5 minute read

Stress is the best motivation

It ·has always been said that the first step to overcoming your problem is admitting it. Hi, my name is Starr McGuinn and l have a serious, serious, serious problem with time management. I am fed up with being unorganized and always being pressed for time.

Yes, l must admit being pressed for time gives you an unbelievable rush. You go through the crazy constant outbursts, your blood is just racing through your veins and up to your brain, and all the information from your brain seems to be flowing to your computer screen or into that assignment that is do within the next four or five hours. However, I am sick and tired of that so-called rush. The rush that you used to love turns into a huge, gigantic, massive headache. You're stressing instead of doing the assignment because all of sudden your mind goes blank, and who could afford for that to happen when there's a deadline to meet.


Then you have nerve to be upset when your mind goes blank when all along al I you had to do was set aside some time to start the assignment two days earlier. If the assignment had been started when received, there would have been time for your mind to go blank. Ladies and gentlemen, I have experienced this scenario too many times that it's nerve wrecking. it really gives me unnecessary stress that can be avoided by managing my time differently. The funny thing is that I always knew l had this problem, but it always affected me and I just dealt with what I put on myself.

This year, it's different. My time management problem does not just affect me anymore; it affects other people whom I work with on the Loquitur staff. Now, if that isn't a wake up call, then I don't know what is. Sometimes, you don't realize how bad your problem is until it affects other people.

I'm not saying I'm all of sudden a pro with managing my time, but I am working on it and l will continue to do so in order to be a team player. And J must say, so far so good--this article was in on time!


In the past few years, we've seen many great musicians pass away. Just recently the legendary music of Johnny Cash and Robert Palmer have been added to the list. Something has been going on in the world of music.

Nowadays, the RIAA, on their crusade to rid the Internet of downloadable music, isn't making things better. I understand all the laws and issues surrounding this but that's not the only problem. The music industry is in a pitfall and you can blame it all on the downloading of free music if you want. I don't see it that way. What gets me is that some people just don't see the other side of this picture. Downloading music isn't stealing from the artists, it's stealing from the record labels. Now do you see why the RIAA have their pants in a bunch? The music artists don't see any of that money because you have the record labels that fork out the dough to producers, managers and others. Here's a simple solu- tion to this whole problem. Instead of picking on us poor college students, why don't you legalize downloading music and charge a monthly fee. There. It's done. It's that simple.

I understand though that some people in our culture just want one song and not a whole album.

I don't blame these people. There hasn't been one decent album that I want to listen to the whole thing repeatedly in awhile. I blame the record labels for this. It's not about preserving what music is really about anymore. It's more about showing off how many piercing and tattoos you have and whether or not the camera can zoom down your tonsils. If I want to listen to someone yell at me I'll go ask my parents to do that. It's a shame because there are so many good artists out there that won't even see the light of a record signing.

Okay, so everyone says record sales have been cut because of all the downloading issues. Well, let's look at it this way. Who wants to really spend $20 for an albuw that has maybe one or two good ~ongs on it? I know I'm not the only one out there that thinks this.

There are so many bands out there that sound alike and look alike. They're like regurgitated clones. Nobody wants to listen to the same thing over and over again under a different band name. I'm pretty eclectic with my muaicand I love alJ kinds. Music has been a big part of my life since I've been a child. There are so many things that are going on in the music industry right now that it's hard to say what's really causing all the problems. It's in a drought. And it's because nobody is picking up where the older rockers have left off. There's great stuff out there that's worth tuning your headphones into but it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Passion and creativity go a long way behind the music. Artists need to revive this. Everything is about money. How much a label can make off a certain band, manufactured or not? Our sense of music is dying and someone needs to start doing something about it. If the music doesn't have soul and heart behind it, then it's not music. When you have a song that just makes you shiver and turns your insides out, then that's music.

At the soccer game I was watching I begin to see the veins popping, indicating a new level of intensity. The foul language slowly begins to increase echoing throughout the area. All these routine symptoms pointed towards violence but thankfully they were able to keep their cool.

You're asking yourself, "Is he talking about the athletes?" No way. The teams were playing excellent soccer on the field. I'm talking about the lunatic fans that surrounded me. I didn't express this concern to you while I was at the game, because I fear the possible slashing of my car tires.

In all seriousness, why do normal cool-headed individuals resort to flipping out during sporting events? I know it is the right of every person who attends a sporting game to express his or her feelings, but come on - it's just a game.

What happened to the days when you could just watch a game for the entertainment value? Fans have become too obsessed with the game. I don't see how one can

I see some of these parents just wipe out the fun of the game for their child and it is just pathetic. What does this say to the child when the parent is throwing a tantrum over a bad call? Not proper conduct, that's for sure.

Even in professional sports you see the out-of-control fans become violent towards other fans or even the players themselves. The Boston Red Sox versus the New YorkYankees was the perfect spectacle of violence.

How sad is it that Philadelphia has its own court for out-of-control fans right outside the stadium. Routinely, it can be seen at games the sight of aggressive fans going a little too far.

I find nothing funnier than a fan flipping out over a call or a play. The laughter begins to wear off, though, when that same fan attacks someone. I find it embarrassing to see people fight over something as pointless as a game. For the future of sports, just enjoy watching the teams play in a competition. If you happen to be a fan that loses their control, here are a few tips to follow: sit back, take a few breaths, and begin practicing meditation. If none of these tips help you, then I suggest you need help.

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