1 minute read

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Jonathan Hartgrove and Leah Wilson-Hartgrov Middle East to experience the pain and suffering everyday lives. They wanted to expr



..th~ Christian Peacemaker Team, a Chicago-based l

• TM groves have always been passive and never believed viol or war should be an answer to undenta~~

This;Ji they felt they had a calling to~

While bombs are heard in the distance,childrenare playing soccer la Ille streets. Men plow their fields. Shops are still open. Life.ues despite war in Iraq-the civilian'slives do DO and Leab Wilson-Hartgrove, both 22 years old, ma 6 months, and Eastern University students, experien tllis first hand as a part of a Christian activism grouf :~ 1

"We eauldn't be pacifists and do [ zddt .. VC•·•~ JonaCluuataid. "We thought we'd ratller in 1?4 tun sit here silent while they;

1)eir journey began on Tuesday, A_...,.Jordai;trying to acquire visas to• late Bqtadad. ey Nlded there for six days, tu~ the....,. of uman hield, w • tllond tlliliiD b> .. Jet

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