs. Villa Julie Tournament, TBA

• Softball at College Misricordia, I p.m.

• W's Lacrosse vs. Rowan University, I p.m.

• M's Lacrosse vs. Marymount University, I p.m.

Sunday March 30


• Ann Crumb, 3 p.m., Mansion Alumni Memorial Mass, Bruckmann Chapel of Saint Joseph, TBA

• M's Tennis vs. Villa Julie Tournament, TBA

Monday March 31

• SOLD, 6 p.m., NRH Lounge

• SGA General Assembly, 10 p.m., Widener Center Lecture Hall (All invited.)

Tuesday April 1


• M's Tennis at Gwynedd-Mercy College, 3:30 p.m.

• W's Lacrosse at College Misericordia, 4 p.m.

•Cabrini Comedy Central Live: Billy Burr and Mark Reedy, 9.m., Grace Hall Atrium

Wednesday April 2

• M's Lacrosse at Alvernia College, 4 p.m.

• Co-Op and Career Services Presents: Resume Writing Workshops, 12:30 p.m., Grace Hall Room 160

Weekly rewind with the Cavs


All information, statistics and schedules contributed by Antonio Masone/ Asst.Sports Editor, Stephani, {)6ontz/Asst. Sports Editor ~and~A_!ex~tlJ!'izziete/Spq_~Ec!lt<?_r _

Cabrini College
19-26 Women's Lacrosse: The Lady Cavs had two wins this week against Eastern and Neumann. Team Record: 2-1 Overall, 2-0 PAC PAC Honor Roll; Kelli Romano, SR, A, Brook Haven, PNSun Valley, was named to the PAC Honor Roll this week, she had five goals and four assists in a 1-0 PAC week. Women's Softball: In a three game week the Lady Cavs went 1-1 with one postponed game. Women's Softball cont'd Ist baseman Rita Horning from Cheverly, MD, starts her season off wnh five home runs for the Lady Cavs. Team Record: 10-4 Overall, 1-1 PAC Men's Lacrosse: The men's lacrosse team suffered their first loss of the season to number four ranked Ohio-Wesleyan. The Cavs however had a 16 pont win over DeSales Umversity. Team Record: 3-1 Overall, 0-0 PAC Men ·s Lacrosse cont'd PAC Honor Roll: ~ike Piccoli, Cabrini, JR, A, Glen Mills, PNGamet Valley. Had six goals and four assists in a 1-1 week. '\1en's Tennis: The mens team ends the week with a win against Arcadia. Team Record: 3-1 Overall, 1-1 PAC PAC Honor Roll: Scott Giblin, SR, Sewell, NJ/Washington Township was named the the PAC Honor Roll this week. He was 2-0 at# I singles and 1-1 at# I doubles in a 1-1 week. TheHealthFair is coming!! Comeone,comeallforanexcitingCabrinievent BtueCros.J/BlueShreld:timnamm a,rdhroringscreening • Pe1mMedicineatRadn(}T: PennEJ'tCallandPmnDalal• CommoreBank:ptnmralbanking • \italTouch:chair massagt • Rejkn,l.ogy • PalmReading • FitnessTeJ-ringl,yourSportsScit11ceDepartment FREEFOOD•GIVEAWAYS Eam $1,000 - $2,000 for your Student Group in just a hounl College fundraising made Simple, Safe and Free. Multiple fundraisingoptions available.No carwashes.No raffles.Justsuccess! Fundraisingdatesare filling quickly. Get with the programsthat world S!!]1pu5 15
PAC stats March
Day Date Team Score Sat 3/22 Eastern @ Temple 14-6W Mon 3/24 ~Neumann 18-7W Softball: Day Date Team Score Sat 3/15 @McDaniel ppd Wed 3/19 @DeSales 19-3 W Sun 3/23 Ohio Wesleyan 19-7 L Tues 3/25 Arcadia (DH) 7-0 W 2-9 L Men's Lacrosse: Day Date Team Score Wed 3/19 @DeSales 19-3 W Sun 3/23 Ohio Wesleyan 19-7 L Men's Tennis: Day Date Team Score Tue 3/18 Philadelphia Biblical 7-0W Wed 3/19 @Eastern• 5-2 L Mon 3/24 Arcadia• 4-3 W Men's Golf: The Men's Golf
start their season
April 3@ Widener.
team will
off onThursday,
Check out for
• Cabrini College's Student Newspaper THURSDAY March 27, 2003 Vol.XLIX Number 20 INSIDE: • Roller Hockeytied for first,page 13 • Alum competesin Iron Man triathlon,page 14 Mens lacrosse dealt first loss r.,-
Senior defenseman,TomGrosse, battles an opposingplayer, during Cabrini'sfirst loss on Sunday,March 23 vs. Ohio Wesleyan.
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